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[Solved] @job does not show job ID.



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When I use @job <empty>


When I use @help job (It shows correctly)


Here is my atcommand.c's jobchange block:

* Changes a character's class
//FIXME: redundancy, potentially wrong code, should use job_name() or similar instead of hardcoding the table [ultramage]
int job = 0, upper = 0;
nullpo_retr(-1, sd);
if (!message || !*message || sscanf(message, "%d %d", &job, &upper) < 1)
 int i, found = 0;
 const struct { char name[24]; int id; } jobs[] = {
  { "novice",			0 },
  { "swordman",		  1 },
  { "swordsman",		 1 },
  { "magician",		  2 },
  { "mage",			  2 },
  { "archer",			3 },
  { "acolyte",		   4 },
  { "merchant",		  5 },
  { "thief",			 6 },
  { "knight",			7 },
  { "priest",			8 },
  { "priestess",		 8 },
  { "wizard",			9 },
  { "blacksmith",	   10 },
  { "hunter",		   11 },
  { "assassin",		 12 },
  { "crusader",		 14 },
  { "monk",			 15 },
  { "sage",			 16 },
  { "rogue",			17 },
  { "alchemist",		18 },
  { "bard",			 19 },
  { "dancer",		   20 },
  { "super novice",	 23 },
  { "supernovice",	  23 },
  { "gunslinger",	   24 },
  { "gunner",		   24 },
  { "ninja",			25 },
  { "novice high",	4001 },
  { "high novice",	4001 },
  { "swordman high",  4002 },
  { "swordsman high", 4002 },
  { "magician high",  4003 },
  { "mage high",	  4003 },
  { "archer high",	4004 },
  { "acolyte high",   4005 },
  { "merchant high",  4006 },
  { "thief high",	 4007 },
  { "lord knight",	4008 },
  { "high priest",	4009 },
  { "high priestess", 4009 },
  { "high wizard",	4010 },
  { "whitesmith",	 4011 },
  { "sniper",		 4012 },
  { "assassin cross", 4013 },
  { "paladin",		4015 },
  { "champion",	   4016 },
  { "professor",	  4017 },
  { "stalker",		4018 },
  { "creator",		4019 },
  { "clown",		  4020 },
  { "gypsy",		  4021 },
  { "baby novice",	4023 },
  { "baby swordman",  4024 },
  { "baby swordsman", 4024 },
  { "baby magician",  4025 },
  { "baby mage",	  4025 },
  { "baby archer",	4026 },
  { "baby acolyte",   4027 },
  { "baby merchant",  4028 },
  { "baby thief",	 4029 },
  { "baby knight",	4030 },
  { "baby priest",	4031 },
  { "baby priestess", 4031 },
  { "baby wizard",	4032 },
  { "baby blacksmith",4033 },
  { "baby hunter",	4034 },
  { "baby assassin",  4035 },
  { "baby crusader",  4037 },
  { "baby monk",	  4038 },
  { "baby sage",	  4039 },
  { "baby rogue",	 4040 },
  { "baby alchemist", 4041 },
  { "baby bard",	  4042 },
  { "baby dancer",	4043 },
  { "super baby",	 4045 },
  { "taekwon",		4046 },
  { "taekwon boy",	4046 },
  { "taekwon girl",   4046 },
  { "star gladiator", 4047 },
  { "soul linker",	4049 },
  { "gangsi",		 4050 },
  { "bongun",		 4050 },
  { "munak",		  4050 },
  { "death knight",   4051 },
  { "dark collector", 4052 },
  { "rune knight",	4054 },
  { "warlock",		4055 },
  { "ranger",		 4056 },
  { "arch bishop",	4057 },
  { "mechanic",	   4058 },
  { "guillotine",	 4059 },
  { "rune knight2",   4060 },
  { "warlock2",	   4061 },
  { "ranger2",		4062 },
  { "arch bishop2",   4063 },
  { "mechanic2",	  4064 },
  { "guillotine2",	4065 },
  { "royal guard",	4066 },
  { "sorcerer",	   4067 },
  { "minstrel",	   4068 },
  { "wanderer",	   4069 },
  { "sura",		   4070 },
  { "genetic",		4071 },
  { "shadow chaser",  4072 },
  { "royal guard2",   4073 },
  { "sorcerer2",	  4074 },
  { "minstrel2",	  4075 },
  { "wanderer2",	  4076 },
  { "sura2",		  4077 },
  { "genetic2",	   4078 },
  { "shadow chaser2", 4079 },
  { "baby rune",	  4096 },
  { "baby warlock",   4097 },
  { "baby ranger",	4098 },
  { "baby bishop",	4099 },
  { "baby mechanic",  4100 },
  { "baby cross",	 4101 },
  { "baby guard",	 4102 },
  { "baby sorcerer",  4103 },
  { "baby minstrel",  4104 },
  { "baby wanderer",  4105 },
  { "baby sura",	  4106 },
  { "baby genetic",   4107 },
  { "baby chaser",	4108 },
  { "super novice e", 4190 },
  { "super baby e",   4191 },
  { "kagerou",		4211 },
  { "oboro",		  4212 },
 for (i=0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(jobs); i++) {
  if (strncmpi(message, jobs[i].name, 16) == 0) {
job = jobs[i].id;
upper = 0;
found = 1;
 // TODO: convert this to use atcommand_help_string()
 if (!found) {
  int i;
  for (i = 922; i <= 966; ++i)
clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(i));
  clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(967)); // ---- Modes And Others ----
  clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(968)); // 22 Wedding   26 Christmas   27 Summer   4048 Star Gladiator (Union)
  return -1;
if (job == 13 || job == 21 || job == 22 || job == 26 || job == 27 || job == 4014 || job == 4022 || job == 4036 || job == 4044 || job == 4048
  || (job >= JOB_RUNE_KNIGHT2 && job <= JOB_MECHANIC_T2) || (job >= JOB_BABY_RUNE2 && job <= JOB_BABY_MECHANIC2)
) // Deny direct transformation into dummy jobs
 {clif_displaymessage(fd, "You can not change to this job by command.");
 return 0;}
if (pcdb_checkid(job))
 if (pc_jobchange(sd, job, upper) == 0)
  clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(12)); // Your job has been changed.
 else {
  clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(155)); // You are unable to change your job.
  return -1;
} else {
 // TODO: convert this to use atcommand_help_string()
 int i;
 for (i = 922; i <= 966; ++i)
  clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(i));
 clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(967)); // ---- Modes And Others ----
 clif_displaymessage(fd, msg_txt(968)); // 22 Wedding   26 Christmas   27 Summer   4048 Star Gladiator (Union)
 return -1;
return 0;

Here is my msg_athena.conf

// @jobchange
922: Please enter a job ID.

//923-979 free (future jobs?)

Edit: Solved. Typing @job <empty> should show failed instead of Job ID in latest SVN.

Edited by darristan
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what revision? I was just testing something on *808 and it displayed fine.

and do you have any custom source edits.

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Latest SVN and only installed [system]_item_bound_v1.1.1.diff and that only adds few line of msg_athena which I think is not the reason.


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Edit: Solved. Typing @job <empty> should show failed instead of Job ID in latest SVN.

Latest SVN and only installed [system]_item_bound_v1.1.1.diff and that only adds few line of msg_athena which I think is not the reason.


Marking it as solved.

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