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About zmref

  • Birthday December 21

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  1. Hi please script this where it automatically make the rates to x2 every weekends (Saturdays,Sundays)
  2. zmref

    Refiner NPC

    Hi Can I request a refiner NPC where it does the following: - refines using elunium & oridecon (player can choose to "Safe refine" (e.g. the safe upgrade of garment is +4) - refines using enriched elunium & enriched oridecon (player can choose to "Safe refine" (e.g. the safe upgrade of garment is +4) - player can input desired number from 1-10 then the NPC will verify if that's his/her last decision. then the npc will refine the item.
  3. thanks it works you're really a genius
  4. hi I'm looking for the downloadable clients past or present please share me your link I'm looking for 2010 06 16
  5. help I already properly set the loading screens but the after my 4th loading screen then next one is the korea's how do I remove this? I'm using basic rathena client which I got here
  6. Sir my client stops after I click the Reset Ladder here's the error
  7. higher than 1024x768 works I tried them I also tried 1600x1200 however my problem is, after my 4th loading screen the korean loading screens pops up next even if I already set it up on my clientinfo.xml.
  8. I already set loading screens from my clientinfo.xml which were 4 loading screens yes it loads all of them however after the 4th loading screen the korean loading screens pops up next. how to fix this?
  9. I placed 4 loading screens and already set it up on my clientinfo.xml but why is it the loading screens of korea keeps on loading even if I already deleted it on my data folder. I used the basic rathena client
  10. please script this broadcaster NPC with color codes and has 30 secs delay for each player NPC has: -Select menu of GENERAL,BUY,SELL broadcast npc will broadcast on different color GENERAL = FF00FF Want to buy (WTB) = FF3300 Want to sell (WTS) = 66CCFF
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