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Everything posted by myieee

  1. i got this error on line 11. parse_simpleexpr: unmatch ')' oh btw im using eathena .
  2. well i tried to fix it but it still doesnt work. there are some errors in line 11 and 13.
  3. im looking hourly reward with NPC
  4. as the title says. I am requesting an Hourly Reward but it has a NPC . for example they need to register to the npc first and if they played for 1 hour . the players can get their reward to the npc (tcg) and when they are done. they need to register again so they can use the Hourly Reward NPC. . vending,AFK,chatting,Pub are okay since they need to talk to the npc.
  5. prontera,156,177,4 script Stop the Clock 102,{ if(.game == 1 && stopped != 1) { set stopped, 1; set @stopped, .i; message strcharinfo(0), "You stopped the clock at "+@stopped+"."; if(.lowest > @stopped) { set .lowest, @stopped; set .winner$, strcharinfo(0); } end; } else if(.game == 1) { message strcharinfo(0), "You already stopped the clock."; end; } set .name$, "[Event Manager]"; set .menu$, "Times:Information:Price:Leave"; if(strcharinfo(0) == .winner$) { set stopped, 0; mes .name$; mes "Here you get your price."; mes "Your Price is:"; mes "^ff0000"+$prize_amount+" "+getitemname($prize_id)+"^000000"; getitem $prize_id, $prize_amount; set .winner$, ""; close; } if(stopped == 1) { set stopped, 0; mes .name$; mes "You activated your char for the next round."; close; } if(getgmlevel() > 60) set .menu$, .menu$ + ":StartGame:SetPrice"; mes .name$; mes "Welcome to the ^ff0000Stop the Clock^000000."; next; switch(select(.menu$)) { case 1: mes .name$; mes "^ff0000Stop the Clock^000000 starts each day at:"; mes "^00800015:00^000000, ^00800018:00^000000 and ^00800021:00^000000 o'clock."; close; case 2: mes .name$; mes "^ff0000Stop the Clock^000000"; mes "is a game where you need to"; mes "click on me exactly when the counter reached 0."; next; mes .name$; mes "It counts down from ^0080001000^000000 to ^ff00000^000000."; next; mes .name$; mes "To win, you need to have the ^ff0000closest value to 0^000000 but at least ^ff0000below 50^000000."; next; mes .name$; mes "The winner will recieve a prize."; mes "^ff0000Don't forget to talk to me after the Event is over,"; mes "to reset your counter to take part on the next event.^000000"; close; case 3: mes .name$; mes "The Price is:"; mes "^ff0000"+$prize_amount+" "+getitemname($prize_id)+"^000000"; close; case 4: close; case 5: sleep2 100; close2; goto l_start; end; case 6: mes .name$; mes "Enter the item id of the prize:"; input $prize_id; next; mes .name$; mes "Enter the amount if items the winner will recieve:"; input $prize_amount; next; mes .name$; mes "The price id is: ^ff0000"+$prize_id+"^000000"; mes "^008000("+getitemname($prize_id)+")^000000."; mes "The amount is: ^ff0000"+$prize_amount+"^000000."; close; } OnClock1500: OnClock1800: OnClock2100: l_start: mapannounce "prontera", "[Aline]: We are going to start an Stop the Clock Event in 1 Minute at Prontera!"; sleep2 30000; mapannounce "prontera", "[Aline]: We are going to start in 30 Seconds!"; sleep2 20000; mapannounce "prontera", "[Aline]: Hurry up! Event starts in 10 Seconds!"; sleep2 5000; mapannounce "prontera", "[Aline]: Get Ready only 5 seconds left!"; sleep2 5000; mapannounce "prontera", "[Aline]: START!!!"; sleep2 5000; set .winner$, ""; set .game, 1; set .lowest, 1000; for(set .i, 1000; .i > 300;set .i, .i - 100) { announce ":: "+.i+" ::",bc_blue|bc_map; misceffect 377; sleep2 1000; } for(set .i, 300; .i > 50;set .i, .i - 10) { announce ":: "+.i+" ::",bc_blue|bc_map; misceffect 377; sleep2 100; } for(set .i, 50; .i > 0;set .i, .i - 1) { announce ":: "+.i+" ::",bc_blue|bc_map; misceffect 377; sleep2 10; } set .game, 0; if(.winner$ == "") { mapannounce "prontera", "Nobody hit the clock at the right moment. There is no winner.",bc_blue; end; } mapannounce "prontera", .winner$+" won Stop the Clock. He stopped it at "+.lowest+".",bc_blue; sleep2 5000; mapannounce "prontera", .winner$+"Please talk to me to get your price.",bc_blue; sleep2 5000; mapannounce "prontera", "To activate your char for the next round, please talk to me, too."; end; }
  6. okay here are the info 1st. if someone die in the party. i just need to warp the entire party 2nd. if someone failed to finish the event. and the party wants to enter again . they have to wait any (party of five) atleast 5mins to join the event
  7. I am requesting a script and its all about cleaning event how does it works ? - well in activation they need to pay 150m - they have 5minutes to join on that event and the npc will be closed - MAP pvp_n_5-5 - they need to kill / clean those monster in every waves (ex:) Wave 1 - easy monster Wave 2 - easy monster Wave 3 - medium monster Wave 4 - hard monster (Sniper Cecil) Wave 5 - Bonus Stage (100 treasure box) Wave 6 - medium monster (doppelganger) Wave 7 - Hard monster (Sniper Cecil) Wave 8 - Lighthalzen Boss Wave 9 - Final Boss (i can put my own monster) Wave 10 - Bonus Stage (1000 Treasure Box) Event Mechanics - They have 60seconds to kill the monster in every waves - if they did not finish the event , they will automatically warp in outside. - There is a npc in inside of the event (Time Seller and check how many monsters left in that event) - They need to pay 50m for the time extension (30 seconds only) - The more players the more monsters will be summoned . (ex:) if 4 players = 12 monsters will be summoned (1 player = 3 monsters) - if they finished the event (the party name will announced - broadcast) - mapflag - no warp - no memo - no save - no exp - no branch i guess i gave the all informations . i hope some one could help me ! thanks and appriciate !! HELP ??
  8. I have a Monster Hunt Event script and i want some changes here. like if someone die the remaining members of party will warp out automatically and they have to wait atleast 5minutes to join and finish the event. thanks.. prontera,157,162,5 script Monster Hunt 105,{ mes "[Monster Hunt]"; if( !.monsterhunt ){ mes "No event for the moment."; }else if( getmapusers("pvp_n_1-3") ){ mes "There is someone/party inside."; }else if( !getcharid(1) || getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0) ){ mes "You're not a Leader in a Party."; }else{ getpartymember( getcharid(1) ); set .@PartyCount, $@partymembercount; if (.@PartyCount == 5) { mes "Would you like to join?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",M_Exit; warpparty "pvp_n_1-3",100,139,getcharid(1); end; }else{ mes "Dont have enough player/s on your party. You need 5 Members."; } } close; OnMinute04: if( rand(100) < 100 ){ announce "Monster hunt is now open! First party of 5 players (all level 255).",0; killmonsterall "pvp_n_1-3"; monster "pvp_n_1-3.gat",0,0,"RAIDEVENT",1991,1,"Monster Hunt::OnMobKilled"; set .monsterhunt,1; } end; OnMobKilled: set .monsterhunt,0; if( getmapusers("pvp_n_1-3") != 5 ){ announce "Monster Hunt failed by the party <<"+strcharinfo(1)+">>.",bc_all; warpparty "prontera",156,126,getcharid(1); goto OnClear; }else{ getpartymember( getcharid(1),0 ); for( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize($@partymembername$); set .@i, .@i+1 ) getitem 7227,1,getcharid(3, $@partymembername$[.@i]); announce "Monster Hunt event finished <<"+strcharinfo(1)+">> ,the monster will be respawn maybe in an hour",bc_all; } warpparty "prontera",156,126,getcharid(1); end; OnClear: set .monsterhunt,1; set .@PartyCount, $@partymembercount; if (.@PartyCount == 5) { monster "pvp_n_1-3.gat",0,0,"RAIDEVENT",1991,1,"Monster Hunt::OnMobKilled"; } end; M_Exit: close; } Reply Report
  9. Hello Try this i already fixed and set gm lvl to 80 you can edit that to any gm lvl but don't make it 0 because 0 is equal normal player. prontera,163,173,4 script GM Helper 980,{ if( getgmlevel() < 80 ) { mes "You are not a GM with level 80 or higher, GTFO!"; close; } set .@Gm$,"[GM Helper]"; digit: mes "Hello GM "+strcharinfo(0)+", what do you wish to do?"; next; switch( select ("Set a winner","Exit")) { case 1: mes .@Gm$; mes "Enter char name"; next; while(!.@id) { input .@name$; mes "[GM Helper]"; set .@id,getcharid(3,.@name$); if(!.@id) { mes "Character not online. Please try again"; next; continue; } } mes "["+.@name$+"] is correct?"; if( select ("Yes:No") == 2) close; if( isloggedin(getcharid(3,.@name$))) getitem 7720,5,getcharid(3,.@name$); mes "Given reward to " + .@name$; announce .@name$ + " is the winner of the event and has won a reward!",bc_all; close; break; case 2: mes .@Gm$; mes "Nothing to do."; close; break; } } Have fun please give me feed back. No normal player can't talk to this npc because it's set up on gm level . hi thanks for making the script but i want a reward that i can choose like event coins or tcg.. when GM type the name of the player it will automatically give the player the reward (item 7720 or 7227) and announce the GM Name and this player is the winner of the event and got 5 Event coins or TCG Card..
  10. Can someone help me I cant use this Event. Im using eathena quiz_02,347,387,4 script Trivia Control 123,{ .@n$ = "[^0000FFTrivial Controller^000000]"; mes .@n$; mes "Hello " + strcharinfo(0); if(getgmlevel() < .minGM) close; switch(.active) { case 1: mes "Players are still entering. Please wait."; close; case 2: switch(select("Ask Question:End Event")) { case 1: mes "Please input your question."; input .@q$; mes "Is it true or false?"; .@a = select("True:False"); next; mes .@n$; mes "Please verify your question:"; mes .@q$; mes (.@a == 1 ? "True" : "False"); select("Proceed"); close2; announce "Question time!",bc_map; sleep2 2000; announce "True or False?",bc_map; announce .@q$,bc_map; donpcevent "TrueWarp::OnActive"; donpcevent "FalseWarp::OnActive"; sleep2 25000; announce "5 seconds!",bc_map; sleep2 5000; donpcevent "TrueWarp::OnClose"; donpcevent "FalseWarp::OnClose"; announce "The answer is...",bc_map; sleep2 5000; announce (.@a == 1 ? "TRUE!!" : "FALSE!!"),bc_map; callsub OnReveal,.@a; end; case 2: mes "Event Ended."; announce "[Trivia Event] : The event has been ended by a GM",bc_all; .active = 0; close; } break; default: select("Activate Event"); .active = 1; announce "[Trivia Event] : The event has been activated. Come to Prontera and warp to the event to participate!",bc_all; donpcevent "Trivia Warp::OnActivate"; mes "Come talk to me when you're ready to proceed!"; close2; sleep2 30000; announce "[Trivia Event] : You have 30 more seconds to join the event. Come to Prontera to participate!",bc_all; sleep2 30000; announce "[Trivia Event] : The event has started and the warp has been closed.",bc_all; .active = 2; announce "[Trivia Event] : Welcome to the trivia event!",bc_map; sleep2 3000; announce "[Trivia Event] : You will have 30 seconds to select True or False after the question is displayed.",bc_map; sleep2 3000; announce "[Trivia Event] : Simply warp to the corresponding answer. O = TRUE X = FALSE",bc_map; end; } OnInit: .minGM = 1; .active = 0; end; OnReveal: if(getarg(0) == 1) { areawarp "quiz_02",324,334,347,357,"quiz_02",350,371; areawarp "quiz_02",352,334,352,357,"prontera",156,191; } else { areawarp "quiz_02",352,334,352,357,"quiz_02",350,371; areawarp "quiz_02",324,334,347,357,"prontera",156,191; } return; } quiz_02,337,365,0 script TrueWarp 45,2,2,{ warp "quiz_02",335,345; end; OnActive: enablenpc strnpcinfo(0); waitingroom "TRUE",0; end; OnClose: OnInit: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; } quiz_02,362,365,0 script FalseWarp 45,2,2,{ warp "quiz_02",364,346; end; OnActive: enablenpc strnpcinfo(0); waitingroom "FALSE",0; end; OnClose: OnInit: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; } prontera,150,191,0 script Trivia Warp 45,2,2,{ if(getvariableofnpc(.active,"Trivia Control")) warp "quiz_02",350,371; end; OnActivate: enablenpc strnpcinfo(0); waitingroom "Trivia Event",0; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer60000: stopnpctimer; OnInit: disablenpc strnpcinfo(0); end; }
  11. When I use @monster how can I broadcast to all player? like "The GM blah blah has summoned 1 poring in the map of prontera or any town ? thanks in advance
  12. Hi I would like to request in src if the GM use @monster command it will announce to all like this "GM-Rathena has summoned [1 or how many monster Poring] in the map of Prontera etc etc" and for the @go command . when player is dead they arent able to use @go command thank you
  13. as the title say. I need a NPC that sells god items such as LKH,Aesprika etc etc . and the cost for each god is 25 TCG thanks
  14. i got error in this line bump
  15. can I please request for a reward giver script that works like this: - GM will click the npc - NPC will ask for the name of the player.. - when GM type the name of the player it will automatically give the player the reward (item 7720 or 7227) and announce the GM Name and this player is the winner of the event and got 5 Event coins or TCG Card.. - work for gm level 1and up.. - if the GM typed the wrong name.. it will give gm a message to try again..
  16. ok here are the info. 1st . instead of this mes "[Monster Hunt]"; if( !.monsterhunt ){ mes "No event for the moment."; I want a mapchecker like how many players in inside of arena and also if there is an event The npc says "The area is invaded" if its not "The area is empty" 2nd. about the afk players . for example if there are 3 players or less in inside of arena. you need to trigger the Monster Hunt NPC so they will warped out . 3rd. if the party is failed . they need to wait for 5mins to they can join again..
  17. in my 2nd request The event needs to finish with 10 members right ? so for example if someone got disconnected or afk player how to warp them out from the arena so the waiting party in outside can join again. . in the 3rd . yup .. its like a map checker . bunp
  18. Ok . in the 1st request . if the party failed to finish that event . the party needs to wait for 5mins,and they are able to join again. 2nd . if there are 3 players in the event , they will warped out in the event , but the party leader needs to click the MH npc before they'll warp out in the arena. 3rd. if there;s no MH event i just want to change the message. from this to this "There are (Players in inside of the map) <--- its like a mapchecker and if there;s an MH event . it will be like this *This Area is invaded" if its not , "This area is empty" just like that. sorry for my bad english
  19. I requested this script last month and emistry made this for me. so i just want some changes here. is there any posible like if the party is failed they need to wait for like 5mins , and if someone afk in the event , the afk player will be warped out if someone party clicked the NPC because i edited some part of this script like this and this and also in the main page. instead of this i just want to change in to (how many players in inside like mapchecker , and if the event is on going like (This area is invaded) if its not (This area is empty) prontera,146,162,5 script Monster Hunt 986,{ mes "[Monster Hunt]"; if( !.monsterhunt ){ mes "No event for the moment."; }else if( getmapusers("pvp_n_1-3") ){ mes "There is someone/party inside."; }else if( !getcharid(1) || getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2) != getcharid(0) ){ mes "You're not a Leader in a Party."; }else{ getpartymember( getcharid(1) ); set .@PartyCount, $@partymembercount; if (.@PartyCount == 10) { mes "Would you like to join?"; menu "Yes",-,"No",M_Exit; warpparty "pvp_n_1-3",100,139,getcharid(1); end; }else{ mes "Dont have enough player/s on your party. You need 10 Member."; } } close; OnMinute00: if( rand(100) < 50 ){ announce "Monster hunt is now open! First party of 10 players (all level 255).",0; killmonsterall "pvp_n_1-3"; monster "pvp_n_1-3.gat",0,0,"RAIDEVENT",2017,1,"Monster Hunt::OnMobKilled"; set .monsterhunt,1; } end; OnMobKilled: set .monsterhunt,0; if( getmapusers("pvp_n_1-3") != 10 ){ announce "Monster Hunt failed by the party <<"+strcharinfo(1)+">>.",bc_all; warpparty "prontera",156,126,getcharid(1); goto OnClear; }else{ getpartymember( getcharid(1),0 ); for( set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize($@partymembername$); set .@i, .@i+1 ) getitem 7227,50,getcharid(3, $@partymembername$[.@i]); announce "Monster Hunt event finished <<"+strcharinfo(1)+">> ,the monster will be respawn maybe in an hour",bc_all; } warpparty "prontera",156,126,getcharid(1); end; OnClear: set .monsterhunt,1; set .@PartyCount, $@partymembercount; if (.@PartyCount == 10) { monster "pvp_n_1-3.gat",0,0,"RAIDEVENT",2017,1,"Monster Hunt::OnMobKilled"; } end; M_Exit: close; } pvp_n_1-3 mapflag restricted 5
  20. thanks emistry. problem solved
  21. @edit : your script is working. but they can still join / enter to the event even tho the warper is disabled/ 1 more thing i tried to duplicate the npc . when i typed the eventname,map,x,y . my duplicate warper didnt show up .
  22. when i whisper the NPC. it says There is no such character name or users is offline
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