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Posts posted by Keim

  1. I like the design, but it's too funky in my opinion. The logo, the buttons and all the rest are like funky xD But a nice design. Loved the top bar and backgrounds you used for the buttons :( 4/10

  2. Well, if you open your character window and error it's or because the sprite you added is corrupted (because the server can't find the sprite and therefore can't show the character sprite in the character window) or because your missing files in the collection and item folders located in data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/item and data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/collection. In my opinion, you've not put the files in correct folders.

  3. Your ViewID is messsed up. In item_db, check that the last numbers before the {},{},{} don't coincide with the ViewID of the Alarm Mask. Also, check the LUA files, to be more specific, open up data/lua files/datainfo/accesoryid.lua and check the ViewID on your item isn't the same one as Alarm Mask.

  4. Be 100% sure that you have the correct name for the mob in ¸ó½ºÅÍ. Check your mob_db/2 and, again, be 100% sure you have no mistakes in the script. The sprite might also be corrupted or broken, check on that too. Last, check the LUA files and see that you have the correct mob name in the npcidentity etc.

    Apart from that, without details it's all I can give. Good luck :D

  5. There's no official rAthena Test Server. Just like Emistry said, learn how to build up your own server. Don't expect to be given with a full and complete folder.

    And try to be more specific when asking questions, a few words don't really help much.

    You'll need a data folder, a pre-ragnarok folder with the Emblem, BGM and all the rest of it. You'll also need the server folder with all the folder for npcs, dbs, the mapserver, charserver and all those. Also, the ragnarok patch. For real beginner, try beginner eathena but it's really outdated.

  6. For TXT, go to your client and make an account with _M or _F. When done, the character saves at save/account, so go to that location and you will see the username of the character you added, the gender and all the rest of it. Beside the email ([email protected]) there will be two numbers, those would be the account level. So change that to the GM level you want, and log in. Btw, I think you have to reset the server.

  7. sorry..

    but how did u solve this problem?

    i having the same problem

    Check that the LUA files have nothing misspelled. For example, you could have written [JT_Zombie"] and missed out on a ". Also, check your mob_db/2 and see if the monster script is OK. Get an example of the monster code from the rAthena Wiki, and see if that works.

  8. On the client exe, right click it and click Run as Administrator. If you don't want to do that all the time, right click the exe, go to properties, go to the Compatibility tab and tick the box which says Run this program as an administrator. It's the only way for it to save...apparently.

  9. Okie, I say for effort B-, since you copy pasted which I personally, don't like.

    You need to focus more on details, special details which make the image look really nice. Try and find unique items, things people do not normally use.

    Something I see a lot in newbies on photoshop is lots of Bevel and Emboss (Layer Options). Too much of that is boring and unoriginal.

    As I said, missing a few details and uniqueness :) Try and get brushes, they help out a lot when doing stuff like that. Font doesn't fit much with the picture, and with the white angel and black background, it doesn't look too good.

    Things to focus on in my opinion would be:

    Background. Check the colours in it and try to make the colours on all images be related to the background. It's also to flashy on the bottom left, try and make it blend.

    Images. Moving it horizontally doesn't work much with the same image. Add some layer properties to those images, change the levels and all the rest of it.

    Font/Text. The blazing/evil text you put in does not work with the images. If your trying to make a dark and evil loading screen, match the images to the font colour as well. Of course, they don't have to be exactly the same colour.

    Uniqueness. Lots of people who are new to Photoshop do exactly the same thing as all the others. Make something which would stand out. Check out other Loading Screens and get ideas from them.

    Generally, your missing out on a lot of important elements. For a first-starter, it's okay.

    Rating out of 100 (Since I didn't understand what you meant by 10/10 being to high and all the rest), I'll give it 50/100.

    Good job, try to improve though :)

  10. Tested the script and works fine with some tiny changes:

    The first line had spaces instead of tabs, so I erased them and made them into tabs.

    Added one last right curly (Just like you said GenGen!).

    *Note that you have to add the tabs yourself, it won't work If I post them here for some reason, they go back to spaces.*

    Final copy:

    prontera,150,168,2 script Mr.Monday 911,{
    //=========================== Settings ====================================
    set .@changername$,"[ ^FF0000 Mr.Monday ^000000]";// YOU MAY CHANGE THE NAME OF THE NPC
    set .tcgid,7227;
    set @tcgamount,1;
    //======================= Settings End ====================================

    if (gettime(4)==1){
    mes .@changername$;
    mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+" ,";
    mes "What a wonderful day is today";
    mes "Do you know that today is Monday?";
    mes "Monday means Moon day, that's a fact.";
    mes "Hmm, Hey I got this unsual item ";
    mes "when I was wandering around the ";
    mes "wood It looks blackish in colour and it scared me.";
    switch(select("Do you still have it?:I got to go dude"))
    case 1:
    mes .@changername$;
    mes "Sure but I don't have it right now";
    mes "my brother have it,";
    mes "I can tell you where my brother is but";
    switch(select("But what?:Cancel"))
    case 1:
    mes .@changername$;
    mes "You have to help me find something";
    mes "I really love a hat ^FF0000 Earmuff ^000000";
    mes "can you find the material for me?";
    switch(select("I have it right now:Cancel"))
    case 1:
    mes .@changername$;
    mes "Okay let me check if";
    mes "you have the material..";
    mes .@changername$;
    mes "Rustle... Rustle...";
    if((countitem(724) > 0) && (countitem(949) > 499) && (countitem(5001) > 0))
    delitem 724,1;
    delitem 949,500;
    delitem 5001,1;
    mes .@changername$;
    getitem .tcgid,@tcgamount; //Change to next Item!
    mes "Here take this and see my big brother.";
    mes "Mr. Tuesday, take this and he will talk to you.";
    mes .@changername$;
    mes "Sorry you have to get the items first!";
    case 2:
    mes .@changername$;
    mes "Okay goodbye!";
    case 2:
    mes .@changername$;
    mes "Okay goodbye!";
    case 2:
    mes .@changername$;
    mes "Okay goodbye!";

    enablenpc "Mr.Monday";

    disablenpc "Mr.Monday";

    disablenpc "Mr.Monday";

  11. I don't know how to in equip1 and equip2, but for when one item is equiped..

    In item_db or item_db2, at the end of every script will be three {}. If you want MDEF bonus when you equip the item, you place it in the second {}s, for example:

    {},{ bonus bMdef,20; },{}

    You can put the item bonus wherever you please inside those three {}s. The first pair is for the actual item bonus. The second is for when you equip the item, like it is here. And the third is for when you unequip the item.

    Hope this helps!

  12. haha i have alot also...but alot of them....cant remember the name well..since alot user from server to server like to copy the name or maybe they just like this name...xD

    ( Beside, i also seen some users using the same name "Emistry" in other server last time...O.O )

    well...some user that i remember...



    Da Fei Kei





    Tissue Paper






    Omg that always happens to me .__-

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