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Everything posted by REKT

  1. Hello, Brian how about this? I wanted to 'check guild' name and 'no guild' also. prontera,155,188,0 script Check Guild 910,{ query_sql "SELECT guild FROM guild WHERE guild_id = "+getcharid(2), .@guild; mes "hi bla"; if (getcharid(2) == 0) { mes "Guilde: None Guild"; } // Other else { mes "Guild:"; warp "bla",0,0; } close; } Thank you :3
  2. This should i want to 'EDIT' please help a little the script i made. Add with 'setarray[0]' for CLASS and MONSTER. prontera.gat,155,185,4 script Quest 57,{ showevent 1,0; // Meaning there is a 'QUEST' if (.PQC == 1) { mes "[name]"; mes "Congrats you have completed the Quest"; mes "Job well, done!"; getitem 1201,1; showevent 1,1 // Finish Quest and it won't Pop-UP again. close; } mes "[name]"; mes "You currenty killed " + PQM+"/10 "+strmobinfo(1, killedrid) + "."; set .PQ,1; close; OnNPCKillEvent: if (PQ == 1 && killedrid == 1002){ if (PQF == 1) end; set PQM, PQM +1; announce "[Quest System]: You have killed "+PQM+"/10 "+strmobinfo(1, killedrid)+".",bc_self; } if (PQM == 10) set PQF, 1; if (PQM == 10) { announce "[Quest System]: 'Poring Quest' has been finished.",bc_self; set .PQC,1; end; } end; } Regards, Melody :3
  3. Oh thanks for that, but i want to make it as a QUEST. please refert o my 1st Post. :3 Melody
  4. Thanks for the respond, but still it is the same. i tried them both what you have 'SAID' I'm getting pain head about this 'Client' that i wanted to Fix. Melody
  5. Well, this is what i've 'Patch' is this correct or i'm just wrong? Preview: http://i42.tinypic.com/21ajvrq.png Sorry, for being so stupid again! Melody :3
  6. Excuse me, i don't get what you've said. after you 'Patch' the client you will RUN it as 'Administrator' And for that, the HKLM to HKCU must be 'Unselect' I'm still new in that thingy 'Shin's DiffPatcher' though i'm still learning from it. Thanks! Melody :3
  7. Hello Judas, thanks for the respond. well after i 'Patch' what you've said. Here's my Preview: http://i43.tinypic.com/xcvtc4.png Problem: Why i can't close the 'OPEN SET-UP' everytime i close it, still it will pop-up again. Melody :3
  8. Hello, Judas as of i use the 'Basic rAthena Client' the 'RAthena.exe' may i ask? if where can i find the 2011-03-15 so that i can diff my own 'Client' Oh, sorry for that i just found it our : http://supportmii.com/ro1/Clients/ were can i find the 'Source.Diff' for my Client? Thank you! Regards, Melody :3
  9. Hello, I'm wondering about my 'DATABASE' or 'CLIENT SIDE' why i got this description? I'm already finish set-up with my server side and client side. everytime I right click the 'Item Info' seems it's not translated or maybe 'I MISS' with something? Help! Preview: Thank you :3 Melody
  10. Oh, i'm new 'RENEWALS' uhm :3 just wanted to ask if how to make those script with 'showevent' for ex: i would like to 'REQUEST' a script that shows in the head 'Exclamatory' if there is QUEST. i just see it in the YouTube that's why i ask for help if someone could do for me. After you finish the 'Quest' it won't pop-up anymore, can i request based on 'Quest Log System' with 'dispbottom' /05 Poring Kills. (For Novice Quest) Regards, Melody :3 Does anyone would willing to 'HELP' me for my REQUEST? Thank you! Melody :3
  11. Oh, sorry for that i thought all must be set. i already change it packet_db_ver: to 26 @Judas, again. what else should i change? you said to me before should i change the Lua's File also? http://rathena.org/board/topic/57821-requestwhat-client-should-i-use/page__view__findpost__p__73121 Uhm... Melody :3
  12. Thanks for the respond, so the /db/packet_db.txt. So i will change it to '26' all of the packetver? or only selectively? Sorry for being stupid here. i'm not actually familiar of them. Regards, Melody :3
  13. Oh yes, i understand @_@ thanks a lot Judas, might i'll 'DOWNLOAD' your Bible.PDF i think there is a Guide for that. Maybe i should messing around with that .PDF. Thank you! :3 Hello, Judas sorry for 'Bumping' this thread again, i just wanted to ask if should i change all the' packet_ver:' to 26? confuse in this part. // Client<->Map Packet Database // // Structure of Database: // PacketType,PacketLength[,Name,FieldIndex1:FieldIndex2:FieldIndex3:...] // // 01. PacketType ID of the packet. // 02. PacketLength Length of the packet. If 0, packet is disabled in current packet version. If -1, packet has variable size. // 03. Name Name of the packet parser function (optional, for incoming packets only). // 04. FieldIndex Specifies the offset of a packet field in bytes from the begin of the packet (only specified when Name is given). // Can be 0, when the layout is not known. // ... // // NOTE: Up to MAX_PACKET_POS (typically 20) field indexes may be used. // // The packet database allows you to add support for new clients, // because packets change every release. // // Note: Every packet version needs a wanttoconnection specification, since // that is the packet used to identify a client's version. // If multiple versions have the same connection packet, the higher version // will be used (unless the lower one is specified as the default) // // Incoming packets have their parser function and layout specified, which enables // them for the current and all higher versions, unless explicitely disabled. // // Outgoing packets must be specified in order to enable them for the current // and all higher versions, unless explicitely disabled. Packets that are not // enabled for a packet version are silently discarded when sent as multicast. // // Every packet version inherits packet definitions from the previous (lower) // packet version. // // Main packet version of the DB to use (default = max available version) // Client detection is faster when all clients use this version. // Version 23 is the latest Sakexe (above versions are for Renewal clients) //packet_db_ver: 25 packet_db_ver: default //packet_db_ver: 23 packet_ver: 5 0x0064,55 0x0065,17 0x0066,6 0x0067,37 0x0068,46 0x0069,-1 0x006a,23 0x006b,-1 0x006c,3 0x006d,108 0x006e,3 0x006f,2 0x0070,6 0x0071,28 0x0072,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0073,11 0x0074,3 0x0075,-1 0x0076,9 0x0077,5 0x0078,54 0x0079,53 0x007a,58 0x007b,60 0x007c,41 0x007d,2,loadendack,0 0x007e,6,ticksend,2 0x007f,6 0x0080,7 0x0081,3 0x0082,2 0x0083,2 0x0084,2 0x0085,5,walktoxy,2 0x0086,16 0x0087,12 0x0088,10 0x0089,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x008a,29 0x008b,2 0x008c,-1,globalmessage,2:4 0x008d,-1 0x008e,-1 //0x008f,-1 0x0090,7,npcclicked,2 0x0091,22 0x0092,28 0x0093,2 0x0094,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0095,30 0x0096,-1,wis,2:4:28 0x0097,-1 0x0098,3 0x0099,-1,broadcast,2:4 0x009a,-1 0x009b,5,changedir,2:4 0x009c,9 0x009d,17 0x009e,17 0x009f,6,takeitem,2 0x00a0,23 0x00a1,6 0x00a2,6,dropitem,2:4 0x00a3,-1 0x00a4,-1 0x00a5,-1 0x00a6,-1 0x00a7,8,useitem,2:4 0x00a8,7 0x00a9,6,equipitem,2:4 0x00aa,7 0x00ab,4,unequipitem,2 0x00ac,7 //0x00ad,-1 0x00ae,-1 0x00af,6 0x00b0,8 0x00b1,8 0x00b2,3,restart,2 0x00b3,3 0x00b4,-1 0x00b5,6 0x00b6,6 0x00b7,-1 0x00b8,7,npcselectmenu,2:6 0x00b9,6,npcnextclicked,2 0x00ba,2 0x00bb,5,statusup,2:4 0x00bc,6 0x00bd,44 0x00be,5 0x00bf,3,emotion,2 0x00c0,7 0x00c1,2,howmanyconnections,0 0x00c2,6 0x00c3,8 0x00c4,6 0x00c5,7,npcbuysellselected,2:6 0x00c6,-1 0x00c7,-1 0x00c8,-1,npcbuylistsend,2:4 0x00c9,-1,npcselllistsend,2:4 0x00ca,3 0x00cb,3 0x00cc,6,gmkick,2 0x00cd,3 0x00ce,2,killall,0 0x00cf,27,wisexin,2:26 0x00d0,3,wisall,2 0x00d1,4 0x00d2,4 0x00d3,2,wisexlist,0 0x00d4,-1 0x00d5,-1,createchatroom,2:4:6:7:15 0x00d6,3 0x00d7,-1 0x00d8,6 0x00d9,14,chataddmember,2:6 0x00da,3 0x00db,-1 0x00dc,28 0x00dd,29 0x00de,-1,chatroomstatuschange,2:4:6:7:15 0x00df,-1 0x00e0,30,changechatowner,2:6 0x00e1,30 0x00e2,26,kickfromchat,2 0x00e3,2,chatleave,0 0x00e4,6,traderequest,2 0x00e5,26 0x00e6,3,tradeack,2 0x00e7,3 0x00e8,8,tradeadditem,2:4 0x00e9,19 0x00ea,5 0x00eb,2,tradeok,0 0x00ec,3 0x00ed,2,tradecancel,0 0x00ee,2 0x00ef,2,tradecommit,0 0x00f0,3 0x00f1,2 0x00f2,6 0x00f3,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x00f4,21 0x00f5,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x00f6,8 0x00f7,2,closekafra,0 0x00f8,2 0x00f9,26,createparty,2 0x00fa,3 0x00fb,-1 0x00fc,6,partyinvite,2 0x00fd,27 0x00fe,30 0x00ff,10,replypartyinvite,2:6 0x0100,2,leaveparty,0 0x0101,6 0x0102,6,partychangeoption,2 0x0103,30,removepartymember,2:6 0x0104,79 0x0105,31 0x0106,10 0x0107,10 0x0108,-1,partymessage,2:4 0x0109,-1 0x010a,4 0x010b,6 0x010c,6 0x010d,2 0x010e,11 0x010f,-1 0x0110,10 0x0111,39 0x0112,4,skillup,2 0x0113,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0114,31 0x0115,35 0x0116,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x0117,18 0x0118,2,stopattack,0 0x0119,13 0x011a,15 0x011b,20,useskillmap,2:4 0x011c,68 0x011d,2,requestmemo,0 0x011e,3 0x011f,16 0x0120,6 0x0121,14 0x0122,-1 0x0123,-1 0x0124,21 0x0125,8 0x0126,8,putitemtocart,2:4 0x0127,8,getitemfromcart,2:4 0x0128,8,movefromkafratocart,2:4 0x0129,8,movetokafrafromcart,2:4 0x012a,2,removeoption,0 0x012b,2 0x012c,3 0x012d,4 0x012e,2,closevending,0 0x012f,-1 0x0130,6,vendinglistreq,2 0x0131,86 0x0132,6 0x0133,-1 0x0134,-1,purchasereq,2:4:8 0x0135,7 0x0136,-1 0x0137,6 0x0138,3 0x0139,16 0x013a,4 0x013b,4 0x013c,4 0x013d,6 0x013e,24 0x013f,26,itemmonster,2 0x0140,22,mapmove,2:18:20 0x0141,14 0x0142,6 0x0143,10,npcamountinput,2:6 0x0144,23 0x0145,19 0x0146,6,npccloseclicked,2 0x0147,39 0x0148,8 0x0149,9,gmreqnochat,2:6:7 0x014a,6 0x014b,27 0x014c,-1 0x014d,2,guildcheckmaster,0 0x014e,6 0x014f,6,guildrequestinfo,2 0x0150,110 0x0151,6,guildrequestemblem,2 0x0152,-1 0x0153,-1,guildchangeemblem,2:4 0x0154,-1 0x0155,-1,guildchangememberposition,2 0x0156,-1 0x0157,6 0x0158,-1 0x0159,54,guildleave,2:6:10:14 0x015a,66 0x015b,54,guildexpulsion,2:6:10:14 0x015c,90 0x015d,42,guildbreak,2 0x015e,6 0x015f,42 0x0160,-1 0x0161,-1,guildchangepositioninfo,2 0x0162,-1 0x0163,-1 0x0164,-1 0x0165,30,createguild,6 0x0166,-1 0x0167,3 0x0168,14,guildinvite,2 0x0169,3 0x016a,30 0x016b,10,guildreplyinvite,2:6 0x016c,43 0x016d,14 0x016e,186,guildchangenotice,2:6:66 0x016f,182 0x0170,14,guildrequestalliance,2 0x0171,30 0x0172,10,guildreplyalliance,2:6 0x0173,3 0x0174,-1 0x0175,6 0x0176,106 0x0177,-1 0x0178,4,itemidentify,2 0x0179,5 0x017a,4,usecard,2 0x017b,-1 0x017c,6,insertcard,2:4 0x017d,7 0x017e,-1,guildmessage,2:4 0x017f,-1 0x0180,6,guildopposition,2 0x0181,3 0x0182,106 0x0183,10,guilddelalliance,2:6 0x0184,10 0x0185,34 //0x0186,-1 0x0187,6 0x0188,8 0x0189,4 0x018a,4,quitgame,0 0x018b,4 0x018c,29 0x018d,-1 0x018e,10,producemix,2:4:6:8 0x018f,6 0x0190,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x0191,86 0x0192,24 0x0193,6,solvecharname,2 0x0194,30 0x0195,102 0x0196,9 0x0197,4,resetchar,2 0x0198,8,changemaptype,2:4:6 0x0199,4 0x019a,14 0x019b,10 0x019c,-1,localbroadcast,2:4 0x019d,6,gmhide,0 0x019e,2 0x019f,6,catchpet,2 0x01a0,3 0x01a1,3,petmenu,2 0x01a2,35 0x01a3,5 0x01a4,11 0x01a5,26,changepetname,2 0x01a6,-1 0x01a7,4,selectegg,2 0x01a8,4 0x01a9,6,sendemotion,2 0x01aa,10 0x01ab,12 0x01ac,6 0x01ad,-1 0x01ae,4,selectarrow,2 0x01af,4,changecart,2 0x01b0,11 0x01b1,7 0x01b2,-1,openvending,2:4:84:85 0x01b3,67 0x01b4,12 0x01b5,18 0x01b6,114 0x01b7,6 0x01b8,3 0x01b9,6 0x01ba,26,remove,2 0x01bb,26,shift,2 0x01bc,26,recall,2 0x01bd,26,summon,2 0x01be,2 0x01bf,3 0x01c0,2 0x01c1,14 0x01c2,10 0x01c3,-1 0x01c4,22 0x01c5,22 0x01c6,4 0x01c7,2 0x01c8,13 0x01c9,97 //0x01ca,-1 0x01cb,9 0x01cc,9 0x01cd,30 0x01ce,6,autospell,2 0x01cf,28 0x01d0,8 0x01d1,14 0x01d2,10 0x01d3,35 0x01d4,6 0x01d5,-1,npcstringinput,2:4:8 0x01d6,4 0x01d7,11 0x01d8,54 0x01d9,53 0x01da,60 0x01db,2 0x01dc,-1 0x01dd,47 0x01de,33 0x01df,6,gmreqaccname,2 0x01e0,30 0x01e1,8 0x01e2,34 0x01e3,14 0x01e4,2 0x01e5,6 0x01e6,26 0x01e7,2,sndoridori,0 0x01e8,28,createparty2,2 0x01e9,81 0x01ea,6 0x01eb,10 0x01ec,26 0x01ed,2,snexplosionspirits,0 0x01ee,-1 0x01ef,-1 0x01f0,-1 0x01f1,-1 0x01f2,20 0x01f3,10 0x01f4,32 0x01f5,9 0x01f6,34 0x01f7,14,adoptreply,0 0x01f8,2 0x01f9,6,adoptrequest,0 0x01fa,48 0x01fb,56 0x01fc,-1 0x01fd,4,repairitem,2 0x01fe,5 0x01ff,10 0x0200,26 0x0201,-1 0x0202,26,friendslistadd,2 0x0203,10,friendslistremove,2:6 0x0204,18 0x0205,26 0x0206,11 0x0207,34 0x0208,11,friendslistreply,2:6:10 0x0209,36 0x020a,10 //0x020b,-1 //0x020c,-1 0x020d,-1 //2004-07-05aSakexe packet_ver: 6 0x0072,22,wanttoconnection,5:9:13:17:21 0x0085,8,walktoxy,5 0x00a7,13,useitem,5:9 0x0113,15,useskilltoid,4:9:11 0x0116,15,useskilltopos,4:9:11:13 0x0190,95,useskilltoposinfo,4:9:11:13:15 0x0208,14,friendslistreply,2:6:10 0x020e,24 //2004-07-13aSakexe packet_ver: 7 0x0072,39,wanttoconnection,12:22:30:34:38 0x0085,9,walktoxy,6 0x009b,13,changedir,5:12 0x009f,10,takeitem,6 0x00a7,17,useitem,6:13 0x0113,19,useskilltoid,7:9:15 0x0116,19,useskilltopos,7:9:15:17 0x0190,99,useskilltoposinfo,7:9:15:17:19 //2004-07-26aSakexe packet_ver: 8 0x0072,14,dropitem,5:12 0x007e,33,wanttoconnection,12:18:24:28:32 0x0085,20,useskilltoid,7:12:16 0x0089,15,getcharnamerequest,11 0x008c,23,useskilltopos,3:6:17:21 0x0094,10,takeitem,6 0x009b,6,walktoxy,3 0x009f,13,changedir,5:12 0x00a2,103,useskilltoposinfo,3:6:17:21:23 0x00a7,12,solvecharname,8 0x00f3,-1,globalmessage,2:4 0x00f5,17,useitem,6:12 0x00f7,10,ticksend,6 0x0113,16,movetokafra,5:12 0x0116,2,closekafra,0 0x0190,26,movefromkafra,10:22 0x0193,9,actionrequest,3:8 //2004-08-09aSakexe packet_ver: 9 0x0072,17,dropitem,8:15 0x007e,37,wanttoconnection,9:21:28:32:36 0x0085,26,useskilltoid,11:18:22 0x0089,12,getcharnamerequest,8 0x008c,40,useskilltopos,5:15:29:38 0x0094,13,takeitem,9 0x009b,15,walktoxy,12 0x009f,12,changedir,7:11 0x00a2,120,useskilltoposinfo,5:15:29:38:40 0x00a7,11,solvecharname,7 0x00f5,24,useitem,9:20 0x00f7,13,ticksend,9 0x0113,23,movetokafra,5:19 0x0190,26,movefromkafra,11:22 0x0193,18,actionrequest,7:17 //2004-08-16aSakexe 0x0212,26,rc,2 0x0213,26,check,2 0x0214,42 //2004-08-17aSakexe 0x020f,10,pvpinfo,2:6 0x0210,22 //2004-09-06aSakexe packet_ver: 10 0x0072,20,useitem,9:20 0x007e,19,movetokafra,3:15 0x0085,23,actionrequest,9:22 0x0089,9,walktoxy,6 0x008c,105,useskilltoposinfo,10:14:18:23:25 0x0094,17,dropitem,6:15 0x009b,14,getcharnamerequest,10 0x009f,-1,globalmessage,2:4 0x00a2,14,solvecharname,10 0x00a7,25,useskilltopos,10:14:18:23 0x00f3,10,changedir,4:9 0x00f5,34,wanttoconnection,7:15:25:29:33 0x00f7,2,closekafra,0 0x0113,11,takeitem,7 0x0116,11,ticksend,7 0x0190,22,useskilltoid,9:15:18 0x0193,17,movefromkafra,3:13 //2004-09-20aSakexe packet_ver: 11 0x0072,18,useitem,10:14 0x007e,25,movetokafra,6:21 0x0085,9,actionrequest,3:8 0x0089,14,walktoxy,11 0x008c,109,useskilltoposinfo,16:20:23:27:29 0x0094,19,dropitem,12:17 0x009b,10,getcharnamerequest,6 0x00a2,10,solvecharname,6 0x00a7,29,useskilltopos,6:20:23:27 0x00f3,18,changedir,8:17 0x00f5,32,wanttoconnection,10:17:23:27:31 0x0113,14,takeitem,10 0x0116,14,ticksend,10 0x0190,14,useskilltoid,4:7:10 0x0193,12,movefromkafra,4:8 //2004-10-05aSakexe packet_ver: 12 0x0072,17,useitem,6:13 0x007e,16,movetokafra,5:12 0x0089,6,walktoxy,3 0x008c,103,useskilltoposinfo,2:6:17:21:23 0x0094,14,dropitem,5:12 0x009b,15,getcharnamerequest,11 0x00a2,12,solvecharname,8 0x00a7,23,useskilltopos,3:6:17:21 0x00f3,13,changedir,5:12 0x00f5,33,wanttoconnection,12:18:24:28:32 0x0113,10,takeitem,6 0x0116,10,ticksend,6 0x0190,20,useskilltoid,7:12:16 0x0193,26,movefromkafra,10:22 //2004-10-25aSakexe packet_ver: 13 0x0072,13,useitem,5:9 0x007e,13,movetokafra,6:9 0x0085,15,actionrequest,4:14 0x008c,108,useskilltoposinfo,6:9:23:26:28 0x0094,12,dropitem,6:10 0x009b,10,getcharnamerequest,6 0x00a2,16,solvecharname,12 0x00a7,28,useskilltopos,6:9:23:26 0x00f3,15,changedir,6:14 0x00f5,29,wanttoconnection,5:14:20:24:28 0x0113,9,takeitem,5 0x0116,9,ticksend,5 0x0190,26,useskilltoid,4:10:22 0x0193,22,movefromkafra,12:18 //2004-11-01aSakexe 0x0084,-1 0x0215,6 //2004-11-08aSakexe 0x0084,2 0x0216,6 0x0217,2,blacksmith,0 0x0218,2,alchemist,0 0x0219,282 0x021a,282 0x021b,10 0x021c,10 //2004-11-15aSakexe 0x021d,6,lesseffect,2 //2004-11-29aSakexe packet_ver: 14 0x0072,22,useskilltoid,8:12:18 0x007e,30,useskilltopos,4:9:22:28 0x0085,-1,globalmessage,2:4 0x0089,7,ticksend,3 0x008c,13,getcharnamerequest,9 0x0094,14,movetokafra,4:10 0x009b,2,closekafra,0 0x009f,18,actionrequest,6:17 0x00a2,7,takeitem,3 0x00a7,7,walktoxy,4 0x00f3,8,changedir,3:7 0x00f5,29,wanttoconnection,3:10:20:24:28 0x00f7,14,solvecharname,10 0x0113,110,useskilltoposinfo,4:9:22:28:30 0x0116,12,dropitem,4:10 0x0190,15,useitem,3:11 0x0193,21,movefromkafra,4:17 0x0221,-1 0x0222,6,weaponrefine,2 0x0223,8 //2004-12-13aSakexe //skipped: many packets being set to -1 0x0066,3 0x0070,3 0x01ca,3 0x021e,6 0x021f,66 0x0220,10 //2005-01-10bSakexe packet_ver: 15 0x0072,26,useskilltoid,8:16:22 0x007e,114,useskilltoposinfo,10:18:22:32:34 0x0085,23,changedir,12:22 0x0089,9,ticksend,5 0x008c,8,getcharnamerequest,4 0x0094,20,movetokafra,10:16 0x009b,32,wanttoconnection,3:12:23:27:31 0x009f,17,useitem,5:13 0x00a2,11,solvecharname,7 0x00a7,13,walktoxy,10 0x00f3,-1,globalmessage,2:4 0x00f5,9,takeitem,5 0x00f7,21,movefromkafra,11:17 0x0113,34,useskilltopos,10:18:22:32 0x0116,20,dropitem,15:18 0x0190,20,actionrequest,9:19 0x0193,2,closekafra,0 //2005-03-28aSakexe 0x0224,10 0x0225,2,taekwon,0 0x0226,282 //2005-04-04aSakexe 0x0227,18 0x0228,18 //2005-04-11aSakexe 0x0229,15 0x022a,58 0x022b,57 0x022c,64 //2005-04-25aSakexe 0x022d,5,hommenu,2:4 0x0232,9,hommoveto,2:6 0x0233,11,homattack,2:6:10 0x0234,6,hommovetomaster,2 //2005-05-09aSakexe packet_ver: 16 0x0072,25,useskilltoid,6:10:21 0x007e,102,useskilltoposinfo,5:9:12:20:22 0x0085,11,changedir,7:10 0x0089,8,ticksend,4 0x008c,11,getcharnamerequest,7 0x0094,14,movetokafra,7:10 0x009b,26,wanttoconnection,4:9:17:21:25 0x009f,14,useitem,4:10 0x00a2,15,solvecharname,11 0x00a7,8,walktoxy,5 0x00f5,8,takeitem,4 0x00f7,22,movefromkafra,14:18 0x0113,22,useskilltopos,5:9:12:20 0x0116,10,dropitem,5:8 0x0190,19,actionrequest,5:18 //2005-05-23aSakexe 0x022e,69 0x0230,12 //2005-05-30aSakexe 0x022e,71 0x0235,-1 0x0236,10 0x0237,2,rankingpk,0 0x0238,282 //2005-05-31aSakexe 0x0216,2 0x0239,11 //2005-06-08aSakexe 0x0216,6 0x0217,2,blacksmith,0 0x022f,5 0x0231,26,changehomunculusname,0 0x023a,4 0x023b,36,storagepassword,2:4:20 0x023c,6 //2005-06-22aSakexe 0x022e,71 //2005-06-28aSakexe packet_ver: 17 0x0072,34,useskilltoid,6:17:30 0x007e,113,useskilltoposinfo,12:15:18:31:33 0x0085,17,changedir,8:16 0x0089,13,ticksend,9 0x008c,8,getcharnamerequest,4 0x0094,31,movetokafra,16:27 0x009b,32,wanttoconnection,9:15:23:27:31 0x009f,19,useitem,9:15 0x00a2,9,solvecharname,5 0x00a7,11,walktoxy,8 0x00f5,13,takeitem,9 0x00f7,18,movefromkafra,11:14 0x0113,33,useskilltopos,12:15:18:31 0x0116,12,dropitem,3:10 0x0190,24,actionrequest,11:23 0x0216,-1 0x023d,-1 0x023e,4 //2005-07-18aSakexe packet_ver: 18 0x0072,19,useskilltoid,5:11:15 0x007e,110,useskilltoposinfo,9:15:23:28:30 0x0085,11,changedir,6:10 0x0089,7,ticksend,3 0x008c,11,getcharnamerequest,7 0x0094,21,movetokafra,12:17 0x009b,31,wanttoconnection,3:13:22:26:30 0x009f,12,useitem,3:8 0x00a2,18,solvecharname,14 0x00a7,15,walktoxy,12 0x00f5,7,takeitem,3 0x00f7,13,movefromkafra,5:9 0x0113,30,useskilltopos,9:15:23:28 0x0116,12,dropitem,6:10 0x0190,21,actionrequest,5:20 0x0216,6 0x023f,2,mailrefresh,0 0x0240,8 0x0241,6,mailread,2 0x0242,-1 0x0243,6,maildelete,2 0x0244,6,mailgetattach,2 0x0245,7 0x0246,4,mailwinopen,2 0x0247,8,mailsetattach,2:4 0x0248,68 0x0249,3 0x024a,70 0x024b,4,auctioncancelreg,0 0x024c,8,auctionsetitem,0 0x024d,14 0x024e,6,auctioncancel,0 0x024f,10,auctionbid,0 0x0250,3 0x0251,2 0x0252,-1 //2005-07-19bSakexe packet_ver: 19 0x0072,34,useskilltoid,6:17:30 0x007e,113,useskilltoposinfo,12:15:18:31:33 0x0085,17,changedir,8:16 0x0089,13,ticksend,9 0x008c,8,getcharnamerequest,4 0x0094,31,movetokafra,16:27 0x009b,32,wanttoconnection,9:15:23:27:31 0x009f,19,useitem,9:15 0x00a2,9,solvecharname,5 0x00a7,11,walktoxy,8 0x00f5,13,takeitem,9 0x00f7,18,movefromkafra,11:14 0x0113,33,useskilltopos,12:15:18:31 0x0116,12,dropitem,3:10 0x0190,24,actionrequest,11:23 //2005-08-01aSakexe 0x0245,3 0x0251,4 //2005-08-08aSakexe 0x024d,12,auctionregister,0 0x024e,4 //2005-08-17aSakexe 0x0253,3 0x0254,3,feelsaveok,0 //2005-08-29aSakexe 0x0240,-1 0x0248,-1,mailsend,2:4:28:68 0x0255,5 0x0256,-1 0x0257,8 //2005-09-12bSakexe 0x0256,5 0x0258,2 0x0259,3 //2005-10-10aSakexe 0x020e,32 0x025a,-1 0x025b,6,cooking,0 //2005-10-13aSakexe 0x007a,6 0x0251,32 0x025c,4,auctionbuysell,0 //2005-10-17aSakexe 0x007a,58 0x025d,6,auctionclose,0 0x025e,4 //2005-10-24aSakexe 0x025f,6 0x0260,6 //2005-11-07aSakexe 0x024e,6,auctioncancel,0 0x0251,34,auctionsearch,0 //2006-01-09aSakexe 0x0261,11 0x0262,11 0x0263,11 0x0264,20 0x0265,20 0x0266,30 0x0267,4 0x0268,4 0x0269,4 0x026a,4 0x026b,4 0x026c,4 0x026d,4 0x026f,2 0x0270,2 0x0271,38 0x0272,44 //2006-01-26aSakexe 0x0271,40 //2006-03-06aSakexe 0x0273,6 0x0274,8 //2006-03-13aSakexe 0x0273,30,mailreturn,2:6 //2006-03-27aSakexe packet_ver: 20 0x0072,26,useskilltoid,11:18:22 0x007e,120,useskilltoposinfo,5:15:29:38:40 0x0085,12,changedir,7:11 //0x0089,13,ticksend,9 0x008c,12,getcharnamerequest,8 0x0094,23,movetokafra,5:19 0x009b,37,wanttoconnection,9:21:28:32:36 0x009f,24,useitem,9:20 0x00a2,11,solvecharname,7 0x00a7,15,walktoxy,12 0x00f5,13,takeitem,9 0x00f7,26,movefromkafra,11:22 0x0113,40,useskilltopos,5:15:29:38 0x0116,17,dropitem,8:15 0x0190,18,actionrequest,7:17 //2006-10-23aSakexe 0x006d,110 //2006-04-24aSakexe to 2007-01-02aSakexe 0x023e,8 0x0277,84 0x0278,2 0x0279,2 0x027a,-1 0x027b,14 0x027c,60 0x027d,62 0x027e,-1 0x027f,8 0x0280,12 0x0281,4 0x0282,284 0x0283,6 0x0284,14 0x0285,6 0x0286,4 0x0287,-1 0x0288,6 0x0289,8 0x028a,18 0x028b,-1 0x028c,46 0x028d,34 0x028e,4 0x028f,6 0x0290,4 0x0291,4 0x0292,2,autorevive,0 0x0293,70 0x0294,10 0x0295,-1 0x0296,-1 0x0297,-1 0x0298,8 0x0299,6 0x029a,27 0x029c,66 0x029d,-1 0x029e,11 0x029f,3,mermenu,0 0x02a0,-1 0x02a1,-1 0x02a2,8 //2007-01-08aSakexe packet_ver: 21 0x0072,30,useskilltoid,10:14:26 0x007e,120,useskilltoposinfo,10:19:23:38:40 0x0085,14,changedir,10:13 0x0089,11,ticksend,7 0x008c,17,getcharnamerequest,13 0x0094,17,movetokafra,4:13 0x009b,35,wanttoconnection,7:21:26:30:34 0x009f,21,useitem,7:17 0x00a2,10,solvecharname,6 0x00a7,8,walktoxy,5 0x00f5,11,takeitem,7 0x00f7,15,movefromkafra,3:11 0x0113,40,useskilltopos,10:19:23:38 0x0116,19,dropitem,11:17 0x0190,10,actionrequest,4:9 //2007-01-22aSakexe 0x02a3,18 0x02a4,2 //2007-01-29aSakexe 0x029b,72 0x02a3,-1 0x02a4,-1 0x02a5,8 // 2007-02-05aSakexe 0x02aa,4 0x02ab,36 0x02ac,6 //2007-02-12aSakexe packet_ver: 22 0x0072,25,useskilltoid,6:10:21 0x007e,102,useskilltoposinfo,5:9:12:20:22 0x0085,11,changedir,7:10 0x0089,8,ticksend,4 0x008c,11,getcharnamerequest,7 0x0094,14,movetokafra,7:10 0x009b,26,wanttoconnection,4:9:17:21:25 0x009f,14,useitem,4:10 0x00a2,15,solvecharname,11 //0x00a7,8,walktoxy,5 0x00f5,8,takeitem,4 0x00f7,22,movefromkafra,14:18 0x0113,22,useskilltopos,5:9:12:20 0x0116,10,dropitem,5:8 0x0190,19,actionrequest,5:18 //2007-05-07aSakexe 0x01fd,15,repairitem,2 //2007-02-27aSakexe to 2007-10-02aSakexe 0x0288,10,cashshopbuy,2:4:6 0x0289,12 0x02a6,22 0x02a7,22 0x02a8,162 0x02a9,58 0x02ad,8 0x02b0,85 0x02b1,-1 0x02b2,-1 0x02b3,107 0x02b4,6 0x02b5,-1 0x02b6,7,queststate,2:6 0x02b7,7 0x02b8,22 0x02b9,191 0x02ba,11,hotkey,2:4:5:9 0x02bb,8 0x02bc,6 0x02bf,10 0x02c0,2 0x02c1,-1 0x02c2,-1 0x02c4,26,partyinvite2,2 0x02c5,30 0x02c6,30 0x02c7,7,replypartyinvite2,2:6 0x02c8,3 0x02c9,3 0x02ca,3 0x02cb,20 0x02cc,4 0x02cd,26 0x02ce,10 0x02cf,6 0x02d0,-1 0x02d1,-1 0x02d2,-1 0x02d3,4 0x02d4,29 0x02d5,2 0x02d6,6,viewplayerequip,2 0x02d7,-1 0x02d8,10,equiptickbox,6 0x02d9,10 0x02da,3 0x02db,-1,battlechat,2:4 0x02dc,-1 0x02dd,32 0x02de,6 0x02df,36 0x02e0,34 //2007-10-23aSakexe 0x02cb,65 0x02cd,71 //2007-11-06aSakexe 0x0078,55 0x007c,42 0x022c,65 0x029b,80 //2007-11-13aSakexe 0x02e1,33 //2007-11-20aSakexe //0x01df,10 <- ??? 0x02e2,14 0x02e3,25 0x02e4,8 0x02e5,8 0x02e6,6 //2007-11-27aSakexe 0x02e7,-1 //2008-01-02aSakexe 0x01df,6,gmreqaccname,2 0x02e8,-1 0x02e9,-1 0x02ea,-1 0x02eb,13 0x02ec,67 0x02ed,59 0x02ee,60 0x02ef,8 //2008-03-18aSakexe 0x02bf,-1 0x02c0,-1 0x02f0,10 0x02f1,2,progressbar,0 0x02f2,2 //2008-03-25bSakexe 0x02f3,-1 0x02f4,-1 0x02f5,-1 0x02f6,-1 0x02f7,-1 0x02f8,-1 0x02f9,-1 0x02fa,-1 0x02fb,-1 0x02fc,-1 0x02fd,-1 0x02fe,-1 0x02ff,-1 0x0300,-1 //2008-04-01aSakexe 0x0301,-1 0x0302,-1 0x0303,-1 0x0304,-1 0x0305,-1 0x0306,-1 0x0307,-1 0x0308,-1 0x0309,-1 0x030a,-1 0x030b,-1 0x030c,-1 0x030d,-1 0x030e,-1 0x030f,-1 0x0310,-1 0x0311,-1 0x0312,-1 0x0313,-1 0x0314,-1 0x0315,-1 0x0316,-1 0x0317,-1 0x0318,-1 0x0319,-1 0x031a,-1 0x031b,-1 0x031c,-1 0x031d,-1 0x031e,-1 0x031f,-1 0x0320,-1 0x0321,-1 0x0322,-1 0x0323,-1 0x0324,-1 0x0325,-1 0x0326,-1 0x0327,-1 0x0328,-1 0x0329,-1 0x032a,-1 0x032b,-1 0x032c,-1 0x032d,-1 0x032e,-1 0x032f,-1 0x0330,-1 0x0331,-1 0x0332,-1 0x0333,-1 0x0334,-1 0x0335,-1 0x0336,-1 0x0337,-1 0x0338,-1 0x0339,-1 0x033a,-1 0x033b,-1 0x033c,-1 0x033d,-1 0x033e,-1 0x033f,-1 0x0340,-1 0x0341,-1 0x0342,-1 0x0343,-1 0x0344,-1 0x0345,-1 0x0346,-1 0x0347,-1 0x0348,-1 0x0349,-1 0x034a,-1 0x034b,-1 0x034c,-1 0x034d,-1 0x034e,-1 0x034f,-1 0x0350,-1 0x0351,-1 0x0352,-1 0x0353,-1 0x0354,-1 0x0355,-1 0x0356,-1 0x0357,-1 0x0358,-1 0x0359,-1 0x035a,-1 //2008-05-27aSakexe 0x035b,-1 0x035c,2 0x035d,-1 0x035e,2 0x035f,-1 0x0389,-1 //2008-08-20aSakexe 0x040c,-1 0x040d,-1 0x040e,-1 0x040f,-1 0x0410,-1 0x0411,-1 0x0412,-1 0x0413,-1 0x0414,-1 0x0415,-1 0x0416,-1 0x0417,-1 0x0418,-1 0x0419,-1 0x041a,-1 0x041b,-1 0x041c,-1 0x041d,-1 0x041e,-1 0x041f,-1 0x0420,-1 0x0421,-1 0x0422,-1 0x0423,-1 0x0424,-1 0x0425,-1 0x0426,-1 0x0427,-1 0x0428,-1 0x0429,-1 0x042a,-1 0x042b,-1 0x042c,-1 0x042d,-1 0x042e,-1 0x042f,-1 0x0430,-1 0x0431,-1 0x0432,-1 0x0433,-1 0x0434,-1 0x0435,-1 //2008-09-10aSakexe packet_ver: 23 0x0436,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0437,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x0438,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0439,8,useitem,2:4 //2008-11-13aSakexe 0x043d,8 0x043e,-1 0x043f,8 //2008-11-26aSakexe 0x01a2,37 0x0440,10 0x0441,4 //2008-12-10aSakexe 0x0442,-1 0x0443,8,skillselectmenu,2:6 //2009-01-14aSakexe 0x043f,25 0x0444,-1 0x0445,10 //2009-02-18aSakexe 0x0446,14 //2009-02-25aSakexe 0x0448,-1 //2009-03-30aSakexe 0x0449,4 //2009-04-08aSakexe 0x02a6,-1 0x02a7,-1 0x044a,6 //Renewal Clients //2008-08-27aRagexeRE packet_ver: 24 0x0072,22,useskilltoid,9:15:18 0x007c,44 0x007e,105,useskilltoposinfo,10:14:18:23:25 0x0085,10,changedir,4:9 0x0089,11,ticksend,7 0x008c,14,getcharnamerequest,10 0x0094,19,movetokafra,3:15 0x009b,34,wanttoconnection,7:15:25:29:33 0x009f,20,useitem,7:20 0x00a2,14,solvecharname,10 0x00a7,9,walktoxy,6 0x00f5,11,takeitem,7 0x00f7,17,movefromkafra,3:13 0x0113,25,useskilltopos,10:14:18:23 0x0116,17,dropitem,6:15 0x0190,23,actionrequest,9:22 0x02e2,20 0x02e3,22 0x02e4,11 0x02e5,9 //2008-09-10aRagexeRE packet_ver: 25 0x0436,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x0437,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x0438,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0439,8,useitem,2:4 //2008-11-12aRagexeRE 0x043d,8 //0x043e,-1 0x043f,8 //2008-12-17aRagexeRE 0x01a2,37 //0x0440,10 //0x0441,4 //0x0442,8 //0x0443,8 //2008-12-17bRagexeRE 0x006d,114 //2009-01-21aRagexeRE 0x043f,25 //0x0444,-1 //0x0445,10 //2009-02-18aRagexeRE //0x0446,14 //2009-02-26cRagexeRE //0x0448,-1 //2009-04-01aRagexeRE //0x0449,4 //2009-05-14aRagexeRE //0x044b,2 //2009-05-20aRagexeRE //0x07d0,6 //0x07d1,2 //0x07d2,-1 //0x07d3,4 //0x07d4,4 //0x07d5,4 //0x07d6,4 //0x0447,2 //2009-06-03aRagexeRE 0x07d7,8,partychangeoption,2:6:7 0x07d8,8 0x07d9,254 0x07da,6,partychangeleader,2 //2009-06-10aRagexeRE //0x07db,8 //2009-06-17aRagexeRE 0x07d9,268 //0x07dc,6 //0x07dd,54 //0x07de,30 //0x07df,54 //2009-07-01aRagexeRE //0x0275,37 //0x0276,-1 //2009-07-08aRagexeRE //0x07e0,58 //2009-07-15aRagexeRE 0x07e1,15 //2009-08-05aRagexeRE 0x07e2,8 //2009-08-18aRagexeRE 0x07e3,6 0x07e4,-1,itemlistwindowselected,2:4:8 0x07e6,8 //2009-08-25aRagexeRE //0x07e6,28 0x07e7,5 //2009-09-22aRagexeRE 0x07e5,8 0x07e6,8 0x07e7,32 0x07e8,-1 0x07e9,5 //2009-09-29aRagexeRE //0x07ea,2 //0x07eb,-1 //0x07ec,6 //0x07ed,8 //0x07ee,6 //0x07ef,8 //0x07f0,4 //0x07f2,4 //0x07f3,3 //2009-10-06aRagexeRE //0x07ec,8 //0x07ed,10 //0x07f0,8 //0x07f1,15 //0x07f2,6 //0x07f3,4 //0x07f4,3 //2009-10-27aRagexeRE 0x07f5,6,gmreqaccname,2 0x07f6,14 //2009-11-03aRagexeRE 0x07f7,-1 0x07f8,-1 0x07f9,-1 //2009-11-17aRagexeRE 0x07fa,8 //2009-11-24aRagexeRE 0x07fb,25 //2009-12-01aRagexeRE //0x07fc,10 //0x07fd,-1 0x07fe,26 //0x07ff,-1 //2009-12-15aRagexeRE 0x0800,-1 //0x0801,-1 //2009-12-22aRagexeRE 0x0802,18,bookingregreq,2:4:6 // Booking System 0x0803,4 0x0804,8 // Booking System 0x0805,-1 0x0806,4,bookingdelreq,2 // Booking System //0x0807,2 0x0808,4 // Booking System //0x0809,14 //0x080A,50 //0x080B,18 //0x080C,6 //2009-12-29aRagexeRE 0x0804,14,bookingsearchreq,2:4:6:8:12 // Booking System 0x0806,2,bookingdelreq,0 // Booking System 0x0807,4 0x0808,14,bookingupdatereq,2 // Booking System 0x0809,50 0x080A,18 0x080B,6 // Booking System //2010-01-05aRagexeRE 0x0801,-1,purchasereq2,2:4:8:12 //2010-01-26aRagexeRE //0x080C,2 //0x080D,3 0x080E,14 //2010-02-09aRagexeRE //0x07F0,6 //2010-02-23aRagexeRE 0x080F,20 //2010-03-03aRagexeRE 0x0810,3 0x0811,-1,reqopenbuyingstore,2:4:8:9:89 //0x0812,86 //0x0813,6 //0x0814,6 //0x0815,-1 //0x0817,-1 //0x0818,6 //0x0819,4 //2010-03-09aRagexeRE 0x0813,-1 //0x0814,2 //0x0815,6 0x0816,6 0x0818,-1 //0x0819,10 //0x081A,4 //0x081B,4 //0x081C,6 0x081d,22 0x081e,8 //2010-03-23aRagexeRE //0x081F,-1 //2010-04-06aRagexeRE //0x081A,6 //2010-04-13aRagexeRE //0x081A,10 0x0820,11 //0x0821,2 //0x0822,9 //0x0823,-1 //2010-04-14dRagexeRE //0x081B,8 //2010-04-20aRagexeRE 0x0812,8 0x0814,86 0x0815,2,reqclosebuyingstore,0 0x0817,6,reqclickbuyingstore,2 0x0819,-1,reqtradebuyingstore,2:4:8:12 0x081a,4 0x081b,10 0x081c,10 0x0824,6 //2010-06-01aRagexeRE //0x0825,-1 //0x0826,4 0x0835,-1,searchstoreinfo,2:4:5:9:13:14:15 0x0836,-1 0x0837,3 //0x0838,3 //2010-06-08aRagexeRE 0x0838,2,searchstoreinfonextpage,0 0x083A,4 // Search Stalls Feature 0x083B,2,closesearchstoreinfo,0 0x083C,12,searchstoreinfolistitemclick,2:6:10 0x083D,6 //2010-06-15aRagexeRE //0x083E,26 //2010-06-22aRagexeRE //0x083F,22 //2010-06-29aRagexeRE 0x00AA,9 //0x07F1,18 //0x07F2,8 //0x07F3,6 //2010-07-01aRagexeRE 0x083A,5 // Search Stalls Feature //2010-07-13aRagexeRE //0x0827,6 //0x0828,14 //0x0829,6 //0x082A,10 //0x082B,6 //0x082C,14 //0x0840,-1 //0x0841,19 //2010-07-14aRagexeRE //0x841,4 //2010-08-03aRagexeRE 0x0839,66 0x0842,6,recall2,2 0x0843,6,remove2,2 //2010-11-24aRagexeRE packet_ver: 26 0x0288,-1,cashshopbuy,4:8 0x0436,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x035f,5,walktoxy,2 0x0360,6,ticksend,2 0x0361,5,changedir,2:4 0x0362,6,takeitem,2 0x0363,6,dropitem,2:4 0x0364,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x0365,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x0366,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x0367,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x0368,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0369,6,solvecharname,2 0x0856,-1 0x0857,-1 0x0858,-1 0x0859,-1 //2011-10-05aRagexeRE packet_ver: 27 0x0364,5,walktoxy,2 0x0817,6,ticksend,2 0x0366,5,changedir,2:4 0x0815,6,takeitem,2 0x0885,6,dropitem,2:4 0x0893,8,movetokafra,2:4 0x0897,8,movefromkafra,2:4 0x0369,10,useskilltopos,2:4:6:8 0x08ad,90,useskilltoposinfo,2:4:6:8:10 0x088a,6,getcharnamerequest,2 0x0838,6,solvecharname,2 0x0439,8,useitem,2:4 // 2011-11-02aRagexe packet_ver: 28 0x0436,26,friendslistadd,2 0x0898,5,hommenu,4 0x0281,36,storagepassword,0 0x088d,26,partyinvite2,2 0x083c,19,wanttoconnection,2:6:10:14:18 0x08aa,7,actionrequest,2:6 0x02c4,10,useskilltoid,2:4:6 0x0811,-1,itemlistwindowselected,2:4:8 0x890,8 0x08a5,18,bookingregreq,2:4:6 0x0835,-1,reqopenbuyingstore,2:4:8:9:89 0x089b,2,reqclosebuyingstore,0 0x08a1,6,reqclickbuyingstore,2 0x089e,-1,reqtradebuyingstore,2:4:8:12 0x08ab,-1,searchstoreinfo,2:4:5:9:13:14:15 0x088b,2,searchstoreinfonextpage,0 0x08a2,12,searchstoreinfolistitemclick,2:6:10 //Add new packets here //packet_ver: 27 I just use the rAthena Client --> http://rathena.org/board/topic/54190-release-basic-rathena-client/ Regards, Melody :3
  14. Oh, that was to 'Quick' i didn't notice it, that 'import-tmpl' to 'import' just to 'RENAME' only, kinda new in this rAthena SVN. So stupid @_@ Thank for the Help guys! Regards, Melody :3
  15. Hello, it's me again! I'm bit confuse why i got this 'ERROR' since i set-up eAthena SVN i don't have any Problem. Maybe, i forgot some of Setting-UP for this. Here's the Image: http://i40.tinypic.com/ao19v8.png Kindly please, tell me what should i do, to prevent those 'ERRORS' and any Guides. Sorry for being stupid. i know this is just a small problem. Hopefully you'll understand me. Regards, Melody :3
  16. Oh, i understand now, thanks for the support. Maybe you have something to tell me that is not familiar with me? or Newer other things? Other thing: how can i know if what Packet is in my 'Client'? For Ex: 2011-5-11 (How to determine what Packet # Should i use?) Sorry for being so stupid i'm just curios for newer Clients or everthing. Melody :3
  17. Hello, Judas thanks for the support, anyways i'm bit confuse, what does 'Lua Files' do? and his Function i didn't READ anything about New 'Updates' regarding Client and Server Side, seems i'm not familiar with that thingy, for the Packet i know. i just need to go with my mmo.h? right? for Recompile* Regards, Melody
  18. Hello, Good day to everyone, i've been wondering if what 'Client' should i use in 'rAthena Trunk SQL 15505' . since i'm just using my old 'eAthena Trunk SQL 14893'. i just wanted to Update my SVN for rAthena, and to ask if what client is compatible with that SVN. (Transcend Class Only no 3RD Class) just bit confuse in this part, though I'm not working anymore with Set-UP etc. its been long time i didn't set UP again. (Newbies) I have already the Miruku's Full Client. Hopefully someone would suggest. Thank you! Regards, Melody :3
  19. REKT

    3D Modelle

    :3 very nice 3D Models, hoping you could add also some resources of NoN RO related. Looking forward on this 'Thread' Goodluck! Regards, Melody :3
  20. REKT

    Query_SQL Help

    Hello, Chris the 'CODE' is working but, few Suggestion? EX: what if the player has no 'GUILD'? Could you also put "None Guild"? please understand me here, i'm still new in 'query_sql' sorry for stealing your 'CODE' @_@? @Keyworld, thanks a lot! but sorry, i can't understand that good 'query_sql' code of yours, maybe i should messing around with /doc.txt Melody
  21. REKT

    Query_SQL Help

    Oh my 'GOSH' seems i can't read this professional scripting tricks, could you make it more 'BASICS' i don't need something like this, i can't even read some of the 'DETAILS' Please? Regards, Melody
  22. Hello, it's me again! i just wanted to confirm the following script that i edit? if this one is correct. Uhm? if possible? could you add also the Logo for the Emblem and the following name of the guild? Ex: [LOGO] Hello Kitty Guild. Could you fix it below the script? I just stole it from 'Chris' sorry! and i don't have any idea how to fix the query_sql properly. query_sql "SELECT `char_num` , `name` , `class` , `base_level` , `job_level` mes "Character Name: ^0000FF" + @name$[0] + "^000000"; mes "Base/Job Level: ^993333" + @base_level[@a] + " / " + @job_level[@a] + "^000000"; mes "Class: ^993333" + jobname(@class[@a]) + "^000000"; mes "Guild: [LOGO] and the Name of the [GUILD]"; Don't know what else i could explain about this script since, i'm not familiar with query_sql. Thank you and much appreciated for those who help me here. Regards, Melody
  23. Oh, yeah! my FAULT X_X i was not UPDATED with kRO now just often to see some UPDATES, actually i already Downloaded the new 'Miruku15122011' is it UPDATED? and already have the Transcend Mounts? Since i'm using my OLD eAthena SVN Trunk 148++. I'm planning to SET UP again for the new rAthena SVN ;( I don't know if how to set up again! LOL @_@ Thanks for the TIP. Melody
  24. Hello, again! it's me 'MELODY' @ eAthena well, i guess some of you know me already, so i would like to request or ask for help, where can i find the complete PACK for Transcend Mounts Sprite w/ Complete Act. and Spr. since, i'm not using 3RD CLASS jobs. only for Trans Class. Please PM ME if you have it. Thank you very much! Regards, Melody
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