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Bachir Zitout

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Everything posted by Bachir Zitout

  1. hi guys i have a problem im useing 2015-10-29aRagexe Cleint and the last KRO update but i got this help please
  2. i want a full script please coz they can recall from guild skill
  3. hi guys i want a script block kagerou & oboro class from this maps prtg_cas03 & gefg_cas03 please
  4. i just want to block that skill in the WOE castles prtg_cas03 and gefg_cas03
  5. How to disable kagerou oboro Cast Ninja Spell skill in WOE plesae ???
  6. can u guys make a pictures how to creat a table xD ? :3 lol i made it thanks Guys
  7. Hello guys i have a script and i dont know to make it works coz i dont know much about sql scripts can any one show me how creat a table in my sql databes please and im sorry about my bad english here's the script //===== eAthena Script ======================================= //= Itemizer //===== By: ================================================== //= Latheesan (HeliosRO Server Admin) (C) 2009 HeliosRO.Com //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.5 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= Any SQL eAthena Version //===== Description: ========================================= //= To prevent GM Corruption, you can disable all item related //= commands and use this NPC to distribute Items and/or KCP. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= v1.0 - Initial Release (Report Bugs On eAthena Board) //= v1.1 - Fixed A Few Typo In Script //= v1.2 - Fixed GM Detection Bug and Cleaned Up The Code //= v1.3 - Added User Menu In GM Menu //= v1.4 - Added New @check_online and @notify_player Config //= v1.5 - Added Announce Feature and code optimized //============================================================ //===== SQL Table ============================================ //= Execute This Query On Your Ragnarok Database Prior To Use. //= //CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `itemizer` ( // `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, // `item_id` int(11) NOT NULL, // `item_amount` int(11) NOT NULL, // `item_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, // `char_id` int(11) NOT NULL, // `char_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, // `reason` varchar(255) NOT NULL, // `by_gm` varchar(255) NOT NULL, // `when` datetime NOT NULL, // `for` varchar(255) NOT NULL, // `collected` tinyint(1) NOT NULL, // PRIMARY KEY (`id`) //) ENGINE=MyISAM ; // // Script Interface For Event Prize NPC // prontera,147,176,4 script Itemizer 906,{ // Script Config set @npc$,"^008000[ Itemizer ]^000000"; // NPC Name // Advance Script Config set @dummy_kcp_id,123; // Dummy Item ID Used To Identify If Collection Item == KCP set @check_weight,1; // 1 == Yes | 0 == No (Check If Player Is Over Weight) set @min_gm_lvl,60; // Minimum GM Level Required To "Make Item" set @min_eventgm_lvl,60; // Minimum GM Level Required To "Give Item" and "Give KCP" set @min_item_amount,1; // Minimum Item Amount set @max_item_amount,1000; // Maximum Item Amount set @min_kcp_amount,1; // Minimum KCP Amount set @max_kcp_amount,10; // Maximum KCP Amount set @check_online,1; // Check If Target Player Is Online Before Giving Item set @notify_player,1; // 1 == Yes | 0 == No (Notify Player When GM Gives Them Item) set @allow_announce,1; // 1 == Yes | 0 == No (Let GM Choose If He/She Wants To Announce) setarray @announce_loc$, // Possible Announce Locations "bc_all", "bc_map", "bc_area"; // Main Script L_Main: mes @npc$; mes " "; if (getgmlevel() > @min_gm_lvl) { mes "Hello GM "+ strcharinfo(0) +"."; mes " "; mes "What would you like today?"; switch(select("Make Item","Give Item","Give KCP","Player Menu","Nothing")) { // Make Item case 1: goto L_EP_MakeItem; break; // Give Item case 2: goto L_EP_GiveItem; break; // Give KCP case 3: goto L_EP_GiveKCP; break; // Player Menu case 4: goto L_EP_Collect; break; // Nothing default: close; break; } } else { mes "Hello, what would you like today?"; switch(select("Collect Event Prize","Collection Log","Nothing")) { // Collect Event Prize case 1: goto L_EP_Collect; break; // Collection Log case 2: goto L_EP_CLog; break; // Nothing default: close; break; } } // Make Item [GM] L_EP_MakeItem: next; mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "What item would you like?"; mes "Enter the ID."; input @ep_item_id; next; if (getitemname(@ep_item_id) == "" || getitemname(@ep_item_id) == "null") { mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "^CC0000Sorry, "+ @ep_item_id +" is an invalid item ID.^000000"; close; } mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "Okay, how many "+ getitemname(@ep_item_id) +" do you want?"; mes " "; mes "Min "+ @min_item_amount +" and Max "+ @max_item_amount +"."; input @ep_item_count; next; if (@ep_item_count < @min_item_amount || @ep_item_count > @max_item_amount) { mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "^CC0000Sorry, "+ @ep_item_count +" is an invalid amount."; mes " "; mes "Min "+ @min_item_amount +" and Max "+ @max_item_amount +".^000000"; close; } if (@check_weight && checkweight(@ep_item_id, @ep_item_count) == 0) { mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "^CC0000Sorry, you cannot hold "+ @ep_item_count +"x "+ getitemname(@ep_item_id) +"."; mes " "; mes "Your inventory is full.^000000"; close; } set @when$,callfunc("makeTimestamp"); set @nb,query_sql("INSERT INTO `itemizer` VALUES(NULL,'"+ escape_sql(@ep_item_id) +"','"+ escape_sql(@ep_item_count) +"','"+ escape_sql(getitemname(@ep_item_id)) +"','"+ escape_sql(getcharid(0)) +"','"+ escape_sql(strcharinfo(0)) +"','N/A','[GM] "+ escape_sql(strcharinfo(0)) +"','"+ escape_sql(@when$) +"','gm','1')"); getitem @ep_item_id,@ep_item_count; mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "All done ~"; close; // Give Item [GM] L_EP_GiveItem: next; mes @npc$; mes " "; if (getgmlevel() < @min_eventgm_lvl) { mes "^CC0000Access Denied!"; mes " "; mes "You must be atleast level "+ @min_eventgm_lvl +" GM.^000000"; close; } mes "Enter the ID of the Item you would like to give a player."; mes " "; mes "E.g. ^0000FFID 512^000000 == ^008000Apple^000000"; input @ep_item_id; next; if (getitemname(@ep_item_id) == "" || getitemname(@ep_item_id) == "null") { mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "^CC0000Sorry, "+ @ep_item_id +" is an invalid item ID.^000000"; close; } mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "Okay, how many "+ getitemname(@ep_item_id) +" do you want to give a player?"; mes " "; mes "Min "+ @min_item_amount +" and Max "+ @max_item_amount +"."; input @ep_item_count; next; if (@ep_item_count < @min_item_amount || @ep_item_count > @max_item_amount) { mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "^CC0000Sorry, "+ @ep_item_count +" is an invalid amount."; mes " "; mes "Min "+ @min_item_amount +" and Max "+ @max_item_amount +".^000000"; close; } mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "Okay, who do you want to give "+ @ep_item_count +"x "+ getitemname(@ep_item_id) +"?"; mes " "; mes "Enter player name"+ (@check_online ? " (must be online)." : " ."); input @ep_char_name$; next; set @ep_char_id,getcharid(0,@ep_char_name$); if (@check_online && !isloggedin(getcharid(3,@ep_char_name$))) { mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "^CC0000Sorry, "+ @ep_char_name$ +" is invalid."; mes " "; mes "This player either doesn't exist or s/he is not online now.^000000"; close; } mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "Now, enter the reason for giving "+ @ep_item_count +"x "+ getitemname(@ep_item_id) +" to "+ @ep_char_name$ +"."; input @ep_reason$; next; if (@ep_reason$ == "") { mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "^CC0000Sorry, that is not a valid reason.^000000"; close; } if (@allow_announce) { mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "Do you want to announce the following message?"; mes " "; set @anounce_msg$,"[GM] "+ strcharinfo(0) +" Gave "+ @ep_item_count +"x "+ getitemname(@ep_item_id) +" to "+ @ep_char_name$ +". Reason - "+ @ep_reason$; mes @anounce_msg$; if (select("Yes:No") == 1) { set @do_announce,1; } else { set @do_announce,0; } next; if (@do_announce) { mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "Where would you like to announce this message?"; mes " "; mes @anounce_msg$; set @options$,""; for (set @i,0; @i < getarraysize(@announce_loc$); set @i,@i+1) { if (@announce_loc$[@i] == "bc_all") { set @options$,@options$+"Server Wide"; } else if (@announce_loc$[@i] == "bc_map") { set @options$,@options$+"Everyone In The Same Map"; } else if (@announce_loc$[@i] == "bc_area") { set @options$,@options$+"Everyone Near You"; } if (@i != (getarraysize(@announce_loc$) - 1)) { set @options$,@options$+":"; } } set @choice,select(@options$); set @a_loc$,@announce_loc$[@choice]; next; mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "What color do you want to announce in?"; if (select("Yello:Blue") == 1) { set @a_color$,"bc_yellow"; } else { set @a_color$,"bc_blue"; } next; } } mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "Is this correct?"; mes " "; mes "Give ^0000FF"+ @ep_item_count +"x^000000 ^008000"+ getitemname(@ep_item_id) +"^000000 to ^CC0000"+ @ep_char_name$ +"^000000."; mes " "; mes "Reason : "+ @ep_reason$; if (select("Yes:No") == 1) { next; set @when$,callfunc("makeTimestamp"); set @nb,query_sql("INSERT INTO `itemizer` VALUES(NULL,'"+ escape_sql(@ep_item_id) +"','"+ escape_sql(@ep_item_count) +"','"+ escape_sql(getitemname(@ep_item_id)) +"','"+ escape_sql(@ep_char_id) +"','"+ escape_sql(@ep_char_name$) +"','"+ escape_sql(@ep_reason$) +"','[GM] "+ escape_sql(strcharinfo(0)) +"','"+ escape_sql(@when$) +"','player','0')"); mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "All Done~"; close2; if (@notify_player) { message @ep_char_name$,"[GM] "+ strcharinfo(0) +" Has Given You "+ @ep_item_count +"x "+ getitemname(@ep_item_id) +"."; } if (@do_announce) { if (@a_color$ == "bc_yellow") { if (@a_loc$ == "bc_all") { announce @anounce_msg$,bc_yellow|bc_all; } else if (@a_loc$ == "bc_map") { announce @anounce_msg$,bc_yellow|bc_map; } else { announce @anounce_msg$,bc_yellow|bc_area; } } else { if (@a_loc$ == "bc_all") { announce @anounce_msg$,bc_blue|bc_all; } else if (@a_loc$ == "bc_map") { announce @anounce_msg$,bc_blue|bc_map; } else { announce @anounce_msg$,bc_blue|bc_area; } } } end; } close; // Give KCP [GM] L_EP_GiveKCP: next; mes @npc$; mes " "; if (getgmlevel() < @min_eventgm_lvl) { mes "^CC0000Access Denied!"; mes " "; mes "You must be atleast level "+ @min_eventgm_lvl +" GM.^000000"; close; } mes "Okay, how many KCP would you like to give?"; mes " "; mes "Min "+ @min_kcp_amount +" and Max "+ @max_kcp_amount +"."; input @ep_kcp_count; next; if (@ep_kcp_count < @min_kcp_amount || @ep_kcp_count > @max_kcp_amount) { mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "^CC0000Sorry, "+ @ep_kcp_count +" is an invalid amount."; mes " "; mes "Min "+ @min_kcp_amount +" and Max "+ @max_kcp_amount +".^000000"; close; } mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "Okay, who do you want to give "+ @ep_kcp_count +" KCP?"; mes " "; mes "Enter player name"+ (@check_online ? " (must be online)." : " ."); input @ep_char_name$; next; set @ep_char_id,getcharid(0,@ep_char_name$); if (@check_online && !isloggedin(getcharid(3,@ep_char_name$))) { mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "^CC0000Sorry, "+ @ep_char_name$ +" is invalid."; mes " "; mes "This player either doesn't exist or s/he is not online now.^000000"; close; } mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "Now, enter the reason for giving "+ @ep_kcp_count +" KCP to "+ @ep_char_name$ +"."; input @ep_reason$; next; if (@ep_reason$ == "") { mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "^CC0000Sorry, that is not a valid reason.^000000"; close; } if (@allow_announce) { mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "Do you want to announce the following message?"; mes " "; set @anounce_msg$,"[GM] "+ strcharinfo(0) +" Gave "+ @ep_kcp_count +"x Kafra Credit Point (KCP) to "+ @ep_char_name$ +". Reason - "+ @ep_reason$; mes @anounce_msg$; if (select("Yes:No") == 1) { set @do_announce,1; } else { set @do_announce,0; } next; if (@do_announce) { mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "Where would you like to announce this message?"; mes " "; mes @anounce_msg$; set @options$,""; for (set @i,0; @i < getarraysize(@announce_loc$); set @i,@i+1) { if (@announce_loc$[@i] == "bc_all") { set @options$,@options$+"Server Wide"; } else if (@announce_loc$[@i] == "bc_map") { set @options$,@options$+"Everyone In The Same Map"; } else if (@announce_loc$[@i] == "bc_area") { set @options$,@options$+"Everyone Near You"; } if (@i != (getarraysize(@announce_loc$) - 1)) { set @options$,@options$+":"; } } set @choice,select(@options$); set @a_loc$,@announce_loc$[@choice]; next; mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "What color do you want to announce in?"; if (select("Yello:Blue") == 1) { set @a_color$,"bc_yellow"; } else { set @a_color$,"bc_blue"; } next; } } mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "Is this correct?"; mes " "; mes "Give ^0000FF"+ @ep_kcp_count +"^000000 ^008000KCP^000000 to ^CC0000"+ @ep_char_name$ +"^000000."; mes " "; mes "Reason : "+ @ep_reason$; if (select("Yes:No") == 1) { next; set @when,callfunc("makeTimestamp"); set @nb,query_sql("INSERT INTO `itemizer` VALUES(NULL,'"+ @dummy_kcp_id +"','"+ @ep_kcp_count +"','Kafra Credit Point (KCP)','"+ @ep_char_id +"','"+ @ep_char_name$ +"','"+ @ep_reason$ +"','[GM] "+ strcharinfo(0) +"','"+ @when +"','player','0')"); mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "All Done~"; close2; if (@notify_player) { message @ep_char_name$,"[GM] "+ strcharinfo(0) +" Has Given You "+ @ep_kcp_count +" Kafra Credit Point (KCP)."; } if (@do_announce) { if (@a_color$ == "bc_yellow") { if (@a_loc$ == "bc_all") { announce @anounce_msg$,bc_yellow|bc_all; } else if (@a_loc$ == "bc_map") { announce @anounce_msg$,bc_yellow|bc_map; } else { announce @anounce_msg$,bc_yellow|bc_area; } } else { if (@a_loc$ == "bc_all") { announce @anounce_msg$,bc_blue|bc_all; } else if (@a_loc$ == "bc_map") { announce @anounce_msg$,bc_blue|bc_map; } else { announce @anounce_msg$,bc_blue|bc_area; } } } end; } close; // Collect Event Prize (Part 1) [Player] L_EP_Collect: next; mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "Would you like to check if any item is waiting to be collected?"; if (select("Yes Please:No Thanks") == 1) { next; if (getarraysize(@db_id)) { deletearray @db_id,127; deletearray @item_id,127; deletearray @item_name$,127; deletearray @item_amount,127; deletearray @reason$,127; deletearray @by_gm$,127; } set @result,query_sql("SELECT `id`,`item_id`,`item_name`,`item_amount`,`reason`,`by_gm` FROM `itemizer` WHERE (`char_id` = '"+ getcharid(0) +"' AND `for` = 'player' AND `collected` = 0) LIMIT 127", @db_id, @item_id, @item_name$, @item_amount, @reason$, @by_gm$); if (!@result) { mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "^CC0000No items are waiting to be collected by you.^000000"; close; } else { goto L_EP_C_Final; } } close; // Collect Event Prize (Part 2) [Player] L_EP_C_Final: set @options$,""; for (set @i,0; @i < @result; set @i,@i+1) { set @options$,@options$+@item_amount[@i] +"x "+@item_name$[@i]+":"; } mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "Here is a list of item(s) waiting to be collected by you."; mes " "; mes "Pick the item you want to collect now."; set @choice,select(@options$) - 1; next; mes @npc$; mes " "; if (@item_id[@choice] != @dummy_kcp_id) { mes "ID - "+ @item_id[@choice]; } mes "Name - "+ @item_name$[@choice]; mes "Amount - "+ @item_amount[@choice] +"x"; mes "By - "+ @by_gm$[@choice]; mes " "; mes "Reason - "+ @reason$[@choice]; if (select("Collect Now:Collect Later") == 1) { next; if (@item_id[@choice] != @dummy_kcp_id) { if (@check_weight && checkweight(@item_id[@choice], @item_amount[@choice]) == 0) { mes @npc$; mes " "; mes "^CC0000Sorry, you cannot hold "+ @item_amount[@choice] +"x "+ @item_name$[@choice] +"."; mes " "; mes "Your inventory is full.^000000"; close; } } set @nb,query_sql("UPDATE `itemizer` SET `collected` = 1 WHERE (`id` = '"+ @db_id[@choice] +"') LIMIT 1"); if (@item_id[@choice] != @dummy_kcp_id) { getitem @item_id[@choice],@item_amount[@choice]; } else { set #CASHPOINTS,(#CASHPOINTS + @item_amount[@choice]); } set @result,(@result - 1); deletearray @db_id[@choice],1; deletearray @item_id[@choice],1; deletearray @item_name$[@choice],1; deletearray @item_amount[@choice],1; deletearray @reason$[@choice],1; deletearray @by_gm$[@choice],1; goto L_EP_C_Final; } else { next; goto L_EP_C_Final; } // Collection Log [Player] L_EP_CLog: next; mes @npc$; mes " "; if (getarraysize(@item_name$)) { deletearray @item_name$,127; deletearray @item_amount,127; deletearray @reason$,127; deletearray @by_gm$,127; deletearray @when$,127; } if (!@offset){ set @offset,0; } if (!@rows_per_page) { set @rows_per_page,10; } set @result,query_sql("SELECT `item_name`,`item_amount`,`reason`,`by_gm`,`when` FROM `itemizer` WHERE (`char_id` = '"+ getcharid(0) +"' AND `for` = 'player' AND `collected` = 1) ORDER BY `when` DESC LIMIT "+ @offset +","+ @rows_per_page, @item_name$, @item_amount, @reason$, @by_gm$, @when$); if(!@result) { if (@offset == 10) { mes "^CC0000You have not collected any items from me yet.^000000"; } else { mes "^CC0000Sorry, there is no more data.^000000"; } close2; if (@offset) { set @offset,0; } end; } else { for (set @i,0; @i < @result; set @i,@i+1) { mes "^0000FF"+ @item_amount[@i] +"x^000000 ^008000"+ @item_name$[@i] +"^000000"; mes "Reason - "+ @reason$[@i]; mes "By - "+ @by_gm$[@i]; mes "When - "+ @when$[@i]; if (@i != (@result - 1)) { mes " "; } } set @offset,(@offset + @rows_per_page); if (select("Next "+ @rows_per_page +" Logs:Cancel") == 2) { close2; if (@offset) { set @offset,0; } end; } goto L_EP_CLog; } } // // Func To Make MySQL Friendly Timestamp // function script makeTimestamp { // Get Current Date & Time Variables set @curYear,gettime(7); set @curMonth,gettime(6); set @curDay,gettime(5); set @curHour,gettime(3); set @curMinute,gettime(2); set @curSecond,gettime(1); // Start A New Timestamp Variable set @timestamp$,""; // MySQL Timestamp Friendly :: Year set @timestamp$,@timestamp$+@curYear+"-"; // MySQL Timestamp Friendly :: Month if (@curMonth <= 9) { set @timestamp$,@timestamp$+"0"+@curMonth+"-"; } else { set @timestamp$,@timestamp$+@curMonth+"-"; } // MySQL Timestamp Friendly :: Day if (@curDay <= 9) { set @timestamp$,@timestamp$+"0"+@curDay+" "; } else { set @timestamp$,@timestamp$+@curDay+" "; } // MySQL Timestamp Friendly :: Hour if (@curHour <= 9) { set @timestamp$,@timestamp$+"0"+@curHour+":"; } else { set @timestamp$,@timestamp$+@curHour+":"; } // MySQL Timestamp Friendly :: Minute if (@curMinute <= 9) { set @timestamp$,@timestamp$+"0"+@curMinute+":"; } else { set @timestamp$,@timestamp$+@curMinute+":"; } // MySQL Timestamp Friendly :: Second if (@curSecond <= 9) { set @timestamp$,@timestamp$+"0"+@curSecond; } else { set @timestamp$,@timestamp$+@curSecond; } // Return MySQL Friendly Timestamp return @timestamp$; }
  8. Hi guys i want a script for leveling room but from level 1 until level 90 Only I want it as soon as possible, please and Sorry For my bad English
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