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Frost Diver

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Posts posted by Frost Diver

  1. 2 hours ago, Remix_ said:

    Hello @Frost Diver, I updated the diff attached to my post, I forgot to add the timer_func and unordered set to contain the monsterID. It should work now. 🙂
    @ManokStreZ, I suggest you apply the codes manually, applying multiple custom patches will affect the code structures inside your server files. I'm just finalizing the autoattack and add it to pull request so the co-devs can inspect the codes before it merges as an official update.

    thank you sir. it work like a charm now ^^

    • Like 1
  2. Hello,

    i run this script in sql:

    CREATE TABLE `bk6_talk` (`intid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `npcid` mediumint(8) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `talkid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `lang` varchar(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'en', `custom` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `dialog` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`intid`), UNIQUE KEY `idx_unique` (`npcid`,`talkid`,`lang`,`dialog`), KEY `idx_dialog` (`npcid`,`talkid`,`lang`)) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1;

    but got error. how to adjust the script to be able to create table in my database?


  3. 3 hours ago, Remix_ said:

    I’m glad it worked well on you. Yeah, might be a great idea to add auto teleportation to the source code. But, my only goal is to sort the autoattack function compatible to the latest rA. I believe you can achieve that by utilizing the teleportation skill using the ingame script. 🙂


    hello, i tried @autoattack +1002, it said monster added to list. but if i check using @autoattack list, no any monster added. and if i turn on the command @autoattack on, it will tagetting all monsters



  4. On 1/26/2024 at 11:36 PM, khouuming21 said:

    Hi Emistry, Thanks for this i have managed to do it in src. Will still test this out tho thanks!

    hi, kindly share the solution to the community.


  5. 2 hours ago, Velda said:

    Well, i don't have a clue how long this approval takes.. And since i'm unpatient person and i want to conclude this project i already edited the first post - you can find download sources at the end.
    Today i also made custom cards and MVP cards so i added them too.

    Thanks mate. I'll test this out 👍

  6. 9 hours ago, Velda said:

    Hello everyone,
    few days ago i finished my custom instance - Poring Hell. Since i put some time into it i don't want to keep it just for myself. But it's a lots of adjustments on server-side and client-side too. Right know i'm making this topic just to show it. But, if anyone will be interested, please let me know and i will edit the post and provide all of the files i used along with the readme file how to make it work and which files need to be edited etc.

    Some more info about it:
    - NPCs are briefly dubbed using AI, i used soundeffect command there (so it really talks to you a bit if you have sound effects ON)!
    - There are custom BGM music (the music in the video is the actual music used for maps not a stream music).
    - I added few 4th class skills to monsters, created stats for them, made the whole story, NPC scripts, etc...
    - The maps i used are existing RO maps.

    - Skills need definitely a bit adjustment (lots of Dragon Breath and Gale Storm spam as you can see on the video lol)

    - The instance is made for 2022+ Renewal client (and rAthena) like an end-game instance by default. So mobs are strong in general - but this can be adjusted as needed by changing in the DB of course.

    I used illustrations found on the internet (from Honkai, manga etc..). I'm not owner nor creator of these materials! Since it is my first (and probably last) RO custom instance i made, i used instance tutorial by Skorm (thank you) and lots of sprites that i found on rAthena or Hercules forums for download. I just edited some of these sprites little bit but i did not create them by myself. So i also thanks to people who created them.

    For preview of the whole instance see video below:

    So once again, if anyone will like it and want it, let me know and i'll add sources here - for free of course. ^^

    Up for this!

    Great work mate

  7. On 7/30/2023 at 10:53 PM, kpcamber said:

    Hello everyone, I want to use this hateffect on NPC OnInit, and I have tried to put it in OnInit event. But it doesn't work. Are there any ways to make it work? How can I do?

    how do you use it on NPC OnInit event? mind to show the examples of the script commands?


  8. On 9/14/2021 at 1:29 AM, Yuno said:

    On stateiconinfo.lub

    StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_DEVOTION] = {
    	haveTimeLimit = 1,
    	posTimeLimitStr = 2,
    	descript = {
    		{ "Devotion", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF },
    		{ "%s", COLOR_TIME },
    		{ "Under influence of devotion." },
    		{ "Received shield buff." },

    On stateiconimginfo.lub

    [EFST_IDs.EFST_DEVOTION] = "devotion.tga"


    Great! Thanks alot ?

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