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About adseej

  • Birthday 05/05/1984

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  1. how can add bank_vault & vip_time in scriptcommand bank_vault Ex set bank,100; // to change login > bank_vault vip_time Ex set vip,100; // to change login > vip_time mes idinfo(0); // to view login > vip_time
  2. command @bank = bank_vault in login data? i want use myautoscript to change bank_vault 30day + 0.7% i can use it in myscript ?
  3. Ohhhh! thanks add in lua file on I get it it work
  4. not shield it headgear(mid-coutume) item and add new Custom Sprite ex item Detail add in idnum2itemdesctable.txt 29001# new coutume Weight : ^7777770^000000 # item name add in idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt 29001#Virtual_glasses# item .spr(icon) file add in idnum2itemresnametable.txt 29001#Virtual_glasses# but where i can add or fix view item(number) ex. 2141,Dwarven_Guard,Dwarven Guard,5,500,,300,,4,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,32,,0,1,1,{ if(getrefine()>6){ bonus bMdef, 2;}},{},{} <<< view number = 1 my add item 29001,Virtual_guard','Virtual guard',5,,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFE,7,2,1024,,,,?view number?,{},{},{} type 5 = armor type location equip 1024(costume-headgear-mid) view number ??? <<<< how to use this ex 207 = Cyclop's Eye view 12 = Sunglasses 568 = Sigrun's Wings what i can add my new view number
  5. i create spr and act view file how to use it ^^' i have new item data but view item no ? i don't how to use my file i can use spr (drop item) vg.act / vg.spr < item (drop/icon) i can use this headgear(mid) item ( m / f ) < item view i don't know how to use - -' 남_vg.act / 남_vg.spr 여_vg.act / 여_vg.spr 29001,Virtual_guard','Virtual guard',5,,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFE,7,2,1024,,,,?view number?,{},{},{}
  6. ok i cahnge msgstringtable.txt new it fix! thanks every one for help
  7. no no my size inventory box yery long i see item tab and equipement only not see etc and Favourite where i can fix it to shot?
  8. where i can fix it back to default
  9. I know but not way to fix script for use boss_monster command in random spawned script?
  10. I can't use Convex Mirror to find this mvp how i can fix? lhz_dun03,0,0,0 script mvp_lhz_dun03 -1,{ OnTimer6000000: // delay1 = 6000000 ms (100 min) stopnpctimer; sleep rand(0,30)*60000; // 0 to 30 minutes OnInit: // Select Coordinates to summon a random MVP on switch(rand(1,6)) { case 1: set .@x,140; set .@y,232; break; case 2: set .@x,75; set .@y,138; break; case 3: set .@x,140; set .@y,87; break; case 4: set .@x,205; set .@y,140; break; case 5: set .@x,123; set .@y,137; break; case 6: set .@x,175; set .@y,137; break; } set .@mob,rand(1646,1651); monster "lhz_dun03",.@x,.@y,strmobinfo(1,.@mob),.@mob,1,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMyMVPDead"; // Select Coordinates to summon a random 99 on switch(rand(1,6)) { case 1: set .@x2,183; set .@y2,97; break; case 2: set .@x2,97; set .@y2,96; break; case 3: set .@x2,47; set .@y2,139; break; case 4: set .@x2,231; set .@y2,140; break; case 5: set .@x2,139; set .@y2,211; break; case 6: set .@x2,139; set .@y2,259; break; } set .@mob2,rand(1640,1645); monster "lhz_dun03",.@x2,.@y2,strmobinfo(1,.@mob2),.@mob2,1,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMy99Dead"; end; OnMyMVPDead: killmonster "lhz_dun03",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMy99Dead"; initnpctimer; OnMy99Dead: end; }
  11. i want create new item (max time 30 day,restart server effect not remove) option EXP, JEXP, Drop rate + 30 day but 1.time 2592000000(30 day) can't use. 1296000000(15 day) it work. 2.restart server effect item remove. this my script 23003,Battle_Master_15d,Battle Master 15 day,2,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1296000000,300; },{},{} 23004,Job_Battle_Master_15d,Job Battle Master 15 day,2,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ sc_start SC_JEXPBOOST,1296000000,100; },{},{} 23005,Lucky_Item_15d,Lucky Item 15 day,2,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,1296000000,200; },{},{} where i can fix
  12. thank i don't know I test die in town resurrection button. and test die in fildmap or dungeon not have resurrection button.
  13. what command change // Token Of Siegfried /============================================================ // - Resurrected player form death all map. - script PCDieEvent -1,{ PCDieEvent: OnPCDieEvent: if (countitem(7621)<1) end; atcommand strcharinfo(0)+":@alive"; delitem 7621,1; end; }
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