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Gramps only Rebirth classes help



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Hi, I would like to only allow Rebirth (trans jobs) to be able to use my Gramps npc:


//===== Atlantis Script ======================================
//= iRO Gramps - Weekly Turn-In Events
//===== By: ================================================== 
//= Ragno (AtlantisRO)
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 1.0
//===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
//= rAthena
//===== iRO Wiki Summary: ====================================
// Each week, a hunting quest (also called a "Turn-In") is
// rotated. The Gramps NPC in the Eden Group HQ is offering
// the quest. They require the player to kill 400 times a
// monster. The monsters involved will give their normal EXP.
// The player must be within a certain level range to obtain
// the quest, but he can get the reward at any level. The
// quest will give as much EXP as all the monsters killed
// (formula : &00*(monster exp/jexp)).
// iRO Wiki Page:
// http://irowiki.org/wiki/Weekly_Turn-In_Events
//===== Additional Comments: =================================
//= 1.0 First version.

1@air2,82,182,3	script	Gramps#Eden	866,{
	if (eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD){
		mes "^FF0000Up on reaching Job Level 50 or Base Level 150 Gramps will no longer award experience points of the type that has reached his maximum.^000000";
		mes "Gramps will also not allow those points to be redistributed.";
	//if (checkquest(62837) != 2)
	//	callsub S_GM_Notice;
	setarray .@Timer, 60444, 60495, 60449, 60450, 60486, 60487;
	for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@Timer); .@i++){
		if (checkquest(.@Timer[.@i],PLAYTIME) == 2)
			erasequest .@Timer[.@i];
	mes "[Gramps]";
	mes "When you get to being my age, you become bitter.";
	mes "Too long I've done nothing about the monsters that roam around Rune Midgard.";
	mes "[Gramps]";
	mes "That's why I'm asking you wippersnappers to help me hunt some monsters.";
	mes "Will you help me young adventurer?";
	switch(select("Yes, I'll help.", "Reward Me!", "^FF0000I want to quit hunting^000000", "^0000FFCan you warp me?^000000", "Can you erase the timer?", "What missions are you giving", "No thanks pops.")){
		case 1:	//Yes, I'll help.
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "Ok, I've got a monster in mind that I need help exterminating.";
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "Waddya say kid?";
			mes "Want to hunt something for me?";
			.@map = select("I'll hunt at " + .Gramps_MapName$[0] + "[45-75]", "I'll hunt at " + .Gramps_MapName$[1] + "[55-85]", "I'll hunt at " + .Gramps_MapName$[2] + "[65-99]", "No thanks pops.") - 1;
			if (.@map == 3){
				mes "[Gramps]";
				mes "Suit yourself kid.";
			callsub S_CheckLevel, .@map;
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "Ok, kid.";
			mes "Hunt monsters at " + .Gramps_MapName$[.@map] + " and I can die a happy old man.";
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "Ask me to teleport you and I will send you to a special hunting area.";
			mes "So what do you want to hunt?";
			if (vip_status(1) || checkquest(60810,PLAYTIME) == 1)
				.@vip_status = 1;
			.@loc = 4 * .@map;
			.@Turn_1 = .Gramps_Turn[.@loc];     .@mob1 = .Gramps_Turn[.@loc + 1];
			.@Turn_2 = .Gramps_Turn[.@loc + 2]; .@mob2 = .Gramps_Turn[.@loc + 3];
			.@hunt = select(getmonsterinfo(.@mob1,MOB_NAME), getmonsterinfo(.@mob2,MOB_NAME), (.@vip_status?"Hunt All":""), "Cancel");
			if (.@hunt == 4)
			setarray .@Timer1, 60444, 60449, 60486;
			setarray .@Timer2, 60495, 60450, 60487;
			.@Timer1 = .@Timer1[.@map];
			.@Timer2 = .@Timer2[.@map];
			if (.@hunt == 3){
				if (checkquest(.@Turn_1) < 0 && checkquest(.@Timer1) < 0 && checkquest(.@Turn_2) < 0 && checkquest(.@Timer2) < 0){
					setquest .@Turn_1;
					setquest .@Timer1;
					setquest .@Turn_2;
					setquest .@Timer2;
				.@hunt = 1;
			.@Turn = (.@hunt == 1 ? .@Turn_1 : .@Turn_2);
			.@Timer = (.@hunt == 1 ? .@Timer1 : .@Timer2);
			if (checkquest(.@Turn,HUNTING) == 2){
				mes "[Gramps]";
				mes "You have finished this mission.";
				mes "All you have to do is tell me that you're done.";
			} else if (checkquest(.@Turn,HUNTING) == 1){
				if (.@vip_status){
					mes "[Gramps]";
					mes "You are already on this mission.";
					mes "Do you want me to warp you there?";
					if (select("Send me now!", "Not right now.") == 1){
						warp .Gramps_MapWarp$[.@map], .Gramps_MapX[.@map], .Gramps_MapY[.@map];
				} else {
					mes "[Gramps]";
					mes "Tell me to warp you and I will send you to the special hunting grounds.";
					mes "You are already on this mission.";
			} else if (checkquest(.@Timer,PLAYTIME) == 1){
				mes "[Gramps]";
				mes "Wait a second!";
				mes "You have to wait 23 hours before I can let you do this mission again.";
			} else if ((checkquest(.@Timer1,PLAYTIME) == 1 || checkquest(.@Timer2,PLAYTIME) == 1) && !.@vip_status){
				mes "[Gramps]";
				mes "I'm sorry but I can only give you one mission at a time in this category.";
				mes "If you had a VIP membership, I can give you both missions and a free warp to the area.";
			} else {
				if (!.@vip_status){
					mes "[Gramps]";
					mes "Tell me to warp you and I will send you to the special hunting grounds.";
				setquest .@Turn;
				setquest .@Timer;
		case 2:	//Reward Me!
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "I'll check for all of the missions that I've given so far.";
			for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.quest_id); .@i++){
				if (checkquest(.quest_id[.@i], HUNTING) == 2){
					if (checkquest(60819,PLAYTIME) != 1){
						if (checkquest(60819) > 0)
							erasequest 60819;
						mes "[Gramps]";
						mes "I will give you a random buff for completing a hunting quest.";
						mes "I can give this buff to you once every 16 hours.";
						sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1800000,12;
						sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,1800000,0;
						sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,1800000,0;
						sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,1800000,25;
						setquest 60819; // Hunting Daily Timer
					.@monster$ = getmonsterinfo(.monster_id[.@i],MOB_NAME);
					mes "[Gramps]";
					mes "Hmm... let me see~";
					mes "You HAVE completed the '" + .@monster$ + " Hunting' mission.";
					.@boost = 600;
					if (vip_status(1)){
						mes "Do you want both Base and Job experience or split?";
						.@vip_reward = select("^FF0000Both Base and Job EXP^000000", "^0000FFI want Base EXP only.^000000", "^FFA400I want Job EXP only.^000000");
						.@boost = 1000;
						mes "[Gramps]";
						mes "Here is your reward.";
					erasequest .quest_id[.@i];
					.@BaseExp = getmonsterinfo(.monster_id[.@i], MOB_BASEEXP) * .@boost;
					.@JobExp = getmonsterinfo(.monster_id[.@i], MOB_JOBEXP) * .@boost;
					if (eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD && BaseLevel > 149)
						.@BaseExp = 0;
					if (eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD && JobLevel > 49)
						.@JobExp = 0;
						case 2:
							getexp .@BaseExp,0;
							getexp .@JobExp,0;
						case 3:
							getexp 0,.@BaseExp;
							getexp 0,.@JobExp;
							getexp .@BaseExp,.@JobExp;
					getitem "Para_Logro_Badge", (.@vip_reward ? 2 : 1);
		case 3:	//I want to quit hunting
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "I'll check what missions that you've taken so far.";
			mes "Tell me which one you want to quit doing.";
			for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.quest_id); .@i++){
				if (checkquest(.quest_id[.@i], HUNTING) == 1){
					.@monster$ = getmonsterinfo(.monster_id[.@i],MOB_NAME);
					mes "[Gramps]";
					mes "You have NOT completed the '" + .@monster$ + " Hunting' mission.";
					mes "Do you want to continue or quit?";
					if (select("Keep hunting " + .@monster$, "^FF0000Get rid of my quest^000000") == 2){
						erasequest .quest_id[.@i];
						mes "[Gramps]";
						mes "All of your records for this quest have been deleted.";
						.@questerased = 1;
			if (.@questerased)
		case 4:	//Can you warp me?
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "Where would you like me to send you to?";
			mes "The area I will send you to is not the normal area but a special hunting grounds.";
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "In addition, as long as you have the 23 hour timer active, I will still warp you to the hunting grounds area but you still have to wait for the timer to expire before I can give you the hunting mission again.";
			.@map = select(.Gramps_MapName$[0] + "[45-75]", .Gramps_MapName$[1] + "[55-85]", .Gramps_MapName$[2] + "[65-99]", "Cancel") - 1;
			if (.@map == 3)
			.@loc = 4 * .@map;
			.@Turn_1 = .Gramps_Turn[.@loc];
			.@Turn_2 = .Gramps_Turn[.@loc + 2];
			setarray .@Timer1, 60444, 60449, 60486;
			setarray .@Timer2, 60495, 60450, 60487;
			.@Timer1 = .@Timer1[.@map];
			.@Timer2 = .@Timer2[.@map];
			if (checkquest(.@Turn_1) < 0 && checkquest(.@Timer1) < 0 && checkquest(.@Turn_2) < 0 && checkquest(.@Timer2) < 0){
				mes "[Gramps]";
				mes "I won't send you there because you're either not doing that mission or you haven't recently done this mission.";
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "Sending you now.";
			warp .Gramps_MapWarp$[.@map], .Gramps_MapX[.@map], .Gramps_MapY[.@map];
		case 5:	//Can you erase the timer?
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "I can erase the daily timer for the quests if you give me 1 Reset Stone.";
			mes "So what do you say kid?";
			if (select("Here's 1 Reset Stone", "No thanks, I'll just wait.") == 1){
				if (!countitem("Premium_Reset_Stone")){
					mes "[Gramps]";
					mes "Come now, I won't do this for free.";
					mes "You can get the Reset Stones from the Kafra Consumables Employee upstairs.";
				} else {
					if (checkquest(60574,PLAYTIME) == 1){
						mes "[Gramps]";
						mes "I can only let you reset your hunting timers once every 3 hours.";
						mes "Wait for the timer to expire before you try reseting.";
					} else {
						setarray .@quest_erase, 60444, 60495, 60449, 60450, 60486, 60487, 60574;
						for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@quest_erase); .@i++){
							if (checkquest(.@quest_erase[.@i]) > 0)
								erasequest .@quest_erase[.@i];
						mes "[Gramps]";
						mes "All of your daily timers have been deleted.";
						delitem "Premium_Reset_Stone", 1;
						setquest 60574;
		case 6:	//What missions are you giving
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "I am giving several hunting missions.";
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "This week's monster areas are:";
			mes "45-75 "  + .Gramps_MapName$[0];
			mes "Hunt " + getmonsterinfo(.Gramps_Turn[1],MOB_NAME) + " & " + getmonsterinfo(.Gramps_Turn[3],MOB_NAME);
			mes "55-85 " + .Gramps_MapName$[1];
			mes "Hunt " + getmonsterinfo(.Gramps_Turn[5],MOB_NAME) + " & " + getmonsterinfo(.Gramps_Turn[7],MOB_NAME);
			mes "65-99 " + .Gramps_MapName$[2];
			mes "Hunt " + getmonsterinfo(.Gramps_Turn[9],MOB_NAME) + " & " + getmonsterinfo(.Gramps_Turn[11],MOB_NAME);
		case 7:	//Give me Limited 3 day VIP
			if (countitem("Premium_Reset_Stone") < 2){
				mes "[Gramps]";
				mes "You need to bring 2 Reset Stones to get this service.";
				mes "Open the Cash Shop and purchase them from there.";
			} else if (checkquest(60810,PLAYTIME) == 1){
				mes "[Gramps]";
				mes "It seems that you already have the limited access activated.";
				mes "Your access ends when the timer expires.";
			} else {
				if (checkquest(60810) > 0)
					erasequest 60810;
				mes "[Gramps]";
				mes "Ok, you will now have limited 3 day VIP Access from this point on.";
				mes "Ask me about specific details to find out more about this access.";
				delitem "Premium_Reset_Stone", 2;
				setquest 60810;
		case 8:	//Tell me more about the VIP Access
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "Ok, if you give me 2 Reset Stones you will have limited VIP Access to certain VIP only NPCs.";
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "This includes access to extra Kafra Services, discounted warps to different areas and even the use of Primo d'Buffer here at Eden Group.";
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "Additionally, I will allow you to get both hunting quests while you have this VIP Access active.";
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "The only catch is that you will NOT receive some of the benefits of a VIP such as EXP Boost as well and extra storage.";
		case 9:	//No thanks pops.
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "Pops?";
			mes "You better learn some respect there kiddo.";

	setarray .@BaseMin,  45, 55, 65;
	setarray .@BaseMax, 75, 85, 99;
	if (BaseLevel >= .@BaseMin[getarg(0)] && BaseLevel <= .@BaseMax[getarg(0)])
	mes "[Gramps]";
	mes "Sorry, but I'm only giving this mission to Adventurers who are between level " + .@BaseMin[getarg(0)] + "-" + .@BaseMax[getarg(0)] + ".";

		mes "[Gramps]";
		mes "Hold it there! I have a message that I will only display this one time after you answer some questions correctly.";
		mes "[Gramps]";
		mes "Information about the GM Team!";
		mes "[Rules]";
		mes "1. The ONLY way to become a GM is to be hired by Aspect Team. We do not recruit players to be GMs right now!";
		mes "[Rules]";
		mes "2. The GM team will NEVER ask for your password!";
		mes "[Rules]";
		mes "3. If someone demands a ransom to keep your account in good standing they are not members of the GM tema. DO NOT PAY THEM!";
		mes "The GM team will never ask you to contact them outside the ticket system. If they are demanding via instant messengers or social media ignore them!";
		mes "[Rules]";
		mes "4. The GM team will NEVER ask you to install and use Teamviewer!";
		mes "[Rules]";
		mes "5. You will always be able to see a GM team member in a chat room if they are there. They have no special way to be invisible!";
		mes "[Rules]";
		mes "6. The GM team will always be willing to show the GM sprite. If they refuse they can be ignored.";
		mes "[Questionaire # 1]";
		mes "Does the GM team recruit players to be GMs?";
		if (select("Yes", "No") == 2){ .@n++; }
		mes "[Questionaire # 2]";
		mes "Will the GM team ask you for password?";
		if (select("Yes", "No") == 2){ .@n++; }
		mes "[Questionaire # 3]";
		mes "Will the GM team demand cash from you, in game or via instant messagers or social media?";
		if (select("No", "Yes") == 1){ .@n++; }
		mes "[Questionaire # 4]";
		mes "Should you install Teamviewer because a GM ask you to?";
		if (select("No", "Yes") == 1){ .@n++; }
		mes "[Questionaire # 5]";
		mes "Can a GM team member be invisible in a chat room?";
		if (select("Maybe", "No", "Yes") == 2){ .@n++; }
		mes "[Questionaire # 6]";
		mes "Can you ask to see the GM sprite in order to verify a GM's identity?";
		if (select("No", "Yes") == 2){ .@n++; }
		if (.@n == 6)
			.@n = 0;
	setquest 62837;
	completequest 62837;

	setarray .Gramps_MapName$, "Byalan", "Geffen Dungeon", "Payon Dungeon";
	setarray .Gramps_MapWarp$, "eiz_dun01p", "egef_dun03m", "epay_dun02h";
	setarray .Gramps_MapX, 179, 115, 155;
	setarray .Gramps_MapY, 228, 241, 161;
	setarray .Gramps_Turn, 60602, 1102, 60508, 1617, 60594, 1772, 60502, 1208, 60470, 1716, 60485, 1653;
	setarray .monster_id,  1193,  1106,  1410,  1417,  1370,  1374,  2083,  2084,  1778,
			 1777,  1752,  1753,  2085,  2086,  1402,  1403,  1504,  1505,  1713,  1716,
			 1614,  1615,  1714,  1717,  1657,  1654,  1652,  1655,  1656,  1653,  1316,
			 1314,  1736,  1737,  1987,  2024,  1163,  1208,  1780,  1781,  2019,  2021,
			 1622,  1617,  1670,  1671,  1672,  1673,  1838,  1837,  1627,  1782,  1769,
			 1770,  1638,  1635,  1637,  1634,  1639,  1636,  1613,  1619,  1676,  1677,
			 1678,  1679,  1867,  1870,  1253,  1194,  1215,  1162,  1699,  1698,  1986,
			 2092,  1133,  1134,  1135,  1833,  1831,  1143,  1109,  1194,  1297,  1384,
			 1385,  1773,  1774,  1196,  1257,  2015,  1993,  1509,  1510,  1836,  1680,
			 1256,  1148,  1989,  1282,  1390,  1715,  1668,  1988,  2133,  2132,  1718,
			 1992,  2137,  2136,  1318,  1315,  1367,  1366,  1295,  1771,  1772,  1865,
			 1864,  1883,  1102,  1379,  1206,  1703,  1201,  1735,  1155,  1884,  1995,
			 1775,  1682,  1132,  1408,  1866,  1213,  1319,  2013,  1628,  1377,  2134,
			 1776,  1197,  1117,  1219,  1401,  1376,  1406,  1869,  1796,  1797,  1375,
			 1405,  2071,  1198,  1098,  1512,  1513,  1309,  2153,  1291,  1999,  1154,
			 2315,  2313,  1386,  2365,  2366,  1199,  2363,  2370,  2309,  2310,  2364,
			 1692,  1255,  2204,  1305,  2369,  2367,  2073,  2199;
	setarray .quest_id,   60443, 60445, 60451, 60452, 60453, 60454, 60455, 60456, 60459,
			60460, 60461, 60462, 60463, 60464, 60465, 60466, 60467, 60468, 60469, 60470,
			60476, 60477, 60478, 60479, 60480, 60481, 60482, 60483, 60484, 60485, 60488,
			60489, 60490, 60491, 60492, 60493, 60501, 60502, 60503, 60504, 60505, 60506,
			60507, 60508, 60509, 60510, 60511, 60512, 60513, 60514, 60515, 60516, 60517,
			60518, 60519, 60520, 60521, 60522, 60523, 60524, 60525, 60526, 60527, 60528,
			60529, 60530, 60531, 60532, 60535, 60536, 60537, 60538, 60539, 60540, 60541,
			60542, 60543, 60544, 60545, 60546, 60547, 60549, 60550, 60551, 60552, 60553,
			60554, 60555, 60556, 60557, 60558, 60559, 60560, 60561, 60562, 60565, 60570,
			60571, 60572, 60573, 60575, 60576, 60579, 60580, 60581, 60582, 60583, 60584,
			60585, 60586, 60587, 60588, 60589, 60590, 60591, 60592, 60593, 60594, 60595,
			60596, 60601, 60602, 60603, 60604, 60605, 60608, 60609, 60610, 60611, 60612,
			60614, 60815, 60816, 60817, 60818, 60820, 60821, 60822, 60824, 60825, 60826,
			60827, 60828, 60830, 60831, 60832, 60833, 60834, 60835, 60836, 60837, 60838,
			60839, 60840, 60841, 60842, 60843, 60844, 60845, 60846, 60848, 60849, 60851,
			60853, 60854, 60855, 60856, 60857, 60858, 60859, 60860, 60861, 60862, 60863,
			60864, 60865, 60866, 60867, 60868, 60869, 62832, 62833;


-	script	Return to Eden#template	-1,{
	mes "sending you back to Air Force";
	warp "1@air2", 66, 188;

eiz_dun01p,183,229,3	duplicate(Return to Eden#template)	Return to Air Force#izdun00l	707
egef_dun03m,109,243,3	duplicate(Return to Eden#template)	Return to Air Force#gefdun03m	707
epay_dun02h,152,160,3	duplicate(Return to Eden#template)	Return to Air Force#paydun02h	707

// 70 ~ 100
eiz_dun01p,0,0,0,0	monster	Bathory	1102,50,0,0,0
eiz_dun01p,0,0,0,0	monster	Waste Stove	1617,50,0,0,0

// 101 ~ 125
egef_dun03m,0,0,0,0	monster	Isilla	1772,50,0,0,0
egef_dun03m,0,0,0,0	monster	Wanderman	1208,50,0,0,0

// 126 ~ 150
epay_dun02h,0,0,0,0	monster	Acidus	1716,50,0,0,0
epay_dun02h,0,0,0,0	monster	Whikebain	1653,50,0,0,0

Hopefully someone will be able to help me out.

Thank you for reading.

Kind Regards,


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On 12/14/2019 at 6:08 AM, Sirique said:

Hi, I would like to only allow Rebirth (trans jobs) to be able to use my Gramps npc:


//===== Atlantis Script ======================================
//= iRO Gramps - Weekly Turn-In Events
//===== By: ================================================== 
//= Ragno (AtlantisRO)
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 1.0
//===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
//= rAthena
//===== iRO Wiki Summary: ====================================
// Each week, a hunting quest (also called a "Turn-In") is
// rotated. The Gramps NPC in the Eden Group HQ is offering
// the quest. They require the player to kill 400 times a
// monster. The monsters involved will give their normal EXP.
// The player must be within a certain level range to obtain
// the quest, but he can get the reward at any level. The
// quest will give as much EXP as all the monsters killed
// (formula : &00*(monster exp/jexp)).
// iRO Wiki Page:
// http://irowiki.org/wiki/Weekly_Turn-In_Events
//===== Additional Comments: =================================
//= 1.0 First version.

1@air2,82,182,3	script	Gramps#Eden	866,{
	if (eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD){
		mes "^FF0000Up on reaching Job Level 50 or Base Level 150 Gramps will no longer award experience points of the type that has reached his maximum.^000000";
		mes "Gramps will also not allow those points to be redistributed.";
	//if (checkquest(62837) != 2)
	//	callsub S_GM_Notice;
	setarray .@Timer, 60444, 60495, 60449, 60450, 60486, 60487;
	for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@Timer); .@i++){
		if (checkquest(.@Timer[.@i],PLAYTIME) == 2)
			erasequest .@Timer[.@i];
	mes "[Gramps]";
	mes "When you get to being my age, you become bitter.";
	mes "Too long I've done nothing about the monsters that roam around Rune Midgard.";
	mes "[Gramps]";
	mes "That's why I'm asking you wippersnappers to help me hunt some monsters.";
	mes "Will you help me young adventurer?";
	switch(select("Yes, I'll help.", "Reward Me!", "^FF0000I want to quit hunting^000000", "^0000FFCan you warp me?^000000", "Can you erase the timer?", "What missions are you giving", "No thanks pops.")){
		case 1:	//Yes, I'll help.
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "Ok, I've got a monster in mind that I need help exterminating.";
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "Waddya say kid?";
			mes "Want to hunt something for me?";
			.@map = select("I'll hunt at " + .Gramps_MapName$[0] + "[45-75]", "I'll hunt at " + .Gramps_MapName$[1] + "[55-85]", "I'll hunt at " + .Gramps_MapName$[2] + "[65-99]", "No thanks pops.") - 1;
			if (.@map == 3){
				mes "[Gramps]";
				mes "Suit yourself kid.";
			callsub S_CheckLevel, .@map;
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "Ok, kid.";
			mes "Hunt monsters at " + .Gramps_MapName$[.@map] + " and I can die a happy old man.";
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "Ask me to teleport you and I will send you to a special hunting area.";
			mes "So what do you want to hunt?";
			if (vip_status(1) || checkquest(60810,PLAYTIME) == 1)
				.@vip_status = 1;
			.@loc = 4 * .@map;
			.@Turn_1 = .Gramps_Turn[.@loc];     .@mob1 = .Gramps_Turn[.@loc + 1];
			.@Turn_2 = .Gramps_Turn[.@loc + 2]; .@mob2 = .Gramps_Turn[.@loc + 3];
			.@hunt = select(getmonsterinfo(.@mob1,MOB_NAME), getmonsterinfo(.@mob2,MOB_NAME), (.@vip_status?"Hunt All":""), "Cancel");
			if (.@hunt == 4)
			setarray .@Timer1, 60444, 60449, 60486;
			setarray .@Timer2, 60495, 60450, 60487;
			.@Timer1 = .@Timer1[.@map];
			.@Timer2 = .@Timer2[.@map];
			if (.@hunt == 3){
				if (checkquest(.@Turn_1) < 0 && checkquest(.@Timer1) < 0 && checkquest(.@Turn_2) < 0 && checkquest(.@Timer2) < 0){
					setquest .@Turn_1;
					setquest .@Timer1;
					setquest .@Turn_2;
					setquest .@Timer2;
				.@hunt = 1;
			.@Turn = (.@hunt == 1 ? .@Turn_1 : .@Turn_2);
			.@Timer = (.@hunt == 1 ? .@Timer1 : .@Timer2);
			if (checkquest(.@Turn,HUNTING) == 2){
				mes "[Gramps]";
				mes "You have finished this mission.";
				mes "All you have to do is tell me that you're done.";
			} else if (checkquest(.@Turn,HUNTING) == 1){
				if (.@vip_status){
					mes "[Gramps]";
					mes "You are already on this mission.";
					mes "Do you want me to warp you there?";
					if (select("Send me now!", "Not right now.") == 1){
						warp .Gramps_MapWarp$[.@map], .Gramps_MapX[.@map], .Gramps_MapY[.@map];
				} else {
					mes "[Gramps]";
					mes "Tell me to warp you and I will send you to the special hunting grounds.";
					mes "You are already on this mission.";
			} else if (checkquest(.@Timer,PLAYTIME) == 1){
				mes "[Gramps]";
				mes "Wait a second!";
				mes "You have to wait 23 hours before I can let you do this mission again.";
			} else if ((checkquest(.@Timer1,PLAYTIME) == 1 || checkquest(.@Timer2,PLAYTIME) == 1) && !.@vip_status){
				mes "[Gramps]";
				mes "I'm sorry but I can only give you one mission at a time in this category.";
				mes "If you had a VIP membership, I can give you both missions and a free warp to the area.";
			} else {
				if (!.@vip_status){
					mes "[Gramps]";
					mes "Tell me to warp you and I will send you to the special hunting grounds.";
				setquest .@Turn;
				setquest .@Timer;
		case 2:	//Reward Me!
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "I'll check for all of the missions that I've given so far.";
			for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.quest_id); .@i++){
				if (checkquest(.quest_id[.@i], HUNTING) == 2){
					if (checkquest(60819,PLAYTIME) != 1){
						if (checkquest(60819) > 0)
							erasequest 60819;
						mes "[Gramps]";
						mes "I will give you a random buff for completing a hunting quest.";
						mes "I can give this buff to you once every 16 hours.";
						sc_start SC_DEXFOOD,1800000,12;
						sc_start SC_ATKPOTION,1800000,0;
						sc_start SC_MATKPOTION,1800000,0;
						sc_start SC_SPEEDUP0,1800000,25;
						setquest 60819; // Hunting Daily Timer
					.@monster$ = getmonsterinfo(.monster_id[.@i],MOB_NAME);
					mes "[Gramps]";
					mes "Hmm... let me see~";
					mes "You HAVE completed the '" + .@monster$ + " Hunting' mission.";
					.@boost = 600;
					if (vip_status(1)){
						mes "Do you want both Base and Job experience or split?";
						.@vip_reward = select("^FF0000Both Base and Job EXP^000000", "^0000FFI want Base EXP only.^000000", "^FFA400I want Job EXP only.^000000");
						.@boost = 1000;
						mes "[Gramps]";
						mes "Here is your reward.";
					erasequest .quest_id[.@i];
					.@BaseExp = getmonsterinfo(.monster_id[.@i], MOB_BASEEXP) * .@boost;
					.@JobExp = getmonsterinfo(.monster_id[.@i], MOB_JOBEXP) * .@boost;
					if (eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD && BaseLevel > 149)
						.@BaseExp = 0;
					if (eaclass()&EAJL_THIRD && JobLevel > 49)
						.@JobExp = 0;
						case 2:
							getexp .@BaseExp,0;
							getexp .@JobExp,0;
						case 3:
							getexp 0,.@BaseExp;
							getexp 0,.@JobExp;
							getexp .@BaseExp,.@JobExp;
					getitem "Para_Logro_Badge", (.@vip_reward ? 2 : 1);
		case 3:	//I want to quit hunting
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "I'll check what missions that you've taken so far.";
			mes "Tell me which one you want to quit doing.";
			for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.quest_id); .@i++){
				if (checkquest(.quest_id[.@i], HUNTING) == 1){
					.@monster$ = getmonsterinfo(.monster_id[.@i],MOB_NAME);
					mes "[Gramps]";
					mes "You have NOT completed the '" + .@monster$ + " Hunting' mission.";
					mes "Do you want to continue or quit?";
					if (select("Keep hunting " + .@monster$, "^FF0000Get rid of my quest^000000") == 2){
						erasequest .quest_id[.@i];
						mes "[Gramps]";
						mes "All of your records for this quest have been deleted.";
						.@questerased = 1;
			if (.@questerased)
		case 4:	//Can you warp me?
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "Where would you like me to send you to?";
			mes "The area I will send you to is not the normal area but a special hunting grounds.";
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "In addition, as long as you have the 23 hour timer active, I will still warp you to the hunting grounds area but you still have to wait for the timer to expire before I can give you the hunting mission again.";
			.@map = select(.Gramps_MapName$[0] + "[45-75]", .Gramps_MapName$[1] + "[55-85]", .Gramps_MapName$[2] + "[65-99]", "Cancel") - 1;
			if (.@map == 3)
			.@loc = 4 * .@map;
			.@Turn_1 = .Gramps_Turn[.@loc];
			.@Turn_2 = .Gramps_Turn[.@loc + 2];
			setarray .@Timer1, 60444, 60449, 60486;
			setarray .@Timer2, 60495, 60450, 60487;
			.@Timer1 = .@Timer1[.@map];
			.@Timer2 = .@Timer2[.@map];
			if (checkquest(.@Turn_1) < 0 && checkquest(.@Timer1) < 0 && checkquest(.@Turn_2) < 0 && checkquest(.@Timer2) < 0){
				mes "[Gramps]";
				mes "I won't send you there because you're either not doing that mission or you haven't recently done this mission.";
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "Sending you now.";
			warp .Gramps_MapWarp$[.@map], .Gramps_MapX[.@map], .Gramps_MapY[.@map];
		case 5:	//Can you erase the timer?
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "I can erase the daily timer for the quests if you give me 1 Reset Stone.";
			mes "So what do you say kid?";
			if (select("Here's 1 Reset Stone", "No thanks, I'll just wait.") == 1){
				if (!countitem("Premium_Reset_Stone")){
					mes "[Gramps]";
					mes "Come now, I won't do this for free.";
					mes "You can get the Reset Stones from the Kafra Consumables Employee upstairs.";
				} else {
					if (checkquest(60574,PLAYTIME) == 1){
						mes "[Gramps]";
						mes "I can only let you reset your hunting timers once every 3 hours.";
						mes "Wait for the timer to expire before you try reseting.";
					} else {
						setarray .@quest_erase, 60444, 60495, 60449, 60450, 60486, 60487, 60574;
						for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@quest_erase); .@i++){
							if (checkquest(.@quest_erase[.@i]) > 0)
								erasequest .@quest_erase[.@i];
						mes "[Gramps]";
						mes "All of your daily timers have been deleted.";
						delitem "Premium_Reset_Stone", 1;
						setquest 60574;
		case 6:	//What missions are you giving
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "I am giving several hunting missions.";
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "This week's monster areas are:";
			mes "45-75 "  + .Gramps_MapName$[0];
			mes "Hunt " + getmonsterinfo(.Gramps_Turn[1],MOB_NAME) + " & " + getmonsterinfo(.Gramps_Turn[3],MOB_NAME);
			mes "55-85 " + .Gramps_MapName$[1];
			mes "Hunt " + getmonsterinfo(.Gramps_Turn[5],MOB_NAME) + " & " + getmonsterinfo(.Gramps_Turn[7],MOB_NAME);
			mes "65-99 " + .Gramps_MapName$[2];
			mes "Hunt " + getmonsterinfo(.Gramps_Turn[9],MOB_NAME) + " & " + getmonsterinfo(.Gramps_Turn[11],MOB_NAME);
		case 7:	//Give me Limited 3 day VIP
			if (countitem("Premium_Reset_Stone") < 2){
				mes "[Gramps]";
				mes "You need to bring 2 Reset Stones to get this service.";
				mes "Open the Cash Shop and purchase them from there.";
			} else if (checkquest(60810,PLAYTIME) == 1){
				mes "[Gramps]";
				mes "It seems that you already have the limited access activated.";
				mes "Your access ends when the timer expires.";
			} else {
				if (checkquest(60810) > 0)
					erasequest 60810;
				mes "[Gramps]";
				mes "Ok, you will now have limited 3 day VIP Access from this point on.";
				mes "Ask me about specific details to find out more about this access.";
				delitem "Premium_Reset_Stone", 2;
				setquest 60810;
		case 8:	//Tell me more about the VIP Access
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "Ok, if you give me 2 Reset Stones you will have limited VIP Access to certain VIP only NPCs.";
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "This includes access to extra Kafra Services, discounted warps to different areas and even the use of Primo d'Buffer here at Eden Group.";
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "Additionally, I will allow you to get both hunting quests while you have this VIP Access active.";
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "The only catch is that you will NOT receive some of the benefits of a VIP such as EXP Boost as well and extra storage.";
		case 9:	//No thanks pops.
			mes "[Gramps]";
			mes "Pops?";
			mes "You better learn some respect there kiddo.";

	setarray .@BaseMin,  45, 55, 65;
	setarray .@BaseMax, 75, 85, 99;
	if (BaseLevel >= .@BaseMin[getarg(0)] && BaseLevel <= .@BaseMax[getarg(0)])
	mes "[Gramps]";
	mes "Sorry, but I'm only giving this mission to Adventurers who are between level " + .@BaseMin[getarg(0)] + "-" + .@BaseMax[getarg(0)] + ".";

		mes "[Gramps]";
		mes "Hold it there! I have a message that I will only display this one time after you answer some questions correctly.";
		mes "[Gramps]";
		mes "Information about the GM Team!";
		mes "[Rules]";
		mes "1. The ONLY way to become a GM is to be hired by Aspect Team. We do not recruit players to be GMs right now!";
		mes "[Rules]";
		mes "2. The GM team will NEVER ask for your password!";
		mes "[Rules]";
		mes "3. If someone demands a ransom to keep your account in good standing they are not members of the GM tema. DO NOT PAY THEM!";
		mes "The GM team will never ask you to contact them outside the ticket system. If they are demanding via instant messengers or social media ignore them!";
		mes "[Rules]";
		mes "4. The GM team will NEVER ask you to install and use Teamviewer!";
		mes "[Rules]";
		mes "5. You will always be able to see a GM team member in a chat room if they are there. They have no special way to be invisible!";
		mes "[Rules]";
		mes "6. The GM team will always be willing to show the GM sprite. If they refuse they can be ignored.";
		mes "[Questionaire # 1]";
		mes "Does the GM team recruit players to be GMs?";
		if (select("Yes", "No") == 2){ .@n++; }
		mes "[Questionaire # 2]";
		mes "Will the GM team ask you for password?";
		if (select("Yes", "No") == 2){ .@n++; }
		mes "[Questionaire # 3]";
		mes "Will the GM team demand cash from you, in game or via instant messagers or social media?";
		if (select("No", "Yes") == 1){ .@n++; }
		mes "[Questionaire # 4]";
		mes "Should you install Teamviewer because a GM ask you to?";
		if (select("No", "Yes") == 1){ .@n++; }
		mes "[Questionaire # 5]";
		mes "Can a GM team member be invisible in a chat room?";
		if (select("Maybe", "No", "Yes") == 2){ .@n++; }
		mes "[Questionaire # 6]";
		mes "Can you ask to see the GM sprite in order to verify a GM's identity?";
		if (select("No", "Yes") == 2){ .@n++; }
		if (.@n == 6)
			.@n = 0;
	setquest 62837;
	completequest 62837;

	setarray .Gramps_MapName$, "Byalan", "Geffen Dungeon", "Payon Dungeon";
	setarray .Gramps_MapWarp$, "eiz_dun01p", "egef_dun03m", "epay_dun02h";
	setarray .Gramps_MapX, 179, 115, 155;
	setarray .Gramps_MapY, 228, 241, 161;
	setarray .Gramps_Turn, 60602, 1102, 60508, 1617, 60594, 1772, 60502, 1208, 60470, 1716, 60485, 1653;
	setarray .monster_id,  1193,  1106,  1410,  1417,  1370,  1374,  2083,  2084,  1778,
			 1777,  1752,  1753,  2085,  2086,  1402,  1403,  1504,  1505,  1713,  1716,
			 1614,  1615,  1714,  1717,  1657,  1654,  1652,  1655,  1656,  1653,  1316,
			 1314,  1736,  1737,  1987,  2024,  1163,  1208,  1780,  1781,  2019,  2021,
			 1622,  1617,  1670,  1671,  1672,  1673,  1838,  1837,  1627,  1782,  1769,
			 1770,  1638,  1635,  1637,  1634,  1639,  1636,  1613,  1619,  1676,  1677,
			 1678,  1679,  1867,  1870,  1253,  1194,  1215,  1162,  1699,  1698,  1986,
			 2092,  1133,  1134,  1135,  1833,  1831,  1143,  1109,  1194,  1297,  1384,
			 1385,  1773,  1774,  1196,  1257,  2015,  1993,  1509,  1510,  1836,  1680,
			 1256,  1148,  1989,  1282,  1390,  1715,  1668,  1988,  2133,  2132,  1718,
			 1992,  2137,  2136,  1318,  1315,  1367,  1366,  1295,  1771,  1772,  1865,
			 1864,  1883,  1102,  1379,  1206,  1703,  1201,  1735,  1155,  1884,  1995,
			 1775,  1682,  1132,  1408,  1866,  1213,  1319,  2013,  1628,  1377,  2134,
			 1776,  1197,  1117,  1219,  1401,  1376,  1406,  1869,  1796,  1797,  1375,
			 1405,  2071,  1198,  1098,  1512,  1513,  1309,  2153,  1291,  1999,  1154,
			 2315,  2313,  1386,  2365,  2366,  1199,  2363,  2370,  2309,  2310,  2364,
			 1692,  1255,  2204,  1305,  2369,  2367,  2073,  2199;
	setarray .quest_id,   60443, 60445, 60451, 60452, 60453, 60454, 60455, 60456, 60459,
			60460, 60461, 60462, 60463, 60464, 60465, 60466, 60467, 60468, 60469, 60470,
			60476, 60477, 60478, 60479, 60480, 60481, 60482, 60483, 60484, 60485, 60488,
			60489, 60490, 60491, 60492, 60493, 60501, 60502, 60503, 60504, 60505, 60506,
			60507, 60508, 60509, 60510, 60511, 60512, 60513, 60514, 60515, 60516, 60517,
			60518, 60519, 60520, 60521, 60522, 60523, 60524, 60525, 60526, 60527, 60528,
			60529, 60530, 60531, 60532, 60535, 60536, 60537, 60538, 60539, 60540, 60541,
			60542, 60543, 60544, 60545, 60546, 60547, 60549, 60550, 60551, 60552, 60553,
			60554, 60555, 60556, 60557, 60558, 60559, 60560, 60561, 60562, 60565, 60570,
			60571, 60572, 60573, 60575, 60576, 60579, 60580, 60581, 60582, 60583, 60584,
			60585, 60586, 60587, 60588, 60589, 60590, 60591, 60592, 60593, 60594, 60595,
			60596, 60601, 60602, 60603, 60604, 60605, 60608, 60609, 60610, 60611, 60612,
			60614, 60815, 60816, 60817, 60818, 60820, 60821, 60822, 60824, 60825, 60826,
			60827, 60828, 60830, 60831, 60832, 60833, 60834, 60835, 60836, 60837, 60838,
			60839, 60840, 60841, 60842, 60843, 60844, 60845, 60846, 60848, 60849, 60851,
			60853, 60854, 60855, 60856, 60857, 60858, 60859, 60860, 60861, 60862, 60863,
			60864, 60865, 60866, 60867, 60868, 60869, 62832, 62833;


-	script	Return to Eden#template	-1,{
	mes "sending you back to Air Force";
	warp "1@air2", 66, 188;

eiz_dun01p,183,229,3	duplicate(Return to Eden#template)	Return to Air Force#izdun00l	707
egef_dun03m,109,243,3	duplicate(Return to Eden#template)	Return to Air Force#gefdun03m	707
epay_dun02h,152,160,3	duplicate(Return to Eden#template)	Return to Air Force#paydun02h	707

// 70 ~ 100
eiz_dun01p,0,0,0,0	monster	Bathory	1102,50,0,0,0
eiz_dun01p,0,0,0,0	monster	Waste Stove	1617,50,0,0,0

// 101 ~ 125
egef_dun03m,0,0,0,0	monster	Isilla	1772,50,0,0,0
egef_dun03m,0,0,0,0	monster	Wanderman	1208,50,0,0,0

// 126 ~ 150
epay_dun02h,0,0,0,0	monster	Acidus	1716,50,0,0,0
epay_dun02h,0,0,0,0	monster	Whikebain	1653,50,0,0,0

Hopefully someone will be able to help me out.

Thank you for reading.

Kind Regards,


add this

1@air2,82,182,3	script	Gramps#Eden	866,{
	if(!(eaclass()&EAJL_UPPER)) {
		mes "Whot... yo aint rebirth class Huh? NO Gramps fo yaaa";


Edited by Valor
fix formula
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2 hours ago, Valor said:

add this

1@air2,82,182,3	script	Gramps#Eden	866,{
	if(!eaclass()&EAJL_UPPER) {
		mes "Whot... yo aint rebirth class Huh? NO Gramps fo yaaa";


Hi, I really appreciate, but sadly I already tried that, It gives me the message if I’m rebirth. Like since upper is rebirth it blocks all the class above this variable. I tried with the same variable but with _2 and then I get this message for both all 2nd jobs and trans ones. Like if takes effect on all jobs above _2. Only the first class could now access it.

Edit: Tried it because we never know, but it doesn't even trigger, I can still use it with a 2nd class. @Valorimage.thumb.png.84657470ac764b853dea8b887025e4b5.png


Edited by Sirique
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11 hours ago, Sirique said:

Edit: Tried it because we never know, but it doesn't even trigger, I can still use it with a 2nd class. @Valor

im sorry, tested this and its works, require (   ) on eaclass()&EAJL_UPPER, my bad.

	if (!(eaclass()&EAJL_UPPER)){


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12 hours ago, Valor said:

im sorry, tested this and its works, require (   ) on eaclass()&EAJL_UPPER, my bad.

	if (!(eaclass()&EAJL_UPPER)){


Ohh great! Thanks a lot, I really appreciate it!

It does work indeed hehe. 

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