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Everything posted by viperballz

  1. you can using this..https://github.com/Stolao/Npc_Release/tree/master/Daily_Reward just change the settings to match with your require.
  2. try this.. //adding after winitem Line 21 setarray .rewardLost[0], // rewards for the Lost team: <item>,<amount>,... 501, 10; //ading this after line 74 after >> getitem .rewarditem[0], .rewarditem[1], getd(".team"+ .winside +"aid["+ .@i +"]" ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getd(".team"+ .lostside +"count"); .@i++ ) getitem .rewardLost[0], .rewardLost[1], getd(".team"+ .lostside +"aid["+ .@i +"]" ); //adding this on Line 98 after .winside = getarg(1); .lostside = getarg(0); edited code it will look like: //===== rAthena Script ======================================= //= Battleground: Emperium //===== By: ================================================== //= AnnieRuru //===== Current Version: ===================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================== //= rAthena Project //===== Description: ========================================= //= A simple battleground script: //= Destroy the opponent's Emperium to win the match. //===== Additional Comments: ================================= //= 1.0 First version, edited. [Euphy] //============================================================ - script bg_emp#control -1,{ OnInit: .minplayer2start = 1; // minimum players to start (ex. if 3vs3, set to 3) .eventlasting = 20*60; // event duration before auto-reset (20 minutes * seconds) setarray .rewarditem[0], // rewards for the winning team: <item>,<amount>,... 501, 10; setarray .rewardLost[0], // rewards for the winning team: <item>,<amount>,... 501, 10; .team1name$ = "Red"; .team2name$ = "Blue"; end; OnStart: if ( getwaitingroomstate( 0, .rednpcname$ ) < .minplayer2start || getwaitingroomstate( 0, .bluenpcname$ ) < .minplayer2start ) end; // create Battleground and teams .red = waitingroom2bg( "bat_a01", 157,347, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnRedQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnRedDead", .rednpcname$ ); copyarray .team1aid, $@arenamembers, $@arenamembersnum; .team1count = .minplayer2start; .blue = waitingroom2bg( "bat_a01", 142,51, strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBlueQuit", strnpcinfo(0)+"::OnBlueDead", .bluenpcname$ ); copyarray .team2aid, $@arenamembers, $@arenamembersnum; .team2count = .minplayer2start; delwaitingroom .rednpcname$; delwaitingroom .bluenpcname$; disablenpc .rednpcname$; disablenpc .bluenpcname$; setwall "bat_a01", 164,347, 6, 4, 0, "bg_emp_town_red"; setwall "bat_a01", 154,51, 6, 4, 0, "bg_emp_town_blue"; bg_warp .red, "bat_a01", 171,346; bg_warp .blue, "bat_a01", 162,50; bg_updatescore "bat_a01", 0, 0; // delay before match begins sleep 6000; mapannounce "bat_a01", "The rules are simple. The first team to break the opponent's Emperium wins!", bc_map; sleep 3000; for ( .@i = 5; .@i > 0; .@i-- ) { mapannounce "bat_a01", "["+ .@i +"]", bc_map; sleep 1000; } mapannounce "bat_a01", "Start!", bc_map; // spawn Emperiums bg_monster .red,"bat_a01",171,346, "--ja--",1915, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnRedDown"; bg_monster .blue,"bat_a01",162,50, "--ja--",1914, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnBlueDown"; delwall "bg_emp_town_red"; delwall "bg_emp_town_blue"; // match duration sleep .eventlasting * 1000; // end match, destroy Battleground, reset NPCs killmonster "bat_a01", strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnRedDown"; killmonster "bat_a01", strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnBlueDown"; if ( .winside ) { mapannounce "bat_a01", "- "+ getd( ".team"+ .winside +"name$" ) +" Team is victorious! -", bc_map; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getd(".team"+ .winside +"count"); .@i++ ) getitem .rewarditem[0], .rewarditem[1], getd(".team"+ .winside +"aid["+ .@i +"]" ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < getd(".team"+ .lostside +"count"); .@i++ ) getitem .rewardLost[0], .rewardLost[1], getd(".team"+ .lostside +"aid["+ .@i +"]" ); } else mapannounce "bat_a01", "- The match has ended in a draw! -", bc_map; sleep 5000; bg_warp .red, "prontera", 155,182; bg_warp .blue, "prontera", 158,182; bg_destroy .red; bg_destroy .blue; delwall "bg_emp_town_red"; delwall "bg_emp_town_blue"; deletearray .team1aid; deletearray .team2aid; .winside = .team1count = .team2count = 0; enablenpc .rednpcname$; enablenpc .bluenpcname$; donpcevent .rednpcname$ +"::OnStart"; donpcevent .bluenpcname$ +"::OnStart"; end; // Emperium destroyed OnRedDown: callsub L_EmpDown, 1, 2; OnBlueDown: callsub L_EmpDown, 2, 1; L_EmpDown: mapannounce "bat_a01", strcharinfo(0) +" has destroyed "+ getd( ".team"+ getarg(0) +"name$" ) +" Team's Emperium.", bc_map; .winside = getarg(1); .lostside = getarg(0); awake strnpcinfo(0); end; // "OnDeath" event OnRedDead: OnBlueDead: sleep2 1250; percentheal 100,100; end; // "OnQuit" event OnRedQuit: callsub L_Quit, 1, 2; OnBlueQuit: callsub L_Quit, 2, 1; L_Quit: percentheal 100, 100; while ( getd( ".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid["+ .@i +"]" ) != getcharid(3) && .@i < getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"count") ) .@i++; deletearray getd( ".team"+ getarg(0) +"aid["+ .@i +"]" ), 1; setd ".team"+ getarg(0) +"count", getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"count") -1; if ( getd(".team"+ getarg(0) +"count") ) end; mapannounce "bat_a01", "All "+ getd( ".team"+ getarg(0) +"name$" ) +" team members have quit!", bc_map, 0xff3333; end; } prontera,155,182,5 script Red Team#bg_emp 733,{ end; OnInit: sleep 1; set getvariableofnpc( .rednpcname$, "bg_emp#control" ), strnpcinfo(0); OnStart: waitingroom "Red Team", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "bg_emp#control" ) +1, "bg_emp#control::OnStart", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "bg_emp#control" ); end; } prontera,158,182,5 script Blue Team#bg_emp 734,{ end; OnInit: sleep 1; set getvariableofnpc( .bluenpcname$, "bg_emp#control" ), strnpcinfo(0); OnStart: waitingroom "Blue Team", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "bg_emp#control" ) +1, "bg_emp#control::OnStart", getvariableofnpc( .minplayer2start, "bg_emp#control" ); end; } bat_a01 mapflag battleground bat_a01 mapflag nosave SavePoint bat_a01 mapflag nowarp bat_a01 mapflag nowarpto bat_a01 mapflag noteleport bat_a01 mapflag nomemo bat_a01 mapflag nopenalty bat_a01 mapflag nobranch bat_a01 mapflag noicewall bat_a01 mapflag hidemobhpbar
  3. modify your item_db.txt like ..........{if(BaseLevel>=99) { bonus bAllStats,10; } if(BaseLevel==255) { bonus bAllStats,50; }},{},{}
  4. Is this meet your requested? https://github.com/rathena/rathena/blob/master/npc/custom/battleground/bg_emp.txt
  5. normal user will receive only heal, VIP will + buff as you requested. prontera,153,175,6 script BUFFER 908,{ percentheal 100,100; if (vip_status(VIP_STATUS_ACTIVE)){ sc_start SC_STRFood,18000000,6; sc_start SC_AGIFood,18000000,6; sc_start SC_VITFood,18000000,6; sc_start SC_INTFood,18000000,6; sc_start SC_DEXFood,18000000,6; sc_start SC_LUKFood,18000000,6; sc_start SC_WATKFOOD,18000000,40; sc_start SC_MATKFOOD,18000000,40; sc_start SC_JEXPBOOST,18000000,100; sc_start SC_EXPBOOST,18000000,100; } close; }
  6. Here is it, just for giving you and idea you can change map, gold point cost and exchange items your self. //===== rAthena Script ======================================================= //= Gold ROOM //===== By: ================================================================== //= Script: naLizn+ //===== Current Version: ===================================================== //= 1.0 //===== Compatible With: ===================================================== //= eAthena, rAthena //===== Description: ========================================================= //=1 > if players enter the gold room the players need to pay 100k of zeny //=2 > pvp is on inside the gold room //=3 > if players died inside the gold room there points will be gone //=4 > each monster you kill inside the gold room players earned a random gold Points //=5 > they can exchange there gold point to items listed on the npc //=6 > skill is off also using fly wings and butterfly wings //=7 > there will be an npc at the center of the map to exit the gold room //===== Contact me =========================================================== //= https://discordapp.com/channels/243351250077220864/243351250077220864 ==== //============================================================================ - script GoldRoom_init -1,{ onInit: set $@BattleMap$, "pvp_n_3-2"; set $@maxMemberCount, 10; set $@EntryPrice, 100000; setarray $@Ch_itemID[0],5597,5596,18746,18712; //item for exchange setarray $@Ch_Cost[0],200,200,500,500; //Excange cost setarray .mapflag, mf_nodrop,mf_nomemo, mf_noteleport, mf_nosave, mf_nobranch, mf_nowarp, mf_nowarpto, mf_noreturn, mf_noskill; .size = getarraysize( .mapflag ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .size; .@i++ ){ setmapflag $@BattleMap$, .mapflag[.@i]; } pvpon $@BattleMap$; end; } pvp_n_3-2,99,135,5 script Gold Room Warper#pvp 920,{ mes "^FF7DFF[ Gold Room Warper ]^000000"; mes "You have: ^FF0000"+$GPOINTS+"^000000"; mes "Do you want to return to town?"; if(select("Yes,please","No,Give me more time")==2) { mes "OK, take care then"; close; } set #GOLDPOINT, #GOLDPOINT+$GPOINTS; warp "SavePoint",0,0; end; OnNPCKillEvent: if (killedrid == 1979){ set $GPOINTS,$GPOINTS+rand(0,5); } if (killedrid == 1977 || killedrid == 1976){ set $GPOINTS,$GPOINTS+rand(0,1); } end; } prontera,164,174,3 script Gold Room Warper#prt 920,{ mes "^FF7DFF[ Gold Room Warper ]^000000"; mes "Hey!! Wanna be rich?"; mes "I can bring you to the secert room"; mes "that you can get a lot of GoldPoint there."; next; mes "^FF7DFF[ Gold Room Warper ]^000000"; mes "However many people in this room seem crezy so you have to take care your self."; mes "Because they can kill you any time and if you die in there"; mes "you will get nothing."; next; mes "^FF7DFF[ Gold Room Warper ]^000000"; mes "I can birng you there but it not for free."; mes "You need to pay me for ^FF0000"+$@EntryPrice+"^000000 zeny"; next; mes "^FF7DFF[ Gold Room Warper ]^000000"; mes "What do you need to do?"; menu "Bring me there",L_Goldroom,"Change Gold Point",L_ChangeGift,"Cancel",L_Cancel; L_Cancel: mes "^FF7DFF[ Gold Room Warper ]^000000"; mes "OK, Bye~~"; close; L_Goldroom: if(.@Member>=$@maxMemberCount){ next; mes "^FF7DFF[ Gold Room Warper ]^000000"; mes "Sorry, map is full now."; mes "please wait a moment then talk to me again."; close; } else { if(Zeny < $@EntryPrice) { next; mes "^FF7DFF[ Gold Room Warper ]^000000"; mes "Sorry, you don't have enough zeny"; mes "please come back to me again when you ready."; close; } next; set Zeny, Zeny-$@EntryPrice; set .@Member, .@Member+1; mes "^FF7DFF[ Gold Room Warper ]^000000"; mes "OK,Now get your money ^FF0000"+$@EntryPrice+"^000000 zeny"; mes "Let's go~~"; next; set $GPOINTS, 0; warp $@BattleMap$, 0, 0; end; } L_ChangeGift: next; mes "^FF7DFF[ Gold Room Warper ]^000000"; mes "You have: ^FF0000"+#GOLDPOINT+"^000000"; mes "Here is the list of avliable item for changing"; .size = getarraysize( $@Ch_itemID ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .size; .@i++ ){ set .@menu$,.@menu$+" ~"+getitemname($@Ch_itemID[.@i])+":"; } set .@menu$, .@menu$+" ~Cancel"; set .@items, select(.@menu$)-1; if(.@items ==(.size)){ next; mes "^FF7DFF[ Gold Room Warper ]^000000"; mes "No worry~~"; close; } next; mes "^FF7DFF[ Gold Room Warper ]^000000"; mes "You have selected ^FF0000"+getitemname($@Ch_itemID[.@items])+"^000000"; mes "This need ^FF0000"+($@Ch_Cost[.@items])+" GOLD POINTs^000000"; mes "Do you want to change?"; if(select("No:^FF0000Yes^000000")==1){ next; mes "^FF7DFF[ Gold Room Warper ]^000000"; mes "OK,no problem"; close; } if(#GOLDPOINT<$@Ch_Cost[.@items]){ next; mes "^FF7DFF[ Gold Room Warper ]^000000"; mes "You do not have enough GOLD POINTs"; mes "Please go to get more."; close; } else { next; set #GOLDPOINT,#GOLDPOINT-($@Ch_Cost[.@items]); getitem $@Ch_itemID[.@items],1; mes "^FF7DFF[ Gold Room Warper ]^000000"; mes "You got it, Thanks"; } close; } pvp_n_3-2,0,0 monster Zakudam 1979,20 pvp_n_3-2,0,0 monster Heavy Metaling 1977,10,5000 pvp_n_3-2,0,0 monster Cobalt Mineral 1976,15,5000
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