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Everything posted by Faiz

  1. Hi there, I just followed your guides and it still to be offline after what I did. Here is my screenshot. 1 : SSL. 2. DNS, my Nameservers remained from my domain provider. I just used recommended. 3. Server IP Address. 4. IP Address. VirtualBox connection and I'm using NAT. 5. IP from my router. 6. Port forwarding. 7. Apache2 live. 8. My configuration. I just overwrote from the earlier configuration that you posted. 9. SSHD Config. 10. UFW Status. I just added 8888 port. 11. Website aurax.site. I'm not sure what is wrong. Are there any commands that I missed?
  2. Hi, thanks for the tutorial. Can I use this tutorial using VirtualBox to make it online? I noticed that my VirtualBox IP address is not in my router config (client list), is there any trick to do this? Thank you!
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