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Everything posted by Ajjwidjdneidjenw

  1. quote: "Right before you are warped in, the command @storeall is used on every player to prevent bow sniping and etc." If ones storage is full, this can be bypassed . Try using the nude command, and having a check for each round weither the user was equiped with a weapon or not.
  2. Wait so the luafiles514, is inside the datafolder? But afiak, the client does not read the datafolder. Gonna try it out; thanks. Edit: Does** work!
  3. Hello everyone, I was wondering how I could add my own custom items to one of the newer clients(2012-04-10), where are these lua files located? Do I have to change them into lub files? Do they actually read the files if they are located outside the GRF? Thanks in Advance, Cheers! Jeroen
  4. That is the same table as iRO uses if I recall correctly.
  5. I already resolved most of the issues, and no it wasn't because of the hotkey file being in my GRF. It was a mere diff patch I applied, not sure which one. I mentioned I packed most of my stuff, not all of them .
  6. Setup has nothing to do with it, it was a diff which was applied. Anyway it appears this client does not support hte datafolder, which is too bad.
  7. packed it all into my GRF, it now reads the server files, but isn't there a way to make it read my datafolder? the diff patch does not seem to work for 2012-04-10 Edit: packed most of my stuff to the GRF, now the settings don't save.
  8. I fixed some of the issues the client, getting 'failed to Authenticate Rejected from server(forgot to change version in the clientinfo.xml; server console does not return any errors.) returned. The client is also in Korean, even though the textures in the data folder are fine. Yes I did change the packet's & added it to the packet database. Were there any changes I need to be aware off? Weegee diff gen doesn't seem to have the client head obfuscation option for 2012/04/10 got it, still having the same issues though Edit: okay something weird though, it seems that I get the message 'rejected by server(30)' even when my server is down. I've setup a loop back adress in the client.XML. Does the 2012/4/10 even read the datafolder?
  9. Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone could recommend me a client I am currently using 15-03-2011, which I heard was currently the most stable client around. Of course as things progress I wish to use a newer client. What client after 15-03-'11 is would you recommend me? and why? Cheers! -Jeroen
  10. You can only use parrying with a two handed sword, if you have set the Banryu to a different weapon type it naturally wouldn't work.
  11. Check if the PHP your webhost is using the right version. Does your webhost have Cpanel?
  12. Hello People of Rathena, I'm having some issues with the packets I'm receiving a clif Parse error Disconnecting session #7 with unknown packet version (p:0x5db1m,1:19) I already added the Packets to the packet_db(which is now packet_ver: 31) and changed the packet_ver_db to 31, however my client just refuses to work and returns the same error. (Yes I increased the max_packets in clif.h, and I did get the correct date for my packet version in mmo.h ) Cheers! Edit: Additional info: using client 2011-10-25, but I'm willing to change to a client around this date. Edit 2: Nevermind! I found the issue, it appeared that I forgot to use the WDGSkipPacketHeaderObfuscation diff, darn. Requesting someone to close this topic, as it has been solved.
  13. Regardless, that page is extremely helpfull, thanks a million!
  14. Ah, sorry I figured it out though; had to run the solution instead of the file. I just don't know how you got the information such as "SD = map session data", but the information you gave me earlier actually lead me to an other source of information(Information guide D:), Thanks.
  15. THe above is not the SVN link; the following is: "https://rathena.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/rathena/trunk/"
  16. *slaps side of face* Ah! Thanks a lot, and I didn't know about the search declaration, I'll check it out once I get home. Thanks a lot for your response, its appreciated! Edit: I have found the feature, however it always returns the same error symbol 'X' is not defined.
  17. Good day, I was wondering where I could find the location(What file, where they were defined) of specific parameters such as, SD, TSD, BL ect. Though I figured out a few of them I still have some issues with particular ones(such as tsd). Cheers!
  18. Any plans on making such function for buying store as well? Quite an interesting script you got here.
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