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Everything posted by CaioVictor

  1. Hello all ^^' Well, I am creating a SH file that will run the athena-start and the this SH file will be located in the parent directory of emulator! Emulator: /home/emulator/athena-start SH File: /home/file.sh And the script line responsible for executing the server-athena: #!/bin/sh PATH=./:$PATH EMULATOR="/home/emulator/" exec ${EMULATOR}athena-start stop However, when the code run athena-start it returns that files(login/char/map-server) do not exist. How can i fix it? I appreciate any help intention! Att, CaioVictor.
  2. Hello all ^^' I'm using hexed2013-08-07 and everything is configured correctly, without any error! However, the new class Rebellion when attack does not show the weapon sprite, as you can see in the picture below: This problem is related to the lack of a file or problema in lua files? Can anyone help me solve this problem? I notice that my server uses the data.grf of bRO(Brazilian Ragnarok Online) and still does not have Rebellion class. So I'm adding the necessary files manually. I appreciate any intention to help! Att, CaioVictor.
  3. Hello rA ^^' Firstly sorry me english! I would earnestly ask someone to send me the files that operate the items comparison in hexed 2013. My server does not use kRO, then client crash on this system. If you can help me by sending me the files needed to items comparison, I'll be very grateful! Thank you in advance any attention! Att, CaioVictor.
  4. Hi all ^^' I'm using 2013-08-07 client with no errors in luafiles. But right-click in some oficial equips, only when in inventory, do crashs on client =\ Any one can help to fiz it? I appreciate any help intention! Att, CaioVictor.
  5. Hi all ^^' Good evening, I'm using the hexed 2013-08-07 and i'm not having any problem with "luafiles", everything is seemingly perfect. However, there is a big problem! In some original Ragnarok equipment(item) when in invenotry and trying to view a description of the equipment the client crashes and closes. The strange thing is that the equipment is equipped, this error does not happen. I could see that does not happen with all the equipment and only if they are in the inventory. Could anyone help me to identify and fix this problem? I appreciate any help intention! Att, CaioVictor.
  6. Hi all ^^' First, excuse my english! I would like to know if there is any way to change the font size of some server stuff, such as: waitingroom, chat text... If there is, I believe that is the hexed, right? I appreciate any help! Att, CaioVictor.
  7. Hi rAthena ^^' First excuse my English. I noticed that every division of numbers in NPC script returns a value rounded down. Example: 2/3 = 0.6666 • correct rounding = 1 • returned = 0 1/2 = 0.5 • correct rounding = 1 • returned = 0 1/3 = 0.333 • correct rounding = 0 • returned = 0 So i wonder if anyone knows a way to divide numbers and return a correct rounding, or if someone could help me develop a custom command that makes the division correctly. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Att, CaioVictor.
  8. Hi icabit! Thanks for answer me again. Sorry for the delay to the return, i've been very busy =/ I will contact Emistry xD Thanks again for the help! Att, Caiovictor.
  9. Hi all ^^' Thanks for the replies and the scripts! However, I really need something to submit registration for trading of items / zennys, last access ... Something that offers almost complete control of staff members. I've been thinking about buying that script, however, he has nearly one year without updates, so I do not know if there will be much to be fixed. Anyone would be interested in splitting the price with me? So we can buy it and make fixes together. Att, CaioVictor.
  10. Hi Icabit! To tell the truth I did not download the NPC. I just know that no longer works because the message in the file page =\ This file has been reported as broken because: Not working in latest svn However, thanks for the help intention! Att, CaioVictor.
  11. Hi rAthena ^^' First excuse my English. I need a quick and easy control of the staff moviments, and I found an NPC(http://rathena.org/board/files/file/2608-staff-control-panel/) who just do what I need, however, this no longer works. Does anyone know where I can find some NPC like this? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Att, CaioVictor.
  12. Hi rAthena ^^' First excuse my English. I have a problem in the PHP code below: $this->header = unpack('a2header/cversion/x/SmovementCount', fread($act, 10)); $this->movements = array(); for ($nMovement = 0; $nMovement < $this->header['movementCount']; $nMovement++) { $movementHeader = unpack('LframeCount', fread($act, 4)); $this->movements[] = new ActionMovement($movementHeader); for ($nFrame = 0; $nFrame < $movementHeader['frameCount']; $nFrame++) { fseek( $act, 20, SEEK_CUR ); $frameHeader = unpack('LlayerCount', fread($act, 4)); $this ->getMovement($nMovement) ->addFrame(new ActionFrame($frameHeader, $this->getSprite())); for ($nLayer = 0; $nLayer < $frameHeader['layerCount']; $nLayer++) { $layerHeader = unpack('lxOffset/lyOffset/LsprFrame/Lmirror/Cred/Cgreen/Cblue/Calpha', fread($act, 14)); if($this->header['version'] >= 2){ $layerHeader += unpack('fxScale', fread($act, 4)); }else{ $layerHeader['xScale'] = 0; } if($this->header['version'] >= 4){ $layerHeader += unpack('fyScale', fread($act, 4)); }else{ $layerHeader['yScale'] = $layerHeader['xScale']; } $layerHeader += unpack('Lrotation/LsprType', fread($act, 8)); if($this->header['version'] >= 5){ $layerHeader += unpack('LxSize/LySize', fread($act, 8)); } } $frameData = unpack('LsoundFrame', fread($act, 4)); extract(unpack('lnumExtraInfo', fread($act, 4))); for( $i=0; $i<$numExtraInfo; ++$i ){ $frameData += unpack('x4/VxExtra/VyExtra/x4', fread($act, 10)); } } } $this->header += unpack('LsoundCount', fread($act, 4)); $this->sound = array(); for ($nSound = 0; $nSound < $this->header['soundCount']; $nSound++) { $this->sound[] = array_pop(unpack('a40', fread($act, 28))); } This code is working perfectly, including wiki Oboro ACT but in the case of Kagerou ACT, returns the following error: Warning: unpack() [<a href='function.unpack'>function.unpack</a>]: Type L: not enough input, need 4, have 0 in ... That is relating the following line: $layerHeader += unpack('Lrotation/LsprType', fread($act, 8)); I know that the code is not the best one, but can anyone help me fix? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Att, CaioVictor.
  13. Hi again Asura xD I have hired a VPS service. With the help of a friend, we create a basic configuration for iptables, and i think for this moment, it is the best that i can get set up. Thank you for all the help and support you gave me! Att, CaioVictor.
  14. Hi Asura ^^' Thanks for all the help you gave me! I installed and configured the iptables, i'm using basic settings for a while i did not learn about this firewall. Thank you for not abandoning this topic! Att, CaioVictor.
  15. Hi great Asura! First of all I want to thank you wholeheartedly for your help! Can you explain the lines of IP Spoofing Protection and Ping Flood Protection, this can impair access to the server(ragnarok online game)? Att, CaioVictor.
  16. Hello Olrox ^^' Already sent an PM to you. Thanks for the intention to talk about it!
  17. Hi Abueloton ^^' I've thought about installing fail2ban, but first need to apply a minimum of protection with firewall, then install the fail2ban. However, thanks for the detailed information will be very useful. ccjosh thanks for replying too xD The only things that are currently running on the server are mysql and emualdor! There is no active cron jogs. I'm sure the problem is not exceeded memory, for I always do checks memory consumption xD If it is not asking too much, you could check this post for me? http://rathena.org/board/topic/86250-iptables-configuration/?p=216890 I will study the CSF to see if learn something, and stop the mess you xD Att, CaioVictor.
  18. Hi Asura xD That is what I'm thinking. Anyway, i need protection to prevent future problems with attacks, right? Many thanks for your help and support! Att, CaioVictor.
  19. Hi Asura ^^' I've been thinking... As i just need server access(ragnarok online), phpmyadmin, ssh, local/remote database connection, the code might look just like this: #!/bin/sh IPT=/sbin/iptables $IPT -F INPUT $IPT -F OUTPUT $IPT -F FORWARD $IPT -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT $IPT -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT $IPT -P INPUT DROP $IPT -P OUTPUT DROP $IPT -P FORWARD DROP # SYN flood Protection echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_syncookies IPCLIENT=`echo $SSH_CLIENT | sed 's/\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*/\1/'` $IPT -A INPUT -s ${IPCLIENT} -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT $IPT -A OUTPUT -d ${IPCLIENT} -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT # IP Spoofing Protection echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/rp_filter $IPT -A INPUT -s -i ! eth0 -j DROP $IPT -A INPUT ! -s -i eth0 -j DROP # Ping Flood Protection $IPT -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -m limit --limit 4/s -j ACCEPT $IPT -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -m limit --limit 4/s -j ACCEPT $IPT -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-request -j DROP $IPT -A INPUT -p icmp --icmp-type echo-reply -j DROP # Web Server (HTTP, HTTPS) (Only for phpmyadmin) $IPT -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -m state --state NEW,RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT $IPT -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 80 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT $IPT -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -m state --state NEW,RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT $IPT -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 443 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT # Allow SSH $IPT -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT $IPT -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 22 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT # Allow Ragnarok Player/Server Connection for PRT in 5121 6121 6900 do $IPT -A INPUT -p tcp --dport $PRT -m state --state NEW,RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT $IPT -A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport $PRT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT done # Allow MySQL $IPT -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 3306 -m state --state NEW,RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT $IPT -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 3306 -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT More simple and direct, right? Is there something wrong? I forgot something? Thanks for replying again! Att, CaioVictor.
  20. Hi Olrox ^^' Sorry indiscretion but you read what I said above? I can prove that i have the old map without the version for 2012 hexed. If you want I send you the GRF with your map as proof of what I am saying. Att, CaioVictor.
  21. Hi mikemike ^^' You will use the files that are inside that 2012 directory! Will copy it to the root of the data and use normally. Sorry my english but if you have any questions just send me a PM. Att, CaioVictor.
  22. Ok! But I access server phpmyadmin by the browser. Removing these lines will not have problems accessing phpmyadmin? If it is not too cumbersome, in this code the server is also protected against Death Ping? Att, CaioVictor.
  23. Hi Asura ^^" I made the changes you said: Now my fear is that the website can be blocked, as it is in different server and make remote connections to the database of emualdor. Can that happen? Thank you for reviewing my code and all the help you have given me. Att, Caiovictor.
  24. Hi ^^' Sure I can, but in my case is in Portuguese, is as follows: [Aviso]: connect_check: Ataque DDoS detectado a partir do endere‡o xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx! Att, CaioVictor.
  25. Hello great Asura xD I've thought about installing "CSF", however, I was informed that he would consume an unnecessarily processing, is this true? Anyway, I do not know how to configure it. I'm studying a lot about it (linux firewall), but still did not understand much. This setting i spent above, you could tell me if it is correct? Att, CaioVictor.
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