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Everything posted by Scirey

  1. Hi rAthena, I have this code taken from easycore's Extended Battleground /*========================================== * Guild Skill Usage for Guild Masters *------------------------------------------*/ ACMD_FUNC(bgskill) { int i, skillnum = 0, skilllv = 0; unsigned int tick = gettick(); struct battleground_data *bgd; const struct { char skillstr[3]; int id; } skills[] = { { "BO", 10010 }, { "RG", 10011 }, { "RS", 10012 }, { "EC", 10013 }, }; // Check for Skill ID for( i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(skills); i++ ) { if( strncmpi(message, skills[i].skillstr, 3) == 0 ) { skillnum = skills[i].id; break; } } if( !skillnum ) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "Invalid Skill string. Use @bgskill EC/RS/RG/BO"); return -1; } if( !map_getmapflag(sd->bl.m, MF_BATTLEGROUND) ) { clif_displaymessage(fd, "This command is only available for Battleground."); return -1; } else { if( (bgd = sd->bmaster_flag) != NULL ) { if( bgd->skill_block_timer[skillnum] == INVALID_TIMER ) skilllv = bg_checkskill(bgd, skillnum); else { bg_block_skill_status(bgd, skillnum); skilllv = 0; } } else { clif_displaymessage(fd, "This command is reserved for Team Leaders Only."); return -1; } } if( pc_cant_act(sd) || pc_issit(sd) || skill_isNotOk(skillnum, sd) || sd->ud.skilltimer != -1 || sd->sc.option&(OPTION_WEDDING|OPTION_XMAS|OPTION_SUMMER) || sd->state.only_walk || sd->sc.data[SC_BASILICA] ) return -1; if( DIFF_TICK(tick, sd->ud.canact_tick) < 0 ) return -1; if( sd->menuskill_id ) { if( sd->menuskill_id == SA_TAMINGMONSTER ) sd->menuskill_id = sd->menuskill_val = 0; //Cancel pet capture. else if( sd->menuskill_id != SA_AUTOSPELL ) return -1; //Can't use skills while a menu is open. } sd->skillitem = sd->skillitemlv = 0; if( skilllv ) unit_skilluse_id(&sd->bl, sd->bl.id, skillnum, skilllv); return 0; } I would like to create another one with this function that enables the guild leader to use @guildskill EC/RS/RG/BO inside the castles. Can anyone point out which changes should I made? Thank you
  2. Scirey

    error lvl max

    You need to supply the base exp for the new max level. Follow this guide by Cydh: https://gist.github.com/cydh/d82a06472f12c4ec7f38ab3de22fe86b
  3. You can't change a specific mob drop thru drops.conf. I usually use mob_drop.txt or mob_item_ratio.txt inside the db folder.
  4. Probably it got mixed up. Review your lua files.
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