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Posts posted by Winz

  1. change

    ordeal_1-1,0,0,0 script DS_HiddenNpc -1,{
    OnClock1322: :


    ordeal_1-1,0,0,0 script DS_HiddenNpc -1,{
    if (!.@done){
        set .@done, 1;
    set .@done,0;
    <the rest of script goes here>

    this shall do the trick. to start the counter 2 times.


    or, you can replace it with this instead,

    ordeal_1-1,0,0,0 script DS_HiddenNpc -1,{

    this will start the event exactly on those time listed (server time)

  2. are you sure the map server is reading the script you posted? because as I see on line#46: it's

        mes "[Costume Converter]";
        mes "Are you sure you want to make your headgear into a costume?";
        mes " ";
        mes "Note: Stats, Cards & Refine will be removed. Costume is placed in your Costume Tab (ALT+Q)";
        if( select("No, I am sorry.:Yes, please convert my item.") == 2 )
        costume .@Part; // Convert the Headgear
        mes "[Costume Converter]";
        mes "Done, enjoy your costume headgear!";

    and it's not the same as what your map server shows.




    you need to do some modifications to your SRC. refer this (maybe)


  3. no, like this:

    prontera,x,y,d  script  name  504,{
    set $GM_Dom, 60;
    <the rest of the script goes here>


    the way the scripter set $GM_Dom is just ******* (read: aladeen).

    just put this on the beginning (below the script header) or the end (before the script end curly }):

    set $GM_Dom, 60;

    change the value, set it to sth. refer to groups.conf

    set .name$, "[Domination]";
    set .menu$, "Times:Information:What's the Amount?:What's the Price?:Leave";
    set $GM_Dom, 60;
    if(getgmlevel() > $GM_Dom-1) set .menu$, .menu$ + ":^008000Set Amount ^ff0000[GM]:^008000Set Price ^ff0000[GM]:^008000Start Event ^ff0000[GM]^000000";
    if(getgmlevel() > 99) set .menu$, .menu$ + ":^008000Set GM Level ^ff0000[ADMIN]^000000";

    like this?


  4. is my internet connection sucks that the scriipt is cut or it's the same for every one to just see a piece of the script?

    prontera,150,183,5    script    test    56,{
        if ( Class > 20 ) end;
        mes "do you want to become..?";
        if ( Class == Job_Novice ) {
            for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 6; .@i++ )
                .@menu$ = .@menu$ + jobname(.@i) +":";
            jobchange select( .@menu$ );
        else {
            .@eac = eaclass();
            setarray .@class[1], roclass( .@eac|EAJL_2_1 ), roclass( .@eac|EAJL_2_2 );
            .@s = select( jobname( .@class[1] ), jobname( .@class[2] ) );
            jobchange .@class[.@s];
        mes "you are now "+ job
  5. Getinventorylist
    to obtain the list of the items the player is currently holding in their inventory.

    if (@inventorylist_count) {
    mes "please drop all of your items first";

    to check if there is an item in it or not.
    this will return 0 if there's no item in it, and a positive integer if is.
     using this statement, it will ask the player to drop the items first, if they have at least 1 item in their inventory.

    • Upvote 1
  6. DELETE FROM `table_name` WHERE condition1 = "string" OR condition2 = number AND condition3 = "whatever";


    DELETE FROM `global_reg_value` WHERE `str` = "#CASHPOINTS" AND account_id = 20000;

    to embed with a NPC script, it will be:

    query_sql("DELETE FROM `global_reg_value` WHERE `str` = "#CASHPOINTS" AND account_id = "+escape_sql(getcharid(3))+"");

    SQL::DELETE. Refer: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_delete.asp

    how did I found this out? https://www.google.com/

    • Upvote 1
  7. try changing something that looks like this:

        mes $LR6;


        mes " "+$LR6;

    is this script made by aladeen? because it's so ******* (read: aladeen)


    i mean.

        if ($LR5 == $LR1) goto GMInput5;
        if ($LR5 == $LR2) goto GMInput5;
        if ($LR5 == $LR3) goto GMInput5;
        if ($LR5 == $LR4) goto GMInput5;

    why don't he make it:

    if ($LR5 == $LR1 || $LR5 == $LR2 || $LR5 == $LR3 || $LR5 == $LR4) goto GMInput5;


  8. what is the rokpoint is?


    just attach a dynamic shop, change the point thing to your rokpoint. i don't even know what it is.

    a dynamic shop made by me: http://rathena.org/board/pastebin/2512lmk1zsq/

    check line 29: the currency thing

    48: payment method

    64 to end: just see it.


    btw, you don't have to use cashshop. just use regular shop because if cash shop: players should have some cash. but for normal shop: players should at least bring some zeny. (zeny won't be deducted, but the currency will)

  9. Me? Taiwan please. I live in Taiwan.

    connecting to a server in around your place is kind of suicide: to WoE with 200+ ms of ping.


    proper answer:

    depends on where you are and where your players will be.

    if you want to make the server has players from all around the world, then you need to get a server with an ultra high speed data transmission to all over the world

  10. prontera,148,170,6	script	MVP Ladder	891,{
    	mes "Hi! wanna be superman?";
    	mes "You should be superman.";
    	mes "Let me check your inventory";
    	if (!countitem(512)) {
    		mes "You don't have any apple with you";
    		mes "You can't be superman. bye";
            delitem 512,1;
    	mes "Becoommee... SUPERMAANN!!";
    	mes "lol jk";

    will look for an apple. if found, delete

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