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Posts posted by iraciz

  1. Hello guys I have an issue with those items, are not displaying the propper font or text color as they should


    any idea of whats happening? I am using rAthena  revision 17516 exe 2012 04 10


    those are the items

    12304,Picture_Diary,Diary Magic Powder,2,0,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ setfont 4; },{},{}
    12305,Mini_Heart,Mini Heart Magic Powder,2,0,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ setfont 5; },{},{}
    12306,Newcomer,Freshman Magic Powder,2,0,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ setfont 6; },{},{}
    12307,Kid,Kid Magic Powder,2,0,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ setfont 7; },{},{}
    12308,Magic_Castle,Magic Magic Powder,2,0,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ setfont 8; },{},{}
    12309,Bulging_Head,JJangu Magic Powder,2,0,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ setfont 9; },{},{}
    the item have to change the color of my font, and also the text, but for any reason is not happening
    I wonder if that could be the clientinfo langtype or diff (not sure if diff, because I tried everyhting and it do'nt change) 


    I Realized that I was missing some files called Font inside my data folder



    I placed those inside but still not changing, I also have those inside the system folder,

    i also made a new grf with those files inside, but I dont see any change so far, any idea?

  2. you can't!

    if you are planning to use it in combination with the ring of flame lord you better remove the skill from the item script.


    In orther to remove the delay you have to modify the skill_cast_db


    but tha measure will affect every sonic blow skill, not only the autocast

  3. this is awesome thank you so much!

    I will re edit this for my server, you know! more text in the main dialogue.



    Sir I have another question!

    Browsing the data folder, in     questid2display.txt 


    I found sort of an IMG adress for ech quest, do you have any Idea how those work?


    4999#Extermination Crisis#SG_FEEL#QUE_NOIMAGE#


    is that a background image for the quest log?


    I want to place a custom one for a quest, any size requirements? format?

    specific directory? 

  4. Hello I need a Npc that can craft multiple items! Bulk Crafter

    It have to display  a menu like this:


    - Create Poison Bottle


    - Create Elemental Converter <----   (when you choose this one open a new menu to select element choice)


    mes "please select the element to craft";






    -Create Acid Bottle


    -Create Bottle Grenade


    -Create Glistening Coat



    The required item to craft, have to be the original, and I want the Npc to take everything in my inventory and give me

    the bulk,  


    if I have for example 30 scorpion tails, and 10 blank scrolls, the npc remove everything and give me back 10 fire elemental converter,


    and the same with the other items in the menu, if I have that many I dont want to craft item per item, just make the npc take everything and give me back all that Ican!

  5. Thank you!


    now it works,


    It show the critical animation


    But the skill dont show its original SKILL EFFECT and sound,  Skill now just look like a normal attack.


    Sometimes it hit the single target before ending the casting, 

    sometimes it dont display the attack animation of the char (just attack but stay steady)  


    AND it dont  display skill message on the char when freecast

    I think I´ll going to skip this one!

  6. yes sir


    Im using SVN r17181


    I place the mod in the line 3645  under 




    let me try yor line, to see what happens, my bad
  7. a lot of errors


    1>  skill.c
    1>c:\users\mario zicari\desktop\prototipo\rathena\src\map\skill.c(3646): error C2065: 'dmg' : identificador no declarado
    1>c:\users\mario zicari\desktop\prototipo\rathena\src\map\skill.c(3646): error C2224: el operando izquierdo de '.type' debe tener el tipo struct/union
    1>c:\users\mario zicari\desktop\prototipo\rathena\src\map\skill.c(3647): error C2065: 'dmg' : identificador no declarado
    1>c:\users\mario zicari\desktop\prototipo\rathena\src\map\skill.c(3647): error C2224: el operando izquierdo de '.dmotion' debe tener el tipo struct/union
    1>c:\users\mario zicari\desktop\prototipo\rathena\src\map\skill.c(3647): error C2065: 'dmg' : identificador no declarado
    1>c:\users\mario zicari\desktop\prototipo\rathena\src\map\skill.c(3647): error C2224: el operando izquierdo de '.amotion' debe tener el tipo struct/union
    1>c:\users\mario zicari\desktop\prototipo\rathena\src\map\skill.c(3647): error C2065: 'dmg' : identificador no declarado
    1>c:\users\mario zicari\desktop\prototipo\rathena\src\map\skill.c(3647): error C2224: el operando izquierdo de '.dmotion' debe tener el tipo struct/union
    1>c:\users\mario zicari\desktop\prototipo\rathena\src\map\skill.c(3647): error C2065: 'damage' : identificador no declarado
    1>c:\users\mario zicari\desktop\prototipo\rathena\src\map\skill.c(3647): error C2065: 'dmg' : identificador no declarado
    1>c:\users\mario zicari\desktop\prototipo\rathena\src\map\skill.c(3647): error C2224: el operando izquierdo de '.div_' debe tener el tipo struct/union
    1>c:\users\mario zicari\desktop\prototipo\rathena\src\map\skill.c(3647): error C2065: 'dmg' : identificador no declarado
    1>c:\users\mario zicari\desktop\prototipo\rathena\src\map\skill.c(3647): error C2224: el operando izquierdo de '.type' debe tener el tipo struct/union
    1>c:\users\mario zicari\desktop\prototipo\rathena\src\map\skill.c(3647): error C2065: 'dmg' : identificador no declarado
    1>c:\users\mario zicari\desktop\prototipo\rathena\src\map\skill.c(3647): error C2224: el operando izquierdo de '.damage2' debe tener el tipo struct/union
    1>c:\users\mario zicari\desktop\prototipo\rathena\src\map\skill.c(3647): error C2198: 'clif_damage' : no hay suficientes argumentos para la llamada
  8. Ok, any armor can be enchanted?

    we need a valid range to read current equiped armor, but I dont know it , realy need this too


    if(getequipid(16)==armor id){                      //  <--- a number o code to read current equiped armor  
        .@id = getequipid(16);
        .@ref = getequiprefinerycnt(16);
        .@card1 = getequipcardid( 16, 0 );
        .@card2 = getequipcardid( 16, 1 );
        .@card3 = getequipcardid( 16, 2 );
        .@card4 = getequipcardid( 16, 3 );
        progressbar "ffff00",4;
        delitem2 .@id, 1, 1, .@ref, 0, .@card1, .@card2, .@card3, .@card4;
        getitem2 .@id, 1, 1, .@ref, 0, .@card1, .@card2, .@card3, 4739;   // <---- +10 agi
        equip .@id;
        specialeffect2 618;
  9. Hello

    I need to find out a way to display critical attack effect, when sharpshoot attack becomes critical

    just like this picture




    I used to play servers that showed the critical hit animation after the sharpshooting attack, and it look gorgeous


    if anyone know how to do it please I will be more than glad


  10. is the same!


    Look this one, I tried but I have the following errors in some lines than I dont know how to fix


    the console,says that endostart is an unknown funcion, and lso show syntax errors


    Dont know what to do right now

    I made this one!  BUT IT NEED SOME FIXING, please help me
    -       function        endower -1,{
    if (endostart ==1){
    if (SC_FIREWEAPON) {
    specialeffect2 257;
    sc_start SC_WINDWEAPON,300000,1;
    specialeffect2 116;
    sc_start SC_WATERWEAPON,300000,1;
    specialeffect2 79;
    sc_start SC_EARTHWEAPON,300000,1;
    specialeffect2 571;
    sc_start SC_SHADOWWEAPON,300000,1;
    specialeffect2 583;
    sc_start SC_FIREWEAPON,300000,1; set endostart, 0;
    specialeffect2 583;
    sc_start SC_FIREWEAPON,300000,1;
    set endostart, 1;


    errors!! sigh


  11. Try this




    Those are the 'lub' files for your new client.  Download it from the link.  This file has been uploaded by the user  Judas (supportmii.com) to the rAthena community.

    This download contains a compressed file named data, and another file inside called  'luafiles514'.

    you have to copy that one, insideyou KRO instalation data folder.

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