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Files posted by Najara

  1. Free

    Pretty Lights Christmas/Winter Prontera

    Hello members!
    Here is my Christmas version of Prontera that I've promised to release. [Original link]
    As you will see when you compare the screenshots of that thread with these, you'll notice that I've done some changes since that showcase (but only for the better).
    Keep in mind. this is a free version to promote my paid version. So if you like the map, please contact me, and I'll sell you the purchasable (creditless) version (for $10).
    I choose to put credits on it because my terms of use keep being violated...
    Another important note, if you download this map, make sure you also download >> [this Texture Pack] << - I couldn't include it in this upload because it'd exceed the boards' allowed file size limit.
    Merry Christmas everyone~ ♥
    If you find any bugs, please report!



  2. Free

    Board Model Package [8]

    Hello dear community,
    Here is a package that contains 8 board models that have useful text written on it. (Well, mind you, actually there are only 4 models, but a total of 8 because I've also made snow versions.)
    I've decided to share these with the community because, very often, I'm getting paid requests that require custom models. Server name here, quest area there, etc etc~
    Either way, these 8 are for free. Browedit users should know how to implent them.
    For custom boards or models, such as a model with your server name written on it (doesn't particularly have to be a board-type model), you can contact me.
    Please be so kind to donate if you appreciate. Thank you very much!
    - -
    *These are the snow versions. The 'normal' ones are just plain wood.



  3. Free

    Novice Island

    Hello all,
    Here's a gift for those who want something prettier (and newbie friendlier) than the official novice ground map (@go 15).
    The reason for creating this was (back in the day when I ran a low rate server), players told me the starters map was too large and they would like something smaller. Hehe and well, here is the result. ^^;
    As you can see there wasn't too much effort put into this map, but hey, I'm sure it'll be of use for at least some people.



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