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fluxCP error



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An error occurred while trying to process your request.

Please try contacting an administrator: admin@localhost

Why am I experiencing this? I already configured everything

// This is the application configuration file. All values have been set to
// the default, and should be changed as needed.
return array(
'ServerAddress'		=> 'localhost/LANIP',			  // This value is the hostname:port under which Flux runs. (e.g., example.com or example.com:80)
'BaseURI'			  => 'panel',					   // The base URI is the base web root on which your application lies.
'InstallerPassword'	=> 'pass',		 // Installer/updater password.
'DefaultLoginGroup'	=> null,
'DefaultCharMapServer' => null,
'DefaultLanguage'	  => 'en_us',				  // Specify the default control panel language (see FLUX_ROOT/lang/ directory for available languages.)
'SiteTitle'			=> 'Flux Control Panel',	 // This value is only used if the theme decides to use it.
'ThemeName'			=> 'default',				// The theme name of the theme you would like to use.  Themes are in FLUX_ROOT/themes.
'ScriptTimeLimit'	  => 0,						// Script execution time limit. Specifies (in seconds) how long a page should run before timing out. (0 means forever)
'MissingEmblemBMP'	 => 'empty.bmp',			  //
'ItemIconNameFormat'   => '%d.gif',				 // The filename format for item icons (defaults to {itemid}.gif).
'ItemImageNameFormat'  => '%d.png',				 // The filename format for item images (defaults to {itemid}.png).
'ForceEmptyEmblem'	 => false,					// Forcefully display empty guild emblems, helpful when you don't have GD2 installed.
'EmblemCacheInterval'  => 12,					   // Hourly interval to re-cache guild emblems (set to 0 to disable emblem cache).
'SessionCookieExpire'  => 48,					   // Duration in hours.
'AdminMenuLevel'	   => AccountLevel::LOWGM,	  // The starting level for which module actions are moved into the admin menu for display.
'DateDefaultTimezone'  => null,					 // The default timezone, consult the PHP manual for valid timezones: http://php.net/timezones (null for defaut system TZ)
'DateFormat'		   => 'Y-m-d',				  // Default DATE format to be displayed in pages.
'DateTimeFormat'	   => 'Y-m-d H:i:s',			// Default DATETIME format to be displayed in pages.
'ShowSinglePage'	   => true,					 // Whether or not to show the page numbers even if there's only one page.
'ResultsPerPage'	   => 20,					   // The number of results to display in a paged set, per page.
'PagesToShow'		  => 10,					   // The number of page numbers to display at once.
'PageJumpMinimumPages' => 1,						// Minimum number of required pages before page jump box is shown. (0 to always show!)
'ShowPageJump'		 => true,					 // Whether or not to show the "Page Jump" box.
'MinUsernameLength'	=> 4,						// Minimum username length.
'MaxUsernameLength'	=> 23,					   // Maximum username length.
'MinPasswordLength'	=> 4,						// Minimum password length.
'MaxPasswordLength'	=> 23,					   // Maximum password length.
'RandomPasswordLength' => 8,						// This is the length of the random password generated by the "Reset Password" feature.
'AllowDuplicateEmails' => false,					// Whether or not to allow duplicate e-mails to be used in registration. (See Mailer config options)
'RequireEmailConfirm'  => false,					// Require e-mail confirmation during registration.
'RequireChangeConfirm' => false,					// Require confirmation when changing e-mail addresses.
'EmailConfirmExpire'   => 48,					   // E-mail confirmations expire hours. Unconfirmed accounts will expire after this period of time.
'MailerFromAddress'	=> 'noreply@localhost',	  // The e-mail address displayed in the From field.
'MailerFromName'	   => 'MailerName',			 // The name displayed with the From e-mail address.
'MailerUseSMTP'		=> false,					// Whether or not to use a separate SMTP server for sending mail.
'MailerSMTPUseSSL'	 => false,					// Whether or not mailer should connect using SSL (yes for GMail).
'MailerSMTPUseTLS'	 => false,					// Same as above SSL setting, but for TLS.  This setting will override the SSL setting.
'MailerSMTPPort'	   => null,					 // When MailerUseSMTP is true: SMTP server port (mailer will default to 25).
'MailerSMTPHosts'	  => null,					 // When MailerUseSMTP is true: A string host or array of hosts (e.g., 'host1' or array('host1', 'backuphost')).
'MailerSMTPUsername'   => null,					 // When MailerUseSMTP is true: Authorized username for SMTP server.
'MailerSMTPPassword'   => null,					 // When MailerUseSMTP is true: Authorized password for SMTP server (for above user).
'ServerStatusCache'	=> 2,						// Store a cached server status and refresh every X minutes.  Default: 2 minutes (value is measured in minutes).
'ServerStatusTimeout'  => 2,						// For each server, spend X amount of seconds to determine whether it's up or not.
'SessionKey'		   => 'fluxSessionData',		// Shouldn't be changed, just specifies the session key to be used for session data.
'DefaultModule'		=> 'main',				   // This is the module to execute when none has been specified.
'DefaultAction'		=> 'index',				  // This is the default action for any module, probably should leave this alone. (Deprecated)
'GzipCompressOutput'   => false,					// Whether or not to compress output using zlib.
'GzipCompressionLevel' => 9,						// zlib compression level. (1~9)
'OutputCleanHTML'	  => true,					 // Use this if you have Tidy installed to clean your HTML output when serving pages.
'ShowCopyright'		=> true,					 // Whether or not to show the copyright footer.
'ShowRenderDetails'	=> true,					 // Shows the "page rendered in X seconds" and "number of queries executed: X" in the default theme.
'UseCleanUrls'		 => false,					// Set to true if you're running Apache and it supports mod_rewrite and .htaccess files.
'DebugMode'			=> false,					// Set to false to minimize technical details from being output by Flux. WARNING: DO NOT USE THIS OPTION ON A PUBLICALLY-ACCESSIBLE CP.
'UseCaptcha'		   => true,					 // Use CAPTCHA image for account registration to prevent automated account creations. (Requires GD2/FreeType2)
'UseLoginCaptcha'	  => false,					// Use CAPTCHA image for account logins. (Requires GD2/FreeType2)
'EnableReCaptcha'	  => false,					// Enables the use of reCAPTCHA instead of Flux's native GD2 library (http://recaptcha.net)
'ReCaptchaPublicKey'   => '...',					// This is your reCAPTCHA public key [REQUIRED FOR RECAPTCHA] (sign up at http://recaptcha.net)
'ReCaptchaPrivateKey'  => '...',					// This is your reCAPTCHA private key [REQUIRED FOR RECAPTCHA] (sign up at http://recaptcha.net)
'ReCaptchaTheme'	   => 'white',				  // ReCaptcha theme to use (see: http://wiki.recaptcha.net/index.php/Theme)
'DisplaySinglePages'   => true,					 // Whether or not to display paging for single page results.
'ForwardYears'		 => 15,					   // (Visual) The number of years to display ahead of the current year in date inputs.
'BackwardYears'		=> 30,					   // (Visual) The number of years to display behind the current year in date inputs.
'ColumnSortAscending'  => ' ▲',					 // (Visual) Text displayed for ascending sorted column names.
'ColumnSortDescending' => ' ▼',					 // (Visual) Text displayed for descending sorted column names.
'CreditExchangeRate'   => 1.0,					  // The rate at which credits are exchanged for dollars.
'MinDonationAmount'	=> 2.0,					  // Minimum donation amount. (NOTE: Actual donations made that are less than this account won't be exchanged)
'DonationCurrency'	 => 'USD',					// Preferred donation currency. Only donations made in this currency will be processed for credit deposits.
'MoneyDecimalPlaces'   => 2,						// (Visual) Number of decimal places to display in amount.
'MoneyThousandsSymbol' => ',',					  // (Visual) Thousanths place separator (a period in European currencies).
'MoneyDecimalSymbol'   => '.',					  // (Visual) Decimal separator (a comma in European currencies).
'AcceptDonations'	  => true,					 // Whether or not to accept donations.
'PayPalIpnUrl'		 => 'www.sandbox.paypal.com', // The URL for PayPal's IPN responses (www.paypal.com for live and www.sandbox.paypal.com for testing)
'PayPalBusinessEmail'  => 'admin@localhost',		// Enter the e-mail under which you have registered your business account.
'PayPalReceiverEmails' => array(					// These are the receiver e-mail addresses who are allowed to receive payment.
 //'admin2@localhost',							 // -- This array may be empty if you only use one e-mail
 //'admin3@localhost'							  // -- because your Business Email is also checked.
'DivorceKeepChild'	 => false,					// Keep child after divorce?
'AllowIpBanLogin'	  => false,					// Allow logging into account from banned IP.
'AllowTempBanLogin'	=> false,					// Allow logging in of temporarily banned accounts.
'AllowPermBanLogin'	=> false,					// Allow logging in of permanently banned accounts.
'AutoRemoveTempBans'   => true,					 // Automatically remove expired temporary bans on certain pages.
'ItemShopMaxCost'	  => 99,					   // Max price an item can be sold for.
'ItemShopMaxQuantity'  => 99,					   // Max quantity the item may be sold at once for.
'HideFromWhosOnline'   => 10,					   // Levels greater than or equal to this will be hidden from the "Who's Online" page.
'HideFromMapStats'	 => 10,					   // Levels greater than or equal to this will be hidden from the "Map Stats" page.
'ChargeGenderChange'   => 0,						// You can specify this as the number of credits to charge for gender change.  Can be 0 for free change.
'BanPaymentStatuses'   => array(					// Payment statuses that will automatically ban the account owner if received.
 'Cancelled_Reversal',						   // -- 'Cancelled_Reversal'
 'Reversed',									 // -- 'Reversed'

'HoldUntrustedAccount' => 0,						// This is the time in hours to hold a donation crediting process for, if the account
												 // isn't a trusted account. Specify 0 or false to disable this feature.

'AutoUnholdAccount'	=> false,					// Enable this to auto-unhold an account and credit it if the transaction is still
												 // valid.  This only applies if you are using the HoldUnstrustedAccount feature.
												 // If you want to run a cron job instead, you can make a request to the '/donate/update'
												 // module/action with the InstallerPassword as the password to run the update task.
												 // With clean URLs: http://<server>/<baseURI>/donate/update?password=<InstallerPassword>
												 // Without clean URLs: http://<server>/<baseURI>?module=donate&action=update&password=<InstallerPassword>
												 // NOTE: This option is HIGHLY inefficient, it's recommended to run a cron job instead.

'AutoPruneAccounts'	=> false,					// Enable this to automatically prune expired accounts. Enabling this is a performance
												 // performance killer. See 'AutoUnholdAccount' for running this task as a cron job,
											  // the module is 'account' and the action is 'prune'.
												 // With clean URLs: http://<server>/<baseURI>/account/prune?password=<InstallerPassword>
												 // Without clean URLs: http://<server>/<baseURI>?module=account&action=prune&password=<InstallerPassword>

'ShopImageExtensions'  => array(					// These are the image extensions allowed for uploading in the item shop.
 'png', 'jpg', 'gif', 'bmp', 'jpeg'
'CharRankingLimit'	=> 20,						//
'GuildRankingLimit'   => 20,						//
'ZenyRankingLimit'	=> 20,						//
'RankingHideLevel'	=> AccountLevel::LOWGM,	   //
'InfoHideZenyLevel'   => AccountLevel::LOWGM,	   // Level of account to hide zeny from in server information page.

'CharRankingThreshold' => 0,						 // Number of days the character must have logged in within to be listed in character ranking. (0 = disabled)
'ZenyRankingThreshold' => 0,						 // Number of days the character must have logged in within to be listed in zeny ranking. (0 = disabled)

'HideTempBannedCharRank'  => false,				  // Hide temporarily banned characters from ranking.
'HidePermBannedCharRank'  => true,				   // Hide permanently banned characters from ranking.

'HideTempBannedZenyRank'  => false,				  // Hide temporarily banned characters from ranking.
'HidePermBannedZenyRank'  => true,				   // Hide permanently banned characters from ranking.

'HideTempBannedStats'	 => false,				  // Hide temporarily banned accounts from statistics.
'HidePermBannedStats'	 => true,				   // Hide permanently banned accounts from statistics.

'SortJobsByAmount'		=> false,				  // Sort job class information on statistics page by descending quantity (false = Sort by Job ID).

'CpLoginLogShowPassword'  => false,				  // Show password in CP login log (also see access.php's SeeCpLoginLogPass).

'CpResetLogShowPassword'  => false,				  // Show password in CP "password resets" log (also see access.php's SeeCpResetPass).

'AdminMenuNewStyle'	   => true,				   // Use new-style admin menu;  Applies to 'default' theme.

// These are the main menu items that should be displayed by themes.
// They route to modules and actions.  Whether they are displayed or
// not at any given time depends on the user's account level and/or
// their login status.
'MenuItems' => array(
 'Main Menu'   => array(
  'Home'		  => array('module' => 'main'),
  //'Forums'		=> array('exturl' => 'http://www.fluxro.com/community'),
 'Account'	 => array(
  'Register'	  => array('module' => 'account', 'action' => 'create'),
  'Login'		 => array('module' => 'account', 'action' => 'login'),
  'Logout'		=> array('module' => 'account', 'action' => 'logout'),
  'History'	   => array('module' => 'history'),
  'My Account'	=> array('module' => 'account', 'action' => 'view'),
 'Donations'   => array(
  'Purchase'	  => array('module' => 'purchase'),
  'Donate'		=> array('module' => 'donate'),
 'Information' => array(
  'Server Info.'  => array('module' => 'server', 'action' => 'info'),
  'Server Status' => array('module' => 'server', 'action' => 'status'),
  'WoE Hours'	 => array('module' => 'woe'),
  "Who's Online"  => array('module' => 'character', 'action' => 'online'),
  'Map Statistics'=> array('module' => 'character', 'action' => 'mapstats'),
  'Ranking Info.' => array('module' => 'ranking', 'action' => 'character'),
 'Database'	=> array(
  'Item Database' => array('module' => 'item'),
  'Mob Database'  => array('module' => 'monster'),
 'Misc. Stuff' => array(
  'eA Logs'	   => array('module' => 'logdata'),
  'CP Logs'	   => array('module' => 'cplog'),
  'IP Ban List'   => array('module' => 'ipban'),
  'Accounts'	  => array('module' => 'account'),
  'Characters'	=> array('module' => 'character'),
  'Guilds'		=> array('module' => 'guild'),
  'Reload'		=> array('module' => 'reload'),
  'Send Mail'	 => array('module' => 'mail'),
  'Re-Install'	=> array('module' => 'install', 'action' => 'reinstall'),
  //'Castles'	   => array('module' => 'castle'),
  //'Auction'	   => array('module' => 'auction'),
  //'Economy'	   => array('module' => 'economy'),

// Sub-menu items that are displayed for any action belonging to a
// particular module. The format it simple.
'SubMenuItems' => array(
 'history' => array(
  'gamelogin'  => 'Game Logins',
  'cplogin'	=> 'CP Logins',
  'emailchange'=> 'E-Mail Changes',
  //'passchange' => 'Password Changes', // not implemented
  //'passreset'  => 'Password Resets'   // not implemented
 'account' => array(
  'index'	  => 'List Accounts',
  'view'	   => 'View Account',
  'changepass' => 'Change Password',
  'changemail' => 'Change E-mail',
  'changesex'  => 'Change Gender',
  'transfer'   => 'Transfer Credits',
  'xferlog'	=> 'Credit Transfer History',
  'cart'	   => 'Go to Shopping Cart',
  'login'	  => 'Login',
  'create'	 => 'Register',
  'resetpass'  => 'Reset Password',
  'resend'	 => 'Resend E-mail Confirmation'
 'guild' => array(
  'index'  => 'List Guilds',
  'export' => 'Export Guild Emblems'
 'server' => array(
  'status'	 => 'View Status',
  'status-xml' => 'View Status as XML'
 'logdata' => array(
  //'char'	=> 'Characters',
  //'inter'   => 'Interactions',
  'command' => 'Commands',
  //'branch'  => 'Branches',
  //'chat'	=> 'Chats',
  'login'   => 'Logins',
  //'mvp'	 => 'MVP',
  //'npc'	 => 'NPC',
  'pick'	=> 'Item Picks',
  //'zeny'	=> 'Zeny'
 'cplog' => array(
  'paypal' => 'PayPal Transactions',
  'login'  => 'Logins',
  'resetpass'  => 'Password Resets',
  //'changepass' => 'Password Changes',
  //'changemail' => 'E-mail Changes'
 'reload' => array(
  'mobskill' => 'Mob Skills'
 'purchase' => array(
  'index'	=> 'Shop',
  'cart'	 => 'Go to Cart',
  'checkout' => 'Checkout',
  'clear'	=> 'Empty Cart',
  'pending'  => 'Pending Redemption'
 'donate' => array(
  'index'   => 'Make a Donation',
  'history' => 'Donation History',
  'trusted' => 'Trusted PayPal E-mails'
 'ipban' => array(
  'index' => 'IP Ban List',
  'add'   => 'Add IP Ban'
 'ranking' => array(
  'character' => 'Character Ranking',
  'guild'	 => 'Guild Ranking',
  'zeny'	  => 'Zeny Ranking'
 'item' => array(
  'index' => 'List Items',
  'add'   => 'Add Item'

'AllowMD5PasswordSearch'	   => false,
'ReallyAllowMD5PasswordSearch' => false, // Are you POSITIVELY sure?

// Specifies which modules and actions should be ignored by Tidy
// (enabled/disabled by the OutputCleanHTML option).
'TidyIgnore' => array(
 array('module' => 'captcha'),
 array('module' => 'guild', 'action' => 'emblem')

// Job classes, loaded from another file to avoid cluttering this one.
// There isn't normally a need to modify this file, unless it's been
// modified in an update. (In English: DON'T TOUCH THIS.)
'JobClasses'	=> include('jobs.php'),
'JobClassIndex' => array_flip(include('jobs.php')),

// Homunculus class IDs and their corresponding names.
// Best not to mess with this either.
'HomunClasses' => include('homunculus.php'),
// Item Types with their corresponding names.
// Shouldn't touch this either.
'ItemTypes' => include('itemtypes.php'),

// Common Equip Location Combinations with their corresponding names.
// Shouldn't touch this unless you've added custom combinations.
'EquipLocationCombinations' => include('equip_location_combinations.php'),

// Error Code -> Error Type mapping.
// Shouldn't need touching, however modifying loginerrors.php should be relatively safe.
'LoginErrors' => include('loginerrors.php'),

// eA equip jobs mapping.
'EquipJobs' => include('equip_jobs.php'),

// eA equip locations mapping.
'EquipLocations' => include('equip_locations.php'),

// eA equip upper mapping.
'EquipUpper' => include('equip_upper.php'),

// eA monster races mapping.
'MonsterRaces' => include('races.php'),

// eA elements mapping.
'Elements' => include('elements.php'),

// eA monster modes mapping.
'MonsterModes' => include('monstermode.php'),

// Item shop categories.
'ShopCategories' => include('shopcategories.php'),

// Item pick types.
'PickTypes' => include('picktypes.php'),

'FluxTables' => array(
 'CreditsTable'		=> 'cp_credits',
 'CreditTransferTable' => 'cp_xferlog',
 'ItemShopTable'	   => 'cp_itemshop',
 'TransactionTable'	=> 'cp_txnlog',
 'RedemptionTable'	 => 'cp_redeemlog',
 'AccountCreateTable'  => 'cp_createlog',
 'AccountBanTable'	 => 'cp_banlog',
 'DonationTrustTable'  => 'cp_trusted',
 'AccountPrefsTable'   => 'cp_loginprefs',
 'CharacterPrefsTable' => 'cp_charprefs',
 'ResetPasswordTable'  => 'cp_resetpass',
 'ChangeEmailTable'	=> 'cp_emailchange',
 'LoginLogTable'	   => 'cp_loginlog',
 'ChangePasswordTable' => 'cp_pwchange'
// Do not change these unless you also rename the files in FLUX_ROOT/lib/eA/
'MobSkillDb1' => FLUX_ROOT.'/lib/eA/mob_skill_db.txt',
'MobSkillDb2' => FLUX_ROOT.'/lib/eA/mob_skill_db2.txt',
// This is the combined file of the Mob Skill DBs minus the comments and clutter.
'MobSkillDb'  => FLUX_ROOT.'/lib/eA/mob_skills.txt'


return array(
// Example server configuration. You may have more arrays like this one to
// specify multiple server groups (however they should share the same login
// server whilst they are allowed to have multiple char/map pairs).
 'ServerName'	 => 'Myserver',
 // Global database configuration (excludes logs database configuration).
 'DbConfig'	   => array(
  //'Socket'	 => '/tmp/mysql.sock',
  //'Port'	   => 3306,
  //'Encoding'   => 'utf8', // Connection encoding -- use whatever here your MySQL tables collation is.
  'Convert'	=> 'utf8',
// -- 'Convert' option only works when 'Encoding' option is specified and iconv (http://php.net/iconv) is available.
// -- It specifies the encoding to convert your MySQL data to on the website (most likely needs to be utf8)
  'Hostname'   => 'localhost/lanip',
  'Username'   => 'mysql',
  'Password'   => 'password',
  'Database'   => 'ragnarok',
  'Persistent' => true,
  'Timezone'   => null // Example: '+0:00' is UTC.
  // The possible values of 'Timezone' is as documented from the MySQL website:
  // "The value can be given as a string indicating an offset from UTC, such as '+10:00' or '-6:00'."
  // "The value can be given as a named time zone, such as 'Europe/Helsinki', 'US/Eastern', or 'MET'." (see below continuation!)
  // **"Named time zones can be used only if the time zone information tables in the mysql database have been created and populated."
 // This is kept separate because many people choose to have their logs
 // database accessible under different credentials, and often on a
 // different server entirely to ensure the reliability of the log data.
 'LogsDbConfig'   => array(
  //'Socket'	 => '/tmp/mysql.sock',
  //'Port'	   => 3306,
  //'Encoding'   => null, // Connection encoding -- use whatever here your MySQL tables collation is.
  'Convert'	=> 'utf8',
// -- 'Convert' option only works when 'Encoding' option is specified and iconv (http://php.net/iconv) is available.
// -- It specifies the encoding to convert your MySQL data to on the website (most likely needs to be utf8)
  'Hostname'   => 'localhost/lanip',
  'Username'   => 'mysql',
  'Password'   => 'password',
  'Database'   => 'ragnarok',
  'Persistent' => true,
  'Timezone'   => null // Possible values is as described in the comment in DbConfig.
 // Login server configuration.
 'LoginServer'	=> array(
  'Address'  => 'localhost/lanip',
  'Port'	 => 6900,
  'UseMD5'   => true,
  'NoCase'   => true, // eA account case-sensitivity; Default: Case-INsensitive (true).
  'Level'	=> 0,	// Default account level during registration.
  //'Database' => 'ragnarok'
 'CharMapServers' => array(
'ServerName'	=> 'Myserver',
'BaseExpRates'  => 1000,
'JobExpRates'   => 1000,
'MvpExpRates'   => 1000,
'DropRates'	 => 1000,
'MvpDropRates'  => 1000,
'CardDropRates' => 1000,
'MaxCharSlots'  => 9,
'DateTimezone'  => null,	   // Specifies game server's timezone for this char/map pair. (See: http://php.net/timezones)
//'ResetDenyMaps' => 'sec_pri',  // Defaults to 'sec_pri'. This value can be an array of map names.
//'Database'	  => 'ragnarok', // Defaults to DbConfig.Database
'CharServer'	=> array(
 'Address'   => 'WANIP',
 'Port'	  => 6121
'MapServer'	 => array(
 'Address'   => 'WANIP',
 'Port'	  => 5121
// -- WoE days and times --
// First parameter: Starding day 0=Sunday / 1=Monday / 2=Tuesday / 3=Wednesday / 4=Thursday / 5=Friday / 6=Saturday
// Second parameter: Starting hour in 24-hr format.
// Third paramter: Ending day (possible value is same as starting day).
// Fourth (final) parameter: Ending hour in 24-hr format.
// ** (Note, invalid times are ignored silently.)
'WoeDayTimes'   => array(
 //array(0, '12:00', 0, '14:00'), // Example: Starts Sunday 12:00 PM and ends Sunday 2:00 PM
 //array(3, '14:00', 3, '15:00')  // Example: Starts Wednesday 2:00 PM and ends Wednesday 3:00 PM
// Modules and/or actions to disallow access to during WoE.
'WoeDisallow'   => array(
 array('module' => 'character', 'action' => 'online'),  // Disallow access to "Who's Online" page during WoE.
 array('module' => 'character', 'action' => 'mapstats') // Disallow access to "Map Statistics" page during WoE.

btw, I am using fluxcp found here http://www.eathena.w...howtopic=254456

Edited by Kenpachi
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found a solution. requesting to remove this. sorry

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how to solve it? can u share it?

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share ?

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how to solve this problem can someone help ? ^_^

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i need help too

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i want small flux cp only for register

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