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  1. The client displays the wrong animations for both character logout and when a monster uses NPC_CALLSLAVE. This has been an unresolved issue ever since eAthena and has persisted into rAthena's current state. Currently, this effect is what clients display when a character logs out: This is the effect the client displays when a monster uses NPC_CALLSLAVE: Official servers have these effects reversed. The NPC_CALLSLAVE effect currently being used should be used for players logging out and the current logout animation (the same as the one shown when a player or monster teleports) should be used for NPC_CALLSLAVE. Because of this bug, it is not possible to know by the animation whether a player has logged out or has used teleport. Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Solved.
  2. I solved this issue partially. I created a new value for the connect function to specify which server to connect to. This function works only when a user is logged out (useful for quick loading databases/who's online/rankings). It will not work for logged in characters because their connection is called at /lib/Flux/SessionData.php:355 which applies to all queries. This means when set to a replicated server it breaks gender changes/preferences/slot changes etc. If anyone knows a solution to this issue, please let me know. Replace the connect, getConnection and getStatement functions at lib\Flux\connection.php with these: private function connect(Flux_Config $dbConfig, $altServer) { $dsn = 'mysql:'; // Differentiate between a socket-type connection or an ip:port // connection. if ($sock=$dbConfig->getSocket()) { $dsn .= "unix_socket=$sock"; } else { if(isset($altServer)) $dsn .= 'host='.Flux::config($altServer.'.Hostname'); else $dsn .= 'host='.$dbConfig->getHostname(); if ($port=$dbConfig->getPort()) { $dsn .= ";port=$port"; } } // May or may not have a database name specified. if ($dbName=$dbConfig->getDatabase()) { if(isset($altServer)) $dsn .= ";dbname=".Flux::config($altServer.'.Database'); else $dsn .= ";dbname=$dbName"; } $persistent = array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => (bool)$dbConfig->getPersistent()); if(isset($altServer)) return new PDO($dsn, Flux::config($altServer.'.Username'), Flux::config($altServer.'.Password'), $persistent); else return new PDO($dsn, $dbConfig->getUsername(), $dbConfig->getPassword(), $persistent); } private function getConnection($altServer) { if (!$this->pdoMain) { // Establish connection for main databases. $pdoMain = $this->connect($this->dbConfig, $altServer); $this->pdoMain = $pdoMain; if ($encoding=$this->dbConfig->getEncoding()) { $sth = $this->getStatement("SET NAMES ?"); $sth->execute(array($encoding)); } if ($timezone=$this->dbConfig->getTimezone()) { $sth = $this->getStatement("SET time_zone = ?"); $sth->execute(array($timezone)); } } return $this->pdoMain; } public function getStatement($statement, $options = array(), $altServer=null) { $dbh = $this->getConnection($altServer); if(isset($options)) $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement, $options); else $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement); @$sth->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, 'Flux_DataObject', array(null, array('dbconfig' => $this->dbConfig))); if ($sth) { return new Flux_Connection_Statement($sth); } else { return false; } } Add the following to config\application.php: 'MyServer' => array( 'Hostname' => '', 'Username' => 'username', 'Password' => 'password', 'Database' => 'database' ), Use this new function for the places you'd like to change servers: getStatement($sql,null,'MyServer'); The item and monster database connections are both made at /lib/Flux/TemporaryTable.php:241
  3. For my server setup, I have two SQL databases, one on the athena server and one on the web server. The web server has replication databases of the athena server's databases. I want to have Flux using the web server's replicated databases when querying for data. This is where I have my problem; when a user wants to change account settings like sex, email or password, I want to connect to the main database and not the replicated one. I have narrowed it down and believe Flux CP makes the connection here (in files changepass.php, changesex.php, changemail.php, confirmemail.php): $sth = $server->connection->getStatement($sql); How can I alter this statement in the few locations it will be necessary so it connects to an alternative host address?
  4. File Name: Detailed World Map File Submitter: puzzles File Submitted: 27 Feb 2012 File Category: Maps & Textures An alternate world map made to replace the existing client version. This one has the actual map images on it. Compiled by puzzles. Click here to download this file
  5. Version 1.0


    An alternate world map made to replace the existing client version. This one has the actual map images on it. Compiled by puzzles.
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