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quest_db Party kill counted, need help to disable party during quest.



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prt_in,136,105,3	script	Assassin Suit#Assassin_Ring	667,{
	if (checkquest(70012) != -1) {
		if (checkquest(70012,HUNTING) != 2 ) {
			mes "[Hashashin]";
			mes "Have you finished hunting the 150 Deviruchi & 50 Owl Baron?";
			switch(select("Yes:No:I want to quit")) {
			case 1:
				mes "[Hashashin]";
				mes "Hmm, I don't think you've hunted them yet...";
			case 2:
				mes "[Hashashin]";
				mes "Remember, I need you to hunt 250 Deviruchi & 150 Owl Baron.";
			case 3:
				mes "[Hashashin]";
				mes "Are you sure that you want to stop hunting?";
				mes "Any progress that you've made will be erased.";
				switch(select("Yes:No")) {
				case 1:
					mes "[Hashashin]";
					mes "Ok then, well come back here if you change your mind.";
					erasequest 70012;
				case 2:
					mes "[Hashashin]";
					mes "Go Kill Deviruchi & Owl Baron.";
		else {
			mes "[Hashashin]";
			mes "Amazing, you did that with speed.";
			getitem 7838,1;
			erasequest 70012;
	if (checkquest(70013) != -1) {
		if (checkquest(70013,HUNTING) != 2 ) {
			mes "[Hashashin]";
			mes "Have you finished hunting Penomena, Killer Mantis & Observer?";
			switch(select("Yes:No:I want to quit")) {
			case 1:
				mes "[Hashashin]";
				mes "Hmm, I don't think you're strong enough to defeath them!";
			case 2:
				mes "[Hashashin]";
				mes "OKay, I need you to kill 150 Penomena, 150 Killer Mantis & 150 Observer.";
			case 3:
				mes "[Hashashin]";
				mes "Are you sure that you want to stop hunting?";
				mes "Any progress that you've made will be erased";
				switch(select("Yes:No")) {
				case 1:
					mes "[Hashashin]";
					mes "Ok then, well come back here if you change your mind.";
					erasequest 70013;
				case 2:
					mes "[Hashashin]";
					mes "Go kill them all and prove you are a true Assassin!";
		else {
			mes "[Hashashin]";
			mes "Amazing, you did that with speed.";
			getitem 7086,1;
			erasequest 70013;
	if (checkquest(70014) != -1) {
		if (checkquest(70014,HUNTING) != 2 ) {
			mes "[Hashashin]";
			mes "Have you killed 15 Amon Ra & 15 Doppelganger already??";
			switch(select("Yes:No:I want to quit")) {
			case 1:
				mes "[Hashashin]";
				mes "Hmm, I don't think you so, you're too weak for my job suit...";
			case 2:
				mes "[Hashashin]";
				mes "Alright, remember you need to 10 Amon Ra & 10 Doppelganger.";
			case 3:
				mes "[Hashashin]";
				mes "Are you sure that you want to stop hunting?";
				mes "Any progress that you've made will be erased";
				switch(select("Yes:No")) {
				case 1:
					mes "[Hashashin]";
					mes "Ok then, well come back here if you change your mind.";
					erasequest 70014;
				case 2:
					mes "[Hashashin]";
					mes "Go kill Amon Ra & Doppelganger!";
		else {
			mes "[Hashashin]";
			mes "Amazing, Now you complete all requirements for my suit. Have Fun!!";
			getitem 7899,1;
			erasequest 70014;
		//for job restrict
		if (BaseJob == Job_Assassin) {
			mes "<ITEM>^FFFFFF[Assassin] Job Ring^000000<INFO>60272</INFO></ITEM> ^CC0000  (Click to view)^000000";
			mes "[Hashashin]";
			mes "Do you want to craft [Assassin] Job ring?";
			mes "[Hashashin]";
			mes "Show me that you are worthy of my suit, Im going to test your strength by killing monster.";
			mes "Are you strong enough to accept the mission?";
			switch(select("Yes!:No!")) {
			case 1:
				mes "[Hashashin]";
				mes "First thing you'll need to do is complete all requirements to craft my suit. After completing all requirements, come back to me and I'll give you my suit.";
				switch(select("Assassin Job Ring:Missions:Cancel")) {
				case 1:
					// Item turn in
					mes "[Hashashin]";
					mes "Im going to need these items:";
					mes "^00CC001 Hazy Starlight^000000" +"  ^1E90FF["+countitem(7838)+"]^000000";
					mes "^00CC001 Emblem Sun God^000000" +"  ^1E90FF["+countitem(7086)+"]^000000";
					mes "^00CC001 Dagger Of Psychic^000000" +"  ^1E90FF["+countitem(7899)+"]^000000";
					mes "^DC143C10 Vanguard Coins^000000" +"  ^1E90FF["+countitem(60002)+"]^000000";
					mes "^DC143C100 Event Coin^000000" +"  ^1E90FF["+countitem(60000)+"]^000000";
					mes "^DC143C30 Woe Coin^000000" +"  ^1E90FF["+countitem(59998)+"]^000000";
					mes "and ^DC143C200 Credits^000000." +"  ^1E90FF["+countitem(60003)+"]^000000";
					mes "You can only obtain ^00CC00[Green Materials]^000000 from job missions";
					switch(select("I have all the materials you need.:I'll be right back!")) {
					case 1:
							if (countitem(7838) > 0 && countitem(7086) > 0 && countitem(7899) > 0 && countitem(59998) > 29 && countitem(60000) > 99 && countitem(60003) > 199 && countitem(60002) > 9) {							next;
							mes "[Hashashin]";
							mes "Congratulations! You have completed the missions.";
							mes "You are a true Assassin, you're worthy of this suit.";
							delitem 7838,1;		 //Brynhild Armor Piece
							delitem 7086,1;		 //Hero's Remains
							delitem 7899,1;		 //Archive Permit
							delitem 60003,200; 	 //Credits
							delitem 60002,10; 	 //Vanguard coin
							delitem 60000,100; 	 //Event Coin
							delitem 59998,30; 	 //Woe Coin
							getitem 60272,1;	 //assassin suit
							announce "Congratulations! "+ strcharinfo(0)+" has finished Assassin Job ring quest!",bc_yellow|bc_all;
						else {
							mes "[Hashashin]";
							mes "You have not yet completed all the requirements!";
					case 2:
						mes "[Hashashin]";
						mes "I need all the requirements to craft the suit.";
				case 2:
					// Kill Count Quest
					mes "[Hashashin]";
					mes "Are you here to accept my mission? Let's see what can you do.";
					mes "Which mission are you going to quest?";
					switch(select("Kill Deviruchi & Owl Baron:Kill Penomena, Killer Mantis & Observer:Defeat Amon Ra & Doppelganger")) {
					case 1:
						mes "[Hashashin]";
						mes "Come back when you're done, I'll give you your reward.";
						setquest 70012;
						announce "Player "+ strcharinfo(0)+" has started the Assassin Job ring quest!",bc_yellow|bc_all;
					case 2:
						mes "[Hashashin]";
						mes "Come back when you've finished your task and I will give your reward.";
						setquest 70013;
					case 3:
						mes "[Hashashin]";
						mes "Come back to me when you defeat Amon Ra & Doppelganger.";
						setquest 70014;
				case 3:
					mes "[Hashashin]";
					mes "If you change your mind, just come back.";
			case 2:
				mes "[Hashashin]";
				mes "If you change your mind, just come back.";
		else {
			mes "[Hashashin]";
			mes "Who the heck do you think you are? I only speak to a true Assassin!";

hello guys so i made a specific job chain quest by killing monsters using quest_db. the script is made for a specific job only, but if the player is in a party, party kills are counted on the quest. Can anyone help make this script disable party kill count, or maybe cancel the quest if user is in a party.


Edited by BabaVoss
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