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    Serbia - Vajdasag

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  1. Done some Bug fixing ... And added a new Function, To group up items or to spread items on the predefind area setarray $@noum$[0],"One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven"; set $@group_up,0; // 1 or 0 for true or false |this is to group items up or each will have they own x,y coords
  2. Hello This is my first script. I was making this to make it easier to refine "rough oridekon" and elnium, This script takes and refines all unrefind item and refines them ALL AT ONES. No need to click all day long to refine your ori after you finished your farming (or your players). But i ended up making it more then a simple script He can refine / more if it is specifed by the config. //Configuration set .npc_name$,"^0000FF[Advanced Refiner]^000000"; setarray .inputt[0],756,757,673,675,671,674; setarray .output[0],984,985,675,671,674,677; setarray .rate[0],5,5,3,5,10,25; //end of Configuraton http://pastebin.com/ Inputt : is the items to be refined. output : is what you will get after the refine rate : is how much input it will take to create 1 output ex: it will take 5 , 756(itemid), to make one 984(itemid) note: if you want to add new items just add them into the tree arrays. note2:It should be a dynamic script but im not a veteran scripter so if some 1 finds a bug plz post it
  3. Hello Nice scripts iFoxkun Edited: 2011-12-18 16:36 (reson I was to hasty) I have taken the liberty To edit 1 of you scripts, to impuve it alittle (at least i think i improved it) Long story short here it is Here it is http://pastebin.com/2rL8xJAi i added config options: setarray $@towns$[0],"prontera","prt_in","prt_in"; setarray $@cordsx[0],115,195,32,44,127,131; setarray $@cordsy[0],164,244,96,115,69,74; setarray $@displayname$[0],"Center Prontera","Prontera Starting House","Prontera Tool Shop"; setarray $@items[0],675,503,504,505; setarray $@equipment[0],2631,1143,1159; setarray $@noum$[0],"One","Two","Three","Four","Five","Six","Seven"; 1st line: is to config the town u want the items to spawn 2nd line: is the min and max cordinates for the X 3rd same as 2nd just that is for the Y note: there are 2 sets for each town. ex prontera got 115-195, 164-244; 4th line: anouncment name , for ppl to understand. 5th: are the spawned items 6th: are the spawned EQUIPMENT (def it is set to summon only 1 equipment) note: if u want to spawn more equipment. set .item, $@equipment[rand(getarraysize($@equipment))]; makeitem .item,1,$@town$,$@randomx,$@randomy; set $@spawned, 1; << change this to 0 set $@eq, 0; 7th: The number of spawned items , this only defines the max number this is the item spawn loop How meny items are spawned //set $@spawn_loop, rand(getarraysize($@noum$)); set $@spawn_loop,7; and this is the item qty for normal NONE EQUIPMENT items }else{ set $@spawn_qty,rand(10,100);//So that every spawnd item differs! set .item, $@items[rand(getarraysize($@items))]; ps: sry about my grammar i know it is bad
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