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newbierosequeen's Achievements


Poring (1/15)



  1. Wow... Thank you Anacondaqq ~ Open console then type mysqlcheck -uroot -A --auto-repair.. now everything is GREAT and back to normal !! you saved my day ~ thank you very much anacondaqq..
  2. Dear Anacondaqq, I really need your help... Everything is okay, everything is running, everything is great.. But, after two/three days, I've got a weird problems 1. Everything is FREEZE (cannot move, cannot exit, completely freeze) but, after I try to "ATTACK". - This "Attack n Freeze" problem occur only when I try to attack everything, including another player on PVP. - The "FLAG" server is running no problem and the "BAT" server is running with no error messages. - Everything is Okay.. only if my character is not "ATTACK" anything ~ but if my character attack monster or player.. FREEZE. - If monster Attack me, no problem.. if I try to move, no problem.. if I log off and login, no problem and saved.. ATTACK = FREEZE 2. Using item and FREEZE (cannot move, cannot exit, completely freeze) but, after I try to "use" item. - This "Item and Freeze" problem occur only when I try to use item from inventory or transfer item from kafra storage to my char inventory. I really confuse with this problem.. I try to reinstall and play it only for 2/3 days, then the "Attack and Item" FREEZE problem occurs... again ~ So, Anacondaqq.. how to solve this Freeze problem? Awaiting your response and thank you ~
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