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Everything posted by aguyaguy

  1. aguyaguy


    When I use @monster how can I broadcast to all player? like "The GM blah blah has summoned 1 poring in the map of prontera or any town ? thanks in advance tried Vengeance script but it doesnt work anymore
  2. Can someone rework this script ? I need some changes here 1st. Only GM can activate the event 2nd. GM Choices from 1vs1 to 20vs20 max partymember 3rd. Winning party will receive 1 tcg (there will be an npc in inside of arena and the party name will announce) 4th. they have 10 minutes to register and when it comes in 1minute the event will automatically close 5th. after the event is close the party have to wait until 1 minute and the event will start (gvgon) 6th only party leader can register and the party member will be warp out inside of the event i hope someone help me thanks rathena. prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{ mes "I am Party Match Manager."; mes "Party Leader may create a PVP Match here."; next; switch( select( ( .Created )?"Join Game[ ^FF0000"+.No+"vs"+.No+"^000000 ]":"Create Game", ( ( getgmlevel() >= .GMLevel || getcharid(0) == getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) ) && .Created )?"^FF0000Remove Game^000000":"" )){ Case 1: switch( .Created ){ Case 0: getpartymember getcharid(1),1; if( getcharid(0) != getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) || !getcharid(1) ){ mes "Sorry, but only a ^FF0000Party Leader^000000 can register a game here."; }else{ mes "How many Players for each Party Team ?"; mes "Min = 1 Max = "+$@partymembercount; mes "Because you only have "+$@partymembercount+" member right now."; next; input .No,1,$@partymembercount; announce "[ "+.No+"vs"+.No+" Party Match ] created by "+strcharinfo(0)+", you may register to join.",0; set .Team[0],getcharid(1); set .Created,1; } close; Case 1: if( !.Team[1] && getcharid(1) == .Team[0] ){ mes "Please wait for ^FF0000Team 2^000000 to Register."; }else{ if( getcharid(0) != getpartyleader( getcharid(1),2 ) || !getcharid(1) ){ mes "Sorry, but only a ^FF0000Party Leader^000000 can register a game here."; close; } getpartymember getcharid(1),1; if( $@partymembercount < .No ){ mes "You didnt have enough of "+.No+" Member for the Game."; mes "You only have "+$@partymembercount+" Member."; }else{ mes "Confirm Registration ?"; if( select("Yes:No") == 1 ){ set .Team[1],getcharid(1); set .Created,2; setarray .Members[0],.No,.No; for( set .@party,0; .@party < 2; set .@party,.@party + 1 ){ getpartymember .Team[.@party],1; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .No; set .@i,.@i + 1 ) warpchar .Map$,0,0,$@partymembercid[.@i]; } end; } } } close; Case 2: mes "^FF0000The Game is in Progress.^000000"; mes "[ A "+.No+" vs "+.No+" Game ]"; mes "Team ^FF0000"+getpartyname( .Team[0] )+"^000000 vs Team ^FF0000"+getpartyname( .Team[1] )+"^000000 ."; close; } close; Case 2: mes "Done, Match will be terminated right away."; mapannounce .Map$,"Match has been Cancelled by a GM.",0; close2; OnReset: deletearray .Team[0],getarraysize( .Team ); deletearray .Members[0],getarraysize( .Members ); if( .Winner ){ getpartymember .Winner,2; for( set .@i,0; .@i < .No; set .@i,.@i + 1 ){ getitem 7539,1,$@partymemberaid[.@i]; } set .Winner,0; } sleep2 2000; set .Created,0; mapwarp .Map$,"prontera",155,181; end; } close; OnPCDieEvent: OnPCLogoutEvent: if( strcharinfo(3) == .Map$ && .Created ){ for( set .@i,0; .@i < 2; set .@i,.@i + 1 ) if( getcharid(1) == .Team[.@i] ) set .Members[.@i],.Members[.@i] - 1; if( .Members[0] < 1 ) set .Winner,.Team[1]; else if( .Members[1] < 1 ) set .Winner,.Team[0]; if( .Winner ){ mapannounce .Map$,"Team "+getpartyname( .Winner )+" Win the "+.No+"vs"+.No+" Game.",0; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnReset"; }else{ warp "prontera",155,181; } } end; OnInit: set .GMLevel,80; set .Map$,"pvp_y_1-1"; end; }
  3. May I know if this is possible ? an Quest NPC that requires Cashpoint + Item ID for example there's a Poring hat quest but the requirements are 5 Cashpoint + TCG how to make it as a script. not a shop ! thanks in advance
  4. well i know that script. what i mean is modified TOF Event . and u see the image right ?
  5. Here's the image (Map) of the event (quiz_01) (quiz_01 230,366) walkable spot - players are allowed to walk / stay True/False NPC - players answer GM Function NPC (Answer) - If the GM click this npc . the True and False npc will be disabled. and the correct answer will be warped in the middle in 10secs (quiz_01 230,366) and the wrong answer will be warped or out in the game. GM Function NPC (GM Activation) - As the title says so . the event will start. by clicking the npc I saw this event when i was a player. so i hope some scripter make this event thank you and godbless
  6. can you post the simple script of that timer and store ? and i'll give it a shot . if its not i will post the script here. bump ?
  7. I have a PVP Event , I just want to know how to warp or send the 4 afk players out in the map. example there are 4 afk players in the map guild_vs1 because some players are waiting in the outside of the event. is it possible to warp them out by triggering the NPC ? its like if the party leader clicks the NPC the 4 afk players will warp out.
  8. well i tried the script but all normal players can access the mvp. @edit : ohh nvm i fixed it. thanks for the help..
  9. The script is from eathena. so this event is running in every hour. is it possible to put a GM Activation ? so the GM can activate this event thank you.. prt_in.gat,44,113,3 script Devil Square Guard 734,{ mes "[DS Guard]"; mes "Welcome to the entrance door to ^FF0000Devil Square^000000!"; next; mes "[DS Guard]"; mes "If you failed or die, the door will be closed and you have to wait until it opens again."; next; menu "Enter",-,"Info",Info,"Cancel",Cancel; if(Baselevel < 99) goto LReq; if(Zeny < 2000000) goto LReq; if($inf == 1) goto L_go; goto L_error; LReq: mes "[Devil Square Guard]"; mes "Minimum base level to enter is 99."; mes "The registration fee is 2,000,000z."; close; L_go: if (getmapusers("ordeal_1-1.gat")==10) goto toomany; set Zeny,Zeny - 2000000; announce ""+strcharinfo(0)+" has entered the Devil Square!",8; percentheal 100,100; warp "guild_vs1.gat",0,0; end; L_error: mes "[Devil Square Guard]"; mes "Devil Square is now closed."; mes "It'll be open again at:"; mes "10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm,"; mes "10pm, 12mn, 2am, 4am, 6am, 8am."; close; Info: mes "[Devil Square Guard]"; mes "There are 3 level monster you'll encounter."; mes "Each level the enemies will grow stronger."; mes "If you succeded to win all the 3 levels, you'll get the opportunity to open 5 Treasure Boxes with items, equips, and rare cards inside!!"; close; end; toomany: mes "[Devil Square Guard]"; mes "I'm sorry but the Devil Square is FULL."; mes "Maximum users to enter is 10 players."; set $inf,0; close; end; Cancel: mes "[Devil Square Guard]"; mes "See ya!"; close; end; } guild_vs1.gat,59,38,5 script HiddenNpc -1,{ OnMinute07: Announce "Devil Square is now open! 5 Minutes until it starts...",8; enablenpc "MVP Warper"; initnpctimer; set $inf,1; set $status,0; killmonsterall "guild_vs1.gat"; end; OnTimer60000: Announce "The Devil Square has begun!",8; disablenpc "MVP Warper"; sleep2 5000; mapannounce "guild_vs1.gat","Wave 1",8; sleep2 5000; set $inf,0; set $mob,75; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Soldier Skeleton",1028,10,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Orc Archer",1189,15,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Sandman",1165,10,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Archer Skeleton",1016,15,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Minorus",1149,15,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Requiem",1164,9,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Phreeoni",1159,1,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead"; end; Ondevildead: if ($status == 1) end; set $mob,$mob-1; if($mob == 0) goto Ondevil2; end; Ondevil2: sleep2 5000; mapannounce "guild_vs1.gat","Wave 2",8; sleep2 5000; set $mob,70; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Gargoyle",1253,15,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead2"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Alarm",1193,10,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead2"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] High Orc",1213,10,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead2"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Injustice",1257,10,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead2"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Mimic",1191,15,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead2"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Wraith",1192,9,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead2"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Stormy Knight",1251,1,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead2"; end; Ondevildead2: if ($status == 1) end; set $mob,$mob-1; if($mob == 0) goto Ondevil3; end; Ondevil3: sleep2 5000; mapannounce "guild_vs1.gat","Wave 3",8; sleep2 5000; set $mob,58; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Anolian",1206,15,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead3"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Wanderer",1208,15,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead3"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Deviruchi",1109,10,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead3"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Joker",1131,14,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead3"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Moonlight",1150,2,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead3"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Dark Illusion",1302,1,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead3"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"[DS] Turtle General",1312,1,"HiddenNpc::Ondevildead3"; end; Ondevildead3: if ($status == 1) end; set $mob,$mob-1; if($mob == 0) goto Ondevil4; end; Ondevil4: sleep2 5000; mapannounce "guild_vs1.gat","Wave 4",8; sleep2 5000; set $mob,10; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"Treasure Box",1324,1,"HiddenNpc::Onboxdead"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"Treasure Box",1340,1,"HiddenNpc::Onboxdead"; areamonster "guild_vs1.gat",59,38,32,64,"Treasure Box",1360,1,"HiddenNpc::Onboxdead"; end; Onboxdead: if ($status == 1) end; set $mob, $mob - 1; if($mob == 0) end; set $inf,0; mapannounce "guild_vs1.gat","MVP is finished. you'll be warped out in 5seconds",8; sleep2 5000; mapwarp "guild_vs1.gat","prontera", 0,0; end; } // -- Mapflags guild_vs1.gat mapflag nowarp guild_vs1.gat mapflag nowarpto guild_vs1.gat mapflag noteleport guild_vs1.gat mapflag nosave SavePoint guild_vs1.gat mapflag nomemo guild_vs1.gat mapflag gvg guild_vs1.gat mapflag nobranch guild_vs1.gat mapflag nopenalty // -- End of Mapflags prontera,151,175,5 script MVP Warper 811,{ mes "Would you like to join?"; next; menu "Yes.",-"No.",No; warp "guild_vs1",0,0; end; No: close; }
  10. your script is working but it says The monster hunt event is offline at the moment , wait for the next announcement ..well what i need is if they join and they failed . they can join in the next 10mins !
  11. this is what i've got [Error]: script:op_2: invalid data for operator C_EQ [Debug]: Data: string value="MonsterHunt::OnMobKilled" [Debug]: Data: number value=0 [Debug]: Source <NPC>: MonsterHunt at prontera <155,255>
  12. its on the event npc. click the chicken and he will ask you (Start Event) (Check Prize) ( Set Prize) (Close) then go to set prize . and set the item id # and the quantity
  13. 1. Do you have the PvP/GvG mapflag on for this map? If you do, dying will transport you out of that map instantly, which causes the team to fail even if they kill the mob. yes its a gvgon . if someone die the event will be failed . because of the monster or getting dc'ed 2. If ONE party member dies, and the others manage to KILL the mob, is the team considered successful or a failure? they will be failed because they did not finish the event . they need to wait for 10mins so they can join again because in my server i have like 4-5 parties battling on that event. so 1st come 1st serve. its like they need to spam the npc ! 3. After the killing of the mob, should there be a cooldown period before the next mob is spawned? If so, how long? well if they killed the mob with 5 players in a party - they will success and wait for another event . but if they failed the mob will be stay in that map and wait for 10mins so they are able to finish again .
  14. your script is working , and i tested the script . if the party is failed . the monster is dead and the 10mins they can join isnt working . so they need to wait for an hour to join on that event
  15. i need someone to re-work this script. if the event is failed . some party needs to finish the event but they need to wait for 10mins so they can go in inside of arena. prontera,155,255,2 script MonsterHunt 929,{ mes "[Monster Hunt]"; if( !.monsterhunt ){ mes "No event for the moment."; }else if( getmapusers("pvp_n_1-3") ){ mes "There is someone/party inside."; }else if( !getcharid(1) || getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0) ){ mes "You're not a Leader in a Party."; }else{ getpartymember( getcharid(1) ); set .@PartyCount, $@partymembercount; if (.@PartyCount == 5) { warpparty "pvp_n_1-3",100,139,getcharid(1); end; }else{ mes "Dont have enough player/s on your party. You need 5 Member."; } } close; OnMinute: if( rand(100) < 50 ){ announce "Monster Hunt Event is open.",0; monster "pvp_n_1-3.gat",0,0,"RAIDEVENT",1751,1,"Monster Hunt::OnMobKilled"; set .monsterhunt,1; } end; OnMobKilled: set .monsterhunt,0; if( getmapusers("pvp_n_1-3") != 5 ){ announce ""+strcharinfo(1)+" party failed.",bc_all; }else{ getpartymember( getcharid(1),0 ); for( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize($@partymembername$); set .@i, .@i+1 ) getitem 7227,1,getcharid(3, $@partymembername$[.@i]); announce ""+strcharinfo(1)+" party killed the monster.",bc_all; } warpparty "prontera",0,0,getcharid(1); end; } [/codeBOX]
  16. well i fixed it ! but the problem is the monster didnt summon slave even though i changed its skills in mob_skill_db @_@
  17. Hi rAthena i would like to request a monster stats . Only magic users are allowed to kill this monster, monster id #2017 (rata) here are the stats of monster level: 255 / hp 181739812 / sp:264562 / base exp:1500 / job exp : 1500 / def 60 mdef 80 / str 255 /agi 255 / vit 100 / int 255 / dex 255 / luk 255 / atk : 65535-65535 / range 9-10-12 / size : large / race :demon / : element ghost lvl4 / mvp type / and summoning mobs with MVP Sniper cecil ! and also tarot skill will be ignored so the coma wont affect on the monster ! i hope someone can help me
  18. ohh it working now i just edit the OnMinute00: ! btw i need a new re-work script. if the MH failed . like someone die . the event will be open again and also the monster will be spawn with full hp ! but they will for 10mins to join in that event is that possible?
  19. im just wondering in 50% chance and waiting for 8hours that event isnt open @_@
  20. well can you re-work the script again like in every hour the event will be open but the rate is 50% chance !
  21. well it doesnt work ! @_@ i've been waiting for 8hrs and there was no MH Event @_@
  22. so is this 50% chance in every hour ?
  23. prontera,155,255,2 script MonsterHunt 929,{ if(.monsterhunt)==1 goto M_game; mes "[Monster Hunt]"; mes "No event for the moment."; close; M_game: mes "[MonsterHunt]"; if(getmapusers("pvp_n_1-3")>=1) goto L_no; if (!getcharid(1)) { mes "You are not in a party."; close; } if (getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0)) { mes "You are not the party leader."; close; } //if(!isloggedin(getcharid(3,$@partymembername$[.i]),getcharid(0,$@partymembername$[.i]))) { if(isloggedin(getcharid(3, $@partymembername$[.@i]))) { mes "Some party members are not online."; mes "Come back with everyone."; close; } attachrid (getcharid(3)); if(BaseLevel<255) { mes "Some party members don't have the Base Level required to enter in this event."; close; } getpartymember(getcharid(1)); set .@PartyCount, $@partymembercount; if (.@PartyCount == 5) { warpparty "pvp_n_1-3",100,139,getcharid(1); end; } else{ mes "Dont have enough player/s on your party."; close; } L_no: mes "There's someone in the arena."; close; OnMinute: announce "Monster Hunt Event is open.",0; monster "pvp_n_1-3.gat",0,0,"RAIDEVENT",1751,1,"Monster Hunt::OnMobKilled"; set .monsterhunt,1; end; OnMobKilled: if(getmapusers("pvp_n_1-3")==5) goto L_good; announce ""+strcharinfo(1)+" party failed.",bc_all; warpparty "prontera.gat",0,0,getcharid(1); set .monsterhunt,0; end; L_good: getpartymember (getcharid(1),0); for( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize($@partymembername$); set .@i, .@i+1 ) getitem 7227,1,getcharid(3, $@partymembername$[.@i]); announce ""+strcharinfo(1)+" party killed the monster.",bc_all; warpparty "prontera.gat",0,0,getcharid(1); set .monsterhunt,0; end; } [/codeBOX] i think there is something wrong . how to put a time on this script ? so the players can join in this event. i want to put a random time like 50% chance to open or able to join ? help pls
  24. can someone assist me how to put a cap damage. in all skills . or just give me an example to edit it . thank you help ? bump 55 views and no one could help me @_@
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