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Posts posted by miczster

  1. im currently rebuilding my grf atm...thx for auto replies @RMRO

    btw after extracting my RO folder's grf...i found out the original loading screens are in the data.grf (took me almost an hour looking for it due to its size and number of files)

    I dont realy see anything wrong with that, but the client should read your loading screen regardless of putting them in the client info, try the code below see if it works, ive also removed the <hideaccountlist /><extendedslot /><readfolder /> as ive never seen or used this in any of my clientinfo's

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?>
    	 <desc>Let's Play</desc>
    	 <balloon>Our Server!</balloon>

    IDK how it happened but your info version actually did the job ...SUPER thx RMRO!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?>




    <hideaccountlist /><extendedslot /><readfolder />



    <desc>Let's Play</desc>





    <balloon>Our Server!</balloon>





















  3. Hi there....I downloaded some cool loading screens an I tried to add them..I edited the clientinfo.xml, added the pictures to data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º and already diffed the rag exe for unlimited loading screen. My problem is when I ran my server...I didn't see my added my added pictures from my grf but instead I only see the original ones...Can anyone pls enlighten me or give me ideas of what I missed??

  4. @Judas...NYC I finally logged in using your 2010-06-16 rag exe with your files....Now I wanna move on to adding custom items like I used to do in my past 2011 project...may I ask how to add files using the lub because I got used to LUAs and this is my 1st time changing.......

  5. sorry bout this emistry...I thought I can get all of the above in an older rag exe / files....THX anyway for all info!!!

    @Emistry I wanna try 2010-06-16 since i got used to lua editing and other older ragnarok stuff..

    I tried using one but it seems my files for 2011-03-15/2011-06-09 aren't compatible with it...

    May I ask what do I have to change/replace for it to work?? btw for data folder I used Alexandria's

  6. Hi guys...I tried out 2010-06-16...change mmo.h....I logged in but no keys seem to work....I was working previously on 2011-06-9/2011-03-15 before I change to 2010....Do I need new data folder/rathena folder for it??? nid HELP...knda confused right now (pls give links if u can) THX n Advance

  7. it really depends on the number of active woe players...if less than a 50 i guess 1 castle would be good enough

    if many players would woe but you find woe a little less exciting than 1 castle, probably you'll implement lesser maximum number of members per guild...

    That is if you ask me....

  8. anyone suggest a stable rag exe that:

    supports custom items,

    doesn't close when wrong password,

    enables back to log in screeen after exit char select,

    no click delay

    I'm currently working right now on a 2011-06-09 rag exe which terminates at wrong password and I want to change to another one. I also need links for its corresponding data folder and server folder (rathena) f u can provide...THX n Advance!!!

  9. @mykel09

    you have to put it in : data/sprite/¾ÆÀÌÅÛ ->drop sprites (the one with no gender)

    data/sprite/¾Ç¼¼»ç¸®/¿© or ³² ->male and female sprites sprites(the one with signs/gender)

    data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/collection ->for the item picture(bigger one)

    data/texture/À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º/item ->for the inventory picture(smaller one)

    then compile it into servername.grf

  10. Hi...My problem is when I add a custom weapon, I can't see its sprite in action because my GM char has a default sword weapon sprite. Another thing is when I make another account (group id=0) the characters still are in GM sprite.

    Is the a way to enable weapon sprite while in GM sprite mode and can I modify other accounts(besides my gm one) to have normal job sprites so that I can see my weapons>>??? THX n Advance!!!


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