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Posts posted by Phantasm

  1. cant_delete_homun.png

    When summoned Homunculus, I can not delete, can not feed my homun, i cant do anything with my homunculus.

    My server error message as shown above.

    I using the latest rAthena, my client is 2012-03-07aRagexeRE , i dont do anything with SRC file, just add PACKET 20120307 and recompile.

    I tried to update my AI but doont improve anything.

    Sorry, my bad English.

  2. where can I find my grf files?, how to create that? Can you please tell me what to do, after the SERVER SIDE is done setting?

    Grf file in your Game Folder or Data folder you just downloaded.

    And you must Compile new Packet for Client with Visual Studio:


    From: http://rathena.org/wiki/Connecting

    To fix this, locate the src/common folder and open mmo.h in notepad. Find the following line:
    #ifndef PACKETVER
    #define PACKETVER 20110609
    Edit this Part, put:
    So if my client was 2011-10-25aRagexeRE it would look like:
    #define PACKETVER 20111025

    Sorry, my bad English, i just want to help.

  3. You can found them in:


    Remove them:

    Allow all party invitations.#
    This character's equipment information is not open to the public.#
    Equipment information not open to the public.#
    Equipment information open to the public.#

    msgstringtable.txt in your data Folder or your grf file.

    Hope can help you. And sorry for my Bad English.

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