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Everything posted by funtwocrasher

  1. Hi! I added a custom status icon (VIP Users). But I have trouble implementing them. This is what I did. 1. src/map/status.cpp Added case SC_VIPSTATE: After case SC_JEXPBOOST: 2. src/map/status.hpp Added SC_VIPSTATE = 1500, Before SC_MAX, 3. src/map/status.hpp Added EFST_VIPSTATE = 1500, Before EFST_MAX, 4. src/map/script_constants.hpp Added the following on their respective lines. export_constant(SC_VIPSTATE); export_deprecated_constant2("SI_VIPSTATE",1500); export_constant(EFST_VIPSTATE); 5. efstids.lub EFST_VIPSTATE = 1500, stateiconimginfo.lub [EFST_IDs.EFST_VIPSTATE] = "vip.tga", stateiconinfo.lub StateIconList[EFST_IDs.EFST_VIPSTATE] = { haveTimeLimit = 1, posTimeLimitStr = 2, descript = { { "VIP MEMBER", COLOR_TITLE_BUFF }, { "Exp Bonus 10%" }, { "Job Exp Bonus 10%" }, { "Drop Rate Bonus 10%" }, { "Additional 300 Storage Slot" }, { "Can use command" }, { "@autoattack" }, { "@autotrade" }, { "@autoloot" }, { "Can get Fairy Buff for +5 All stats" } } } 6. Iteminfo.yml Script: | vip_time(1440); sc_start SC_VIPSTATE,-1,0; I did all these things but i still receive an error and nothing works, If anyone can help me, I would really appreciate it. Thank you very much!
  2. I already PMed him. Is there any other way aside from diffing?
  3. Is there any other way to remove this?
  4. Any idea how to enable this? I am using 20180620 client.
  5. FIXED. Just updated the msgstringtable.txt.
  6. I replaced "Body:" > "Attendnace:" and now I receive this Error
  7. I was trying to use the attendance system but i have a problem, when i log with any caracter the client crash on loading screen. i made some tests and the result's is: (1) - Its not the problem with item ou texture because i try with red potion ID 501 (2) - only crash when the attendance system is active (3) - probably is the client side, lua file or texture file from interface(i try to use from actualized datas but dont change at all) my hexed is the 2018-06-20 with KRO client. Help me please this is my settings: Attendance.yml Header: Type: ATTENDANCE_DB Version: 1 Body: - Start: 20220301 End: 20221231 Rewards: - Day: 1 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 - Day: 2 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 - Day: 3 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 - Day: 4 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 - Day: 5 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 - Day: 6 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 - Day: 7 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 - Day: 8 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 - Day: 9 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 - Day: 10 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 - Day: 11 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 - Day: 12 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 - Day: 13 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 - Day: 14 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 - Day: 15 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 - Day: 16 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 - Day: 17 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 - Day: 18 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 - Day: 19 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 - Day: 20 ItemId: 502 Amount: 1 CheckAttendance.lub / CheckAttendnace.lua Config = { StartDate = 20220301, EndDate = 20221231 } Reward = { { 1, 502, 1 }, { 2, 502, 1 }, { 3, 502, 5 }, { 4, 502, 1 }, { 5, 502, 1 }, { 6, 502, 1 }, { 7, 502, 1 }, { 8, 502, 1 }, { 9, 502, 1 }, { 10, 502, 1 }, { 11, 502, 1 }, { 12, 502, 1 }, { 13, 502, 1 }, { 14, 502, 1 }, { 15, 502, 1 }, { 16, 502, 1 }, { 17, 502, 1 }, { 18, 502, 1 }, { 19, 502, 1 }, { 20, 502, 1 } } function main() result, msg = InsertCheckAttendanceConfig(Config.EvendOnOff, Config.StartDate, Config.EndDate) if not result then return false, msg end for k, rewardtbl in pairs(Reward) do result, msg = InsertCheckAttendanceReward(rewardtbl[1], rewardtbl[2], rewardtbl[3]) if not result then return false, msg end end return true, "success" end
  8. SOLVED rathena/conf/battle/items.conf broadcast_hide_name: 2
  9. Hi! I am using DropAnnounce script and this message is edited through msgstringtable.txt, however I have a little concern. The name is being censored "NG" word. Is there any way to remove this censorship?
  10. Is 2018 client uses LUB or LUA? I am using LUA files.
  11. 20180831 client got some error, it automatically closes when I enter character selection.
  12. Ill try this one. My client version is 2018 Its not working,
  13. Hi! I have tried these steps below but still it doesnt show: 1. Updated texture folder to Renewal 2. Update System folder Renewal PS. Most of the costumes 20500++ is not showing. Some of them are showing e.g. Archangel Wings. But most of them doesnt show. Can anyone help me? Or have the same problem?
  14. Hi! I have tried these steps below but still it doesnt show: 1. Updated texture folder to Renewal 2. Update System folder Renewal PS. Most of the costumes 20500++ is not showing. Some of them are showing e.g. Archangel Wings. But most of them doesnt show. Can anyone help me? Or have the same problem?
  15. Is there any script out there that function like this? Global announce when player killed a monster and drops a card. Same like in ROZero.
  16. Does anyone has the files to make this use skills?
  17. Thanks for this guys! Will check this out.
  18. Is there any script here that announce when player kills a mob and drops a card? Player killed [Poring] and got a [Poring Card]
  19. Hi! Is there a script like this out there? I am using sader's script atm. And it always reset everytime I relog or character select.
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