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  1. No worries. Thank you for trying. Could I get a link of your 2018 client and configs? I can't pull clients from this site anymore.
  2. That's packets.h. I was talking about defines_pre.h. I changed it to that from this // Copyright (c) rAthena Dev Teams - Licensed under GNU GPL // For more information, see LICENCE in the main folder #ifndef _CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_H_ #define _CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_H_ /** * rAthena configuration file (http://rathena.org) * For detailed guidance on these check http://rathena.org/wiki/SRC/config/ **/ #endif // _CONFIG_CUSTOM_DEFINES_PRE_H_ My packets.h looked like yours except it says PACKETVER 20170614
  3. I tried #ifndef PACKETVER_RE #if PACKETVER > 20170614 #define PACKETVER_RE #endif#endif and leave the defines_pre.h as default. Not sure which is correct
  4. Oh, i was set for 55. Now it disconnects when i log my character in.
  5. It's compiled. Just fails to connect to the login server even know i get this. [Notice]: Authentication accepted (account: blank, id: 2000000, ip: [Status]: Connection of the account 'blank' accepted. I don't think I'm editing src/confing/packets.h and src/custom/defines_pre.h correctly.
  6. Thank you very much. I was completely and utterly confused by the discrepancies.
  7. So I started my own offline server to test builds for NovaRO and my aspd, variable cast, damage on bosses and various other things are not matching what I get over there. I tired commenting out #prerenewal but that just got rid of all my items. Isn't NovaRO a renewal server and how can I get my characters to act likee my NRO character?
  8. Thank you. I found the ID's for stat values in const.txt and just inserted them into the server because I felt like that was the easiest ways.
  9. I've looked at the command @item2 <item name/ID> <quantity> <identify_flag> <refine> <attribute> <card1> <card2> <card3> <card4> but that doesn't have any elemental enchants attached. Is there a way to give a weapon the holy element with racial modifiers using gm commands maybe or potentially add it in mysql? [Edit] I found the element modifiers in /db/re/item/randomopt_group.txt and was able to add them to items in the inventory table now i just need to find racial modifiers
  10. I want to add all of these lol. What's the easiest way to go about this? I'm afraid to just start dragging and dropping files in my rathena folder
  11. Thank you. For anyone wanting a quick paste option. groups: ( { id: 0 /* group 0 is the default group for every new account */ name: "Player" level: 99 inherit: ( /*empty list*/ ) commands: { /* no commands by default */ commands: true charcommands: true help: true rates: true uptime: true showdelay: true exp: true mobinfo: true iteminfo: true whodrops: true time: true jailtime: true hominfo: true homstats: true showexp: true showzeny: true whereis: true refresh: true noask: true noks: true autoloot: true alootid: true autoloottype: true autotrade: true request: true go: true breakguild: true channel: true langtype: true } permissions: { /* without this basic permissions regular players could not trade or party */ can_trade: true can_party: true command_enable: true } }, { id: 1 name: "Super Player" inherit: ( "Player" ) /* can do everything Players can and more */ level: 0 commands: { /* informational commands */ commands: true charcommands: true help: true rates: true uptime: true showdelay: true exp: true mobinfo: true iteminfo: true whodrops: true time: true jailtime: true hominfo: true homstats: true showexp: true showzeny: true whereis: true /* feature commands */ refresh: true noask: true noks: true autoloot: true alootid: true autoloottype: true autotrade: true request: true go: true breakguild: true channel: true langtype: true } permissions: { } },
  12. I am unable to get @commands to work. It just types out the command in game. Example. I tried changing my conf/atcommand_athena.conf to this, but it's still typed out.
  13. Oh okay. I opened secrets nemo patcher and input System/iteminfo.lua instead of System/iteminfo_Sak.lub and that solved the issue. Now I have to figure out why I'm failing to connect to the server. I don't know why this is so much more challenging than the 2015 client
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