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Everything posted by pambe

  1. now I got this monster failed no monster ID Did I do something wrong from the step by step i have made? EDIT: I got progress i have summoned it but I cannot kill it and the sprite of my custom is just poring I can also search it using @mobinfo 6500 Change ID to 6500 and 6501 Increase the max_mob to 10000 EDIT: i got it working now. I just play around the monster ID checking Monster_last on npcidentity change from 6500 to 3625 i got 3 working custom mobs now. thanks for all those who help.
  2. I already put the srite spr and act on data.grf with same file directory on my client. And I try changing from 3635 to 5000 I don't get error but now it say summon failed cannot find monster ID. I already put 2 custom mob to its not the mob sprite problem. I will tell step by step I made. Please tell where did I go wrong 1. I extracted npcidentit.lub and jobname.lub. On I Made folder data/luafiles/data info same directory and Enter the monster name and input monster ID 5001 and ID 5002. Jobname.lub NpcIdentity.lub 2. Edit and input my custom mob on pre-re/mob_db and re/mob_db on server side.(will also put later). Copied Poring and just edit the mob id. mob_db pre-re and re 3.make folder data/sprite/korean lang. Mob and input my custom mob spr and act file. 4.now using grf editor I drag and drop the files to its corresponding pathway. Save. Lub files and sprite 5.Recompile my server. No error logging in but when I summon the ID. I get error cannot find file sprite/@@@/mob.spr and mob.act my client shuts down. I'm using same client as TS 2015-9-16a Thank you all for the help. Really need guidance on this. Because there is a few guide almost old ones already.
  3. Thank you for replying Poring King I follow the guide on judas. I just extract my lub files and edit it directly. I have input my custom mob on npc identity and jobname and also adding it on Re/mob_db also in pre-re/mob_db CustomID# 3465 & #3436 Also I already make folder on client data/sprite/korean language mob and also put the custom sprite dragging it back using grf editor. I use grf editor to extract the file. Do I need it to decompile to Lua file first? Already stuck for a week now. When spawning ID I get that error. Thank you, All the help is always appreciated
  4. Same problem please help... I also got no mob_db2.txt but only in SQL
  5. Can I have a link or script of this please thank you
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