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Everything posted by Chasewalk

  1. thanks but I want to happen show the 300 minutes to be used inside the gold room
  2. thanks sorry late reply for the last time it its ok can u change second into minutes and can u put 300 minutes to display message in script something like this picture thank you for the help received_880042516163480.webp received_2688910668028186.webp
  3. Hi thanks bro but got error [Error]: Loading NPC file: npc/custom/goldroom.txt script error on npc/custom/goldroom.txt line 93 parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared function 88 : close2; 89 : cutin "",255; 90 : end; 91 : } 92 : else { * 93 : '#'GOLDROOM_CD,( .@time + ( 3600 * 12 ) ); // 12 hours cooldown. 94 : deltimer strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnKick"; 95 : addtimer (300 * 60 * 1000), strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnKick"; 96 : } 97 : Zeny -= .zeny; 98 : warp "ordeal_1-2",151,154;
  4. Hi there i'm using offline server but how to fix gold room with timer, 12 hours cool down is 43200 seconds but appears in ingame is 2681696506 seconds then I waited for 12 hours, when I logged in the game I could not enter the gold room because I had to wait after the time. sorry for my bad english, if (gettimetick(0) < #GOLDROOM_CD) { mes "[ ^C6A518Gold Room Assistant^000000 ]"; mes "You can only re-enter after ^FF0000"+(#GOLDROOM_CD - gettimetick(0))+"^000000 seconds."; close2; cutin "",255; end; } else if (Zeny < .zeny) { mes "[ ^C6A518Gold Room Assistant^000000 ]"; mes "Sorry, but you can't enter the room."; close2; cutin "",255; end; } else { #GOLDROOM_CD = gettimetick(0) + (12 * 60 * 60); // 12 hours cooldown. deltimer strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnKick"; addtimer (300 * 60 * 1000), strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnKick"; } Zeny -= .zeny; warp "ordeal_1-2",151,154; end;
  5. i have script of item disable on map it's that correct? ....{ if (compare(strcharinfo(3), "pvproom") || compare(strcharinfo(3), "new_1-1")) { delitem 610,1; ....{ itemskill "ALL_RESURRECTION",1;""; } else { dispbottom "This item cannot be used within this area.
  6. thanks Poring King but I like the ones they can't even use yggdrasil leaf on the map without kicking or teleport on map
  7. sorry late respawn does not work, I should only ban yggdrasil leaf on two maps training ground and pvprooms, almost all maps i can't resurrection
  8. I have two open maps with pvp on training ground and pvproom maps. when i put 1 - restricted in normal maps unaffected pvproom map?
  9. thanks it's that the only map in training ground to disable yggdrasil leaf?
  10. Hi, how to disabled yggdrasil leaf in @go 15 it only on a certain map traing ground thanks
  11. Find : clif_displaymessage(fd, atcmd_output); change to clif_messagecolor(&sd->bl, color_table[COLOR_LIGHT_GREEN], atcmd_output, false, SELF);
  12. Hello People, anyone know where can download the soul link scroll sprite with the script please give me a link thank you!!!
  13. i need something like this script
  14. Anyone how to fix error [Error]: npc_parsesrcfile: Unknown syntax in file thanks! switch(select("I want to check shop:I'm good thank you..")) { case 1: callshop "woe_shop",4; end; // Shop items: <ID>,<point cost> setarray .Shop, 4001,1, 4004,1, 4033,1, 4196,1, 4197,25, 4054,50, 4174,75, 4047,100; npcshopdelitem "woe_shop",909; for(.@i=0; .@i<getarraysize(.Shop); .@i+=2) npcshopadditem "woe_shop",.Shop[.@i],.Shop[.@i+1]; end; } } case 2: mes "Thats good to hear!"; close; - pointshop woe_shop -1,#WOEPOINTS,909:-1
  15. Hi, im requesting script of exchange all my credit to zeny for example if you have 200 credits all of them can be replaced by zeny and not one by one. sorry bad english!!!
  16. Hello i'm here again! the script is working fine but items not displayed in the shop thanks again switch(select("I want to check shop:I'm good thank you..")) { case 1: callshop "woe_shop",4; end; // Shop items: <ID>,<point cost> setarray .Shop, 4001,1, 4004,1, 4033,1, 4196,1, 4197,25, 4054,50, 4174,75, 4047,100; npcshopdelitem "woe_shop",909; for(.@i=0; .@i<getarraysize(.Shop); .@i+=2) npcshopadditem "woe_shop",.Shop[.@i],.Shop[.@i+1]; case 2: mes "Thats good to hear!"; close; } } - pointshop woe_shop -1,#WOEPOINTS,909:-1
  17. Thank you very much bro solved~ setarray .points$[0],"#WOEPOINTS","WoE Points"; - pointshop woe_shop -1,#WOEPOINTS,909:-1
  18. Good Day anyone know i'm using callshop npc but i can't recieved woe points in woe npc set getd(.points$[0]), getd(.points$[0]) + .point; setarray .points$[0],"#POINTS","WoE Points"; - pointshop woe_shop -1,woe_points,909:-1
  19. thanks emistry but where can add rgb color on clif_messagecolor can u send whole source with color rgb thank you!!
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