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Status Updates posted by nanakiwurtz

  1. I've read in the forum there's a LOT of confusion because of 'Read Data Folder First' & 'Read LUA before LUB'. Can we remove those diffs in separate folder in the SVN? And why rA doesn't choose only one (either LUA or LUB) to use, and forget the rest forever, so we only use a single type...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nanakiwurtz


      Oops, got cut off because too long.

      My current setting can read & write 'CmdOnOffList' but the 'OptionInfoList' is readonly.

    3. EvilPuncker


      read data folder first no longer need to be disabled since greenbox fixed that diff, and I've never seem a real reason to disable read lua before lub first, also rA has nothing to do with those diffs since they are updated by third party ppl (aka ai4rei and greenbox)

    4. nanakiwurtz


      Hmm you're right EvilPuncker, those diffs isn't preinstalled with rA. But it has caused so much confusion among the users.

  2. Thinking about adding a versatile database editor feature in the v1.6 (-_-')a

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. nanakiwurtz


      Yes it's like that, but I still have no idea on how it should work..

    3. mrlongshen


      i also dont get it. hahaa~ but u want synchronize it ?

    4. nanakiwurtz


      Yes, whenever you edit something in your database, like mob or item, it will be saved on your database.

  3. Next Project: [nkwz rA Toolkit v1.3] LUA <--> LUB converter... :D

    1. EvilPuncker
    2. nanakiwurtz


      Hmm.. Still don't know, because currently I'm tired, taking care of those newborn puppies :D

      Converting LUA to LUB is easy, converting LUB to LUA is another story, but still do able..

    3. nanakiwurtz


      Still need to edit some codes in here and there..

  4. Looks like Ai4rei will release something on WDG..

    1. Ai4rei


      Looks more like Ai4rei is involuntary lazying off, to me.

    2. nanakiwurtz


      xD There's no update on your post, where were you Ai4rei?

  5. Don't forget to drink 8 glasses of water everyday!

    1. clydelion


      And 8 plates of rice! :D

    2. nanakiwurtz


      And 8 pieces of eggs :P

  6. <--- Waiting for the 2013 client exe to be released and stabilized so it can be the main client version to be used with rAthena.. \\o//

    1. nanakiwurtz


      Themida oh Themida, you give us a hard time to crack the safety code..

      The unpacked client is just a few steps away (=_=')

  7. Hmmh.. Reading those topics in Support section is exhausting, because most of them only displays "Help!", "Important, help me", "URGENT"

  8. Wew... my net connection is so bad :(

  9. I learned something new everyday ;D

  10. Is there a thread that contains a list of brainstormed ideas of rA scripts?

  11. ++ Learning how to make scripts to run more efficiently ++

  12. Let's move on to GITHUB... \\(^,^')//

  13. Night shift, very exhausting.. f(>,<' )

  14. Finally, rA is on Github! \\o//

  15. Oops... The code "nkwz rA Toolki v1.5" is wrong, there's some typo I found on the code, will fix it tomorrow, sorry (>_<')...

  16. When you ready come and get it, na na na~

  17. Accepting script paid request :P

  18. Co-Co-Co-Coconut!!

  19. Ba..Ba..Baaa.... Ba..Ba..nana!

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