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Posts posted by xRyusuke

  1. The 'itemskill' command will cause delayed consumables (item type 11) to be consumed -- otherwise, they'll remain in your inventory. So a simple workaround would be something like:

    { warp strcharinfo(3),0,0; },{},{}

    I am having problem with this, it will allow player to use it to random warp inside building and guild castles. Any way to solve it?

  2. I found izlude.rsw, izlude.gat, izlude.gnd along with izlude_a.rsw, izlude_a.gat, izlude_a.gnd, izlude_b.rsw, izlude_b.gat, izlude_c.gnd, izlude_d.rsw, izlude_d.gat, izlude_d.gnd, izlude_in.rsw, izlude_in.gat, izlude_in.gnd.

    I removed them all, but I still error when I first enter izlude.

    I even tried removing anything related to izlude in my server grf such as /data/model/izlude folder

    Any idea?

  3. Hi, Not sure if i should ask here, if I shouldn't please let me know.

    Anyway, I am having problem with goblin invasion v1.7, if the last or previous batch of goblin was not cleared, it will keep spawning more on the next invasion, making the goblin almost unlimited and impossible for players to kill.

    I am thinking that maybe some where before the game start, the npc should kill all monster or end the previous invasion first before proceeding to spawn and start the next round. Can you check on this? Thanks


    I think the script got check, but some how something went wrong and it will spawn a lot goblin, when a player kills it, it counts for example : [-3/250], and I cant click on the npc of goblin invasion itself.

  4. Used to have this script, if not mistaken its done by emistry.

    What this script do is that it will block player from entering the castle map if its not during WOE time for that castle if that castle is not occupied.

    If its occupied it will not block player from entering even if its not WOE time.

    This is to prevent player from entering castle and hitting EMPERIUM during non woe time for non-occupied castle

  5. I am using the latest KRO, last updated/patched on November 2012.

    The Izlude map does not show abnormality as its displaying the new Izlude map without problem.

    But some of the players constant get error and crash during their first visit to izlude, but after the re-login it will be fine.

    I did some searching, but all I find is problem with old and new izlude mix only, does not describe my problem.

    Anyone knows a way to completely fix this problem? Or any known cause of this?

  6. set .@reward,671,1; //<Item_ID>,<Amount>{,...}

    For the GuildPrizer npc script.

    I am getting error here - parse_line: need ' ; '

    What I think is you cant put the item ID and amount together, maybe you have to separate it using different variable. Just my rough debug, since I did not go through all the codes. /pif

    Edited: I am using rathena btw.

    are you setting multiple reward in that line ??

    if yes then change




    I did not try to put multiple award, I just load in the original script and I got that error.

    By the way, I tried setarray anyway since, multiple awards seems better and that fixed the error.

    Have not try whether The reward is given out without problem yet thou.

  7. set .@reward,671,1; //<Item_ID>,<Amount>{,...}

    For the GuildPrizer npc script.

    I am getting error here - parse_line: need ' ; '

    What I think is you cant put the item ID and amount together, maybe you have to separate it using different variable. Just my rough debug, since I did not go through all the codes. /pif

    Edited: I am using rathena btw.

  8. What the npc do is, it will generate a random number and let players guess for it and win a prize.

    Only one winner at a time.

    The bug is that player that click but have not answer the guess, could wait until a person actually guessed it and announced, then only he/she input the correct number. Making it possible for 2 or even 10 winner per round. Prone to abuse, a player could have tons of dual character waiting for the guess.

    The code snippet is here http://pastebin.com/6wL2SuZN

    Can someone help me with this issue?


  9. Saturday and sunday woe is on different castle

    I mean the script renew the variable for checking if taken or not by depending on agitstart and agitend right?

    For example, if the winning guild claimed the reward for saturday(prontera castle) win and when sunday(payon castle) woe start and ended, the saturday winner will be able to claim prize again, hence making saturday woe winner be able to claim twice instead of once.

    This applies to the sunday winner as well

    how can I prevent that?

    Fixed @ http://mysterious-pr...GuildPrizer.txt

    Note: You must be using Euphy's controller to use this script.

    Mind telling me which part did you modify for it to work?

    I am currently using toast script for woe management thou.

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