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Posts posted by Royr

  1. 6 hours ago, JoseRicart said:

    good morning, my name is Jose and it is a pleasure to return to these whereabouts of the world of rathena after a long break for personal reasons, as usual I come to disturb a bit here.

    About 4-5 years ago I had a script which when you killed an MvP gave you a coin automatically, it turns out that when I added it to the server's custom scripts it is, let's say, "half-working" since it is true that the script when you kill an MvP, it drops the coin, but also when you kill a poring, a skeleton, a zombie, a plant, a spore, in short, when you kill everything.

    Could someone help me or give me some support?

    I upload the script with an imagen for example



    mvpdropcoin.txt 282 B · 4 downloads

    I made this on a phone...Please give a try (based on your script and optimized it).

    I added some multiple items  reward with chances added some flavor to your server. ?

    //Created Date: 04/07/2022
    -	script	AEOUS_MVP_DROP	FAKE_NPC,{
    	.@rnd = rand(1,100);
    	if( getmonsterinfo( killedrid,MOB_MVPEXP ) ) {
    	for( .@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.item_arrays); .@i += 3 ) {
    		if( .@rnd < .item_arrays[.@i+2] ) {
    			getitem .item_arrays[.@i], .item_arrays[.@i+1];
    			announce "Congratulations! Player "+ strcharinfo(0) +" has obtained "+ getitemname( .item_arrays[.@i] ) +" ["+ .item_arrays[.@i+1] +"] from "+ getmonsterinfo(killedrid, 0) +" (chance: "+.item_arrays[.@i+2]+"%) MVP Drop(s).",bc_all,0x00FF00;
    //	(<structure,<item_id>,<chances>)
    	setarray .item_arrays[0],
    		675,	1,	10,
    		677,	1,	30,
    		7539,	1,	100;


  2. 9 minutes ago, johnelle9 said:

    What's the proper command for it to show the monster name (instead of null) of the following Mob ID in the column above?

    Im lost after "for (.@i = 4; .@i < getargcount(); .@i += 4)".  Apologies for a noob question over a simple matter.


    Means those monster doesn't exist. (Those are RENEWAL Monsters) that's why it's showing ~null hunting

    You don't to have TOUCHED those part.
    *getmonsterinfo(<mob ID>,<type>)
    MOB_NAME - monster's name, if there is no such monster "null" is returned

    • Upvote 1
  3. 8 hours ago, AinsLord said:

    so im trying to connect my database which is on a different host IP

    to my webhost/cpanel IP

    im getting like rathena@<IP address> access denied something

    is there like ways to make it connected?

    TIA ❤️


    additional question

    can i add fluxCP without Cpanel or webhosting?

    if yes how

    TIA agin ❤️

    1st Question:
    You just need to open those IP's (ask your Web Hosting Provider)

    2nd Question:
    Yes it's possible to host a FluxCP under your VPS just like VPS+FluxCP.  (Cheaper for Budget-Meal)
    Just don't forget to give permission(chmod -R 777) on your FluxCP this has been common problem installing FluxCP under VPS.


    Incase if your using CentOS and have error access to FluxCP.

    Disable SELinux
    nano /etc/sysconfig/selinux
    	change to:


    • Upvote 1
  4. 1 hour ago, IsabelaFernandez said:

    Hi everyone. I recently came back after a long time stopped and I'm facing this following error after creating any char and it doesn't load or I can't log into the server.


    Lack of INFORMATION and i don't see any ERROR, i assumed PACKETVER (define to your [YYYY/MM/DD]) you're missing the parts of athena.configuration (char,login,map).

  5. 8 hours ago, AinsLord said:

    so i found this script here

    -	script	asdfasdf	-1,{
    	mes "[ Trade ]";
    	mes "Need "+getitemname(.req_itm)+" x"+.req_amt;
    	menu "Yes",-;
    	if(countitem(.req_itm) < .req_amt || countitem(.bnd_itm) < 1){
    		mes "No pods";
    		mes "No card";
    	mes "Got pods";
    	delitem .req_itm,.req_amt;
    	getitem .get_itm,1;
    	.bnd_itm = 503;
    	.req_itm = 501;
    	.req_amt = 1000;
    	.get_itm = 502;

    is there some way to make this script like read the item that is account bounded

    or make this like i can add multiple items 

    what i supposedly planning is like

    an item is account bounded then character will go to the NPC

    and the NPC will ask certain items to revert it to box and be traded

    since account bound items are not tradeable

    thanks in advance

    Hey there! i tried working this request last night of course made from scratch, but not sure if this is enough.. I could think of possibly abused in this bound feature(s).
    I made some PREVIEW if this what you wanted:

    This requires: delitemidx
    I added some Blacklist Features so you could block some item(s) you want.

    • Upvote 1
  6. 8 hours ago, GM Winter said:

    hello every one i was wondering how can i see the server status in the putty without server restart

    some dev using ./athena-start restart to see it 
    for me i dont want the players to be disconnected  so if possible is there any command just to display it

    picture for example



    using Screen method.

    Make sure you install the 'Screen'

    CentOS Command:

    yum install screen


    Note: You need to execute this 1 by 1.

    screen -S loginserver
    ./login-server &

    After that Press CTRL+AD

    screen -S charserver
    ./char-server &

    After that Press CTRL+AD

    screen -S mapserver
    ./map-server &

    After that Press CTRL+AD

    TO RETURN BACK TO WHICH server(map,login or char) would you like visit simply press :
    Note: Make sure you're in your rAthena Server or RO Folder. cd /home/winter/MyROServer

    screen -R mapserver - To check the mapserver-status
    screen -R charserver - To check the charserver-status
    screen -R loginserver - To check the loginserver-status

    To Exit: After that Press CTRL+AD

    If you want to confirm what apps are running:

    Simple Type:

    ps aux | grep server


  7. 50 minutes ago, Dolphin86 said:

    i have just download PE Viewer to check my ro.exe version, since i forgot what version was it,  but i have no idea where to find it in PEViewer

      Hide contents




    Means the client has been protected. I think you can found it on the NEMO i forgot what patched is that.

  8. 11 minutes ago, Dolphin86 said:

    hyw, i was following this guide HERE, but after i edit it and carefully check, i still get error, i even disable selinux, on servers.php, i have put id with privileges 


    Means you need to set the permission on that folder "Logs"


    chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/cp/data/logs
    chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html/cp/data/logs

    If this thing still shows up, just do the same thing. mostly this are the only 3 folders need to set a permission.

    logs, itemshop and tmp


  9. 8 hours ago, chadness said:

    hello i have a problem everytime im talking in the npc or click it the character is still moving near to the npc also when casting some skills on a mob example arrow shower after it cast arrow shower its walkin near the mobs hope somebody know how to fix this thanks in advance

    Disabled it from hexing your client "Disable Walk to Delay"

    • Upvote 1
  10. This kind of thing been answered in a decade since eAthena times. Self-Hosting is the only way you can fully secured your files. That's all. (Never rely on those shitty RO 1 Click-Setup). Unless if you're dumb then go for it. ?

  11. 14 minutes ago, mihaamiharu said:

    Hello, i'm using 2 proxy on my server.
    But everytime player exit from character select then they're relogin with another account.
    It's automatically changing their selected server to main server?

    --- Detailed Scenario ----

    I Have 3 Server available ( Main, Proxy A and Proxy B)

    I'm selecting Proxy A before Login > Then i logged in with Account A.  > Then i close the character select > Logged in again with Account B. > Then this user logged in to Main Server.

    Is there a way to keep this user loggin in to selected proxy when relogin?

    I successfully implemented this into my High-Rate server.
    You need someone who has knowledge in Client-Side (Hexing). That's all.

  12. 2 hours ago, ahloi007 said:

    Thanks for your reply @Royr

    this is great!! I like it !

    Very appreciated!!

    Can I know is it possible to make it 30 Gold Coins = 200 Cash Points?

    I found out the script format was like 40 Gold Coins x 5 cash points = 200 cash point, am I right?

    Just wonder can it be like:

    delitem .itemID, .@amount 30;
    #CASHPOINTS = #CASHPOINTS + ( .@amount 200 );

    Im trying to learn with the script, hope you don't mind what I am asking. xD


    And I also found out there was an error on the new balance shown in the npc.

    You can find out in the picture chatlog shown new balance was 1500 cash points. but the new balance in npc was shown out with 1300 cash points.



    It should finally worked now.

    			#CASHPOINTS = #CASHPOINTS + .@amount * 5 );
    			mes .@name$;
    			mes "You have successfully exchanged "+ .ItemName$ +" to Cash Points.";
    			mes " ";
    			mes "You have added your new balance "+ F_InsertComma(#CASHPOINTS) +" ^FF0000Cash Points^000000.";
    			delitem .itemID, .@amount;
    			dispbottom "Your new balance is now : "+ F_InsertComma(#CASHPOINTS) +" Cash Points";


    • Like 1
  13. 8 hours ago, ahloi007 said:
    prontera,150,150,4	script	Converter	83,{
    	.@name$ ="[^FF0000Cash Point Converter^000000]";
    	mes .@name$;
    	mes "Welcome, "+strcharinfo(0)+"!";
    	mes "You currently have ^ff0000"+#CASHPOINTS+"^000000 Cash Points";
    	mes .@name$;
    	mes "How can I help you?";
    	menu "Exchange Gold Coin to Cash Point", L_GTC, "Cancel", L_Cancel;
    	mes .@name$;
    	mes "Gold Coin will ^ff0000NOT TO BE REFUND^000000 after converted to Cash Points.";
    	mes "Please keep that in your mind";
    	mes .@name$;
    	mes "How many Gold Coin do you want to exchange?";
    	mes "^ff0000Note^000000: 30 Gold Coin currently 200 Cash Point";
    	input .@count;
    	if (.@count == 0) close;
    	if (countitem(7517) < .@count*30) goto L_Noitem;
    	delitem 7517,.@count*30;
    	set #CASHPOINTS, #CASHPOINTS + ( .@count*200 );
    	mes .@name$;
    	mes "Sorry you dont have enough of Gold Coin";
    	mes .@name$;
    	mes "No problem, Come back again";

    Hi rAthena, this is the NPC script that I refer from some where else(I forgot the scripter name***)

    I try to make it like 30 Gold coins to 200 Cash points, but at the end it doesn't function well.

    No cash obtain, even I have 30 Gold Coins for the exchange.

    Anyone could guide me the way to solve this problem?


    How to show out the amount of cash points gained from and npc in the chat log?


    Thank you, and sorry for my bad english!

    Please try this:

    // Scripted by : Royr
    // Description : Simple Cash Converter
    // Topic: https://rathena.org/board/topic/127558-facing-problem-with-the-coin-to-cash-exchanger-npc/
    prontera.gat, 155, 100, 4	script	Cash Converter	4_M_01,{
    	mes .@name$ = "[ ^FF0000Cash Point Converter^000000 ]";
    	mes "Greetings! Player "+strcharinfo(0)+".";
    	mes " ";
    	mes "Total Balance: ^FF0000"+F_InsertComma(#CASHPOINTS)+"^000000 Cash Points";
    	dispbottom "You have Total Balance of: ^FF0000"+F_InsertComma(#CASHPOINTS)+"^000000 Cash Points";
    	switch( select( implode(.menu_options$, ":") ) ) {
    	case 1:
    		mes .@name$;
    		mes "^0000FF"+.ItemName$+"^000000 will ^ff0000NOT TO BE REFUND^000000 after converted to ^FF0000Cash Points^000000.";
    		mes "How many Gold Coin do you want to exchange?";
    		mes " ";
    		mes "^ff0000Note^000000: "+.qty+" x ^0000FF"+.ItemName$+"^000000 equivalent to 200 ^FF0000Cash Points^000000.";
    		input .@amount;
    		if( .@amount < .qty || .@amount > countitem(.itemID) ) {
    			mes .@name$;
    			mes "That's an Invalid amount.";
    			mes "Please try again.";
    		mes .@name$;
    		mes "Are you sure you want to exchange "+.@amount+" x ^0000FF"+.ItemName$+"^000000 to "+ .@amount * 5 +" ^FF0000Cash Points^000000?";
    		if( select(" - Yes: - No") == 2 ) close;
    			#CASHPOINTS = #CASHPOINTS + .@amount * 5 );
    			mes .@name$;
    			mes "You have successfully exchanged "+ .ItemName$ +" to Cash Points.";
    			mes " ";
    			mes "You have added your new balance "+ F_InsertComma(#CASHPOINTS) +" ^FF0000Cash Points^000000.";
    			delitem .itemID, .@amount;
    			dispbottom "Your new balance is now : "+ F_InsertComma(#CASHPOINTS) +" Cash Points";
    	case 2:
    		mes .@name$;
    		mes "Alrighth then! You can come back anytime.";
    	.itemID = 7517;
    	.qty = 40;
    	.ItemName$ = getitemname(.itemID) +"";
    	setarray .menu_options$[0],
    	"- Exchange ^0000FF"+.ItemName$+"^000000 to ^FF0000Cash Points^000000",
    	"- Cancel";



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