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Everything posted by adseej

  1. how can add bank_vault & vip_time in scriptcommand bank_vault Ex set bank,100; // to change login > bank_vault vip_time Ex set vip,100; // to change login > vip_time mes idinfo(0); // to view login > vip_time
  2. command @bank = bank_vault in login data? i want use myautoscript to change bank_vault 30day + 0.7% i can use it in myscript ?
  3. Ohhhh! thanks add in lua file on I get it it work
  4. not shield it headgear(mid-coutume) item and add new Custom Sprite ex item Detail add in idnum2itemdesctable.txt 29001# new coutume Weight : ^7777770^000000 # item name add in idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt 29001#Virtual_glasses# item .spr(icon) file add in idnum2itemresnametable.txt 29001#Virtual_glasses# but where i can add or fix view item(number) ex. 2141,Dwarven_Guard,Dwarven Guard,5,500,,300,,4,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,32,,0,1,1,{ if(getrefine()>6){ bonus bMdef, 2;}},{},{} <<< view number = 1 my add item 29001,Virtual_guard','Virtual guard',5,,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFE,7,2,1024,,,,?view number?,{},{},{} type 5 = armor type location equip 1024(costume-headgear-mid) view number ??? <<<< how to use this ex 207 = Cyclop's Eye view 12 = Sunglasses 568 = Sigrun's Wings what i can add my new view number
  5. i create spr and act view file how to use it ^^' i have new item data but view item no ? i don't how to use my file i can use spr (drop item) vg.act / vg.spr < item (drop/icon) i can use this headgear(mid) item ( m / f ) < item view i don't know how to use - -' 남_vg.act / 남_vg.spr 여_vg.act / 여_vg.spr 29001,Virtual_guard','Virtual guard',5,,,0,,,,,0xFFFFFFFE,7,2,1024,,,,?view number?,{},{},{}
  6. ok i cahnge msgstringtable.txt new it fix! thanks every one for help
  7. no no my size inventory box yery long i see item tab and equipement only not see etc and Favourite where i can fix it to shot?
  8. where i can fix it back to default
  9. I know but not way to fix script for use boss_monster command in random spawned script?
  10. I can't use Convex Mirror to find this mvp how i can fix? lhz_dun03,0,0,0 script mvp_lhz_dun03 -1,{ OnTimer6000000: // delay1 = 6000000 ms (100 min) stopnpctimer; sleep rand(0,30)*60000; // 0 to 30 minutes OnInit: // Select Coordinates to summon a random MVP on switch(rand(1,6)) { case 1: set .@x,140; set .@y,232; break; case 2: set .@x,75; set .@y,138; break; case 3: set .@x,140; set .@y,87; break; case 4: set .@x,205; set .@y,140; break; case 5: set .@x,123; set .@y,137; break; case 6: set .@x,175; set .@y,137; break; } set .@mob,rand(1646,1651); monster "lhz_dun03",.@x,.@y,strmobinfo(1,.@mob),.@mob,1,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMyMVPDead"; // Select Coordinates to summon a random 99 on switch(rand(1,6)) { case 1: set .@x2,183; set .@y2,97; break; case 2: set .@x2,97; set .@y2,96; break; case 3: set .@x2,47; set .@y2,139; break; case 4: set .@x2,231; set .@y2,140; break; case 5: set .@x2,139; set .@y2,211; break; case 6: set .@x2,139; set .@y2,259; break; } set .@mob2,rand(1640,1645); monster "lhz_dun03",.@x2,.@y2,strmobinfo(1,.@mob2),.@mob2,1,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMy99Dead"; end; OnMyMVPDead: killmonster "lhz_dun03",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnMy99Dead"; initnpctimer; OnMy99Dead: end; }
  11. i want create new item (max time 30 day,restart server effect not remove) option EXP, JEXP, Drop rate + 30 day but 1.time 2592000000(30 day) can't use. 1296000000(15 day) it work. 2.restart server effect item remove. this my script 23003,Battle_Master_15d,Battle Master 15 day,2,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,1296000000,300; },{},{} 23004,Job_Battle_Master_15d,Job Battle Master 15 day,2,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ sc_start SC_JEXPBOOST,1296000000,100; },{},{} 23005,Lucky_Item_15d,Lucky Item 15 day,2,2,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ sc_start SC_ITEMBOOST,1296000000,200; },{},{} where i can fix
  12. thank i don't know I test die in town resurrection button. and test die in fildmap or dungeon not have resurrection button.
  13. what command change // Token Of Siegfried /============================================================ // - Resurrected player form death all map. - script PCDieEvent -1,{ PCDieEvent: OnPCDieEvent: if (countitem(7621)<1) end; atcommand strcharinfo(0)+":@alive"; delitem 7621,1; end; }
  14. in my server warp in water zone can't go to it if warp out (in sword job change) character in waher and not move. my kro client last update izlude it chang. some npc (outside) and warp want fix locate.
  15. hmmm that i want new lurfiles514 for fix it ? edit 14/07/2012 ok i can fix it now change lub and lua file to last update 18/04/2012 it can fix!
  16. i fit it out (read data folder first) [string "buf"]:1 attempt to index global 'CmdOnOffList' (a nil value) and same windows it fix option not save
  17. my diff use Allow Chat Flood 255 Alway Call SelectKoreaClientInfo() Disable 1rag1 & 1sak1 Disable Hallucination Wavy Screen Disable HShield Disable Nagle Algorithm Disable RagexeRE Filename Check Enable DNA Support Enable Multiple GRFs Enable Title Bar Menu Ignore Missing File Errors Ignore Missing Palette Error Increase Headgear View ID 30000 Increase Zoom Out Max Load LUA Before LUB Read Data Folder First Read msgstringtable.txt Read questid2display.txt Remove Gravity Ads Remove Gravity Logo Remove Serial Display Restore Login Window Skip License Screen Skip Packet Header Obsfuaction Translate Client Into English I use ghoseblue setup.exe I can login and play but windows it fix to 640x480x16 i confix it to 1900x600x16 full screen mode but click to 2012-04-10aRagexeRE.exe(diff) windows back to 640x480x16 again - -' windows7 x64 set run program as admin (setup.exe/2012-04-10aRagexeRE.exe) i tried to fix it who can fix it pls help me
  18. i want fix "show_mob_info: " to show lv&hp% same time
  19. how to fix it? . . . . . . all way i do it not chmage i fix all in can find but after use 2012-04-10aRagexeRE.exe it back to small size only it not change
  20. I have Same problem too. I use 2012-04-10aRagexeRE_J.exe opensetup.exe not changing window size it very small
  21. http://lmgtfy.com/?q... packet version There are so many threads about this... Go to your mmo.h located in rathena/scr/common Search for #ifndef PACKETVER #define PACKETVER 20xxxxxx //#define PACKETVER 20111116 and replace #define PACKETVER 20xxxxxx with your client date. Since you are using 2012-04-10 it would be #define PACKETVER 20120410 Save and recompile. Next step would be editing the packet_db.txt. Offtopic: I request a letmerathenathatforyou search plugin! it not working i do it befor i post - -' use Vistual C++ 2010 .... ok i fix it 2012-04-10aRagexeRE_J.exe i use it ok 2012-04-10aRagexeRE.exe i can't use it thank so much
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