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Posts posted by Patskie

  1. Ohhh i see thannks for that...



    It can throw an error in the case the player has an apostrophe on his name (some servers allowed it), but can't be injected because the pseudo can't contain more than 24 characters (and with 24 characters it's hard to do an interesting hack  :P).


    I just check the script_commands.txt on the doc folder. Is this what you are saying? :))



    Converts the value to a string and escapes special characters so that it is safe to use in query_sql().
    Returns the escaped form of the given value.
        set .@str$, "John's Laptop";
        set .@esc_str$, escape_sql(.@name$); // Escaped string: John\'s Laptop
  2. Simple and useful script intended to boost players capability to manage their own account in-game. Feel free to use. Report bug and glitches immediately by messaging me here. Also suggestions are welcome and appreciated.
    How to use :
    - Just use @account in-game.
    Script capabilities :
    • My Account = Information of the current account.
    • Change Mail = Change the e-mail of the current account.
    • Change Gender = Change the gender of the current account ( 1 use per day limit ).
    • Users Online = Show the list of user's online with their corresponding jobs.
    • Set Password = Set a password for the account
    • Delete Password = Delete a password for the account
    • View Character = View all characters in an account
    • Reset Position = Reset the position of the character in an account
    • Reset Style = Reset the style of the character in an account.
    • Reset Equipment = Reset the equipment of the character in an account.
    Changelog :

    1.0 - Initial release
    1.1 - Remove unnecessary variables

    Additional Information : 
    • When password is set, Every time you log in it will asked for your password.
    • To set the change sex time limit. Go to the script and find :

    set #timer,gettimetick(2) + 86400;

    86400 seconds is equivalent to 1 day.
    TODO : Working on SQL OFFSET that will hold > 128 online players.
    accountsystem v1.1.txt


    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

    • Upvote 1
  3. @michaelsoftman

    im using 04-10-12a client. BUT WAIT! I CAN SEE THE SHINOBI ONLY IF I SPAWN THAT MOB... :(




    i didnt use characters that are not allowed

    my char_athena.conf


    // Server name, use alternative character such as ASCII 160 for spaces.
    // NOTE: Do not use spaces or any of these characters which are not allowed in 
    //       Windows filenames \/:*?"<>|
    //       ... or else guild emblems won't work client-side!
    server_name: VariantRO
    still isn't working.. -_-

    Did you restart your server? 


    It's not the server_name. It's the commented lines. --, and this is already fixed -> http://rathena.org/board/tracker/issue-2656-guild-emblems-not-showing-up/

  4. 1. Just import the SQL files located on schemas folder on your database.

    2. Go to voteforpoints/modules/voteforpoins/index.php


    Replace the code with this : 

    <?php //A login is required
    include ('function.php');$this->loginRequired();
    //This will list the sites
    $vp = Flux::config('FluxTables.Sites'); 
    $vp_voter = Flux::config('FluxTables.Voters'); 
    $serverLogDB = $server->loginDatabase;
    $vp_voter = Flux::config('FluxTables.Voters'); 
    $vp_logs = Flux::config('FluxTables.Logs');         
    $serverObj = $server->connection;$sql = "SELECT site_id,site_name,address,points,blocking_time,banner,banner_url FROM {$server->loginDatabase}.{$vp}";
    $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);
    $vp = $sth->fetchAll();
    $account_idz = $session->account->account_id;
    $current_time= date("Y-m-d G:i:s",time());
    $ip_address = 0;if(Flux::config('IP_BLOCKING'))    
    $ip_address = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];        
    $sql = "SELECT points FROM {$server->loginDatabase}.{$vp_voter} WHERE account_id=?";
    $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql);$sth->execute(array($session->account->account_id));
    $vp_voter = $sth->fetch();
    $curr_points = $vp_voter->points;
    function isBlock($account_idz,$site_id,$current_time,$ip_address,$serverLogDB,$vp_logs,$serverObj){    if($ip_address!=0)    {        
    $sql = "SELECT `rtid`,`unblock_time`,`ip_address` FROM {$serverLogDB}.{$vp_logs} WHERE f_site_id=? AND unblock_time>? AND ip_address=? ORDER BY unblock_time ASC LIMIT 1";        
    $sth = $serverObj->getStatement($sql);        
    $ip_check = $sth->fetchAll();                
    $diff_time = strtotime($ip_check[0]->unblock_time)-strtotime(date("Y-m-d G:i:s",time()));        
    return strtotime($ip_check[0]->unblock_time);    }        
    $sql = "SELECT `unblock_time` FROM {$serverLogDB}.{$vp_logs} WHERE account_id=? AND f_site_id=?";        
    $sth = $serverObj->getStatement($sql);        
    $account_check = $sth->fetch();                
    $diff_time = strtotime($account_check->unblock_time)-strtotime(date("Y-m-d G:i:s",time()));        
    $diff_time = 0;                    
    return strtotime($account_check->unblock_time);        
    return 0;    
    return strtotime($account_check->unblock_time);}

    Does registering account manually in SQL by inserting in the table causes some bugs?


    additional info: when i started my server, i registered through sql, i inserted in the table. But after our control panel released, when u register in the control panel, the account ID started at 3000000.. Some players are having a problem in vote for points, while the others and i, are working fine.. I was thinking if that is the cause too..

    1. No 


    Question : How did you register through your SQL? You specify the account id by yourself? account_id in the login table are in auto increment. so meaning even you leave blank the account_id column when inserting through SQL. It will give an account id. Did you get my point? Sorry for my bad english.


    What is the vote for points you are using also?

    YES I SPECIFIED THE ACCOUNT ID by myself. I used the default starting account ID: 2000000


    yes i get ur point.


    I'm using Feefty vote for points..

    No need to specify the account_id when inserting manually in log in table because it is auto-increment. I haven't used feefty vote for points addons. Have you tried jaypee's vote for points?

  6. Does registering account manually in SQL by inserting in the table causes some bugs?


    additional info: when i started my server, i registered through sql, i inserted in the table. But after our control panel released, when u register in the control panel, the account ID started at 3000000.. Some players are having a problem in vote for points, while the others and i, are working fine.. I was thinking if that is the cause too..

    1. No 


    Question : How did you register through your SQL? You specify the account id by yourself? account_id in the login table are in auto increment. so meaning even you leave blank the account_id column when inserting through SQL. It will give an account id. Did you get my point? Sorry for my bad english.


    What is the vote for points you are using also?

  7. 1. Your client date must be the same as the client date indicate on src/common/mmo.h

    2. db/packet_db.txt :

    // Main packet version of the DB to use (default = max available version)
    // Client detection is faster when all clients use this version.
    // Version 23 is the latest Sakexe (above versions are for Renewal clients)
    //packet_db_ver: 25
    packet_db_ver: default
  8. Guys i need a simple pvp ladder NPC

    NPC to click :D

    I have googled alot of times still i havent found 1 

    Every pvp ladder have on logginevent i dont want a ladder like that 

    i want a simple NPC

    also a gold room 

    Every gold room i get are bugged 

    please help guys :D

    Thanks Alot

    Sorry For my bad english T_T

    Elaborate your ideas on PVP ladder npc.

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