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Posts posted by Xerosigma

  1. This is extremely interesting. I were actually thinking of doing something like this at some point when I've learned more about Unity3D but sadly my current skill level isn't high enough to do this.

    When it comes to creating games/game clients, this is the only thing I've made so far (been busy with other stuff lately).

    Since then, I've mostly been working in C# and I'm currently learning Android (java)..

    But yeah, if this takes off and becomes an open source project, I might jump in and help out with whatever I can help out with.

    - roBrowser: almost a year and nothing released, but we need a compiled client not a web port (imo)

    I was wondering what happened to that.. I remember seeing the topic about that when they were still working on it.

    xD Love your demo game.

  2. xDD

    i'm using another repo, that in C# will stay there forever

    just a tip, don'to go with unity3d or any other big framework. to "recreate" an existing game, a new engine would be better as it will fit the exactly needs of it.

    Thanks for the advice. But I know what I'm doing. If the Unity engine itself fails me, I can easily port it all to Mono.

  3. We moved FimbulwinterClient to C++ as it provides better portability and performance(and C++11 is the beautiful of the world), if someone is interested in helping, drop me a PM :D

    Thank god I forked it before the commit. xD I'm keeping it C#.

  4. Thanks a ton. Going to shoot them a message. Seems like they're making the emulator in C++ and the client in C#. ;)

    What do you mean by emulator in C++ and client in C#? Just want to know what you mean by emulator really.

    AFAIK, they're actually building the whole client in C++ after having some issues with porting their C# client to Linux. I believe it's mainly because client's performance in Linux was bad. And it's currently on-hold as the main developer Henko is finishing his masters, which I believe should be done by now.

    Edit: Ignore this post. I thought you were talking about RagnaXNA.

    xD No worries. Tell Henko to use Mono and his performance issue will be nill ;p

  5. There are a great many people active in the relevant communities with the necessary skill-set to do this. Those who are truly interested in this have already started their own projects and work at their own pace, which the above list of projects illustrate quite well. The only ones actually complaining about this situation are the self-entitled leeches who have grand ideas for modifications which they wouldn't even be able to implement if they had the complete source code a client. There's no reward in this save for personal satisfaction, which is why I'll give you this tip: Don't pick a language of your choice along with some specific technologies you like and wait for someone to join you. Not going to happen! If C# is your main point of interest there's even a recent client project done in just that language listed just a few topics below.

    Your advice is sound and logical however I do not have the time to go digging for developers and testing their skill sets. If the community really wants it, and they know people who can help out, this thread will be available for us to discuss the possibilities. Weather it happens doesn't matter much to me, it's an offer.

    And I looked around for that thread you spoke of, couldn't find it. Would you mind linking me?

  6. nobody is ever going to finish a new client, there's projects since the early years of eA and a lot of them just dissapear or end it up with an "i'll finish next summer"

    - RagnaXNA: closed source, ghost town, nothing released

    - CRC: closed source, 10 months and nothing released

    - roBrowser: almost a year and nothing released, but we need a compiled client not a web port (imo)

    - Open Ragnarok: more than a year, released code is so outdated that it's better to start a new one

    The people with the knowledge to make such thing don't have the time to finish it and won't release the code for other people to help, imo it needs to be named as the official rAthena client so we stop creating new fail projects and center the development.

    I would kill for a keyboard movement mod!

    I'm aware of all the failed attempts and I totally agree with you, as I said, I won't even bother with it unless I can get a team going. I don't know how many expert programmers are still hanging around here but if they are indeed here, there may be a chance.

  7. I'm a .Net developer. Work predominately in Mono. Been in the eA scene for a long time now and know that the community would love a custom client.

    I'm willing to head this project only if certain conditions are met, I'm not going pretend I have the time to do it myself. I'm looking for a couple developers who are willing to help out.

    You should inbox me if you're interested and:

    1. Are a .Net developer with C# experience. Twice the awesome if you know Mono.
    2. Know the concept behind NoSQL document store, because we'll be using it.
    3. Have experience with Unity3D
    4. Know C or C++, mainly for conversion efforts.

    If it isn't obvious already, the client will be cross-platform and run on at least Windows, Mac, and Linux. Web browser, Android, and IOS are an extreme possibility as well.

    If you're interested, mail me at: [email protected]

    Please attach your resume and a portfolio if possible. Thanks for considering.

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