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Posts posted by kamirie

  1. Good Day,

     Is the plan on OVH Public Cloud and VPS are one in the same service? I created an account on OVH and needed a server to be in around SEA so i choose Singapore and a public was created. Im planning on using this for test installations server managing practice.

    Kind Regards

    • Upvote 1
  2. Good Day,

     Getting inspiration from this https://rathena.org/board/files/file/3728-pvp-wager-match-wager/ , I would want to request/ask help to create a script that will allow players to issue bets to an NPC for most EMP breaker. Currently in our server there's a Message Board for who broke most Emps during WoE so I can use that same calculation to determine the winner. I would like to put up an NPC that will enable players to submit bets. It can be winner takes all , like if 4 players submitted bets only the highest breaker from those players will win all bets , the minimum bet will be based on the first player who issued a wager. The wager will be items not zenny . ( item ID 7227  or Other specific items ) . This will implement tax like 10% rounded up the number of items


    Also if not that much of a stretch , also on the same NPC there will be a another option to bet but this time , the players that will put bets here will just choose from the list of players that registered on the first option. The bets here will be put in a pot and will just be devided to the number of winners who chosen the player that will win the Most Emp Breaking. Also this will be taxed, 10% of the total pot before distribution. This will only accept ItemID 7227

    Please feel free to input comments or Idea's to this.

    NPC OutLine :

    NPC Main
    |    |- Option 1 for issuing wager and placing bets. Registration for the wager
    |				All bets will be placed in a Pool , the winner will be based on who ever have
    |				the most Emp breaks out of the registered players. Winner takes all format.
    |				The player can talk to npc to claim the prize and will be announced server wide.
    |				Also will be allowed a server shoutout like a megaphone effect.
    |------ Option 2 , will show a list of players that registered in option 1, players can bet on 1
    					of those players. ( If you registered in option 1, you cannot choose option 2
    .					to avoid betting	on self). After WoE. Pleyers can collext their winnings via
     					the same npc. The NPC will show the total pool collected , deduct 10% rounded 
     					down from this pot and show the number of winners. Each winner then can claim 
    					part of the pool as indicated by the NPC.   




  3. Ah, so at the moment , it's either just a rentitem or  getitembound . If this is the case , I think I'll just shorten the duration of the rented item to control it. I was planning on making this custom box as a price for KoH WoE and prevent players from carrying it over when they leave the guild.


    will this line in item_group_db do what I need or there is more appropriate way of doing it. 

    the item :

    •  will be announced after opening the box
    •  is a rented item that will expire in 300 ( does this read it in seconds or in minutes )
    • also does the drop 1 will give it 1/6 rate? so it's like 16.6% chance? how can I lower it to like 1% or 5% for example


  4. Good Day,

     Like from this thread

    I'm trying to create a custom obb like item. The item being produced should have an expiry time and guild bounded. I was able to create the custom box and create an item from that. But the item being created doesn't have expiration and is not guild bounded.

    I use this in item_group_db, in my understanding , that line should make the item be announced when the box is opened , have a duration of 300 ( for testing ) and is guild bounded(item will be deleted when the player left guild or has been kicked ).



    also tried


     The issue is the item I want is created but , it's not announced when obtained , do not have expiry and not guild bounded .

    Please help on what i'm missing


  5. Hi @AnnieRuru thank you for this .I'm trying to change this that instead of inputting the item ID. There will be a define 10 item ID that will be look up. Those items will be just in inventory as it will be character bounded so no need for the switch selection.

    Also I tested this and it do show the result but it doesn't clear the result after the player stop talking with the npc. It saves it like a history .

    • Upvote 1
  6. Good Day ,

    How can I use this feature


    . I tried following the instructions but the item don't give any bonus stats indicated in the item script. Also my mmo.h doesn;t have IT_CHARM in it like in the guide. The guide says to use type 12 but my type 12 is shadow gears.  How can I implement this feature.


    my mmo.h

    enum item_types {
    	IT_HEALING = 0,
    	IT_UNKNOWN, //1
    	IT_USABLE,  //2
    	IT_ETC,     //3
    	IT_ARMOR,   //4
    	IT_WEAPON,  //5
    	IT_CARD,    //6
    	IT_PETEGG,  //7
    	IT_AMMO,    //10
    	IT_SHADOWGEAR,  //12
    	IT_CASH = 18,


  7. Good Day,

     Can someone assist me in creating this scripts. Basically I want to create a message board in prontera that will display the names of owners of a specific item/items . The scan will show ALL owner online or offline . 

    Outline :

    NPC > list of specific items > list of owners

    It's somewhat related to this but a player doesn’t need to input anything , when he/she clicks the npc he will be shown the list of the items and when clicked will show current owners.


    Kind Regards

  8. I want to make a token like item that will serve as guild contribution points. And I will create an npc that can only be accessed by guild members and will trade the said points for certain Items.

    Reading this features . I got few questions.

    1. Can I make the item be char,guildbounded at the same time?

    2. If I can make it character/guildbounded , I don't need to use account binding because it wont be traded or stored anyway right?

    3. Does binding it to character also prevents it being deposited to guild storage even though it's also guildbounded.

    4. will this command do this requirements . @itembound itemid,1,6

       with this post 

    Where would I set it so If a player leaves or get's kicked off the guild,  have that bounded item be deleted . I don't want it to be transferred to guild storage or be account bounded to the guild master. And if the guild breaks. the items will just be also deleted .

  9. Good Day , I don't know where to ask this. Please move if it's in the wrong place.

    I would like to add a function on guild leave and guild kick that will scan the inventory of the leaving/being kick member and deleting an item no matter how many it is. Where will I set this configs/script lines


    Thanks in advance

  10. 10 hours ago, Z3R0 said:

    Correct it will continue down to the next else if if the first if fails... so it just tiers downwards...


    so if it never falls between X number then it doesn't work... the difference, is the more "chance" you want to give, the higher the initial value needs to be...

    especially when dealing with multiple cases... for instance in that case he went from 1 to 555... he could have gone from 1 to 100, but that would lower the chances between the items since you only have 100 total options, and have to split them among X number of items... so by increasing the base number from 100 to 555, he increased the chance range between goods so that they have a higher chance of hitting...


    Thanks Z3R0 , I was able to make my script function as intended with your help .

    • Upvote 1
  11. I think I understand now malangdo. So it doesn't give higher chances of enchant depending on coins, just additional or improved versions of the enchantments.

    case 1: //Anger_Seagod - Short Range
    			set .@i, rand(1,555);
    			     if (.@i < 81)  set .@enchant,4732; //Agility3 (I will get agi+3 if my.@i is 2-80)
    			else if (.@i < 161) set .@enchant,4820; //Fighting_Spirit5 (I will get FS5 if my.@i is 81-160)
    			else if (.@i < 241) set .@enchant,4843; //Sharp4 (I will get sharp4 if my.@i is 161-240)
    			else if (.@i < 311) set .@enchant,4733; //Agility4 (I will get agi+4 if my.@i is 240-310)
    			else if (.@i < 371) set .@enchant,4821; //Fighting_Spirit6 (I will get FS6 if my.@i is 311-370)
    			else if (.@i < 431) set .@enchant,4844; //Sharp5 (I will get sharp5 if my.@i is 371-430)
    			else if (.@i < 476) set .@enchant,4734; //Agility5 (I will get agi+5 if my.@i is 431-475)
    			else if (.@i < 516) set .@enchant,4822; //Fighting_Spirit7 (I will get FS7 if my.@i is 476-515)
    			else if (.@i < 526) set .@enchant,4807; //Atk_Speed1 (I will get aspd+1 if my.@i is 515-525)
    			else if (.@i < 546) set .@enchant,4735; //Agility6 (I will get agi+ if my.@i is 525-545)
    			else if (.@i < 551) set .@enchant,4823; //Fighting_Spirit8 (I will get FS8 if my.@i is 546-550)
    			else if (.@i < 556) set .@enchant,4807; //Atk_Speed1 (I will get aspd+1 if my.@i is 550-555)
    			else set .@enchant,9; 


  12. I tried to study the Armor Enchant Script and Correct me if I'm wrong but as to my understanding of this ,

    switch (rand(1,.@failrate)) {
    			case 1: set .@addpart,4702;break;
    			case 2: set .@addpart,4712;break;
    			case 3: set .@addpart,4722;break;
    			case 4: set .@addpart,4732;break;
    			case 5: set .@addpart,4742;break;
    			case 6: set .@addpart,4752;break;
    			case 7:
    			case 8: set .@addpart,4701;break;
    			case 9:
    			case 10: set .@addpart,4711;break;
    			case 11:
    			case 12: set .@addpart,4721;break;
    			case 13:
    			case 14: set .@addpart,4731;break;
    			case 15:
    			case 16: set .@addpart,4741;break;
    			case 17:
    			case 18: set .@addpart,4751;break;
    			case 19:
    			case 20:
    			case 21: set .@addpart,4700;break;
    			case 22:
    			case 23:
    			case 24: set .@addpart,4710;break;
    			case 25:
    			case 26:
    			case 27: set .@addpart,4720;break;
    			case 28:
    			case 29:
    			case 30: set .@addpart,4730;break;
    			case 31:
    			case 32:
    			case 33: set .@addpart,4740;break;
    			case 34:
    			case 35:
    			case 36: set .@addpart,4750;break;
    				specialeffect2 EF_PHARMACY_FAIL;
    				mes "[Apprentice Craftsman]";
    				mes "Well that's too bad.";
    				mes "The requested equipment has failed to enchant.";
    getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@addpart;

    This is the line that adds the specific stat to the chosen armor. So If I chose a High Grade armor, I will have a @failrate of 60 as set to this line

    	set .@itemid,getarg(0);
    set .@failrate,getarg(1);

    which is 60 based on this

    case 3:
    			setarray .@Items[0],2364,2365,2391,2374,2375,2376,2377,2378,2379,2380,2381,2382,2387,2388,2389,2390;
    set .@j,60;

    So I will get an enchant based on what case # I get from rand(1,60)

    If I get a case # without set , My enchantment failed? AND if get any rand()  37-59 It will also fail because there's no case# 37-59?

     Is this random result basis rather than percentage basis of some sort?


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