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Everything posted by DrGruning

  1. Great service, pretty diligent, i would reccomend this service to anyone! Was eager to help me through the whole process, skills is top notch!
  2. I'll try and see if it's limited to my import folders being way too big or something related to memory hungry scripts, but i'm on a dedicated server which makes it weird, since resources shouldn't be problem
  3. mm this is pretty weird to be honest.. and i've tried replacing item_db with a fresh one...
  4. Everything works except from @reloaditemdb, no error shown in the console, it just freeze and map server hung with no crash error...
  5. Thanks a lot for your input @sader1992. Aftter trying your fixes at first it didn't work but somehow after replacing .@eq_loc to .@equip_loc it worked!
  6. prt_in,86,73,5 script Bermund 654,{ function get_rune_id; function get_rune_equip; function get_rune_zeny; function get_rune_success_rate; disable_items; mes "You want to fuse the MvP Core with your equipments?"; mes "NOTE:"; mes "Please by all means just have equipped the item you will enchant and once at time,that is to avoid any item lost or bug, you are already warned"; mes "Enchanting an equipment will erase Item Options"; .@color = select( "Shoes","Armor","Shield","Accesories","Headgear" ); next; mes "I can transmute it depending on your budget and wiht it chances increases"; .@rank = select( "Normal Services","Premiun Services","VIP Services" ); .@enchant_slot = 4; .@equip_loc = get_rune_equip( .@color ); .@rune_id = get_rune_id( .@color,.@rank ); .@zeny_cost = get_rune_zeny( .@rank ); .@success_rate = get_rune_success_rate( .@rank ); .@item_id = getequipid( .@equip_loc ); next; mes "Equipment: "+getitemname( .@item_id ); mes "Rune: "+getitemname( .@rune_id ); mes "Zeny: "+F_InsertComma( .@zeny_cost ); mes "Success Rate: "+.@success_rate+"%"; mes " "; if ( Zeny >= .@zeny_cost ) if ( select( "Continue","Cancel" ) == 1 ) { if ( getitemslots( .@item_id ) >= .@enchant_slot ) { mes "This item slot cant be enchanted."; } else { Zeny -= .@zeny_cost; if ( rand(100) < .@success_rate ) { for ( .@card = 0; .@card < 4; .@card++ ) .@slot[.@card] = getequipcardid( .@equip_loc,.@card ); setarray .@OptID[0],0; setarray .@OptID[1],0; setarray .@OptID[2],0; setarray .@OptID[3],0; setarray .@OptID[4],0; setarray .@OptVal[0],0; setarray .@OptVal[1],0; setarray .@OptVal[2],0; setarray .@OptVal[3],0; setarray .@OptVal[4],0; setarray .@OptParam[0],0; setarray .@OptParam[1],0; setarray .@OptParam[2],0; setarray .@OptParam[3],0; setarray .@OptParam[4],0; for (.@j = 0; .@j < 5; .@j++) { setarray .@OptID[.@j],getequiprandomoption(.@eq_loc,.@j,ROA_ID); setarray .@OptVal[.@j],getequiprandomoption(.@eq_loc,.@j,ROA_VALUE); setarray .@OptParam[.@j],getequiprandomoption(.@eq_loc,.@j,ROA_PARAM); } .@refine = getequiprefinerycnt( .@equip_loc ); .@slot[.@enchant_slot-1] = .@rune_id; mes "Enchant Success"; specialeffect2 EF_REFINEOK; delitem .@rune_id,1; delitem3 .@item_id,1,1,.@refine,0,.@slot[0],.@slot[1],.@slot[2],.@slot[3],.@OptID,.@OptVal,.@OptParam; getitem3 .@item_id,1,1,.@refine,0,.@slot[0],.@slot[1],.@slot[2],.@slot[3],.@OptID,.@OptVal,.@OptParam; } else { mes "Enchant Failed."; specialeffect2 EF_REFINEFAIL; delitem .@rune_id,1; } } } close; function get_rune_id { .@color = getarg(0,0); .@rank = getarg(1,0); switch( .@color ) { case 1: // Blue switch( .@rank ) { case 1: setarray .@rune_list,15495,15539,15482; break; case 2: setarray .@rune_list,15495,15539,15482; break; case 3: setarray .@rune_list,15495,15539,15482; break; default: break; } break; case 2: // Green switch( .@rank ) { case 1: setarray .@rune_list,15485,15501,15493,15500,15542,15501; break; case 2: setarray .@rune_list,15485,15501,15493,15500,15542,15501; break; case 3: setarray .@rune_list,15485,15501,15493,15500,15542,15501; break; default: break; } break; case 3: // Yellow switch( .@rank ) { case 1: setarray .@rune_list,15496,15502,15497; break; case 2: setarray .@rune_list,15496,15502,15497; break; case 3: setarray .@rune_list,15496,15502,15497; break; default: break; } break; case 4: // Red switch( .@rank ) { case 1: setarray .@rune_list,15494,15487,15489; break; case 2: setarray .@rune_list,15494,15487,15489; break; case 3: setarray .@rune_list,15494,15487,15489; break; default: break; } break; case 5: // Red switch( .@rank ) { case 1: setarray .@rune_list,15541,15544; break; case 2: setarray .@rune_list,15541,15544; break; case 3: setarray .@rune_list,15541,15544; break; default: break; } break; default: break; } .@rune_list_size = getarraysize( .@rune_list ); if ( .@rune_list_size ) { while ( .@i < .@rune_list_size ) { .@menu$ = .@menu$ + ( ( countitem( .@rune_list[.@i] ) )? "^0055FF":"^777777" ) + getitemname( .@rune_list[.@i] ) + "^000000" + ":"; .@i++; } .@i = select( .@menu$ ) - 1; if ( !countitem( .@rune_list[.@i] ) ) { mes "You don't have the required rune."; close; } } return .@rune_list[.@i]; } function get_rune_equip { .@color = getarg(0,0); switch ( .@color ) { case 1: // Blue setarray .@equip_loc_list,EQI_SHOES; setarray .@equip_loc_name$,"SHOES"; break; case 2: // Green setarray .@equip_loc_list,EQI_ARMOR; setarray .@equip_loc_name$,"ARMOR"; break; case 3: // Yellow setarray .@equip_loc_list,EQI_HAND_L; setarray .@equip_loc_name$,"SHIELD"; break; case 4: // Red setarray .@equip_loc_list,EQI_ACC_L,EQI_ACC_R; setarray .@equip_loc_name$,"ACCESSORY LEFT","ACCESSORY RIGHT"; break; case 5: // Red setarray .@equip_loc_list,EQI_HEAD_LOW ; setarray .@equip_loc_name$,"LOWER HEADGEAR"; break; default: break; } .@equip_loc_list_size = getarraysize( .@equip_loc_list ); if ( .@equip_loc_list_size ) { while ( .@i < .@equip_loc_list_size ) { .@equip_id = getequipid( .@equip_loc_list[.@i] ); .@menu$ = .@menu$ + ( ( .@equip_id <= 0 )?"^777777":"^0055FF" ) +.@equip_loc_name$[.@i] + " (" + getitemname( .@equip_id ) + ")^000000" + ":"; .@i++; } .@i = select( .@menu$ ) - 1; if ( getequipid( .@equip_loc_list[.@i] ) <= 0 ) { mes "You didnt equipped any equipment on this slot."; close; } } return .@equip_loc_list[.@i]; } function get_rune_zeny { .@rank = getarg(0,0); switch( .@rank ) { case 1: return 1000000; // Rare - 1,000,000 Zeny case 2: return 10000000; // Epic - 10,000,000 Zeny case 3: return 25000000; // Legend - 80,000,000 Zeny default: return 0; } } function get_rune_success_rate { .@rank = getarg(0,0); switch( .@rank ) { case 1: return 10; // Rare - 90% success case 2: return 15; // Epic - 50% success case 3: return 20; // Legend - 20% success default: return 0; } } } I have this custom enchant system right, but when i tried to adapt it to random option support it always delete the random options, and shows the following error at console:
  7. Thanks for your input, but i don't think that's how its supposed to work, random option should stay permanently if so, enlight me otherwise.
  8. //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Random Option NPC dealer //===== By: ================================================== //= Keitenai //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= Deals with a player to apply random item option //= for the price of zeny/cashpoint //============================================================ vip_lounge,70,147,3 script Magnus 500,{ goto NPC; end; OnInit: //============================== // CURRENCY SETTING // 1 = Zeny // 0 = Cashpoints //============================== set .Currency,1; // Currency to buy random option //============================== // RANDOM OPTION SETTING //============================== set .OverWrite,1; // Allows overwriting the already existing option enchantment ( 0 to disable ) set .MaxOpt,64; // Maximum item option a player can enchant ( reference: https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/db/const.txt#L1645-L1836 ) set .MinOpt,1; // Minimum item option a player can enchant set .MinValue,1; // Minimum option effect value set .MaxValue,10; // Maximum option effect value set .MaxIndex,3; // Maximum option slots ( default is 0 to 4 ) // Random option that will not be applied setarray .ignore[0], end; NPC: disable_items; mes "[ Magnus ]"; mes "Good day sir"; mes "My name is magnus and i can unlock your Weapon inner abilities"; mes "abilities are chosen at ^FF0000random^000000"; next; mes "[ Magnus ]"; mes "I can make your weapon"; mes "become more powerful"; if(.Currency){ mes "For a prize of ^0000FF1x Weapon V Core^000000,"; } else { mes "For a prize of ^0000FF"+.Price+" Cashpoints^000000,"; } mes "I will apply a ^FF0000RANDOM^000000"; mes "option enchantment on your"; mes "equipment. (^_^)"; next; if(select("^0000FFEnchant my equip!^000000:Nevermind i changed my mind...")==2) goto OnCancel; mes "[ Magnus ]"; mes "Wonderful!"; mes "i'll start right away"; mes "Don't move a muscle while"; mes "i'm enchanting your equipment!"; close2; setarray .@eq[1], EQI_HAND_R; for(set .@i,1; .@i<getarraysize(.@eq); set .@i,.@i+1){ if(getequipisequiped(.@eq[.@i])){ set .@menu$,.@menu$+F_getpositionname(.@eq[.@i])+" ~ [ " + getequipname(.@eq[.@i]) + " ]"; set .@equipped,1; } set .@menu$,.@menu$+":"; } set .@part,.@eq[select(.@menu$)]; set .@val,rand(.MinValue,.MaxValue); OnLoop: set .@opt,rand(.MinOpt,.MaxOpt); for(set .@f,1; .@f<getarraysize(.ignore); set .@f,.@f+1){ if(.@opt==.ignore[.@f]){ goto IgnoreCheck; end; } } goto OnApplyOpts; end; IgnoreCheck: set .@opt,rand(.MinOpt,.MaxOpt); for(set .@f,1; .@f<getarraysize(.ignore); set .@f,.@f+1) if(.@opt==.ignore[.@f]){ goto OnLoop; end; } OnApplyOpts: set .@indx,rand(.MaxIndex); if(!.OverWrite){ if(getequiprandomoption(.@part,4,ROA_ID,getcharid(0))) set .@x4,4; if(getequiprandomoption(.@part,3,ROA_ID,getcharid(0))) set .@x3,3; if(getequiprandomoption(.@part,2,ROA_ID,getcharid(0))) set .@x2,2; if(getequiprandomoption(.@part,1,ROA_ID,getcharid(0))) set .@x1,1; if(getequiprandomoption(.@part,0,ROA_ID,getcharid(0))) set .@x0,0; if(.@indx == 0 && .@x0) if(.@indx==.MaxIndex) goto OnMax; else set .@indx,1; if(.@indx == 1 && .@x1) if(.@indx==.MaxIndex) goto OnMax; else set .@indx,2; if(.@indx == 2 && .@x2) if(.@indx==.MaxIndex) goto OnMax; else set .@indx,3; if(.@indx == 3 && .@x3) if(.@indx==.MaxIndex) goto OnMax; else set .@indx,4; if(.@indx == 4 && .@x4) if(.@indx==.MaxIndex) goto OnMax; } if(.@indx == 4 && (!getequiprandomoption(.@part,3,ROA_ID,getcharid(0)))) set .@indx,3; if(.@indx == 3 && (!getequiprandomoption(.@part,2,ROA_ID,getcharid(0)))) set .@indx,2; if(.@indx == 2 && (!getequiprandomoption(.@part,1,ROA_ID,getcharid(0)))) set .@indx,1; if(.@indx == 1 && (!getequiprandomoption(.@part,0,ROA_ID,getcharid(0)))) set .@indx,0; if(.Currency){ if( countitem(20986) < 1 ) goto PriceFail; else delitem 20986,1; } else { if(#CASHPOINTS < .Price) goto PriceFail; else set #CASHPOINTS,#CASHPOINTS-.Price; } // Success!! setrandomoption(.@part,.@indx,.@opt,.@val,.@indx,getcharid(0)); end; OnMax: mes "[ Magnus ]"; mes "Wow! your equip already"; mes "Maxed out its option"; mes "enchant slots!"; mes "Sorry but I can't add"; mes "any more enchantment with"; mes "your equipment."; close; OnFailure: specialeffect2 EF_PHARMACY_FAIL; mes "[ Magnus ]"," "; mes "I'm really sorry..."," "; mes "^FF0000The process have failed..."; mes "Your item has been destroyed.^000000"; delequip .@part; close; PriceFail: mes "[ Magnus ]"; mes "What's this?"; mes "Are you kidding me?"; mes "Sorry but I don't work"; mes "for free!"; mes "You can come back if you"; mes "Have enough to pay for"; mes "my service."; close; OnCancel: mes "[ Magnus ]"; mes "Suit yourself."; mes "Let me know if you"; mes "ever changed you mind"; close; } Although random option is applied and the bonus works, when i relog, the last random option applied dissapear, i tried simpliers script and it worked, this somehow not
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