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Everything posted by HollyEnix

  1. having the npc named after an event label (OnNPCKillEvent) returns your error, I believe. use another npc name, like bahmut did, and put the OnNPCKillEvent as a label within the npc don't have a server to confirm atm
  2. If you want the mobs to actually DROP it (on your location, probably the easiest way), use makeitem though. Be aware that autoloot won't work on it and anyone can pick it up immediately. if (getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0,strcharinfo(0))!=1) { makeitem ID,amount,.@map$,.@x,.@y; } if it should drop a bit further from your character, you can add a number to x and y like .@x+1 or .@x+rand(2) whatever my 0.02$ :b
  3. First off, disablenpc only disables the npc until you enable it again. Imo, this does not unload the npc. So when you load the mall shop npcs back in, they'll be on the server twice, basically. Info disablenpc use the commands @unloadnpc and @loadnpc in the script instead, maybe, or edit the source to be able reload only a single script (just want to show you all options, doubt you can do the 2nd option though) Also, when you kill all monsters on a map, this does not reset the timer of the mobs. For instance, when there's Garm up and you kill all monsters on the map, Garm will have its full respawn time again. If Garm would not be up and you kill all mosnters on the map, Garm's timer will not reset and still spawn after its current timer. Easiest method would be to reload the whole mobdb, however that would result in respawning other mobs that have a timer too. Otherwise, you could let the mvps spawn from an extern npc script and just reload that one single script with the method you used at the mall shop npcs. If you want to do a GM check to warp all players below a certain gm lvl you can do *getgmlevel(); an if-clause would look like this if ( getgmlevel() < 99 ) { x } if the GM-level is lower than 99 , then do x Hope I could help you a bit maybe you can even fix it on your own now Just try around, learning by doing!
  4. player.conf // Players' maximum HP rate? (Default is 100) hp_rate: 100 // Players' maximum SP rate? (Default is 100) sp_rate: 100 200 = 2x HP 300 = 3x HP ...
  5. remove it from avail if it's totally custom: add it in accname.lua (datalua filesdatainfo) else use the official spritename if it's a headgear, define viewid in accessoryid.lua make sure to have all num2item files correctly editted
  6. Try using [jobtbl.JT_E_TREASURE1] = "E_TREASURE1", in jobname. You defined the spritename "TREASUREBOX_2.gr2" but you used "E_TREASURE1" in the mob_db
  7. Last line of accessoryid.lua: ACCESSORY_warhelm = 1022, remove the comma: ACCESSORY_warhelm = 1022 same with accname.lua [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_warhelm] = "_warhelm", remove comma: [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_warhelm] = "_warhelm"
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