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About Krevex

  • Birthday 12/30/1983

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    Riverside, CA

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Poring (1/15)



  1. Before I start trying to address the issue, when does the client crash. During normal game play, when entering your password, before getting to the character select, after character select before you appear on the map?
  2. Forewarning. MySQL has issues if you uninstall then reinstall the program without restarting inbetween. Save yourself hours of fixing a corrupt MSI package and reboot between uninstall/reinstall
  3. Yes, when you setup MySQL it mentioned a "root" and prompted you to create a password. When setting up your configs it asks you for that information. It is caps specific as well.
  4. Pull the packet_db from the assembla SVN find out what LUA folder you need for that clent's version (And use them) Changed the mmo.h to reflect the new client version Changed the clif.h to handle the new packet number Recompiled the server Updated the clientinfo.xml to contain the new packet version Rebuilt the yourdata.grf include the yourdata.grf in the DATA.INI diff as you need. (deselect read data folder first, enable obfiscuate header)
  5. try using the diff "Disable RagexeRE filename check"
  6. If this is because you recently changed clients, a few simple steps to keep you organized in the change: I've pulled the packet_db from the assembla SVN find out what LUA folder you need for that clent's version (And use them) Changed the mmo.h to reflect the new client version Changed the clif.h to handle the new packet number Recompiled the server Updated the clientinfo.xml to contain the new packet version Rebuilt the data.grf include the data.grf in the DATA.INI diff as you need. (deselect read data folder first, enable obfiscuate header, for debugging i'd make sure none of your ignore errors boxes are checked incase its related to a file your just skipping reports untill it crashes.) If its none of those and is crashing in game, I'd get rid of secureGRF. I see that causing more and more issues recently. I havn't toyed with ROCShield, so I have no advise to offer if thats the source of the issues.
  7. Grab this: http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide/Translation_Project/data/ The texture folder will fix many of the icon errors. You'll also likely need to find a translated copy of the item iteminfo.lub/lua run it through luac to make your own .lub once you've added your resources you need.
  8. Not that I'm aware of, all the advice I've seen has been if you do not want to deal with the new lub file, use an older client. I however do not have a date cutoff that changes the library schematics though.
  9. Im going to start tearing apart the itemInfo.lua for conversion to your Lub files. Should be pretty quick work now that ive got most of the accessories needed installed. Korean is not my native language so Im sure I'll pester people for more precise translations but everything seems to resolve nicely in anycase. One that seems to confuse me, when refering to a card is 걸칠것 I have not seen a relivant translation, spanning or streaching just dosnt seem to fit ^.^ Guessing it refers to Garment, could use some verification however. Anyway, with work this afternoon I only managed to get a few new cards updated, Golden Scaraba and the ones immediatly around it. --Edit Items 4505-4545 completed, mostly. There are a few translations I'll have to research first. Contained in the zip file is the .lub and .lua itemInfo.zip
  10. You also need to tell your clif.h MAX_PACKET_VER = 31, Or higher if your using more than 31 packets defined in your packet_db Dont forget to give your new packet_db a unique number sequentially higher than the one previous. It stops at 30, so the next one should be 31. Dont forget to recompile the server after
  11. Thanks, that cleared that issue up. Durring login and when attacking nil values for: ReqWeaponNameByClassNum GetRealWeaponID Still show up. These are the assembla LUA_Project files, nothing added or modified in these. Of course relocated from the data/lua files to data/luafiles514/lua files So evidently there was an issue with the 2012-05-09a client. I grabbed the 2012-06-18aRagexeRE client Brynner mentioned as being the latest one the LUA files supported and made the standard packet changes for the new info and violla. No more errors on login. Thanks for the assistance!
  12. Awesome, thanks for the tip. I'll give this a run in a bit and see what turns out. Well using the new format with data/luafiles514/lua files Im now getting an error message about a shadowtable.lua that does not exist as well as the old Nill value issues as earlier. I saw a post back in July about the shadowtable.lua. Was that ever updated? Again this is using the 2012-05-09a client. Seems the LUA issue is the last one, for now, that im having issues with. Anyone else have some new light to shed?
  13. Don't suppose you know another repository hosting the LUA files do you? As mentioned I've been using the http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/ClientSide , but its latest version was at 12-4-18, those were all LUB files. Ive seen other people using even more updated clients than the May 9th that I'm trying to use now. Happen to have any pointers? Thanks for your time!
  14. So I'm playing around with the 2012-05-09a client. I've pulled; I've pulled the packet_db from the assembla SVN Changed the mmo.h to reflect the new client version Changed the clif.h to handle the new packet quantity Recompiled the server Updated the clientinfo.xml Rebuilt the data.grf Finally diffed as I normally do. However I've started running into a "**** Tried to call a nill value." This happens 6-10 times when logging in, and 4 times after every attack. So I did a bit of poking around and the most common referance is to the LUA files being out of date. While stubling around on the assembla SVN there's LUA file. It has no versions? So I went and looked at the LUB files. These are versioned! Again, another small stumble, there are no LUB files in the data.grf or a particular folder for them "At least in my grf." Also the latest one is close, but not the May 9th version. I've also seen references to a directory in the data.grf as data/luafiles514/lua files. That does not exist... I do however have a 'lua files' directly in the grf. Is this required at all? I started this project following Sharpienero's video here: //http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtDRZki3Hpo and related links in the video, thus was using a slightly older client. Was this folder created more recently? If not yet confused, there is also a translation project with more lua files. Assembla site I've been pulling from is the http://svn6.assembla.../svn/ClientSide If someone is aware of another SVN that the community is using for this I'd love any direction you have. While I'm at it I'd love to hear the differences between a LUA and LUB file, and why one is more prefered over another. If there is any other information I could provide for anyone attempting to assist I'd love to provide it!
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