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Posts posted by drifterxxxx2

  1. Hey

    Client: 2018-06-21aRagexeRE

    I'm trying to add an item link inside another usable item. Eg: A box containing different wearables. In this box's description will be the item links corresponding to the items inside.

    In other words,

    <ITEM>Name of item<INFO>ID</INFO></ITEM> 

    using the above ^ code in an item description from ItemInfo.lua 


    This will crash the client upon clicking on the link ingame, any ideas how to fix it?


  2. Hey

    My char and login servers are randomly disconnecting, and after a few minutes, they go up again and reconnect. I saw that it's getting more frequent at certains times of the day, because it's not always happening.

    Also, some quests ingame are being reseted/deleted from the questlog.

    I tried GDB the login server but it doesn't show any errores, just disconnect/reconnects.


    Any ideas? thanks /thx 


  3. @hendra814have you encounter any issues with the effect MERMAID_LONGING?

    20209,C_Mermaid_Longing,Costume Mermaid Bubbles,4,0,,0,,,,0,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,1024,,1,1,0,{},{ sc_start SC_MERMAID_LONGING,-1,0; },{ sc_end SC_MERMAID_LONGING; } // jRO Item

     whenever i equip this costume the char becomes unclickable and hp bar seems to move on its own lol..



  4. Hi

    i had this message on console, from a player. after the error the player disconnected, not sure if he/she got stuck or something.

    [Warning]: Invalid menu selection on npc 110004891:'Kiel Hyre#kh' - got 1, valid range is [1..0] (player AID:2000000, CID:150000, name:'Name')!

    this is the npc in /npc/quests/kiel_hyre_quest.txt

    kh_mansion,22,28,4	script	Kiel Hyre#kh	903,{
    	if (checkweight(908,200) == 0) {
    		mes "^3355FFJust a second...";
    		mes "You're carrying too";
    		mes "many items with you";
    		mes "right now, so you'll";
    		mes "need to free up more";
    		mes "inventory space first...^000000";
    	cutin "kh_kyel01",2;
    	if (KielHyreQuest < 46) {
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes ".........";
    		mes ".........";
    		mes "............";
    		cutin "",255;
    	else if (KielHyreQuest == 46) {
    		cutin "kh_kyel01",2;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Ah, you must be "+strcharinfo(0)+".";
    		mes "I'd like to thank you for saving";
    		mes "my life. You must have many";
    		mes "questions to ask me, so I'll";
    		mes "do my best to give you answers.";
    		while(1) {
    			switch(select("Robots?:^3355FFKiehl^000000?:^FF0000Elly^000000's button?")) {
    			case 1:
    				mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    				mes "I've been researching";
    				mes "robotics for thirty-two";
    				mes "years now. I'm proud to";
    				mes "say that I've succeeded";
    				mes "where the great Sage";
    				mes "Varmundt did not.";
    				mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    				mes "It's been my dream to";
    				mes "develop humanoid robots";
    				mes "from humans. Those Guardians";
    				mes "might be robots too, but they";
    				mes "don't operate using free will.";
    				mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    				mes "If you'd like to know more";
    				mes "of the specifics concerning";
    				mes "robotics, why don't you speak";
    				mes "with ^3355FFAllysia^000000? She can explain";
    				mes "everything much more succinctly";
    				mes "than I can. I tend to ramble...";
    				set .@KHQRead,.@KHQRead+1;
    			case 2:
    				mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    				mes "^3355FFKiehl^000000 is my only son,";
    				mes "but the love of my life";
    				mes "died after giving birth to";
    				mes "him. I'll admit that he's";
    				mes "a genius in mechanical";
    				mes "design and development.";
    				mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    				mes "He's largely responsible";
    				mes "for the creation of Third";
    				mes "Generation robots like Elly.";
    				mes "Unfortunately, he's trying to";
    				mes "modify his creations for";
    				mes "some sinister purpose.";
    				mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    				mes "I tried to stop him,";
    				mes "but I ended up getting";
    				mes "locked inside the factory.";
    				mes "I don't know why he wants";
    				mes "to do this. I still have";
    				mes "absolutely no clue...";
    				set .@KHQRead,.@KHQRead+1;
    			case 3:
    				mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    				mes "That button Elly was";
    				mes "holding has ^3355FFKiehl's emblem^000000";
    				mes "engraved on it. Ah, and that";
    				mes "man in black menacing the";
    				mes "students? That was probably";
    				mes "^3355FFKaiser^000000, Kiehl's bodyguard.";
    				mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    				mes "Kaiser...";
    				mes "I don't know";
    				mes "anything about him.";
    				mes "I've never even seen";
    				mes "his face! Kiehl just hired";
    				mes "him without letting me know...";
    				set .@KHQRead,.@KHQRead+1;
    			if (.@KHQRead == 3) {
    				mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    				mes "If you don't have";
    				mes "anymore questions for me,";
    				mes "then would you please";
    				mes "let me rest?? I'm still not";
    				mes "feeling well from the time";
    				mes "I was locked up in the factory.";
    				delitem 7493,1; //Golden_Key
    				delitem 7494,1; //Kiel_Button
    				set KielHyreQuest,48;
    	else if (KielHyreQuest == 48) {
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Ah, I almost forgot.";
    		mes "Please, take this as";
    		mes "a little reward for";
    		mes "saving my life.";
    		getitem 12105,1; //Taming_Gift_Set
    		getexp (checkre(3))?70000:700000,0;
    		set KielHyreQuest,50;
    	else if ((KielHyreQuest >= 50) && (KielHyreQuest < 64)) {
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "If you don't have";
    		mes "anymore questions for me,";
    		mes "then would you please";
    		mes "let me rest?? I'm still not";
    		mes "feeling well from the time";
    		mes "I was locked up in the factory.";
    	else if (KielHyreQuest == 64) {
    		cutin "kh_kyel01",2;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Hm? Did you";
    		mes "have something";
    		mes "that you wanted";
    		mes "to ask me?";
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "I don't have enough";
    		mes "concrete evidence yet,";
    		mes "but I might have some";
    		mes "questions soon enough.";
    	else if (KielHyreQuest == 68) {
    		cutin "kh_kyel02",2;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Ah, "+strcharinfo(0)+".";
    		mes "It's you. So how can";
    		mes "I help you today?";
    		select("About ^3355FFAllysia^000000...");
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "You know, I was looking";
    		mes "through this deserted house";
    		mes "in Juno, and discovered";
    		mes "an old portrait of a woman";
    		mes "that looks just like Allysia.";
    		cutin "kh_kyel02",2;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Oh...";
    		mes "Is that all?";
    		mes "I thought you had";
    		mes "a robotics question.";
    		cutin "kh_Kyel03",2;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Anyway, that's a";
    		mes "strange coincidence.";
    		mes "Well, I suppose it's";
    		mes "not so strange to find";
    		mes "look-a-likes for other people...";
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "I don't think it's just";
    		mes "a coincidence. The woman";
    		mes "in that thirty year old portrait";
    		mes "was also named Allysia, and she";
    		mes "worked at Orsimier street";
    		mes "in Juno. Does that ring a bell?";
    		cutin "kh_kyel02",2;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "......";
    		mes ".........";
    		mes "............";
    		cutin "kh_kyel01",2;
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "Then I thought that this";
    		mes "Allysia must have been the";
    		mes "woman that you loved, and";
    		mes "that you based your robot's";
    		mes "apperance on her.";
    		cutin "kh_kyel02",2;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "............";
    		cutin "kh_kyel01",2;
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "I think this is what happened:";
    		mes "when you were a young, poor";
    		mes "man, you fell in love with";
    		mes "Allysia. However, she was";
    		mes "in love with Rosimier, who";
    		mes "was rich and powerful.";
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "However, Rosimier was";
    		mes "betrothed to some other";
    		mes "woman, and he ended up";
    		mes "marrying his fiancee, thus";
    		mes "breaking Allysia's heart.";
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "Feeling betrayed, her";
    		mes "heart broken, Allysia jumped";
    		mes "into a river. Then, you decided";
    		mes "to get revenge on Rosimier, so";
    		mes "you ended up joining";
    		mes "Rekenber Corporation!";
    		cutin "kh_Kyel03",2;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Hahahahahahaha!";
    		mes "Oh, what an imagination~";
    		mes "That's very ridiculous...";
    		mes "Though, I admit, maybe";
    		mes "I did design Allysia after";
    		mes "seeing that woman long ago.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "I'd almost forgotten";
    		mes "about her! I think we";
    		mes "were friends... Though,";
    		mes "where did you get the idea";
    		mes "that I might have";
    		mes "been in love with her?";
    		select("Reveal Kiel's Portrait from Hut");
    		cutin "kh_kyel02",2;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Wh-what...";
    		mes "How did...";
    		mes "Where did you...?";
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "Kiel Hyre, I found this";
    		mes "portrait of you as a young";
    		mes "man from the house of the";
    		mes "man that bought Allysia's ring.";
    		mes "I even spoke to the fisherman";
    		mes "that discovered Allysia's body.";
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "You paid an awful lot";
    		mes "of money to buy Allysia's";
    		mes "ring. How can you not tell";
    		mes "me that you didn't love her?";
    		cutin "kh_Kyel03",2;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "*Sigh...*";
    		mes "You got me, you got me.";
    		mes "I didn't want you to learn";
    		mes "the truth. You are correct.";
    		mes "I loved Allysia, and designed";
    		mes "my robot to look just like her.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "I could never forget her.";
    		mes "Ever. But I would never";
    		mes "do anything to harm the";
    		mes "Rosimiers! I'm a scientist!";
    		mes "I hated him when I was young,";
    		mes "but things are different now!";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "I shed no tears when the";
    		mes "Rosimiers fell, but I wasn't";
    		mes "responsible. Besides, I didn't";
    		mes "have the resources or the";
    		mes "capability to cause it...";
    		cutin "kh_kyel02",2;
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "I'm afraid that the";
    		mes "evidence shows otherwise.";
    		select("Reveal Portrait of Rosimiers");
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "Take a good look";
    		mes "at this portrait that";
    		mes "I found at the Rosimiers'";
    		mes "old house. Do you see";
    		mes "anything... incriminating?";
    		cutin "kh_Kyel03",2;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Aside from that";
    		mes "James Rosimier, you";
    		mes "mean? No! I don't see";
    		mes "anything wrong with";
    		mes "this picture at all.";
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "Take a good look";
    		mes "at the pocketwatch";
    		mes "in the portrait. That's";
    		mes "the pocketwatch you";
    		mes "wear today, isn't it?";
    		cutin "kh_kyel02",2;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "...!!!";
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "You might not have caused";
    		mes "the downfall of the Rosimiers";
    		mes "yourself, but with the aid of";
    		mes "the Rekenber Corporation, I'd";
    		mes "say it was entirely possible!";
    		cutin "kh_Kyel03",2; 
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Well played, adventurer.";
    		mes "Well played. I don't regret";
    		mes "what I did: they killed my";
    		mes "Allysia! If James didn't betray";
    		mes "her, if only he didn't drive";
    		mes "her to commit suicide...";
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "That's where you're wrong!";
    		mes "Allysia was killed, she didn't";
    		mes "commit suicide. Take a good";
    		mes "look at this note right here!";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "What?!";
    		select("Show James's Note");
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "What does this prove?";
    		mes "This doesn't show that";
    		mes "James didn't betray Allysia.";
    		mes "How does this change anything?";
    		mes "She's dead, nothing I can do";
    		mes "will bring her back to me!";
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "I never said James didn't";
    		mes "betray her. Look at the date";
    		mes "on the note. James made plans";
    		mes "to run away with her on August";
    		mes "20th. However, her body was";
    		mes "found on the same day.";
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "Ergo, Allysia must have";
    		mes "died on August 19th. If she";
    		mes "was planning to run away with";
    		mes "her love on the next day, then";
    		mes "she had no reason to kill herself!";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "No, that's not right!";
    		mes "She probably couldn't";
    		mes "trust me! She must have";
    		mes "realized she was nothing";
    		mes "but another toy to him!";
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "Oh yeah? I say she jumped";
    		mes "into the river because you";
    		mes "met her on that day. Now,";
    		mes "take a good look at this!";
    		select("Show K.H.'s note");
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "This note was  written by";
    		mes "a man with your initials,";
    		mes "K.H. These initials were also";
    		mes "signed on her portrait. You";
    		mes "must have written this note:";
    		mes "there's too many coincidences!";
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "According to this note,";
    		mes "you told Allysia that you";
    		mes "wanted to see her again";
    		mes "at the place you first met.";
    		mes "I think you did see her again...";
    		mes "on August 19th, the day she died!";
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "I'm assuming the place you";
    		mes "two first met was near the";
    		mes "river. No more of your lies:";
    		mes "Tell me what really happened!";
    		cutin "kh_kyel02",2;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "............";
    		mes ".........";
    		mes "......";
    		cutin "kh_Kyel03",2;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Hah... Ha ha ha...";
    		mes "Yes... That's right...";
    		mes "That horrible night.";
    		mes "I remember it well...";
    		mes ".....................";
    		cutin "kh_kyel02",2;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "That night, when she came";
    		mes "to the river to meet me as";
    		mes "I had asked, I begged her to";
    		mes "run away with me, instead";
    		mes "of waiting for that James.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "She insisted that James";
    		mes "never betrayed her, and he";
    		mes "promised to take her away";
    		mes "with him the next day. Can";
    		mes "you imagine how that made";
    		mes "me feel? I was nothing to her.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "My feelings didn't matter to";
    		mes "her at all! She kept fidgeting";
    		mes "with that ring...I lost control";
    		mes "and tried to take that damned";
    		mes "thing away from her, and";
    		mes "throw it into the river...";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "But you know what?";
    		mes "She struggled, she actually";
    		mes "fought me! It was just a small";
    		mes "fight, but then, before I knew";
    		mes "it, the ground underneath us";
    		mes "collapsed and... the rains...";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "I'm not sure what it";
    		mes "was. The rain weakened";
    		mes "the ground, something went";
    		mes "wrong... and she just... just...";
    		mes "The river swallowed her...";
    		mes "I felt empty. She was gone. ";
    		delitem 7499,1; //Family_Portrait
    		delitem 7500,1; //Elysia_Portrait
    		delitem 7501,1; //Kyll_Hyre_Letter2
    		delitem 7502,1; //Piece_Memo_Of_James
    		delitem 7503,1; //Man_Portrait
    		set KielHyreQuest,70;
    		cutin "",255;
    	else if (KielHyreQuest <= 70) {
    		cutin "kh_kyel01",2;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "You already know that";
    		mes "she was found dead the";
    		mes "next day. But what really";
    		mes "broke my heart was that";
    		mes "she held that ring so tightly";
    		mes "in her hand, even in death...";
    		cutin "kh_kyel03",2;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "His family had everything";
    		mes "while I had nothing. And";
    		mes "he had the audacity to take";
    		mes "Allysia away from me?!";
    		mes "How could that be right?";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Even though she had passed";
    		mes "away, I still wanted to prove";
    		mes "to Allysia what kind of ugly";
    		mes "person James really was.";
    		mes "That was when I joined the";
    		mes "Rekenber Corporation.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "I designed the very first";
    		mes "First Generation Robot, which";
    		mes "I named Allysia, and sold the";
    		mes "designs to Rekenber. I gave them";
    		mes "robots, and they gave me money,";
    		mes "power, obedient subordinates.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Of course I knew they'd use";
    		mes "my robots for spying and killing!";
    		mes "But you know what? It didn't";
    		mes "matter so long as they gave me";
    		mes "the means to my revenge. It was";
    		mes "the perfect partnership, really.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "You've got me right";
    		mes "where you want me.";
    		mes "Who are you working";
    		mes "for, and what exactly";
    		mes "do you want? My designs?";
    		mes "My death? Everything...?";
    		cutin "kh_kyel01",2;
    		mes "["+strcharinfo(0)+"]";
    		mes "Actually, I just want";
    		mes "to ask about the nature";
    		mes "of your professional";
    		mes "relationship with the";
    		mes "Rekenber Corporation.";
    		mes "And about Kiehl.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Kiehl, eh? After hearing";
    		mes "my crazy story, I'm guessing";
    		mes "that you already suspect the";
    		mes "truth about him... He's also";
    		mes "a robot, specifically the first";
    		mes "of the Second Generation models.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "His mind was developed using.";
    		mes "an experimental, and unstable,";
    		mes "form of the Condensed Magic";
    		mes "Spell Scrolls. He was the only";
    		mes "Second Generation robot that";
    		mes "I was allowed to keep.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "I've become very attached";
    		mes "to Kiehl. It's not surprising,";
    		mes "seeing that robotics have";
    		mes "become my life. I even raised";
    		mes "him as my own son, and taught";
    		mes "him everything about robotics";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Kiehl is now a genius,";
    		mes "and has even developed the";
    		mes "Third Generation of robots.";
    		mes "Unfortunately, I failed to";
    		mes "properly raise him with";
    		mes "human morals and ethics.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "He's been transforming";
    		mes "the Third Generation robots";
    		mes "into killing machines. That's";
    		mes "why I tried to put them all";
    		mes "into the academy, so they";
    		mes "could learn human behavior.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Although the academy";
    		mes "has delayed Kiehl's plans,";
    		mes "he has succeeded into";
    		mes "converting all of the robots";
    		mes "into uncontrollable engines";
    		mes "of mass destruction.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Yes, he's been working";
    		mes "closely with Rekenber.";
    		mes "Their true objective is to";
    		mes "create killing machines";
    		mes "for Rekenber's use.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "You know all the secrets";
    		mes "of my past now. I'm not";
    		mes "upset with you or anything,";
    		mes "but I do have something";
    		mes "that I want to ask of you.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Please! Stop Kiehl!";
    		mes "I don't want his madness";
    		mes "to destroy any more robots!";
    		mes "I see each and every one";
    		mes "of them as one of my children!";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "I know that I must take";
    		mes "full responsibility for all";
    		mes "that has happened. I promise";
    		mes "to take any punishment for";
    		mes "my actions once everything";
    		mes "has been resolved.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Thank you so much!";
    		mes "You can find Kiehl";
    		mes "in the underground";
    		mes "level in this mansion.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "He stays in the old room";
    		mes "where he was created, but";
    		mes "he reconstructed it as some";
    		mes "kind of cave to keep everyone";
    		mes "out, including me. Yes, he";
    		mes "doesn't trust anyone anymore...";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "When you find him, I want";
    		mes "you to take Allysia's ring";
    		mes "out of his heart. If you";
    		mes "remove it, that should stop";
    		mes "him from going berserk.";
    		select("Allysia's Ring?");
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Yes... Her ring is the";
    		mes "beginning of everything";
    		mes "I put that in his heart so";
    		mes "that I'd never forget what";
    		mes "the Rosimiers did to me.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "I think Kiehl's grown";
    		mes "so powerful that normal";
    		mes "weapons might not work";
    		mes "on him anymore. Use this";
    		mes "device that will cause his";
    		mes "power supply to fluctuate.";
    		getitem 7504,1; //Toy_Motor
    		cutin "kh_kyel03",2;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "If you successfully attach";
    		mes "this to Kiehl's body, then";
    		mes "he won't be able to use his";
    		mes "body's full power. While he's";
    		mes "weakened, open up his chest";
    		mes "and get the ring from his heart.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Let me know once";
    		mes "you're ready. Then, I'll";
    		mes "guide you Kiehl's room.";
    		set KielHyreQuest,74;
    	else if ((KielHyreQuest >= 74) && (KielHyreQuest <= 104)) {
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Are you ready";
    		mes "to confront";
    		mes "Kiehl now?";
    		switch(select("Yes:No")) {
    		case 1:
    			mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    			mes "There... the secret";
    			mes "passage is open now.";
    			mes "Just go to the right of";
    			mes "me, but be careful. Kiehl";
    			mes "is extremely dangerous.";
    			enablenpc "Kiehl_Room_Warp";
    			donpcevent "Kiehl_Room_Warp::OnEnable";
    			cutin "",255;
    		case 2:
    			mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    			mes "Please take your";
    			mes "time. I imagine that";
    			mes "it won't be easy.";
    	else if ((KielHyreQuest >= 74) && (KielHyreQuest <= 106)) {
    		cutin "kh_kyel01",2;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "You're back...!";
    		mes "So were you able";
    		mes "to retrieve Allysia's";
    		mes "Ring from Kiehl's heart?";
    		if (countitem(7508) < 1) {
    			mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    			mes "You mean... You don't have it?";
    			mes "Please, retrieve Allysia's Ring";
    			mes "from Kiehl's heart!";
    			enablenpc "Kiehl_Room_Warp";
    			donpcevent "Kiehl_Room_Warp::OnEnable";
    			cutin "",255;
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Wh-what happened...?";
    		mes "Kiehl developed a new";
    		mes "body for himself? Th-that";
    		mes "would make him a Fourth";
    		mes "Generation robot. I had";
    		mes "no idea he was this smart.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Wait, now that I think about";
    		mes "it, I did see robot bodies that";
    		mes "looked like Kiehl when I was";
    		mes "locked in the factory. So he";
    		mes "was using those copies to";
    		mes "develop personal upgrades.";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Here, please take this";
    		mes "Keycard which will let you";
    		mes "enter and investigate the";
    		mes "deepest levels of the factory.";
    		mes "I'll investigate Kiehl's room.";
    		getitem 7509,1; //Fancy_Key_Card
    		set KielHyreQuest,108;
    		if (Sex == SEX_FEMALE) {
    			if (getpartnerid() == 0) set .@KHTitle$,"Miss";
    			else set .@KHSTitle$,"Mrs";
    		else set .@KHTitle$,"Mr";
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "Kiehl is my responsibility...";
    		mes "No matter what the cost may";
    		mes "be, I've got to stop him! Oh,";
    		mes "and here, please take this";
    		mes "with my thanks for all of";
    		mes "your help, "+.@KHTitle$+" "+strcharinfo(0)+".";
    		getitem 616,1;  //Old Card Album
    		delitem 7508,1; //Elysia_Ring
    		getexp (checkre(3))?100000:1000000,0;
    	else if (KielHyreQuest >= 108) {
    		mes "[Kiel Hyre]";
    		mes "......";
    		mes ".........";
    		mes "............";
    	cutin "",255;


    what does it mean? worth to open issue in github?


  5. Hi

    i'm trying to update my FluxCP database to my current /db/re/item_db.txt

    i used convert_sql.pl (pretty usefull tool!)

    and i created the new file item_db2.sql since the FluxCP reads this one first, right?

    then imported the file

    now the FluxCP shows all the new items and modifications in my page but with different format, it's not showing what the items do even if they have a script written (on equip, unequip, etc.)


    is this intented? how can i change this so it will show the current script (what does the item do)? i'm guessing i need to change something in the convert_sql.pl file?


  6. 5 minutes ago, Stolao said:
    bonus2 bSubRace,RC_PLAYER,x;

    has effected doram for basically as long as the class has been implemented in rA, also we don't use revision we use git hash now.

    I asked for this because i tested items that give player damage reduction, such as Feather beret and Combat knife.

    Both of them have bonus2 bSubRace,RC_Player and RC_DemiHuman in their script but the damage reduction only applies for demihumans. damage coming from summoner class is not reduced

    is this intended? 


    i use git hash c5ceda03f 


    /thx for valuable information


  7. Hi 

    im using 20160203, rA c5ceda03f

    i've recently added a few hats in my server, like white rabbit and shiba inu (animal pet costumes)

    my problem is that for summoner class the .act of these hats is not adapting to the job



    I looked into the grf and found these folders in data.grf 


    so, since these kind of costumes are working fine on the baby class, my question is

    how do i make the client read from these particular folders in the grf? is there any trick to fix this?

    the folder contains the animal costumes im talking about and it seems they are the correct .act files

    but somehow they are not being read by the client or not working properly for the summoner class



  8. Hi

    okay first of all i really did a thorough search in the forums and google about this and i found a lot of topics that shows how to add icons in mini map (towninfo.lub), remove icons from npc heads (lua files/signboardlist.lub) and so on..


    the thing i'm asking is how to add my custom map in luafiles514/lua files/navigation so i can use the script command 'navigateto' freely like in any other official map

    these files are huge and i tried modifying a few things without getting any results


    is there any guide or topic related to this? i didnt find any consistent information. id really appreciate if someone could point me where to read or share a link about this matter


    thank you! /thx 

  9. 5 hours ago, AnnieRuru said:

    just a few days ago, I just show off did shuffle algorithm

    now its time to use sorting algorithm ~ /gg



    have fun learning from it ~


    and this script has been tested and can be use on live server



    thank you very much

    function counting sort is so usefull :wub:

  10. Hi

    i'm trying to make an event script where you are suposed to kill monsters, after all monsters die the event ends and the top 3 killers are announced to the map

    can anyone help me doing this?

    i have this label so far (yes this is all i have XD)

    //set .status,1; //when event starts
    //set .mob,20;
    //set .reward,501;
    //set .amount,3;
    //monster ....
    	set .mob, .mob - 1;
    	getitem .reward, .amount;
    	if (.mob) announce "["+strcharinfo(0)+"] has killed one monster!",bc_map;
    	else {
    		announce "event has finished! winners are /* PLAYER NAME WHO KILLED THE MOST.*/ with /* KILLS FROM THAT PLAYER*/",bc_map;
    		set .status,0;


    thank you!

  11. Hi

    i'm trying to set up the verification mail and password recovery via mail system in fluxcp, no luck so far

    ive tried several things including setting 'MailerUseSMTP' = false

    i tried using SSL option since i have SSL installed but nothing changes

    i read a few topics about this but i think i have the right configuration... yet it is not working

    when trying to send confirmation the page says "Could not send e-mail please contact administration..." etc.

    these are my configs, this is not google mail and i can confirm that is my correct smtp host since i use it for other things like forums, etc, and works just fine

    	'AllowDuplicateEmails'		=> true,					// Whether or not to allow duplicate e-mails to be used in registration. (See Mailer config options)
    	'RequireEmailConfirm'		=> true,					// Require e-mail confirmation during registration.
    	'RequireChangeConfirm'		=> true,					// Require confirmation when changing e-mail addresses.
    	'EmailConfirmExpire'		=> 48,						// E-mail confirmations expire hours. Unconfirmed accounts will expire after this period of time.
    	'PincodeEnabled'		=> false,					// Whether or not the pincode system is enabled in your server. (Check your char_athena.conf file. Enabled by default.)
    	'MailerFromAddress'			=> 'noreply@localhost',		// The e-mail address displayed in the From field.
    	'MailerFromName'			=> 'Server',			// The name displayed with the From e-mail address.
    	'MailerUseSMTP'				=> true,					// Whether or not to use a separate SMTP server for sending mail.
    	'MailerSMTPUseSSL'			=> false,					// Whether or not mailer should connect using SSL (yes for GMail).
    	'MailerSMTPUseTLS'			=> false,					// Same as above SSL setting, but for TLS.  This setting will override the SSL setting.
    	'MailerSMTPPort'			=> 25,					// When MailerUseSMTP is true: SMTP server port (mailer will default to 25).
    	'MailerSMTPHosts'			=> 'mail.server.com',					// When MailerUseSMTP is true: A string host or array of hosts (e.g., 'host1' or array('host1', 'backuphost')).
    	'MailerSMTPUsername'		=> 'username',					// When MailerUseSMTP is true: Authorized username for SMTP server.
    	'MailerSMTPPassword'		=> 'password',					// When MailerUseSMTP is true: Authorized password for SMTP server (for above user).

    the debug mode shows this error

    Notice: Accessing static property Flux_Mailer::$errLog as non static in /var/www/html/lib/Flux/Mailer.php on line 21
    Notice: Accessing static property Flux_Mailer::$log as non static in /var/www/html/lib/Flux/Mailer.php on line 22
    Warning: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): Peer certificate CN=`ssl0.host.net' did not match expected CN=`mail.server.com' in /var/www/html/lib/phpmailer/class.smtp.php on line 368


    any ideas?

    thank you


  12. Hi

    this is hard to explain, i've recently started to notice that the minstrel skills in my server have no effect in other players

    'Apple of Idun' doesn't give any hp increase but it heals other players correctly

    'Poem of Bragi' doesn't give any cast reductions, not variable and fixed


    what i've done so far

    - dancer skills work, 'Service for you' increase sp correctly, etc

    - renewal cast is enabled, I don't want to disable it and I don't think this has something to do with the issue

    - i haven't touched any script form database, skill_castnodex_db is default

    - skill.cpp is not modified, songs formula is default 

    - songs are not working in all maps (i tried in pvp and dungeons and failed)

    - exe is 20160203


    main problem is that they don't give status chance/effect in other players and i don't have any errors in console or game 


    question is:

    anyone knows where can i check this? maybe i'm missing a .conf file? 




    this was an error with a personal customization, you can close this sorry for the inconvenience :wub::wub::wub:

  13. 4 hours ago, mrmagic said:

    Have tried using search function or GOOGLE?

    i solved it a few hours ago

    this was the issue:


    you have too put the FIles in the AI folder and in the AI_Sakry folder and in both USER_AI folders.

    and be sure to make /hoai too activate it


    and for the record i tried google before posting here @_@

  14. 5 hours ago, Cyro said:

    First you have to run your server in screen

    When you wana resume u can use screen -ls

    It will show you running PID's(process) under your screen, you can select which pid you wana see/resume using 

    screen -r pidid

    thank you! 

    I have another doubt with screen

    how do I change the scrollback size?

    this is what I've done so far

    screen    ./athena-start start        CTRL+a       :         scrollback 10000

    but doesn't seem to change anything

    I read you can change the default lines that screen shows in .screenrc

    but idk how to do it, where do I add the line default scrollback?




  15. Hi


    I'm trying to see my rAthena servers in the console without restarting the server

    YES, I know there are a lot of topics about this. YES, I read the wiki

    my questions are

    1.- how to make the attachment permanent? after I log out from putty screen turns off and it loses the attachment, so when I log in again I have to restart the server anyways

    2.- how are you supose to use it /sob




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