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Everything posted by Savior

  1. setarray .cost, 123, // Hairstyle ( 123 Apple ) 5432, // Hair Color ( 5,432 CASHPOINTS ) 12345; // Cloth Color ( 12,345 Zeny ) set the value to 0 .... Thanks, I tried everything but this... lol And... I just got frozen after... Case 4: .@atoi_currency = atoi( .currency$[@style] ); if( @style_value == .@style_number ){ message strcharinfo(0),"Swt.. This is your original style."; break;
  2. How to remove payment, I saw "Free of Charge" how to disable payment?²
  3. As you can see in this picture, the floor of Ayothaya city is all in black, don't know why, my data is ok, and no other city has this problem, how can I solve? Already rebuild my folder data, extract all files from the RO folder and mounted a new data with 20120410 lua files. I've tried everything, even copy Ayothaya files (rsw etc) and nothing fix this! D: Even thought it could be something in the emulator, but it's not, I tried other emulators and the problem remains. hexed: 2012 04 10 (RE) lua files, ok: 2012 04 10 system, ok.
  4. Thank you, Emistry, I solved my problem and that's the really path to take, thanks. <3
  5. Hey, guys... Ziegfried gives you a new option to ress when you are dead, ok? Ok. I know this item don't have a script and his effect is in src. Ok. So, I want to know how I make an item custom with this effect? To be clear: I have a wing on my server and I want that item to ress (automatically) the player who is equipped with it. Any ideas? Thanks. @Edit: I was wondering right now: Can a custom item use "itemskill" (like revive on ygg) automatically?
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