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Everything posted by vijay30393

  1. @Cyro Did try with firewall off still not working. @poringKing Please find the attachment DxDiag.txt
  2. I'm running windows 10 and properties looks like this.
  3. == RO OpenSetup Log ============================================================ [2017-04-04 21:43:13.145][Info] Logging started. [2017-04-04 21:43:13.145] [Info] Version: (built: 5662b38c, linker: 6.0, subsystem: 4.0, checksum: 0006f711) [2017-04-04 21:43:13.145] [Info] Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 (5.1.2600, Windows NT platform, 32-bit) [2017-04-04 21:43:13.145] [Info] Memory Utilization: 14% [2017-04-04 21:43:13.145] [Info] Integrity Level: High [2017-04-04 21:43:13.145] [Info] Command Line: "C:\Program Files (x86)\XileroOS\XileROOS\opensetup.exe" [2017-04-04 21:43:13.145] [Warning] Either there is no config file or it failed to open. [2017-04-04 21:43:13.693][Info] Enumerated 2 DX7 drivers. [2017-04-04 21:43:13.693] [Info] Driver 'Primary Display Driver': 18 video modes (18 filtered), 0 hw devices, 1 sw devices [2017-04-04 21:43:13.693] [Info] SW Device 'RGB Emulation': Type 0 [2017-04-04 21:43:13.693] [Info] Driver 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 Ti': 18 video modes (18 filtered), 0 hw devices, 1 sw devices [2017-04-04 21:43:13.693] [Info] SW Device 'RGB Emulation': Type 0 [2017-04-04 21:43:13.765][Info] OnChangeSettingsEngine: LUA [2017-04-04 21:43:14.941][Info] Logging stopped. ================================================================================ This is what it said.
  4. @Ai4rei the error has been fixed but still the setup is not showing resolution. If i boot the setup in windows 7 it works perfectly alright. Problem is with my windows 10. @siriro ran it as admin but still not working.
  5. I did that and still not showing me the resolution System Error (0x00000000, 0): The operation completed successfully. [2017-04-04 19:53:24.229][Info] LUA settings engine sanity check started. [2017-04-04 19:53:24.229] [Info] Checking for 'System\LuaFiles514\OptionInfo.lub'... [2017-04-04 19:53:24.229] [Info] Checking for 'System\OptionInfo.lub'... [2017-04-04 19:53:24.230] [Error] No usable default settings file was found, your client won't be able to read settings. [2017-04-04 19:53:24.230] [Info] Checking for 'savedata\OptionInfo.lua'... [2017-04-04 19:53:24.230] [Info] Settings file 'savedata\OptionInfo.lua' found, can be both read and written. [2017-04-04 19:53:24.230] [Info] Checking for 'savedata\OptionInfo.lub'... [2017-04-04 19:53:24.230][Info] LUA settings engine sanity check stopped. [2017-04-04 19:53:24.230][Error] Displaying message: Selected settings engine has determined, that your installation state will interfere with the correct loading and saving of settings. See opensetup.log for details.
  6. Setup is not showing resolution size in windows 10 But i can play in windows 7 without any issue, windows 10 i can't. Here are the screen shots, Need help. Thanks in advance.
  7. Hello everyone, its about stats. pre renewal char 2nd job's stats hp sp etc seems to be messed up. I really don't know what i did, but i seriously need a fix for this. HP SP ATK etc are very low even with 200+ stats. This is the issue. -Thanks
  8. Now I moved to herc, will that work there as well? I just want the script to disable right or left hand if a player use any of the weapon combination below. Items: 3183 3189 3522 3528 3503 3509 25626 Is it possible?
  9. ello everyone! I really need a command that unequips head,mid & top gears from all the char's in the server. And also hairstyle,haircolor & dye. I need this coz players in my server keeps crashing soon after the ID PW login. ~Thanks.
  10. Thanks again, can i please make a request? Its about Duel Wielding. Can you please Disables all Effects if any of these weapon combination is used. Items: 3183 3189 3522 3528 3503 3509 25626 Thanks again! Tried this but it din't work. Not working: 3528,Fury_Stealth_Wing,Fury Stealth Wing,4,1000000,10,5,350,,1,4,0x000654E2,7,2,2,4,1,1,2,{ if((getequipid(EQI_HAND_R) ==3183 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_R) ==3183 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_L) ==3183 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_L) ==3183 (getequipid(EQI_HAND_R) ==3189 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_R) ==3189 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_L) ==3189 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_L) ==3189 (getequipid(EQI_HAND_R) ==3522 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_R) ==3522 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_L) ==3522 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_L) ==3522 (getequipid(EQI_HAND_R) ==3528 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_R) ==3528 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_L) ==3528 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_L) ==3528 (getequipid(EQI_HAND_R) ==3503 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_R) ==3503 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_L) ==3503 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_L) ==3503 (getequipid(EQI_HAND_R) ==3509 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_R) ==3509 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_L) ==3509 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_L) ==3509 (getequipid(EQI_HAND_R) ==25626 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_R) ==25626 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_L) ==25626 && (getequipid(EQI_HAND_L) ==25626)){ message strcharinfo(0),"Duel Wielding Royal Weapons Disables all Effects"; } else { bonus bAllStats,13; bonus2 bAddRace,RC_DemiHuman,15; }},{},{}
  11. @emistry Error: [Error]: script error on npc/guild/agit_controller.txt line 104 parse_line: expect command, missing function name or calling undeclared func tion 99 : } 100 : if (!agitcheck() && !agitcheck2()) sleep 4000; 101 : set .Init,1; 102 : 103 : OnMinute00: * 104 : 'f'reeloop(1); 105 : if (agitcheck() || agitcheck2()) { 106 : for(set .@i,0; .@i<.Size; set .@i,.@i+4) 107 : if (gettime(4) == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i] && gettime(3 ) == $WOE_CONTROL[.@i+2]) { 108 : OnWOEEnd: 109 : announce "The War Of Emperium is over!", bc_all|bc_woe;
  12. @Zikoziz, Si. @Stolao, thanks for the reply. I wanted to use euphys woe controller is it so cool but when ever i @reloadscript in game, all the saved data in the npc will be resetted and that's a bummer. Do you know how to keep the settings of euphys woe controller(Active castle & timings etc..) even when i @reloadscript? Got it. Thanks to @KirieZ. - script WoePrize -1,{ OnAgitEnd: OnAgit2End: //.@castleMap$ = "prtg_cas01"; set .@castleMap$, "prtg_cas01"; set .@guildId, getcastledata(.@castleMap$, 1); set .@guildMasterId, getguildmasterid(.@guildId); query_sql("SELECT `account_id` FROM `char` WHERE `char_id` = " + .@guildMasterId, .@guildMasterAccId); getitem 512, 1, .@guildMasterAccId; end; }
  13. Hello everyone! I'm requesting for a npc script which getitem to the guild leader as soon as the WOE is over. The npc must only check for the active castle and then it must getitem. ex: prtg_cas01 is the only castle activated for WOE so the npc must check who owns that castle and then it much getitem to the respective guild leader when the WOE ends. ~Thanks.
  14. Can anyone please help by converting the script below to work on eAthena 3CeAm! - script Strict -1,{ OnInit: setarray .mob_restriction[0],1646,1647,1648,1649,1650,1651,1751,1708; .size = getarraysize(.mob_restriction); bindatcmd "monster",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnExe",0,99; end; OnExe: .monster_id = atoi( .@atcmd_parameters$[0] ); for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .size; .@i++ ) { if ( .monster_id == .mob_restriction[.@i] || getgmlevel() < 90 ) { dispbottom "You cannot summon this monster"; end; } } if ( getmonsterinfo( .monster_id, 0 ) != "null" ) { .@amount = atoi( .@atcmd_parameters$[1] ); atcommand "@monster " +.monster_id+ " " +(!.@amount?1:.@amount); } end; } ~Thanks.
  15. Hello rAthena. I'm requesting for a item script. It should be a usable item, when we consume, it much show the refineable items such as: Only these items. Head gear. Top gear. Left/Right hand. Boots. Armors. Mufflers. The usable scroll item must refine +1 until the item is +10. If anyone knows a way, please do comment. Thanks! I found a way myself! function script RefineScroll { set .@menu$,""; for( set .@i,1; .@i <= 10; set .@i,.@i+1 ) { if( getequipisequiped(.@i) ) set .@menu$, .@menu$ + .@position$[.@i] + "-" + "[" + getequipname(.@i) + "]"; set .@menu$, .@menu$ + ":"; } set .@part,select(.@menu$); // ========================= if(!getequipisequiped(.@part)) { getitem 542,1; dispbottom "You're not wearing anything there that refines!"; close; } //Check if the item is refinable... if(!getequipisenableref(.@part)) { getitem 542,1; dispbottom "There is no way that this item could be refined!"; close; } //Check if the item is identified... (Don't know why this is in here... but kept it anyway) if(!getequipisidentify(.@part)) { getitem 542,1; dispbottom "You can't refine this if you haven't appraised it first. Make sure your stuff is identified before refining it."; close; } //Check to see if the items is already +10 if(getequiprefinerycnt(.@part) >= 10) { getitem 542,1; dispbottom "I can't refine this any more. This is as refined as it gets!"; close; } successrefitem .@part; dispbottom "There you go, Refine Scroll works like a charm :D"; close; } }
  16. UPDATE `storage` SET `nameid`=18546 WHERE `nameid` IN ('22556','3300','3301','3250','3251','22564'); The above code is not working. I just want to replace 22556','3300','3301','3250','3251','22564 items with 18546. Any help would be grate, thanks!
  17. @Tokei i did try that. I used all the lang and version but din't resolve the issue. offline server is fine. Online server is the one with the issue. So I'm guessing i need to edit something in the tunk/svn not the client. Any taughts? Up anyone? :/
  18. - script RoyalWeapon -1,{ OnPCKillEvent: set .@g,getequipid(EQI_GARMENT); set .@e,getequipid(EQI_HAND_R); if(.@e >= 25620 && .@e <= 25633 && @kill < 10){ set @kill,@kill + 1; message strcharinfo(0),"You got "+@kill+" Kills"; unequip EQI_GARMENT; equip .@g; } end; OnPCDieEvent: set .@g,getequipid(EQI_GARMENT); set .@e,getequipid(EQI_HAND_R); if(.@e >= 25620 && .@e <= 25633 && @kill < 10){ set @kill, @kill/2; message strcharinfo(0),"You got "+@kill+" Kills"; unequip EQI_GARMENT; equip .@g; } end; }
  19. Thanks a lot Stolao. Fixed like charm! Little modification, can you unequip and reequip the left or right acc instead of weapon itself? Because if we unequip weapon and reequip it, the endow will become neutral. so... ~Thanks.
  20. Hello rAthena. I'm having problem with unique alt codes such as (¥Üƒ₧£Ö†«» etc). In SQL the char name is showing up properly but in game it turn into Korean or some other fonts like this. I did report this to the host provider and they said its due to the Linux vps but server before that was linux too and everything was fine back then. Please let me know if there is a way to fix this issue. Thanks~ Up anyone?
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