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Posts posted by whitesn

  1. I'd have to say that back then I enjoyed playing Runescape and recently some months ago Eden Eternal (Total rip-off and horrible support, the game was ok itself, even though money is all they care about. Oh oh and Flight Simulator if that even counts lol.

    Whoa flight simulator ? Windows default game if I'm not wrong ? My friend plays it too.. I can't play it though :D

    League of Legends!

    What server you're playing ? ;)

    My Favourite...



    Whoa gunbound ! I've played this many years ago.. Is it still online ?

    Links please :D

    Zeus: Master of Olympus + it's expansion, Poseidon. It's addicting. Old but fun? ;)


    Never played it before o.o

  2. 1. O2Jam


    This is one fucking crazy games I've played since years ago x3

    It's a music game that's use pure skill with no strategies.. Usually I played this

    to kill some time ;)



    Future Gazer x3

    2. League of Legends


    This game is created by the former creator of DotA, incorporated with the Riot Games. The gameplay

    is just alike with DotA with slight change. But the graphic is really epic cool



    There's also some game I played but this is the game that I often play

    during my break time.. What's yours ? :D

  3. Mine

    // The equipment/items/cards restriction file

    // here you define which items may not be used at PvP / GvG

    // format: <item id>,<mode>

    // mode

    // 1- restricted in PVP

    // 2- restricted in GVG

    // 3- restricted in both PvP and GvG

    Sorry looks like mine different with yours ;)

  4. rAthena is an emulator trying to be as official as possible. It is not a private server. Because of this, I voted yes - I think it should be added. However, when I voted, I forgot that some official RO servers moved away from this, so I am a bit more neutral to this being added now. In any case, I am still leaning towards my initial choice - adding it but with a low priority.

    Additionally, I don't know why any private RO server would use this feature as there are many other private servers out there and they are free to play. So I am not worried too much on the affect on the pServers. Also how/why they use it is up to them.

    Edit: After more consideration, I have deleted my vote. Although I see no harm in adding it to the emulator (since it does not force pservers to use it and I don't think it would nullify its license), there is no use in adding it in (since a pServer should never use it).

    Err.. If the rAthena only put the features in, could Gravity lay a hand on it ? It's just way too

    much to fight Gravity.. Maybe it's better not to put that features.. Let the server owner add it


    • Upvote 3
  5. i don't think we need to disable it

    first i dont see any disadvantages of it @ Host or Performance

    well only i think is people might get confused

    after someone quote a quoted post

    Yeah maybe it's just me not adapted to it or something.. o_o

    I've joined a forum in Indonesia and they're not using nested quote so

    even some newbies in forum that didn't know about this can post neatly... ;)

  6. nice, the start button and end button little look simple xD! if can make a little bit 3d feel will be better. just suggest, i'm dunno anything about patcher =). rate 8/10

    Hello manabeast thanks for your comment.. As the patcher button I think it's too simple.. Lets see if I can come

    up with a new idea ;)

    As for 3D, I don't know a lot about 3d and I think it's not fit since Thor Patcher background is .bmp basically... ;)

  7. Hi I just wanna suggest to turn off the nested quote because it's seems very bugging too see..

    Ex : http://rathena.org/board/topic/54046-safe-zone-event/page__view__findpost__p__58573

    ps : Sorry Emistry for using you as example ;)

    What is nested quotes ?

    Nested Quotes is the default quotes used in phpBB or IPB or many other cms.. So let's say

    A quotes B's post.. Then B try to quote the A's posts that quoted the B's post.. The new B post gonna

    have the old quotation from B previous post..

    If you turn of the nested quote, when we try to quote the post that contain a quotation it'll not

    be read..

    More Reference : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nested_quotation

    Thanks rAthena ;)

  8. I dont really like the font on the sidebar ;)

    maybe you can replace it with something better.. also it's just not smooth isn't it ? :D

    Maybe making it a bit smooth will gonna be better :D

    7.5/10 anyway.. Nice work ;)

  9. It's really bugging for using P2P system.. I think it's better if it's just using cash shop or item malls

    instead of P2P because some of us doesn't use paypal and it's hard to transfer the cash to

    other country without it.. ;)

    also agree with Olrox's it's an open-source, we are forbid to

    "exploit" money from it, except for volunteer donations

  10. You try to press "CTRL+SPACE BAR" , I used it. :D

    Yes I tried it but it isn't Auto-complete support with ability to customize list.

    I the pic it's detecting your previous word so if I type


    it'll spawns some like this :

    - OnPCLoadMapEvent

    - OnPCLogoutEvent

    - OnPCLoginEvent

    etc.. :D

    The current auto-complete list only includes standard NPC Script commands (e.g. getmapxy), control-flow related commands (if, else, switch etc...) and mapnames (only official ones from the mapindex).

    I think I forgot to include the On* Labels in the auto-complete list; i'll update the list later. Does anyone know how many On* labels are out there?

    Later on, you will be able to customize the autocomplete word list :)

    Hmm how about adding feature autocomplete word while there's more than 3 digit while typing ?

    So like if i type "get" it'll show the pop-ups suggestions :)

  11. Although slight pixelation/hard-edge on the inside of the arm and left of the robes; I absolutely love #1 o__o

    (Not talking about the black line :) )

    Actually that Arch-Bishop pic isn't my draw.. I take it from animepaper.. If I not wrong it

    was taken from Ragnarok Online official website.. but thanks for your comment anyway :)

    For the coding I haven't coded it.. I'll make it as soon after the Christmas Themes :D

  12. No it isnt. It hasnt been updated in quite some time last I knew.

    I honestly don't believe people still use it compared to Flux haha.

    Indeed i still love it's simple design, it's the firstly Control Panel

    I used.. I used flux now though :)

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