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Posts posted by Euphy

  1. I updated the Renewal Ninja shops a few weeks back with all new items (not just the amulets). They're in npc/re/merchants/shops.txt:

    // Ninja Shops
    que_ng,72,31,2	shop	Boonji#nin	83,13250:-1,13251:-1,13252:-1,13253:-1,13254:-1,13294:-1,6493:-1
    que_ng,73,26,5	shop	Boonray#nin	83,2117:-1,2171:-1,15053:-1,7521:-1,7522:-1,7523:-1,7524:-1,6512:-1,6513:-1,6514:-1,6515:-1
    prontera,178,244,3	shop	Amatsu Trader#nin	83,13250:-1,13251:-1,13252:-1,13253:-1,13254:-1,13294:-1,6493:-1,2117:-1,2171:-1,15053:-1,7521:-1,7522:-1,7523:-1,7524:-1,6512:-1,6513:-1,6514:-1,6515:-1
    • Upvote 1
  2. Added the Getguildmember command in eba1539. Please update (or cherry-pick the commit) to be able to use the command.

    set .@gid, 100;
    mes "[ " + getguildname(.@gid) + " ]";
    mes "Members:";
    getguildmember .@gid;
    if ($@guildmembercount == 0)
    	mes "- none - ";
    else {
    	for (.@i = 0; .@i < $@guildmembercount; .@i++)
    		mes $@guildmembername$[.@i];
    • Upvote 1
  3. May I ask what is "while (1)"?


    It seems like something that will run infinitely without an exit sentinel (But somehow it works!)

    Here's the code, commented:

    	// The 'while' statement will loop infinitely (since '1' is always true)
    	// until a 'break' statement is reached, or the server detects an infinite
    	// loop (related to check_gotocount).
    	while (1) {
    		// This tries to pick a random party name that is unlikely to exist
    		// ("i50928", "i18735", etc.).
    		.@name$ = "i" + rand(100000);
    		// 'party_create' returns '1' if the party was successfully created.
    		// If it succeeds, break out of the loop.
    		// If it fails, try again with a different party name.
    		if (party_create(.@name$) > 0)
    • Upvote 1
  4. Instances are attached to parties, so you can't create one without having a party.

    However, you can easily work around this: ensure that the player does not have a party before creating/entering the instance, and let the NPC create the party. Like this: [paste=1941ov47vbzx]

    • Upvote 1
  5. This isn't any better than a typical anti-bot attempt, and will likely just annoy your other users (or amuse them?). It's a single entry in an exclude list for botters not to attack the monster - in fact, this would probably make it easier for botters to get away with it.

    If you want to do this, though, you'll need to install the mob controller system that was removed a while back.

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