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Files posted by Aeclis

  1. Free

    Account bound achievement

    This patch has been made for the June 2018 version of rAthena. It doesn't work with the latest version of rAthena. I do not provide support anymore for it.
    This patch allows you to create account OR character bound achievement instead of only character bound achievement.
    - Rewards are available once per account for account bound achievement
    - All characters and newly created characters on the account will get the unlocked titles from account bound achievement
    I provide you the patch and a README.txt which explains you how to use it. You also need to add a column in the achievement table. I provide you the SQL commands as well.
    BEFORE to apply any patch, make a save of the current state of your server.
    If you have issue applying this patch, I will provide support for free for you to have it working and if your emulator is not too old to handle this (have at least the classic achievement working).
    Exemple of yml achievement account bound (the one in the screen):
      - ID: 200000
        Bound: "Account"
        Group: "AG_GOAL_LEVEL"
        Name: "Acquire the first aura!!!!"
        Condition: " BaseLevel >= 99 "
          ItemID: 12549
          Script: " specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,30000,10; "
          TitleID: 1000
        Score: 50
    By buying this patch, you agree to these terms:
    - You are not allowed to redistribute this script in any way, shape, or form.
    - Chargeback scams are not tolerated and will get you punished on rAthena.
    - I still retain all rights to this script.
    - Terms above may be changed or adjusted without prior notification.



  2. 5.00 USD

    Event Poring

    This configurable NPC allow to GM team to launch pre-made event Poring.
    The event will launch a predefined number of Poring in the map you want with the drops you want. The poring will have their drop only for the duration of the event. The skills are turned off on the map for the duration of the event.
    Default monster is 1725: a faster poring with no loot. In pre-re you can find them in the race (monster_race.txt).
    What is easily (at the start of the file) configurable in the file:
    - Text of the announce when the event starts
    - Text of the announce when the event ends
    - Text of the announce every 5 minutes when the event stills in progress (as a reminder for those who were not connected!)
    - ID of monster spawned
    - Name of monster spawned
    - 3 ranks of rights on the NPC: launchRight < itemRight < LogRight
    What you can do with the NPC IG:
    - launchRight See the current configuration
    - launchRight Select the map
    - launchRight Select the number of poring
    - launchRight Launch the event
    - itemRight Add items and their drop rate (not affected by server rates)
    - itemRight Delete item
    - LogRight Look at the logs (all above is logged). Each log got time, who did it, action, old and new value
    - LogRight Look at the clean logs. Who cleaned the logs and when
    - LogRight Clean the logs
    I suggest you to create a copy of the existing poring (1002) and replace all 1725 ID inside the file by your custom poring with no loot (or other monster).
    My custom monster is like this: 3900,PORING,Poring,Poring,1,2,0,2,1,1,7,10,0,5,1,1,1,0,6,30,10,12,1,3,21,0x170001,400,1872,672,480,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
    This Poring has 2 HP, got no loot and get 1 damage per attack.
    I can provide support and fix if needed. Feel free to ask for more features for the NPC but I might not fulfill them all.

    By buying this script, you agree to these terms:
    - You are not allowed to redistribute this script in any way, shape, or form.
    - Chargeback scams are not tolerated and will get you punished on rAthena.
    - I still retain all rights to this script.
    - Terms above may be changed or adjusted without prior notification.

    5 purchases   8 downloads


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