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Posts posted by xSoul

  1. 21 hours ago, Rynbef said:

    EaMod isnt supported with rAthena. We dont have the src files of your project and its not our work. Maybe you have to try it a bit or u will find some who do it for u.

    Do you know what can be compatible with rAthena and what can the guild system include?

  2. 18 hours ago, philfix.sai said:

    Your so lucky dude!

    Check this out../no1


    yes! I had seen that link a few days ago but still that comes with the guild system? because there it says at the end that it does not come with a guild system, the other thing is that for example, if I'm using eAmod, can I use 3ceam or some other? or simply can not because of compatibility?


    Hello everyone! Today I come with a problem with my BattleGround, it happens that when the battleground starts it does not load the red and blue guilds that are in the bg and only shows the guild of the user before entering the battleground! Does anyone know that this problem can be generated? thank you very much!

  4. Hi!

    I have a question ... when creating the Grf for the palette of the alternative 3job sprite the colors are not the same, moreover, in the original sprite of 3job the palettes look good, but in the alternative 3job sprite they look distorted. I have the alternative sprite in the grf as "costume_1" and I read it well, but the problem is the palettes, they do not stick as they should, I did a different test that was replacing the original 3job sprites with the alternative ones, without the "_1" "and there the palettes fit well with the alternative sprite ... Is there any kind of problem in the" costume_1 "folder? What will make the palettes not read them well? or am I just skipping something? T-T help, It's the same color palette! I checked it several times.


    this is color 699 in the alternative sprite:5aa7ba3027a29_colour699altern.thumb.jpg.757b4ac90a3b9b8d189bcff76eae9822.jpg

    this is the color 699 in the main sprite:



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