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Posts posted by Keim

  1. ok, i just did that. it worked, when it was about to go to character selection it gave me error:

    Module Name: C:UsersOwnerDocumentsTestRAthena.exe

    Time Stamp: 0x4d7f06a5 - Tue Mar 15 03:26:45 2011

    Exception Type: 0xc0000005

    0x7855ae7a MSVCR90.dll

    0x00626f3d RAthena.exe


    eax: 0x00895b93 ebx: 0x00000075

    ecx: 0x3ffef2e5 edx: 0x00000000

    esi: 0x008d8fff edi: 0x07ed0b08

    ebp: 0x0018faec esp: 0x0018fae4

    stack 0018fae4 - 0018fee4

    0018FAE4 : C8 C8 E8 07 F0 5B 89 00 18 D5 7E 00 3D 6F 62 00

    0018FAF4 : 14 D7 E8 07 0B 5C 89 00 88 FF FF FF 40 D5 7E 00

    0018FB04 : C8 C8 E8 07 00 00 00 00 E6 4B 0F 7C 6F 00 00 00

    0018FB14 : 3C 26 11 21 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B0 24 11 21

    0018FB24 : 7C CB 00 00 FF FF FF FF 91 FB E8 7D 00 00 00 00

    0018FB34 : 18 CB 7F 00 18 CB 7F 00 0C 27 B0 41 D5 2C 17 05

    0018FB44 : 00 00 00 00 10 27 00 00 00 00 00 00 1D 33 42 00

    0018FB54 : 40 D5 7E 00 18 CB 7F 00 18 D5 7E 00 00 00 00 00

    0018FB64 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B0 24 11 21 80 FB 18 00

    0018FB74 : 9C FB 18 00 00 00 00 00 09 2E B6 78 E8 FB 18 00

    0018FB84 : 69 7B C6 7D 2D 7B C6 7D E9 AD 48 39 00 00 00 00

    0018FB94 : 6C FC 18 00 00 00 00 00 24 00 00 00 01 00 00 00

    0018FBA4 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 70 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF

    0018FBB4 : FF FF FF FF CA 7A C6 7D 69 7B C6 7D 74 FC 18 00

    0018FBC4 : 64 00 00 00 6C FC 18 00 C8 C8 E8 07 09 78 C6 7D

    0018FBD4 : 40 FC 18 00 B9 20 3F 00 6C FC 18 00 00 00 00 00

    Launch Info

    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

    0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000

    Job : Novice

  2. Yuki! That is exactly the anime and music that I enjoy. We are special friends after all.... :3

    Yuki, if and how do you contribute to this community? How long have you been playing RO? Why isn't there a mac version? lol...

    because mac sucks xD lol joking i don't know why. btw, welcome to rAthena, sry for late reply xD

  3. Nope. Same error...I get different ones every time...Here's an image


    I read that it's cause was the data folder being different version from client...or that my lua's didn't fit my client but that's nonsense because I extracted my rdata.grf

  4. I went on it but don't know how to make an admin account...and when I try to do USER_M it says "NO MSG (30)" and closes the client. Also when I click the client it says "[string "buf"]:10: attempt to call global Iter_getTable' (a nil value)" ....

    that post

  5. I went on it but don't know how to make an admin account...and when I try to do USER_M it says "NO MSG (30)" and closes the client. Also when I click the client it says "[string "buf"]:10: attempt to call global Iter_getTable' (a nil value)" ....

  6. The only thing I know is from LUA to LUB...is there any way to get LUb's to LUAs? This is what I have in my datainfo (credits to calciumkid for the Miruku client thing, which is what im using for this)


    and inside the lubs is a really different format (i think) from the LUA accname and accessoryid...and i have no idea on how to add customs to the LUBs...unless it's the same as LUAs, here is how accname.lub looks like...


    o_O help ... ? and i can't find like the application (.exe) to open Ragnarok.

  7. Hey llchrisll

    I posted on another topic what my files looked like (for an item). But I uninstalled that file (I mean the whole thing) because I got an error and couldn't log on (due to putting on the apple item accidentally). Ill post what my "new" item looks like. Lemme first add it xD

  8. Since....I am very problematic (lol) I have yet another problem with custom items, hurray ! (not).

    I'm sure this happens to many people so I'm putting it here as well so others can also get the answer.

    The Custom Items I try to add to my server (which is really out-dated but my data folder isn't) appear as apples instead of their normal sprites. I have read various topics (on other forums) and I've concluded as an answer that it's the "data" folder which is out of date.

    But, my data folder isn't out of date, actually (I believe) it's the newest version. So, what's the problem here? Maybe it's my scripting and coding...apparently not. I asked in another topic and people said my scripts for the items were fine. So, again. What could be the problem? Maybe i'm using an old client, which I am! But, that's not the case because I have a fully updated data folder. I've edited every single .txt which must be edited for the item to appear successfully on your server, and what's wrong then? I have not a single clue.

    I am, seriously, about to go crazy If I don't find an answer to this XD I am still waiting for a new rAthena Client to come out (like the Beginner eAthena but for rAthena) and when it does, Ill try it again.

    Help would be deeply appreciated.

    And thank you to those people who helped me out on this and my other problems. U r0ck :D

    - Keim

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