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  1. yes, that is what I set in my data.ini ... but the aura didn't appear... I have no Idea on it =( This is the max level 99 : this is the max level aura of 175 ~ 200 : I want to change the max level aura of 175 ~ 200.. May I know where to find the file in grf that I should replace to the custom one? Thus, I have also search on my grf files but can't find it. This is the custom aura that I want to change... I already prepared "aurafloat.tga , auraring.bmp , freezing_circle.bmp , whitelight.tga" Thanks for your time to read this post... Much more appreciate to those who willing to guide me solve the problem! xD sorry for my bad english..
  2. May I know is it the link down? I cannot access the website Thanks! very appreciated!!
  3. @LearningRO Hi, may I know where can I find the aura file to replace?
  4. Hi rAthena, I faced a problem by changing the ori-aura to custom aura. After update the file to my grf at data/texture/effect, the custom aura didn't appear in game. May I know whats the problem? I have tried many ways to fixed it but at the end I failed. Hope that some of you can guide me the way to fix this problem. Thanks for your time to reading my post, and very appreciate for those who willing to help me!!! if Im at the wrong section, please move me to the correct one. Thank you very much!
  5. Hi, I am look for help about how to modify consumption sp of a card effect. 1) Creamy Card : Teleport lv1 (SP:10) I want to change the SP:10 to SP:60 but not affect the effect of Acolyte. Any idea? P/S: If Iam in the wrong section please move me to the correct section. Thank you very much! Sorry for my bad english
  6. Bro thanks for your reply! It works fine!! very appreciate!
  7. Hi Guys, This Script was found on the rathena. I'm facing a problem on this script below: function script specialbox { setarray .i1[0],909,910; // Common Items set .i1rand,rand(0,1); // Randomize Common Items; just change max amount if you add items setarray .i2[0],911,912; // Rare Items set .i2rand,rand(0,1); // Randomize Rare Items; just change max amount if you add items setarray .i3[0],2199,1599; // Super Rare Items set .i3rand,rand(0,1); //Randomize Super Rare Items; just change max amount if you add items set .chance, rand(100); // Super Rare Item 1% if (.chance == 50){ getitem .i[.i3rand],1; announce "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] won a ["+getitemname(.i[.i3rand])+"] from the Special Box.",0; end; } // Rare Item 10% else if (.chance <= 2 && .chance >= 11){ getitem .i[.i2rand],1; announce "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] won a ["+getitemname(.i[.i2rand])+"] from the Special Box.",0; end; } // Common Items else { getitem .i1[.i1rand],1; end; } } 50013,Special_Box,Special Present,2,10000,,100,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ callfunc "specialbox",1; },{},{} When I was get the Super Rare items prize my name come out on the announcement in server BUT it shown like this : " [GameMaster] won a [null] from the Special Box. " And I don't even receive the prize after I opened the box with the announcement. May I know whats the problem? [Error]: buildin_getitem: Nonexistant item 0 requested. [Debug]: Source (NPC): FAKE_NPC (invisible/not on a map) This error found at the same time. Please guide me what to do. Thanks! P/S: If I post on the wrong section please move me to the correct one. Thank you!
  8. Hi @Emistry I have tried what u told me but it appear act/spr error when load the npc. //Checks if a given id is a valid npc id. [Skotlex] //Since new npcs are added all the time, the max valid value is the one before the first mob (Scorpion = 1001) #define npcdb_checkid(id) ( ( (id) > NPC_RANGE1_START && (id) < NPC_RANGE1_END ) || (id) == JT_HIDDEN_WARP_NPC || ( (id) > NPC_RANGE2_START && (id) < NPC_RANGE2_END ) || (id) == JT_INVISIBLE || ( (id) > NPC_RANGE3_START && (id) < NPC_RANGE3_END ) || ( (id) >= 30000 && (id) <= 31000))
  9. Thanks for you reply. What I means is the after click on the button which I have changed to BuyNow but it still in donate function.
  10. <?php if (!defined('FLUX_ROOT')) exit; if (empty($amount)) { return false; } $session = Flux::$sessionData; $customDataArray = array('server_name' => $session->loginAthenaGroup->serverName, 'account_id' => $session->account->account_id); $customDataEscaped = htmlspecialchars(base64_encode(serialize($customDataArray))); $businessEmail = htmlspecialchars(Flux::config('PayPalBusinessEmail')); $donationCurrency = htmlspecialchars(Flux::config('DonationCurrency')); $creditExchangeRate = Flux::config('CreditExchangeRate'); $donationCredits = floor($amount / $creditExchangeRate); $itemName = htmlspecialchars(sprintf('Donation Credits: %s CREDIT(s)', number_format($donationCredits))); ?> <form action="https://<?php echo Flux::config('PayPalIpnUrl') ?>/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="cmd" value="_donations" /> <input type="hidden" name="notify_url" value="<?php echo $this->url('donate', 'notify', array('_host' => true)) ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="return" value="<?php echo $this->url('main', 'index', array('_host' => true)) ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="custom" value="<?php echo $customDataEscaped ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="business" value="<?php echo $businessEmail ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="item_name" value="<?php echo $itemName ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="amount" value="<?php echo (float)$amount ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="no_shipping" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="no_note" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" name="currency_code" value="<?php echo $donationCurrency ?>" /> <input type="hidden" name="tax" value="0" /> <input type="hidden" name="lc" value="US" /> <input type="hidden" name="bn" value="PP-DonationsBF" /> <p style="text-align: center"><input type="image" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/btn/btn_donate_LG.gif" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!" /></p> <img alt="" border="0" src="https://www.paypal.com/en_US/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1" /> </form> Anyone can please help me on changing this web function? Because it shown donation doesn't support in my country, I wish to change it to Buynow. I have done the link at paypal but don't how to change those code such as: $session = Flux::$sessionData; $customDataArray = array('server_name' => $session->loginAthenaGroup->serverName, 'account_id' => $session->account->account_id); $customDataEscaped = htmlspecialchars(base64_encode(serialize($customDataArray))); $businessEmail = htmlspecialchars(Flux::config('PayPalBusinessEmail')); $donationCurrency = htmlspecialchars(Flux::config('DonationCurrency')); $creditExchangeRate = Flux::config('CreditExchangeRate'); $donationCredits = floor($amount / $creditExchangeRate); $itemName = htmlspecialchars(sprintf('Donation Credits: %s CREDIT(s)', number_format($donationCredits))); I have tried myself but failed, im new to this...
  11. Okay, I have uploaded the right act/spr files again, same problem appear =( Any Idea? [Error]: status_set_viewdata (NPC): No view data for class 30000t [Debug]: Source (NPC): Recruitment Board at vip_lounge (152,131)
  12. Hi @kalabasa thanks for your reply! But I still failed to load my custom npc sprite in the game. Can you help me check is there any problem with the steps I've done? Or maybe I did it wrongly please correct me! Appreciate for help!
  13. Hi rAthena! I am facing problem on adding custom npc even thou I have follow all the guide that shown on all previous topic. After done adding the custom npc spr/act, I also edited jobname.lub and npcidentity.lub and yes I have also edited src/map/npc.hpp and script_constants.hpp After I recompile my server I still failed to load my new custom npc sprite. Can anyone please guide the correct way to add on my custom npc? P/S: this all were the guide I have done research. sorry for my bad english. If i post on the wrong place please move my topic to the correct one, Thank You Very Much!!
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