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Everything posted by hannahhaven621

  1. case BD_ADAPTATION: #ifdef RENEWAL clif_skill_nodamage(src, bl, skill_id, skill_lv, 1); sc_start(src, bl, type, 100, skill_lv, skill_get_time(skill_id, skill_lv)); #else if(tsc && tsc->data[SC_DANCING]){ clif_skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,1); status_change_end(bl, SC_DANCING, INVALID_TIMER); } #endif break; then change it to : case BD_ADAPTATION: if(tsc && tsc->data[SC_DANCING]){ clif_skill_nodamage(src,bl,skill_id,skill_lv,1); status_change_end(bl, SC_DANCING, INVALID_TIMER); } break; recompile ?
  2. if you are looking to use the renewal formula on a pre-re server i'd suggest that you enable renewal then disable everything else. then move your pre-re db to your re db so you still have the same db for every NPC and items.
  3. Good day , i'd like to know where i can make changes with Wugstrike and Landprotect so they can pass through Cliffs. at the moment it doesn't so it'll be really awesome if you guys can show me where i can make the changes. thanks ! ?
  4. Good day , i'd like to know where i can make changes with SC_Oratio so the special effect is visible to all players when the target is hidden. rAthena currently has the Special Effect hidden from other players when in Cloaking/Hidden Status. i've already changed the database so it affects units in Hiding/Cloaking however the special effect is also being hidden when the unit with the status is in Hiding/Cloaking.
  5. i did a clean up of the script however i have experienced an issue when the item in your inventory is greater than what you have from your restock list. what happens is that a negative amount of item is dropped from the player. this version does not need the ticket however it only works whenever you are in town. EDIT: v1.2 with the function to prevent the error when the items in your inventory is greater than that of your re-stock list. //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= @restock command //===== By: ================================================== //= Mastagoon //===== Description: ========================================= //= @restock command to get certain items from your storage //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //= 1.1 added town only and clean up on some of the code. //= 1.2 added an if function when your items in your inventory is greater than the items from your stock list<hannahhaven621> //===== TODO: ================================================ //= @restock SNAPSHOT //============================================================ - script restock_atcmd -1,{ function addSpace { set .@space$, ""; for(.@i = 1; .@i <= getarg(0); .@i++) { set .@space$, .@space$+" "; } return .@space$; } function showRestockHelp { dispbottom "Command Usage : "; dispbottom "@restock add <itemid> <quantity> : add item to restock list"; dispbottom "@restock remove <itemid> : remove item from restock list"; dispbottom "@restock list : show current restock list"; dispbottom "@restock reset : reset restock list"; dispbottom "@restock help/h : show this help menu"; dispbottom "@restock : get restock items from the storage."; } OnInit: .TicketID = -1; setarray .allowedtypes[0],0,1,2,3,7,8,9,10,11,12; //healing,usable,etc,delayed usable bindatcmd "restock",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnAtcommand"; end; OnAtcommand: switch(.@atcmd_numparameters) { case 0: // @restock command if(getarraysize(RestockList) == 0) { dispbottom "Your restock list is empty."; end; } if(!getmapflag(strcharinfo(3),mf_town,0)) { dispbottom "You can only use this command inside Towns."; end; } for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(RestockList); .@i++) { .@amount = RestockAmountList[.@i] - countitem(RestockList[.@i]); if(!storagecountitem(RestockList[.@i]) > .@amount) { dispbottom "@restocking "+getitemname(RestockList[.@i])+" failed, your item in your inventory is greater than your restock list."; close; } if(storagecountitem(RestockList[.@i]) >= .@amount) { getitem RestockList[.@i],.@amount; storagedelitem RestockList[.@i],.@amount; // successful @restock } else { dispbottom "@restocking "+getitemname(RestockList[.@i])+" failed, not enough in storage."; } } break; case 1: if(strtolower(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]) == "list") { // get restock list if(getarraysize(RestockList) == 0) { dispbottom "Your restock list is empty."; end; } dispbottom "ID"+addSpace(32)+"Name"+addSpace(32)+"Quantity"; dispbottom "============================================"; for(.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(RestockList); .@i++) { .@item_name$ = getitemname(RestockList[.@i]); dispbottom RestockList[.@i]+addSpace(30-getstrlen(.@i+""))+.@item_name$+addSpace(36- getstrlen(.@item_name$))+RestockAmountList[.@i]; } } else if(strtolower(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]) == "reset") { // reset restock list deletearray RestockList[0],getarraysize(RestockList); deletearray RestockAmountList[0],getarraysize(RestockAmountList); dispbottom "Your restock list have been reset."; } else if(strtolower(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]) == "help" || strtolower(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]) == "h") { showRestockHelp(); } break; case 2: if(strtolower(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]) != "remove") { showRestockHelp(); end; } .@item = atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[1]); if(getitemname(.@item) == "null") { dispbottom "@restock : This item dones not exist. (id "+.@item+")"; end; } .@index = inarray(RestockList, .@item); if(.@index == -1) { //item is not in the list dispbottom "@restock : This item is not on your restock list."; end; } deletearray RestockList[.@index],1; deletearray RestockAmountList[.@index],1; dispbottom "@restock: item "+getitemname(.@item)+" deleted succesfully!"; break; case 3: .@item = atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[1]); .@quantity = atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[2]); if(strtolower(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]) != "add" || !.@item || !.@quantity) { dispbottom "@restock : Invaild parameters."; showRestockHelp(); end; } if(getitemname(.@item) == "null"){ dispbottom "@restock : This item does not exist. (id "+.@item+")"; end; } else if(inarray(.allowedtypes[0],getiteminfo(.@item,2)) == -1) { dispbottom "@restock : You cannot restock this type of items."; end; } else if(inarray(RestockList[0],.@item) >= 0) { dispbottom "@restock : Item '"+getitemname(.@item)+"' (id:"+.@item+") already in list."; end; } else if(.@quantity < 1 || .@quantity > 500) { dispbottom "@restock : Please enter valid quantity value (1 - 500)"; end; } //passed all checks setarray RestockList[getarraysize(RestockList)],.@item; setarray RestockAmountList[getarraysize(RestockAmountList)],.@quantity; dispbottom "@restock : Item '"+getitemname(.@item)+"' (id:"+.@item+") amount "+.@quantity+" successfully added!"; break; default: showRestockHelp(); break; } end; }
  6. if you are using the latest version of rAthena you can use the sky fortress script that's officially written for the emulator.
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