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Posts posted by java

  1. i was read at http://www.mikazo.co...ual-studio.html

    maybe it usefull

    or the most easy way is try to disable antivirus when u recompile server :)

    Visual Studio 2010 with installed service pack 1 (Windows & 64 bit )

    During Release builds for no obvioud reason random errors:

    error MSB6006: "mt.exe" exited with code 31.

    Disabling antivirus seems fixing the problem.

    Debug builds (NO optimization?) seems are not affected.

    Antivirus: Symantec Endpoint Protection.

  2. //AddHunting("<Quest Name>",<Min Lvl>,<Max Lvl>,<Reward|Item ID>,<Reward|Item Amount>,<Zeny Reward>,<Base EXP>,<Job EXP>,<Item ID>,<Item Amount>,...);
     AddCollection("cecunguk bau",1,10,0,0,10480,9180,1300,2304,1);

    see at my example

    dont add [ ...] at ur script plus dont add < and >

    You wrote under the AddHunting Example a AddCollection Quest ? Well that doesn't cause errors but yea okay. Looks weird ^^

    im sorry >> that's my big epic Fail copy paste hahahaha :P

  3. where to put E-mail System.txt?

    is ur script need something like >>>> payon,149,230,5 script sodom 108,{

    payon,149,230,5 script email 108,{
    email "receiver","subject","body","attachment";
    input .@a$;
    input .@s$;
    input .@b$;
    mes "To:"+.@a$;
    mes "Subject:"+.@s$;
    mes "Body:"+.@b$;
    //set .@att$,"D:/eAthena/UpgradeLog.XML"; //attachment
    email .@a$,.@s$+"[No."+.@i+"]",.@b$+"[No."+.@i+"]",.@att$;

    if i run ur script so many error ..

    I don't.

    one of your problem is very not my business

    ** Define an NPC object.
    <map name>,<x>,<y>,<facing>%TAB%script%TAB%<NPC Name>%TAB%<sprite id>,{<code>}

    owh ty :) it's work now

  4. Why im having this kind of error?

    And also i tried to remove the < > thing but having the same error


    //AddHunting("<Quest Name>",<Min Lvl>,<Max Lvl>,<Reward|Item ID>,<Reward|Item Amount>,<Zeny Reward>,<Base EXP>,<Job EXP>,<Item ID>,<Item Amount>,...);
     AddCollection("cecunguk bau",1,10,0,0,10480,9180,1300,2304,1);

    see at my example

    dont add [ ...] at ur script plus dont add < and >

  5. Anyways, since the first post on both eA and rA boards was concerning the "safety" of the data they enter, I have completely removed those settings. I still have them enabled on my personal server since I find it useful.

    that's right.. u choose a good decision :) keep that only for ur self ( on ur personal server it's really usefull but the other ppl maybe wont their data server knowing by the other ).

    if thats a problem for you, you shouldn't run a server.

    big LOL

  6. how to make this :

    nullpo_retr(-1, sd);
    clif_eat (&sd->bl, salmon, );
    clif_eat(&sd->bl, mie ramen, );
    clif_eat(&sd->bl, ice cream, );
    clif_displaymessage(fd, "eat, eat and eat ");
    return 0;

    i want to create code above to :

    if i choose eat then i got random type of menu salmon or mie ramen or ice cream

    should i put " || " ?? but should i put in?

    ty for wathcing my case :)

  7. this is script i've requested 6 months ago at eathena.ws, my pc hang so this script gone. but here once again godameit share to us :) thank you so much.


    - add botcheck when register to play ctf

    - add party organize ( when player enter the ctf, he is automatically join party etc blue team)

    - add NPC reward.(when the party win the round e.g blue team won, all party warp to npc reward and got reward)

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